Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for July 01, 2012
Luann: "Check this out, Bernice: "The REAL Jen! We drop in on the everyday woman BEHIND the glamour!" This should be interesting..." Bernice: "What's that fine print say?" Luann: "Jen's hair by saint-ives. Makeup by starstudio. Nails by Natalie. Fashions by Sid's of Beverly Hills. Accessories by Glamlight. Peacocks, doves and afghan hound from a-list pets. Helicopter and limo courtesy fx, inc. Shot at the Hollywood bowl. Special thanks to the Chippendale dancers" Bernice: "Hm. I'm thinking the real Jen is a fake" Luann: "I'm thinking we need to start living a fine-print life!"
Namrepus over 12 years ago
Sounds like the Kardashian family.
ablestmage over 12 years ago
A bit off-topic there, L-zit, trying to get the last word in? This has been your intro to Trolls Trolling Trolls 101, hope you enjoyed your stay. The rest of the internet is oddly similar, believe it or not =P
Mighty_Mouse over 12 years ago
Err, yeah, ok …Anyway, I was going to say that the sole function of beauty magazines is to make women feel ugly.
barbarasbrute over 12 years ago
You might want to consider selling your computer.
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
If Luann has learned a lesson about “the real Jen” and the exploitation mags that market her as a commodity, her lounging-with-Bernice time has been well spent!
GoBlue over 12 years ago
Dearheart.. You really need to stop taking these idjits on the boards so seriously. They live to stir up trouble. They’re called ‘trolls’.. Just leave ‘em alone, and they’ll go home. You can’t get such heartburn over a bunch of people who don’t use their real names, it’s just exactly what they want.
beyondnow777 over 12 years ago
Why the hell would you think it would be a good idea to turn this comic strip into preaching about rape?
mojitobaby over 12 years ago
It’s not 1AM everywhere, and I spend as much time here as I need to. ;)
mojitobaby over 12 years ago
Don’t waste your time – some people will never figure out that they’re being pwned. They have a built-in kneejerk response to champion an underdog – why do you think a really good troll always portrays himself as a victim of something? If X can claim to be martyred, picked on, whatever because of what he’s endured before, and will continue to endurefor everyone’s sake, in order to bring the “truth” to the world, that makes it harder to call “bullsh!t”. .Victim status is important – if X can stir up sympathy, that’s the start of getting posters pointing the “you’re being mean to X, you bully” finger. If X is really good, he’ll claim to be a victimized woman so that the more chivalrous male posters will ride full-tilt to the rescue with the “there, there, you poor thing” towel at the ready – if they only knew what they were actually defending… .Just read back on all the obviously inflammatory statements and inferences that the recent victim claimed were made against it – but which actually weren’t. And just don’t feed.
mojitobaby over 12 years ago
C’mon,did you really expect anything less? The subject was too tempting for a good troll to pass up – hey,if Quill isn’t gay, make him a prospective rapist instead! .I’d say that it’s too bad the Pibgorn board’s closed so that X could darken that one as well, but then again, the posters there would have reduced X to a grease spot and then deleted him before he even got rolling.
SoItBegins~ over 12 years ago
Sounds like the glamour behind the woman, instead.
auramac over 12 years ago
I think today’s strip does not follow chronologically- hopefully, Monday will continue the story..
Orion-13 over 12 years ago
@Mojitoby – Spot on.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
The truly fun thing to do with a glamour magazine is to read one from five or ten years ago. Each will explain what you SIMPLY MUST do or buy – - but of course those fashions have gone out of fashion and yet we survived..Remember the purpose of any commercial publication is sales. Sales of magazines, of papers, of advertising, whatever. Even Consumer Reports ultimately says BUY THIS ONE, seldom does it say, “Who needs it?”
Ottodesu over 12 years ago
Yeah, I hate it when I turn up to a battle late.Just kidding, no I don’t..Finally worked out your full avatar name: “Brad’s hott”.Am I correct?
thefloyd over 12 years ago
You obviously have not finished dealing with your past. That’s what therapists are for, not comic strips or anonymous people that you know nothing about. Use some common sense and get over yourself. I’m sorry you were raped. honestly, you have no idea how sorry I feel for you. But to come on here and get emotional about comments responding to yours by people you don’t know??? No sympathy.
apullin over 12 years ago
@ luann’s zit:
For a butthurt rape victim, you sure are pretty butthurt.
Cathy38c over 12 years ago
You take this comic way too serious!
sandigilbo over 12 years ago
Who you call ‘trolls’ may be ppl who don’t feel the necessity to comment on every strip they read or they may be busy with their day to day lives. Sigh I guess, I’m a troll…
johnjohn4321 over 12 years ago
Hey, Quill instantly turned into Bernice with just one kiss!
rshive over 12 years ago
All the reality that money can buy.
chicogrande over 12 years ago
These outside-of-narrative Sunday strips are disorienting. Did Luann hide Quill in the closet, under the bed, outside the window on a ledge?
38lowell over 12 years ago
Hon, most of us are leading a fine print life!
BleedsForQuarters over 12 years ago
So, I’ve been visiting this site since it was Comics.Com, and I’ve never been compelled to make an account until now. Thank yourself for that, you got someone to do something!
I just wanted to reply and say this.
Rape is a bad thing, but it happens, every day, to tons of people (not just women, but men, and children as well) and hundreds and thousands of lives are shattered. But those pieces are puzzled, not slivers, and they get processed and rebuilt. Although there are lines, the pieces become whole again. What happened to you was terrible, and I am sorry that you had to go through it, and obviously are far from over it with your attention seeking antics and constant posting. These people aren’t bad people. They are responding perfectly natural to someone who is exhibiting your behavior. Constantly ranting at people and continuing arguements is absurd for someone who wants to just get over it and get on with it.
In other words – Grow up, and get over it. It was a horrible thing that happened to you, but guess what? You’re going to be OKAY. You’re going to be FINE. You will GET OVER IT. You will CONTINUE TO LIVE YOUR LIFE, and above all YOU ARE NOT ALONE so stop acting like it.
The world is not out to get you, even though someone at one time was.
Peace be with you, kiddo.
Someone who’s also been there where you’ve been, but has gone on with her life, because that’s the BEST/ONLY thing to do.
Phosphoros over 12 years ago
Greg Evans looks to be very attuned to the glamour magazine racket.
sjsczurek over 12 years ago
A little food for thought. Although this deals with men’s images, I’d like to think it can be adaptable to women’s image issues.-“A gentleman remembers that the models in fashion magazines are six foot four and weigh 165 pounds. If he is any shorter than that, or weighs any more, he does not assume that the clothes in the picture were automatically meant for him.”-From “A Gentleman Gets Dressed Up” by John Bridges and Bryan Curtis. Published by Thomas Nelson, Inc.. Distributed by Brooks Brothers.
sjsczurek over 12 years ago
Some of these bloggers, especially the ones who are so intense about whether or not this strip is going to get “sexy,” ought to go spend their time at the 9 Chickweed Lane strip. Of course, they don’t allow comments on that one, so some people would probably just bust.
ST Joe River Premium Member over 12 years ago
Wow this blog is going back to what it used to be. A bunch of people that have to bring trash talk even to funny papers blogs. Feel sorry for them. But did enjoy this new blog for awhile when people made clean remarks about the story lines.
bryan42 over 12 years ago
Considering that rant from l.z. I’m glad I didn’t have time to read the comments yesterday. Wow!
Thehag over 12 years ago
Wow some fun reading the comments. Thanks for the definition of Trolls in comic comments context. Used to call them emotional energy vampires, stir you up and absorb all that you express.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 12 years ago
“within a matter of minutes they’re off shopping ".Baby steps, gotta start off taking baby steps
Durak Premium Member over 12 years ago
LuAnn needs to get the Pibgorn treatment.
georgiiii over 12 years ago
This kind of self-centered BS is why I don’t do most message boards. This one is typically a nice place. I enjoy seeing posts from people who enjoy the same thing in different ways and who, for the most part, are polite to each other. Wierd is okay. Trying to control how other people post isn’t. Don’t like it – take your passive-aggressive bullying elsewhere.
rikkiTikki Premium Member over 12 years ago
Hey LZIT-this is a comic strip-get a life
Mostly Water Premium Member over 12 years ago
Hmm… interesting how at times the comments section sometimes makes me feel like I have been catapulted onto a different planet.
peninsulapal Premium Member over 12 years ago
Dear Lev…get some professional help. You’re way to caught up in this. It’s just commentary not life and death and absolutely zip, zero to take personally.
peninsulapal Premium Member over 12 years ago
Sorry…should have commented on Luann’s Zit remark. Get some professional help, quickly! This stuff isn’t real guys!
Allan CB Premium Member over 12 years ago
Classified’s Oh Canada
nikkisyxx over 12 years ago
honestly people….i cant believe how seriously some people take a COMIC STRIP. Its put here for ENTERTAINMENT. Its not real life.
doverdan over 12 years ago
Another dull Sunday strip for 20 years ago.
Simon_Jester over 12 years ago
If you want to know the ‘real’ Jen, Luann, go look up Tiffany Farrell.
Fan o’ Lio. over 12 years ago
I just dropped in for a brief visit.It feels good to be free of the Luann curse. Try it you’ll like it.
pixel_pusher over 12 years ago
Reading the comments has greatly amused me for years but I never bothered to register. Yesterday’s epic, EPIC saga actually changed that.
camapa233 Premium Member over 12 years ago
To paraphrase William Shatner: “Get a life! It’s a comic strip!”
mojitobaby over 12 years ago
Excellent point – Miguel was the stereotypical seductive Latin lover, who wanted to romance every girl he could. And if Miguel was intent on rape, then just what was Leslie Knox intent on when he cornered Rosa?.Speaking of facts, good for you for seeing through yesterday’s masquerade immediately. What I found disgusting wasn’t so much the date rape porn fantasy in itself (bad tho it was), but the fact that the troll who posted it did so under the guise of claiming that its traumatic experience had given it a “different” way of looking at things, so that indulging in a lurid date rape scenario and posting comments like “he looks like a rapist type” meant it was OK, and any criticism or skepticism was therefore “bullying”. It was a slap in the face for anyone who has actually been through that – and it took trolling to new depths. .All I can say is that the more gullible posters here who flew to the “victim’s” defense need to get out and do some volunteer work at women’s shelters or work a rape crisis hotline one night. Talk to a rape crisis counselor sometime, and give your time to support your community facility, if you can. And if you do, you’ll learn that the last thing you’ll ever hear from someone who actually has been raped is a sexualized fantasy around a comic character kiss that includes the porn phrase “dripping wetness”. There’s giving people the benefit of the doubt, and then there’s a total absense of critical faculties when faced with a pervy fantasy and a heap of ridiculous attempts at justifying its posting.
camapa233 Premium Member over 12 years ago
To paraphrase William Shatner: “Get a life! It’s only a comic strip!”
Linda Solomon over 12 years ago
I dont talk about it, because its no one else’s business, but yes, I was raped. I surely would not assign that violence to Quill or any comic/cartoon character. Nor would the mainstream cartoonists whose comics are here at gocomics. If you are using your posts as therapy, you might want to get a real therapist. If you need help finding one, google it and the APA or CPA (american and canadian psychology association) can help you find one in your area. My own therapist has helped me immensely, from the point of not being able to even shop for myself because every man I saw looked like the rapist, to the point where I again have no fear of my surroundings. However, I am extremely aware of my surroundings now, and watch for anything out of the ordinary. I wish you luck, but comics comments are not the place to look for sympathy or assistance.
melmarsh9v over 12 years ago
“?, !”
mojitobaby over 12 years ago
Now, now, gay pride parades have nothing to do with this. I think you meant to post this instead:
mojitobaby over 12 years ago
Oh, I gotcha. Definitely Judy in disguise!
gibson22varcelone over 12 years ago
I freaking LOVE this. The drama, the intensity, the angst, the EMOTION. Oh yeah, the comic is pretty good too. XD
barbarasbrute over 12 years ago
Art Vandelay was a fictious name on Seinfeld made up by George in reference to an imaginary boyfriend of Elaine’s who was in the importing/exporting business.
Rose686 over 1 year ago
I went to an all girls’ school and met the love of my life.