Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for October 31, 2020

  1. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  about 4 years ago
    ”Drive-By Admiration.” ✨
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  2. Large tmdic190127 straightedge trustworthy
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  about 4 years ago

    Good morning™, Faith healers !

    She is terribly missed.

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  3. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  about 4 years ago

    Happy Halloween™, everyone and stay safe!

    Well, a final appearance by the late Faith Brown and I guess that’s a wrap. Apparently, Annie used to drive by in the back of a limousine every day, passing where Faith was helping people. I didn’t know that Annie lived in Tracy’s city all that time. Oh, well. It was a nice conclusion.

    Don’t forget to change your clocks tomorrow night and we’ll see whether GoComics remembers to change theirs.

    More summaries from me will come throughout the day if I can manage it.

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  4. 965ccac6 e3b6 443f 8b1c 1f64a9e49f2d
    Counterpoint  about 4 years ago

    Only the good die young…

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    finkd  about 4 years ago

    It’s a shame that someone who made other people smile died with a look of terror on her face.

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  6. Sherlock holmes gillette chose the pipe and deerstalker because they could be seen easily in the theater
    WGillete  about 4 years ago

    A nice footnote to the story, and it’s something I wouldn’t have expected.

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  7. 3c5489f7 fee3 4df6 aca6 bff93749dc57
    artsyguy65  about 4 years ago

    What a lovely coda! And there’s something in the hooded woman’s expression that makes me think of the Mole.

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  8. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  about 4 years ago

    Just in case this story wasn’t downer enough, now we learn that, of the three sisters, it was the GOOD one that got OFFED.

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  9. Tracy
    coratelli  about 4 years ago

    Nice strip, today. The last panel is really touching.

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  10. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  about 4 years ago

    Thank you for the great strip today! Faith will be missed……

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  11. Kantuck icon124x84
    kantuck-nadie  about 4 years ago

    Very nice touch for an ending. May we all be so inclined to do such good deeds.

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  12. Californiaraisinicon1
    bluegirl285  about 4 years ago

    I’m glad they showed that Faith was more than just the victim of a crazy, money-hungry “vampire”.

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  13. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member about 4 years ago

    A cleverly executed story arc. Keeping the dialogue down during actions scenes was awesome. I liked the inclusion of Brenda and the girls. The villains “motive” was kinda klunky, but hey, dude thought he was a vampire, so he’s not right in the head. I was surprised by the last minute character development…it left me wanting more. Is there some yet to be revealed connection between Stokes and Faith? Did she sacrifice herself to save the street people she cared about?

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  14. 7553c0eb fe60 48a8 a4b6 2f89cdbcf5ac
    RonnieAThompson Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Have a Happy and Safe Halloween My Friends. Don’t forget to set your clocks back 1 hour before going to bed tonight.

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  15. Photo
    WilliamVollmer  about 4 years ago

    From what I remember from many of the Little Orphan Annie stories, there were more than a few times that a Warbucks company limo didn’t take Annie to school, and, she was on the streets.

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  16. Millionchimps1
    tripwire45  about 4 years ago

    Annie is so much better here than the old reruns of her strip. Wish she was a regular character.

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  17. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  about 4 years ago

    Ahhh….. the so-called “white privilege” at its finest…. former orphan turned heiress Annie cruises around in the back of her chauffeur driven limousine watching people hand out gifts to poor children but not getting out of the car to help

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    tcayer  about 4 years ago

    “I used to see her every day, feeding the homeless, as I rode by in my stretch limo!”

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  19. Unnamed
    Another Take  about 4 years ago

    An allegory for the times in which we live

    1-ANNIE: OK, I guess I’ll see you later then.

    2-ANNIE: UGH! UNFORTUNATES! If we see so much as one person dressed in ‘off-the-rack’ on the rest of the way home, Driver – YOU’RE FIRED!

    DRIVER: Yes Miss Annie. bit*h

    3-ANNIE: Hold up, Driver! That woman in the Ferragamos appears to be taking the Teddy Bear from that poor child. YOU GO SISTER! TEACH ‘EM THEY GOTTA EARN EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD!

    DRIVER: As you did miss.


    DRIVER: bit*h

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  20. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  about 4 years ago

    For all who complimented Mike on having dropped a hint about Faith – well said.

    But it was still aggravating to the nth degree that we hear about her after the story, not before.

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  21. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  about 4 years ago

    Farewell to Sean Connery, aka 007. You will be missed.

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    buckman-j  about 4 years ago

    I’ll be up all night waiting for that summary Neil, so I’ll be changing the clocks at 2 AM. I expect your usual deep analysis.

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  23. D3109feb b108 4281 84b0 b9c384bc7f45
    CynthiaLeigh  about 4 years ago

    It was never mentioned why Stoker used such an elaborate, attention-attracting means of killing. Did he just want to play vampire?

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    Aladar30 Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Poor Faith…

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  25. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 4 years ago

    Aww, sheesh, Annie! Now we all feel much worse, knowing that poor Faith was such a saint!

    Now we can say Stokes’s death was karma….

    New story Sunday, surely.

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  26. Index
    GoComicsGo!  about 4 years ago

    Here Aus, we’ve gone to Daylight Saving Time, so the GC change over time went from 3pm to 4pm.

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  27. Forum avatar gif3
    Civanfan  over 3 years ago

    “It made me feel mildly guilty about gettin’ Asp to drive my personal limousine through the poor neighborhoods every day so I could laugh at all the people, and, willikers, I never felt like that before!”

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