Jon and Garfield wanting those cheese doodles while watching the Game? (To answer the machine’s question of the square root of 324, it is 18; I asked Siri.)
Tired of grocery stores wanting to add $s to your bill for some charity. We give enough without feeling guilty for not giving at the grocery store too!
Your tax will be $18 this includes sales tax, food and beverage tax, EPA environmental impact tax, Thingamajig Tax, NY expanded unhealthy food tax and whatchamacallit tax. Please insert credit or debit card. (You will be charged a Fed fee for using the card.) What is the square root of the national debit?
getting gas in North Dakota… – 53 degrees at the pump – wind blowing – and we have to answer stupid questions like that before we can actually just start pumping gas.
This reminds me of the Verizon website. It always tells me it doesn’t recognize my password. I have to get a new one every time I log on to fix a problem.
My freshman math teacher once showed us how you manually figure out a square root. I don’t know that I ever really got the hang of it. I definitely don’t remember how anymore. I know it was similar to long division.
Tooooo close to home: Do you want an emailed receipt? Will you take a short survey? Do you want to round up your purchase for charity? Do you want to donate $5 to the LittleSistersOfThePoor? Please enter your email for weekly junk email. AAARRRGGGgggg!!!!
For me it’s the annoying “please insert chip card” after I have swiped it. I mean, it has a magnetic strip, why not just use what the machine has already read.
maxmacrubymimi almost 6 years ago
The square root of 324 is 18. The square root of $3.24 is $1.80.
maxmacrubymimi almost 6 years ago
Aren’t Cheese Doodles from Big Nate?
codycab almost 6 years ago
(Sarcastically) Ain’t technology great?!
jagedlo almost 6 years ago
So Jon has the “chipless” card…
Templo S.U.D. almost 6 years ago
Jon and Garfield wanting those cheese doodles while watching the Game? (To answer the machine’s question of the square root of 324, it is 18; I asked Siri.)
comic4matt almost 6 years ago
I was actually eating cheese balls as I read this. What are the chances?
wjones almost 6 years ago
The credit card reader did not ask for a tip.
Kaputnik almost 6 years ago
I wonder if that was a negative boop or a positive boop for the charity request.
Fastfur07 almost 6 years ago
I was fourth in line to get the answer 18. (internal sob)
almost 6 years ago
One of the worst checkout counters ever.
BigDaveGlass almost 6 years ago
Contactless rules, using the phone I hardly use the card these days
Dean almost 6 years ago
Then there is signing ones signature with your finger, no pen. It never looks right, but is always accepted.
JMG316 almost 6 years ago
LOL! That’s about what it feels like sometimes!!!!
alien011 almost 6 years ago
And that’s why you use cash.
cubswin2016 almost 6 years ago
I would rather do my business with a human than a computer any day.
Grace Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I would run screaming from the store if asked to “show my work”…
A R V reader almost 6 years ago
Now I want some Cheez Doodles.
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe almost 6 years ago
Still haven’t got a chip card? US invented it but hasn’t got around to using it much.
mandy052878 almost 6 years ago
And the card reader at another store will be slightly different from this one.
flemmingo almost 6 years ago
Tired of grocery stores wanting to add $s to your bill for some charity. We give enough without feeling guilty for not giving at the grocery store too!
blakerl almost 6 years ago
Your tax will be $18 this includes sales tax, food and beverage tax, EPA environmental impact tax, Thingamajig Tax, NY expanded unhealthy food tax and whatchamacallit tax. Please insert credit or debit card. (You will be charged a Fed fee for using the card.) What is the square root of the national debit?
Diat60 almost 6 years ago
That machine any relation of Betty (Boop)?
milkweed6410 almost 6 years ago
Glad to see I’m not the only one that wonders why you have to take a test every time you check out at the grocery store
rondm66 almost 6 years ago
Cash is king.
Tentoes almost 6 years ago
18. (sorry)
ellisc almost 6 years ago
Flipnote19 almost 6 years ago
I didn’t know Big Nate lived in the same world as Garfield!
Alberta Oil Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I… refuse to use those self checkout counters.. It is a small (and likely ineffective) way to keep people employed.
Wizard of Ahz-no relation almost 6 years ago
it’s why i stopped going to Radio Shack. just trying to buy batteries and they practically need a blood test for 2 D cells
Cameron1988 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
sciencedoc almost 6 years ago
InuYugiHakusho almost 6 years ago
A fitting snack for Super Bowl Sunday.
sousamannd almost 6 years ago
getting gas in North Dakota… – 53 degrees at the pump – wind blowing – and we have to answer stupid questions like that before we can actually just start pumping gas.
Bill D. Kat Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Thanks Jim for expressing something we all feel every time we have to go through that damn gauntlet with those checkout machines.
carlzr almost 6 years ago
This reminds me of the Verizon website. It always tells me it doesn’t recognize my password. I have to get a new one every time I log on to fix a problem.
bookworm0812 almost 6 years ago
My freshman math teacher once showed us how you manually figure out a square root. I don’t know that I ever really got the hang of it. I definitely don’t remember how anymore. I know it was similar to long division.
geese28 almost 6 years ago
Answer is 18
mobile almost 6 years ago
Pretty good!
dv1093 almost 6 years ago
Tooooo close to home: Do you want an emailed receipt? Will you take a short survey? Do you want to round up your purchase for charity? Do you want to donate $5 to the LittleSistersOfThePoor? Please enter your email for weekly junk email. AAARRRGGGgggg!!!!
JD'Huntsville'AL almost 6 years ago
That’s what happens when you use a debit card — I guess. I don’t use one myself.
ElioHyena almost 6 years ago
whelan_jj almost 6 years ago
For me it’s the annoying “please insert chip card” after I have swiped it. I mean, it has a magnetic strip, why not just use what the machine has already read.
Bob The Croc almost 6 years ago
25natashaq almost 6 years ago
this is what happens when teachers don’t let u use cash.
tahlia.leavasa almost 6 years ago
Vetsworldwide3327 over 5 years ago
No cheese balls for jon super bowl sunday that the patriots won again. Poor jon stupid thing this is not math school
ComicReadingGenius455 over 5 years ago
It’s 18, the square root of 324 is 18 stupid.
arjun.shriv almost 5 years ago
I just love the way Garfield gives you that “bruh” look in panel 4.
CHSY almost 4 years ago
Big Nate reference
Goat from PBS over 3 years ago
I can confirm this is accurate… except the square root of stuff.
Bubble over 3 years ago
18 no google
Bubble about 3 years ago
Answer: 18. Working: google
Gamer Kiwi || over 2 years ago
nicholasbonnie3 12 months ago
What the heck happened to the inking on this strip?
i_am_the_jam 12 months ago
The complete comic is here: garfield fandom com /wiki/Garfield,_February_2019_comic_strips