So I’m to assume that an explosion will happen the second that the tower lights up? The governor is probably standing in a dangerous spot, but Totten has gone elsewhere.
Is that a light I see? Is it the end of this long, dark tunnel?
No, it’s the light of a clock tower which has already been lit before, at a press conference held during the day to show off the beauty of the lighted tower at night.
Still, I’m optimistic we’ll soon behold the dénouement, followed by a brief period of unrealistic optimism before our dreams are once again shattered.
Don’t worru Gov, since you are a politican, by the time you finish talking it will be dark and folks will be able to see the clock lights.
In the mean time, we the readers, find out that Team Tracy secretly removed the fictional xylon*, that, after 70 years, had degraded to the point that it was no more dangerous than a glass of 2¢ plain.
*xylon is a Greek word that means wood, and was also the name given to ancient punishment / torture devices similar to the pillory, or possibly this storyline.
1- FRED JR: Can anyone see that I’ve been working out my mouth muscles? Look how “swole” they are! GUY TO FRED JR’s RIGHT: I can! I can! So jacked! WOMAN BEHIND HIM: TIGHT BUNS TOO! FRED JR: Thanks. Well I gotta blow… Ummm, I mean that in the slang sense of “leave”. Whewf! Close one…
2- LIZZO: I wasn’t close enough to see Fred Jr’s ripped jaw muscles. Were they impressive?
3- CAB DRIVER: I guess. I just thought he had the mumps or had just had some dental surgery. So…did you need a cab or not?
OFFICER: The Governor is about to tell that long and pointless story about his little dog ,and the time it ate his souvenir tribbles and coated the living room with fake fur and googly eyes, when it threw up. AND that it looked ‘soooo cute ’ when he dressed it as Teddy Roosevelt. And then he does that little Red Buttons dance and the hand gestures. For now, I’m just gonna’ scream. And next time, I vote for a potato.
firestrike1 about 17 hours ago
manhunt on…
avenger09 about 17 hours ago
Wow! What a wonderful strip for today. Well done, Eric the Red! Magnificent work, Chucky Cheese!No more complaints from me. No sir!!
SHAKEDOWNCITY about 17 hours ago
Offer some Imodium for the “run on” sentences.
Brian Premium Member about 17 hours ago
“Wish I could leave. Man this guy is boring. Maybe I should go look for him. Out by the food trucks.”
Neil Wick about 17 hours ago
Good morning™, everyone!
So I’m to assume that an explosion will happen the second that the tower lights up? The governor is probably standing in a dangerous spot, but Totten has gone elsewhere.
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray about 17 hours ago
Good morning™, Man Hunters !
Lizz is concerned about young Totten’s disappearance. Will this be the start of action ? Lizz is sporting a pixie look.
iggyman about 16 hours ago
Like the art today, Lizz is looking good!
BigDaveGlass about 16 hours ago
“Ah! The old exploding podium ploy”. Not even a close quote by Inspector Clouseau.
GoComicsGo! about 14 hours ago
I’m sure that he’s just gone to the toilet, he’s a nervous speaker.
tsull2121 about 14 hours ago
What’s up with the cinnamon buns on the side of liz’s head
LawrenceS about 13 hours ago
Is that a light I see? Is it the end of this long, dark tunnel?
No, it’s the light of a clock tower which has already been lit before, at a press conference held during the day to show off the beauty of the lighted tower at night.
Still, I’m optimistic we’ll soon behold the dénouement, followed by a brief period of unrealistic optimism before our dreams are once again shattered.
General Trelane (Ret.) Premium Member about 11 hours ago
Why don’t that cop get a wrist radio ?
orbenjawell Premium Member about 10 hours ago
he spottenedtotten (aw, heck somebody was going to say it…….)……
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] about 10 hours ago
“Cannot believe piece of carved stone contain evil, except when dropped on foot”
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] about 10 hours ago
Okay,Ettinger got Lizz right today—sometimes even HE isn’t sure of that,so I thought I’d notify him
Chocolate_Chip about 10 hours ago
Now THIS is exciting. We have stakes, we have urgency. Good stuff!
h.v.greenman about 9 hours ago
Don’t worru Gov, since you are a politican, by the time you finish talking it will be dark and folks will be able to see the clock lights.
In the mean time, we the readers, find out that Team Tracy secretly removed the fictional xylon*, that, after 70 years, had degraded to the point that it was no more dangerous than a glass of 2¢ plain.
*xylon is a Greek word that means wood, and was also the name given to ancient punishment / torture devices similar to the pillory, or possibly this storyline.
Wizard of Ahz-no relation about 9 hours ago
I knw the wrist radio is iconic for DT but tech has evolved, if it’s just simple communication i had a wireless earpiece/speaker 15 years ago at work
Another Take about 9 hours ago
Panel 2 is comical after seeing Fred Jr at the podium in P1. Where is he?!?! Oh. Right there. Never mind….
(I know – P3 explains Lizzo’s dimbulb P2 moment…)
Another Take about 9 hours ago
1- FRED JR: Can anyone see that I’ve been working out my mouth muscles? Look how “swole” they are! GUY TO FRED JR’s RIGHT: I can! I can! So jacked! WOMAN BEHIND HIM: TIGHT BUNS TOO! FRED JR: Thanks. Well I gotta blow… Ummm, I mean that in the slang sense of “leave”. Whewf! Close one…
2- LIZZO: I wasn’t close enough to see Fred Jr’s ripped jaw muscles. Were they impressive?
3- CAB DRIVER: I guess. I just thought he had the mumps or had just had some dental surgery. So…did you need a cab or not?
That Wichita Guy! about 9 hours ago
OFFICER: The Governor is about to tell that long and pointless story about his little dog ,and the time it ate his souvenir tribbles and coated the living room with fake fur and googly eyes, when it threw up. AND that it looked ‘soooo cute ’ when he dressed it as Teddy Roosevelt. And then he does that little Red Buttons dance and the hand gestures. For now, I’m just gonna’ scream. And next time, I vote for a potato.
Ken in Ohio about 4 hours ago
It looks like Chief Patton is up there on the platform with the bigwigs at this ceremony.