I must admit that I looked up the definition of “deniers”. Since the weight of yarn or a French coin did not fit, then I figured out that it was “deny-ers”.
unfortunately, most, if not all, of the ski resorts in california look too much like this. our ski season is a bust. too bad the donner party couldn’t have crossed over the summit in the weather the sierras have had lately.
Just a friendly BTW from the metric world: we don’t usually quote fractions of Centigrade when it comes to weather. Half a degree can’t really be felt. 10°C is too warm for winter in Chicago, whichever way you measure it! ;-).(Another BTW: did you know that the whole world has gone metric – except for Myanmar and the US?)
Grass skiing is really popular in Japan. They also have grass boarding. Less popular is grass figure skating. Grass ski jumping does have its adherents, but because of the friction on the way down, most jumps tend to be 1 meter, 2 meters tops. I guess it’s really closer to grass hopping.
I guess nobody here has been to Lake Placid NY in the summertime. Olympians practice ski jumping there without snow all the time.
@LameRandomName – You are correct. But there’s no money to be made from the truth… it must be sensationalized by the media so that people will panic and call for the government to “do something.” And every time the government “does something” it costs dearly, despite the fact that nothing really changes except for money changing hands. Just ask algore.
The movie White Christmas was about a Vermont ski lodge in financial trouble because of a warm winter without snow. I guess the movie was way ahead of its time.
This panel must be from ten years ago. If it were global freezing, I’d guess the 70’s. You guys keep hammering it but you can’t nail it. Darned truth messes everything up!
Oh, we don’t deny climate change, we just don’t believe man has anything to do with it. My home state was once covered by a glacier. It melted. Man had nothing to do with it.
Yeah, it’s been a pretty nice Indian Autumn (should I trademark that expression?) so far. Did my part to help keep it warm by taking the Harley out for a two-hour ride..It’s kinda fun to notice how last year we had a cold winter with lots of snow, and of course the Faux Snooze types were yapping about how this proved there was no such thing as global warming. This year, of course, they’re acting all “scientific” and saying “short-term variations don’t mean anything.” I love consistency…
@towerwarlock …and the conversion is easy, anyway: per Bob and Doug Mackenzie, just double it and add 30.So, a Canadian six-pack is, let’s see: Forty-two beers!
The next ice age is coming. AGW may delay this, maybe not see http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/09/us-ice-age-emissions-idUSTRE80814T20120109?feedType=RSS&feedName=scienceNews&rpc=76Primer on Ice Age Cycleshttp://www.geocraft.com/WVFossils/ice_ages.htmlBreak out your woolen undies!
Dude, what else would be causing it? The Milankovitch Cycles (Earth orbital cycles) indicate we should be entering a cooling period, and volcanic activity is at a relative low. Tons upon tons of Co2 are entering the atmosphere from human activities. You’re really telling me you think that’s not the cause?
Yes, radical climate change has been occurring throughout Earth’s history. However, it requires a cause, like a change in orbital cycles or an excess of Co2 in the atmosphere. I’m telling you, human activities are causing the climate change.
Check my first link. AGW slowing the arrival of the next ice age may not be a bad thing. As I sit here in Ohmigahd, Nebraska and contemplate having a mile(s) thick layer of ice over where I’m sitting… I have a hard time believing that delaying the arrival of the next ice age is a bad thing!
According to the IPCC ( Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) the Global Average Temperature has risen 0.74 C degrees since the 1850’s. They think that human activity MAY contribute to this less than ONE degree of increase but they cannot say for sure.
Suggestion for Wiley… Michelangelo has finally made an end and is checking the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel with the Pope. In strolls the Vatican broom jockey who gazes up to see why everyone is looking up. This guy points up and says, “Hey buddy! You missed a spot!”
Regardless of which side you fall on in this discussion, anecdotal or personal experience are a fallacious argument. While some may lament the lack of snow in the Sierras, the previous two years had snow packs in excess of average. If you argue that this year’s observance in the Sierras is an indicator for AGW, then you must also accept the previous 2 years as evidence agains AGW.
wow, and to think that all the snow we’ve gotten for the past few years was also due to “climate change”…it must be nice to be able to change your definition of a problem to fit the facts at hand…and as others have said, the Earth’s climate has been changing for 4.6 billion years, and it will continue to change until the sun becomes a red giant and swallows it up billions of years in the future…
I don’t think there are that many so-called “global warming deniers” out there, because “global warming” AND global COOLING have occurred ever since there has been an Earth. This is undeniable. The problem that MANY people have is that this global warming is supposedly because of human activity, and that IS definitely debatable. In fact, the scientific data says otherwise.
Like…yeah, polluting crap in the rivers couldn’t set them on fire now. Polluting crap in the air couldn’t make a difference…just wait until you get the figures on how much one jet dumps into your beatheable air…it will blow your mind.
It’s January 11, I live in Maine, there’s no snow on the ground and the lake isn’t frozen. Not sure if that’s the first time that’s happened, but I can’t recall the last time it did. It was 40 degrees a couple days ago, too. This is nuts. We’ve already set a couple records for highs this winter, too. Today’s comic is dead on accurate.
Denier vs Skeptic « Greenfyre’sgreenfyre.wordpress.com/denier-vs-skeptic/About Deniers (On Greenfyre) … Analysis of Deniers and their behaviour: … true, just like the Deniers say, Global Warming is over … again, and again, and ..
I’m still wondering how my mom’s SUV caused “Global Warming” on Mars….. LameRandomName is right that there has been climate change since this planet has had an atmosphere… That’s why God created “evolution”… This would be a boring planet without those two things… (I love intelligent designs)
Nearly 40 years ago, I saw a small note in Popular Science, or some similar mag, that said we’d been enjoying an unusually stable period of weather (several hundred years) and to expect weather to be more variable in the future. That was followed by fear of global cooling, then “climate change”, formerly know as global warming. I guess their prediction came true.
The way we are pumping carbon into the atmosphere is akin to putting sand bags in a row boat. We all know what will haven to the boat if you put way too many in. Scientist know that, just as surely as they know what will happen if we put too much carbon in the atmosphere. Both are provable scientific facts! So there!
Yep, pretty warm in the Midwest right now, but not any different than it was in 1880 when the high on 11-January in Chicago was 61F. That was before the majority of the Industrial Revolution, so what was the cause then? To a hammer, everything looks like an nail…
as long as it’s still 40 below above the arctic circle you don’t have to worry about the polar bears or the glaciers any time soon. with all the epa regs in place we are putting out less polution now than at any time since the caveman days.
Conservatives seem to be paranoid. They always think some group or another is trying to hurt them or take something away from them. They are constantly frightened, all the time, worried that some nefarious group or organization is going to over take them and ruin their lives. Why would anybody want to trust such frightened conspiracy believers with running the government? The only thing they know how to run is their mouths…I wouldn’t trust them…
.Their minds are on vacation, but their mouths are working overtime,,,,
The Sierra is basically empty of snowpack, as is much of the lower 48. Parts of Alaska are getting record heavy snow. Both situations are the result of AGW. Lovely the way “deniers” pull numbers out of their assets, that don’t happen to match any accurately recorded data.
Simple fact is, lack of snow = lack of water. Lack of water = lack of crop yield and dead people, animals, forests, streams and lakes.
In ‘90, had a “dry” year, and had to close our ski hill because 4 -14 inches of snow didn’t cover the grass and rocks, respectively. This year we’re closed because there is NO snow on this date, first time in recorded history of the area. Last year was bleak, but we still got enough to put some water back in our local lake that had been dry for three years. It was dry one year in 1927, then one year ‘91, but never for three years before. Yep, things are changing. “Droughts” are growing longer and more intense, ONE year above average rainfall, out of a 20 year cycle well below “average” doesn’t mean an end to the drought.
Mr. Miller’s spelling of the word “deniers” is correct, according to two internet dictionaries I just checked (I won’t have access to a real dictionary until I get home tonight, at which point I’m likely to have other things on my mind).
Wondering whether all the calculations about the CO2 in the atmosphere are adjusted for all the CO2 we’re taking out of the atmosphere with landfills. Especially wondering why environmentalists want us to recycle paper instead of landfilling it. Most of those trees are grown in plantations, and if the tree turns CO2 into wood, then humans turn it into paper and landfill it, we’ve reduced the CO2 in the atmosphere. So don’t recycle paper – put it in your trash. Sounds plausible to me.
Temps in the 40s & 50’s most days since the beginning of January in the Detroit area has been really nice. Just wish it wasn’t damaging the planet so much for future generations.
Just north of Leavenworth WA is an old ski resort with an abandoned ski jump. They had to stop using it because they weren’t getting as much snow as they used to.
I think Bill Maher is right and we must refer to this pivotal movement as “Climate Change”… Otherwise every time it snows the nay-sayers will be like, “Hey, why is it so f@#king cold?”…
definition: Denier – noun. Unit of weight of silk, rayon and nylon yarn. Really had to re-read today’s strip. Fortunately the artistic drawing provided more clarity than the words.
just read your post after I posted. Just to let you know – I did use my dictionary. I keep one by my computer. The ONLY definition it gave is the one I posted. .Collins English Gem Dictionary. Frist printing 1902. Last printing 1969 (the year I bought the dictionary) Printed in Great Britain. Yes. Its an old dictionary. But it fits nicely in the space beside the computer..(and I did check out denial, deny and the various other endings given – since it was all on the same page. My dictionary did not include deniers in its list under deny)
We may make a difference, somewhere in the fifteenth decimal place, but who cares? GW (a better term might be GTF, for ‘global temperature fluctuation’) happens on Earth, Mars, probably every world that has an atmosphere. Our trivial addition to an utterly trivial greenhouse gas, does not steer the climate, any more than that bug on your windshield is steering your car.
But calling it AGW gives the “What about the children!” types a reason to open their bank accounts to the government, as well as dump rights they don’t want anyway. Problem is, the ones who aren’t AGWoowoos" are expected to give up their rights and money, too. All so the government can play King Canute…
Unlike Al Gore, we don’t deny that climate change is natural. Wiley’s timing seems unfortunate, since The Daily Mail reported that 17,000 British skiers are trapped in the Alps by 18 feet of snow. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/article-2085131/Snow-Alps-Freak-snowfall-traps-1-000-British-skiers-Austrian-Alps.htmlAnd in Alaska, roofs are caving under 15 feet of snow and the National Guard has been sent in.By the way Mr. Miller, it has been warming sporadically for 400 years since the end of the Little Ice Age. Try denying that!
The problem with “global warming”, “climate change” or any other name you want to call it, is that the whole thing has been dreamed up by a bunch of false scientists who deny the existance of All-Mighty God. If you remove God from the equation it is very easy to see why you might be frightened by the thought the planet is somehow becoming warmer. But faith in God allows a person to understand that the world has been in existance for a long time and has probably done this hundreds of times, becoming warmer, and then cooling off again, over it’s lifetime. God allows for periods of rest for the ground and for his people. The Earth is just going through one of it’s many cycles. Nothing to get your panties in a bunch about. “Let go, and let God”.
palos about 13 years ago
I must admit that I looked up the definition of “deniers”. Since the weight of yarn or a French coin did not fit, then I figured out that it was “deny-ers”.
pouncingtiger about 13 years ago
It’s the Republican X Games.
doc white about 13 years ago
I don’t like driving that far. lol
Kali39 about 13 years ago
They’re not in denial. That’s in Egypt.
wilb44 about 13 years ago
We had the games in Atlanta// this time// last year and the conditions where just perfect. Even was able to have the dog sled races on the 285 circle.
luckylouie about 13 years ago
Looks like the ski slopes in California.
thirdguy about 13 years ago
I’m sure the trip down the ramp is fun, but the landing must be a bear!!
firedome about 13 years ago
unfortunately, most, if not all, of the ski resorts in california look too much like this. our ski season is a bust. too bad the donner party couldn’t have crossed over the summit in the weather the sierras have had lately.
KarlW2000 about 13 years ago
Just a friendly BTW from the metric world: we don’t usually quote fractions of Centigrade when it comes to weather. Half a degree can’t really be felt. 10°C is too warm for winter in Chicago, whichever way you measure it! ;-).(Another BTW: did you know that the whole world has gone metric – except for Myanmar and the US?)
Ida No about 13 years ago
Grass skiing is really popular in Japan. They also have grass boarding. Less popular is grass figure skating. Grass ski jumping does have its adherents, but because of the friction on the way down, most jumps tend to be 1 meter, 2 meters tops. I guess it’s really closer to grass hopping.
Elaine Rosco Premium Member about 13 years ago
The grass stains must be awful.
roctor about 13 years ago
If we keep harping on this issue.We’ll skate right past.
WCLamb about 13 years ago
I guess nobody here has been to Lake Placid NY in the summertime. Olympians practice ski jumping there without snow all the time.
@LameRandomName – You are correct. But there’s no money to be made from the truth… it must be sensationalized by the media so that people will panic and call for the government to “do something.” And every time the government “does something” it costs dearly, despite the fact that nothing really changes except for money changing hands. Just ask algore.
Varnes about 13 years ago
Cross country skiers will have a problem too…those Olympics would be a lot noisier….scraaaaape!
walruscarver2000 about 13 years ago
There is always one.
lsherris about 13 years ago
The movie White Christmas was about a Vermont ski lodge in financial trouble because of a warm winter without snow. I guess the movie was way ahead of its time.
RonaldDavis about 13 years ago
The real climate-change deniers are the ones who deny that radical climate change has been happening as long as this planet has existed.
Nebulous Premium Member about 13 years ago
The dinosaurs did perfectly well without ice caps.Why do we need them?
psychlady about 13 years ago
Like the Republican Games – all messed up!!!
neeeurothrush about 13 years ago
@INGSOCwhen i was a child we used to use wax paper on the slide all the time – do kids still do that?
neeeurothrush about 13 years ago
and yes – i did say ‘the’ slide – it was a small town and we only had the one
Bill LaRocque Premium Member about 13 years ago
Wonderful message, beautiful drawing. BAM!
doris sloan about 13 years ago
This panel must be from ten years ago. If it were global freezing, I’d guess the 70’s. You guys keep hammering it but you can’t nail it. Darned truth messes everything up!
spehnec about 13 years ago
Every time it does snow thousands deny it.
tripwire45 about 13 years ago
I feel like the scene is leaning left today for some reason.
Tom359 about 13 years ago
Oh, we don’t deny climate change, we just don’t believe man has anything to do with it. My home state was once covered by a glacier. It melted. Man had nothing to do with it.
puddleglum1066 about 13 years ago
Yeah, it’s been a pretty nice Indian Autumn (should I trademark that expression?) so far. Did my part to help keep it warm by taking the Harley out for a two-hour ride..It’s kinda fun to notice how last year we had a cold winter with lots of snow, and of course the Faux Snooze types were yapping about how this proved there was no such thing as global warming. This year, of course, they’re acting all “scientific” and saying “short-term variations don’t mean anything.” I love consistency…
steverinoCT about 13 years ago
@towerwarlock …and the conversion is easy, anyway: per Bob and Doug Mackenzie, just double it and add 30.So, a Canadian six-pack is, let’s see: Forty-two beers!
steverinoCT about 13 years ago
Forty-two METRIC beers, of course.
leftend86 about 13 years ago
The next ice age is coming. AGW may delay this, maybe not see http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/09/us-ice-age-emissions-idUSTRE80814T20120109?feedType=RSS&feedName=scienceNews&rpc=76Primer on Ice Age Cycleshttp://www.geocraft.com/WVFossils/ice_ages.htmlBreak out your woolen undies!
TheSpanishInquisition about 13 years ago
Dude, what else would be causing it? The Milankovitch Cycles (Earth orbital cycles) indicate we should be entering a cooling period, and volcanic activity is at a relative low. Tons upon tons of Co2 are entering the atmosphere from human activities. You’re really telling me you think that’s not the cause?
Yes, radical climate change has been occurring throughout Earth’s history. However, it requires a cause, like a change in orbital cycles or an excess of Co2 in the atmosphere. I’m telling you, human activities are causing the climate change.
MtneerInTN about 13 years ago
There should be lush forests or crop lands feeding the starving people of the world, not a few scraggly pine trees. Plants grow tremendously with CO2.
leftend86 about 13 years ago
Check my first link. AGW slowing the arrival of the next ice age may not be a bad thing. As I sit here in Ohmigahd, Nebraska and contemplate having a mile(s) thick layer of ice over where I’m sitting… I have a hard time believing that delaying the arrival of the next ice age is a bad thing!
Gameguy49 Premium Member about 13 years ago
According to the IPCC ( Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) the Global Average Temperature has risen 0.74 C degrees since the 1850’s. They think that human activity MAY contribute to this less than ONE degree of increase but they cannot say for sure.
stevetalley7497 about 13 years ago
meanwhile, Alaska is having its worst winter ever.
leftend86 about 13 years ago
Suggestion for Wiley… Michelangelo has finally made an end and is checking the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel with the Pope. In strolls the Vatican broom jockey who gazes up to see why everyone is looking up. This guy points up and says, “Hey buddy! You missed a spot!”
Can't Sleep about 13 years ago
Painfully funny. (And I bet everyone in the stands is a GOP presidential candidate – past, present or future.)
curtisls87 about 13 years ago
Regardless of which side you fall on in this discussion, anecdotal or personal experience are a fallacious argument. While some may lament the lack of snow in the Sierras, the previous two years had snow packs in excess of average. If you argue that this year’s observance in the Sierras is an indicator for AGW, then you must also accept the previous 2 years as evidence agains AGW.
The Life I Draw Upon about 13 years ago
One of the five stages of grief.
captainbcook about 13 years ago
shaggy92420 about 13 years ago
wow, and to think that all the snow we’ve gotten for the past few years was also due to “climate change”…it must be nice to be able to change your definition of a problem to fit the facts at hand…and as others have said, the Earth’s climate has been changing for 4.6 billion years, and it will continue to change until the sun becomes a red giant and swallows it up billions of years in the future…
ojhengen Premium Member about 13 years ago
yohannbiimu about 13 years ago
I don’t think there are that many so-called “global warming deniers” out there, because “global warming” AND global COOLING have occurred ever since there has been an Earth. This is undeniable. The problem that MANY people have is that this global warming is supposedly because of human activity, and that IS definitely debatable. In fact, the scientific data says otherwise.
tigre1 about 13 years ago
Like…yeah, polluting crap in the rivers couldn’t set them on fire now. Polluting crap in the air couldn’t make a difference…just wait until you get the figures on how much one jet dumps into your beatheable air…it will blow your mind.
It’s already blowing your lungs…
Defective about 13 years ago
It’s January 11, I live in Maine, there’s no snow on the ground and the lake isn’t frozen. Not sure if that’s the first time that’s happened, but I can’t recall the last time it did. It was 40 degrees a couple days ago, too. This is nuts. We’ve already set a couple records for highs this winter, too. Today’s comic is dead on accurate.
Dr_Fogg about 13 years ago
Denier vs Skeptic « Greenfyre’sgreenfyre.wordpress.com/denier-vs-skeptic/About Deniers (On Greenfyre) … Analysis of Deniers and their behaviour: … true, just like the Deniers say, Global Warming is over … again, and again, and ..
pswhitlark about 13 years ago
I’m still wondering how my mom’s SUV caused “Global Warming” on Mars….. LameRandomName is right that there has been climate change since this planet has had an atmosphere… That’s why God created “evolution”… This would be a boring planet without those two things… (I love intelligent designs)
Charlie Fogwhistle about 13 years ago
Nearly 40 years ago, I saw a small note in Popular Science, or some similar mag, that said we’d been enjoying an unusually stable period of weather (several hundred years) and to expect weather to be more variable in the future. That was followed by fear of global cooling, then “climate change”, formerly know as global warming. I guess their prediction came true.
Varnes about 13 years ago
The way we are pumping carbon into the atmosphere is akin to putting sand bags in a row boat. We all know what will haven to the boat if you put way too many in. Scientist know that, just as surely as they know what will happen if we put too much carbon in the atmosphere. Both are provable scientific facts! So there!
RayThomas101 about 13 years ago
Global warming deniers are the only ones with common sense.
artiemcc about 13 years ago
Weather is not climate
poper08 about 13 years ago
Yep, pretty warm in the Midwest right now, but not any different than it was in 1880 when the high on 11-January in Chicago was 61F. That was before the majority of the Industrial Revolution, so what was the cause then? To a hammer, everything looks like an nail…
oldmxer about 13 years ago
as long as it’s still 40 below above the arctic circle you don’t have to worry about the polar bears or the glaciers any time soon. with all the epa regs in place we are putting out less polution now than at any time since the caveman days.
westbend about 13 years ago
I don’t understand why anyone cares what the cause is. What they should care about is: How bad is it? and Can we do anything about it
Varnes about 13 years ago
Conservatives seem to be paranoid. They always think some group or another is trying to hurt them or take something away from them. They are constantly frightened, all the time, worried that some nefarious group or organization is going to over take them and ruin their lives. Why would anybody want to trust such frightened conspiracy believers with running the government? The only thing they know how to run is their mouths…I wouldn’t trust them…
.Their minds are on vacation, but their mouths are working overtime,,,,
momazilla about 13 years ago
When they can grow wine grapes in Southern England (they did in Roman times, they cannot now) THEN talk about global warming.
Dtroutma about 13 years ago
The Sierra is basically empty of snowpack, as is much of the lower 48. Parts of Alaska are getting record heavy snow. Both situations are the result of AGW. Lovely the way “deniers” pull numbers out of their assets, that don’t happen to match any accurately recorded data.
Simple fact is, lack of snow = lack of water. Lack of water = lack of crop yield and dead people, animals, forests, streams and lakes.
In ‘90, had a “dry” year, and had to close our ski hill because 4 -14 inches of snow didn’t cover the grass and rocks, respectively. This year we’re closed because there is NO snow on this date, first time in recorded history of the area. Last year was bleak, but we still got enough to put some water back in our local lake that had been dry for three years. It was dry one year in 1927, then one year ‘91, but never for three years before. Yep, things are changing. “Droughts” are growing longer and more intense, ONE year above average rainfall, out of a 20 year cycle well below “average” doesn’t mean an end to the drought.
verdammte narr about 13 years ago
I couldn’t agree more. If the liberals want to take the blame, let em, i wont accept any of that blather.
NightOwl19 about 13 years ago
Mr. Miller’s spelling of the word “deniers” is correct, according to two internet dictionaries I just checked (I won’t have access to a real dictionary until I get home tonight, at which point I’m likely to have other things on my mind).
daj024 about 13 years ago
Sorry LameRandomName but they have been denying it for years until the data was incontrovertible. NOW they are debating the cause.
Charlie Fogwhistle about 13 years ago
Wondering whether all the calculations about the CO2 in the atmosphere are adjusted for all the CO2 we’re taking out of the atmosphere with landfills. Especially wondering why environmentalists want us to recycle paper instead of landfilling it. Most of those trees are grown in plantations, and if the tree turns CO2 into wood, then humans turn it into paper and landfill it, we’ve reduced the CO2 in the atmosphere. So don’t recycle paper – put it in your trash. Sounds plausible to me.
Dtroutma about 13 years ago
If we could turn stupidity into CO2, just the amount generated by “deniers” would turn Earth into Venus.
palos about 13 years ago
@TheTrustedMechanic: When I read it, I placed a soft “e” in the word, as in the word “den”. The -ier ending seemed to give it a French etymology.
treered about 13 years ago
in Hawaii they slide down hillsides on flattened corrugated boxes… wish I was there….
treered about 13 years ago
2nd time i looked, all i could think of was the skier in the into to ABC Wide World of Sports. OUCH!
TheFinalSolution about 13 years ago
This topic is sooooooo 2011!
lindz.coop Premium Member about 13 years ago
Temps in the 40s & 50’s most days since the beginning of January in the Detroit area has been really nice. Just wish it wasn’t damaging the planet so much for future generations.
BE THIS GUY about 13 years ago
We had snow in New York in October, and not a flake since.
DonVanni about 13 years ago
Some deniers even think that it would be a good thing to have shirt-sleeve weather in the Klondike in February.
Harryfan about 13 years ago
I have to wonder how World War 2 affected the climate.
deangup about 13 years ago
Just north of Leavenworth WA is an old ski resort with an abandoned ski jump. They had to stop using it because they weren’t getting as much snow as they used to.
Joseph Krois about 13 years ago
I think Bill Maher is right and we must refer to this pivotal movement as “Climate Change”… Otherwise every time it snows the nay-sayers will be like, “Hey, why is it so f@#king cold?”…
Joseph Krois about 13 years ago
143 comments! That’s fucking ridiculous! What nerve has Wiley touched? Panic swells slowly…
Hunter7 about 13 years ago
definition: Denier – noun. Unit of weight of silk, rayon and nylon yarn. Really had to re-read today’s strip. Fortunately the artistic drawing provided more clarity than the words.
Hunter7 about 13 years ago
just read your post after I posted. Just to let you know – I did use my dictionary. I keep one by my computer. The ONLY definition it gave is the one I posted. .Collins English Gem Dictionary. Frist printing 1902. Last printing 1969 (the year I bought the dictionary) Printed in Great Britain. Yes. Its an old dictionary. But it fits nicely in the space beside the computer..(and I did check out denial, deny and the various other endings given – since it was all on the same page. My dictionary did not include deniers in its list under deny)
Pygar about 13 years ago
We may make a difference, somewhere in the fifteenth decimal place, but who cares? GW (a better term might be GTF, for ‘global temperature fluctuation’) happens on Earth, Mars, probably every world that has an atmosphere. Our trivial addition to an utterly trivial greenhouse gas, does not steer the climate, any more than that bug on your windshield is steering your car.
But calling it AGW gives the “What about the children!” types a reason to open their bank accounts to the government, as well as dump rights they don’t want anyway. Problem is, the ones who aren’t AGWoowoos" are expected to give up their rights and money, too. All so the government can play King Canute…
cassandra_meme about 13 years ago
Fox News. Fair and Balanced
mcombs95445 about 13 years ago
Unlike Al Gore, we don’t deny that climate change is natural. Wiley’s timing seems unfortunate, since The Daily Mail reported that 17,000 British skiers are trapped in the Alps by 18 feet of snow. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/article-2085131/Snow-Alps-Freak-snowfall-traps-1-000-British-skiers-Austrian-Alps.htmlAnd in Alaska, roofs are caving under 15 feet of snow and the National Guard has been sent in.By the way Mr. Miller, it has been warming sporadically for 400 years since the end of the Little Ice Age. Try denying that!
EDinWAState about 13 years ago
Wiley, this strip of yours has some of the most intelligent readers and commonsense thinkers ever… agree?
Whatroughbeast about 13 years ago
They should have held it in Louisiana. They have snow there today.
Whatroughbeast about 13 years ago
So you’re saying that 100 C = 160 F? If the other scientists believe that also, the rest of their conclusions are suspect.
splait1 about 13 years ago
Clark, you are talking about weather. The conversation is about climate. They are not the same.
steelersneo about 12 years ago
The problem with “global warming”, “climate change” or any other name you want to call it, is that the whole thing has been dreamed up by a bunch of false scientists who deny the existance of All-Mighty God. If you remove God from the equation it is very easy to see why you might be frightened by the thought the planet is somehow becoming warmer. But faith in God allows a person to understand that the world has been in existance for a long time and has probably done this hundreds of times, becoming warmer, and then cooling off again, over it’s lifetime. God allows for periods of rest for the ground and for his people. The Earth is just going through one of it’s many cycles. Nothing to get your panties in a bunch about. “Let go, and let God”.