Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for May 09, 2021

  1. Cadyacht1
    lvlax  almost 4 years ago

    Happy Mother’s Day Everyone!!

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 4 years ago

    way to think things through, Luann

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    Rhetorical_Question   almost 4 years ago

    Happy Mother’s Day and one day, Luann be a mother.

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    nesto49  almost 4 years ago

    Oh, Nancy has it right!

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    donwestonmysteries  almost 4 years ago

    Just once I wanted to break the top 10 posts on Luanne and I did it. What’s your goal? Hope its better than mine.

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    Chocolate   almost 4 years ago

    That’s why having three kids was perfect for me: 1 got the mixing bowl, 2 got the beaters, and 3 got the spoon.

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    Mordock999 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    You know, Luann?

    Maybe if you and Brad had minded your Mom a little more, maybe her job wouldn’t have been so hard.

    Just saying.

    Happy Mother’s Day, Moms. ;)

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    Joe1962  almost 4 years ago

    Luann stop being so selfish. Happy mothers day to all the mothers.

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    Willow Mt Lyon  almost 4 years ago

    Nancy is right. Once a mom, always a mom. It is okay for the career to come second. Some of us would be nothing without our kids, just existing but not really living.

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    kenhense  almost 4 years ago

    Luann is sounding like a 15 year old here. G & K – Time for Lu to be 20.

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  12. Rudy says hello
    Lucy Rudy  almost 4 years ago

    My mom often licked the spoon and put it back in the bowl. She always denied it until the night we found lipstick swirls in the creamed peas!

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    ronaldspence  almost 4 years ago

    Nice thought…thank you…

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    np312 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Ugh usually I like Luann but this comic is so trite. “I could have changed the world and done amazing things but then I would have missed out on all the meaning that comes with watching you lick this spoon.” Gag.

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    kauri44  almost 4 years ago

    While I appreciate the nod to stay at home moms, the fact that this strip wouldn’t make any sense if it were rephrased for Father’s Day is sadly telling. Dads have been and are expected to be all of those things. I have to think there are also Moms who are CEOS and astronauts, and most if not all of the female candidates for president were and are mothers.

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  16. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    If my Mom had decided not to become a Mom, I would not have been born 64 years ago today. May 9, 1957 – Miss ya, Mom…

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    Rhetorical_Question   almost 4 years ago

    Nancy is a Saint and Luann is lucky after Tara’s Incident.

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    live2read  almost 4 years ago

    I think this a lovely, appropriate song for today, and it brings tears to my eyes:

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    luann1212  almost 4 years ago

    Happy Mother’s bDay in Luannverse and everywhere else

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    Salinasong  almost 4 years ago

    Mom passed away this year, at age 98. I updated the last verse to this song I wrote decades ago.

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    Odd Dog Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Happy Mothers day and thank you for all you do to all the mothers out there!

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    Susan00100  almost 4 years ago

    Too late, Nancy—she already did.

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    Adam-Stone(Soup)  almost 4 years ago

    I’ve seen a couple of “made for TV” movies where a “high strung,” single, male CEO is transplanted into a role as a struggling, father of three, operating a small business and initially finds it difficult to accept his role as the father and husband in the family. It’s an interesting movie.Surprised a similar type movie was never made for a “high maintenance,” single, female, CEO into a role of (struggling to make a decision), mother of three, maintaining a small household with a loving husband who isn’t always around.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    I love these moments between Luann and Nancy ♡. Cooking together can be such a beautiful sign of affinity, affection and love ♡. Happy Mother’s Day Everyone♡♡♡!

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    RonnieAThompson Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Happy Mother’s Day Ladies.

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    OneTime59  almost 4 years ago

    And a Mother to the very end, still giving instructions to the children, keeping them in line.

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    Ellis97  almost 4 years ago

    Happy Mother’s Day from Luann and all of her friends.

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  28. Stormking
    mountainclimber  almost 4 years ago

    7,874,965,825 and still growing. We should celebrate couples who choose NOT to have kids.

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    LtPowers  almost 4 years ago

    Backward? You mean “If you hadn’t spent half your life being an astronaut (etc), you couldn’t have been a mom”?

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  30. Bunny and summer together
    Moonkey Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    I miss those days with my daughter, who is now a mom and has a little girl of her own. My daughter has a busy career and a working husband, so during covid we just can’t spend much time together. But we will today! All adults are vaccinated and one happy little girl is part of our pods.

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    luann1212  almost 4 years ago

    Beautiful Mother’s Day panels, Happy Mother’s Day to all.

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    Johnnyrico  almost 4 years ago

    Happy Mother’s Day!!

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    larryvanover  almost 4 years ago

    Isn’t 20 the new 15… ? LOL!!

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    ImDaRealAni  almost 4 years ago

    Happy Mother’s Day everyone.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 4 years ago

    “I didn’t until just now. Now I’ve thought about it and….NAH. Rockets then to explode too often.”

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    Argythree  almost 4 years ago

    Still hard to believe my Mom’s been gone since December of 1992. I still wake up thinking of things to talk to her about…

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    sueb1863  almost 4 years ago

    Well, that batch is ruined.

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    KEA  almost 4 years ago

    Luann is perfectly correct.

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    Mayor Snorkum  almost 4 years ago

    It never occurred to me, but I’m starting to think that everyone who comments here is a senior. I’m 78 myself. A hundred years ago we’d all be down at the general store lounging around the cracker barrel and Franklin stove, commenting on local characters and how the world was going to hell. Now we have to do it this way. Do we need some young blood? Do any younger folks care about these important things we discuss every day?

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    w16521  almost 4 years ago

    Its time for G Evans to mature Luann. She’s supposed to be twenty, but still acts like an adolescent.

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    Levana_214  almost 4 years ago

    I used to ask my Mom the same question. She was a single Mom when it was not the norm! She had Alzheimers the last twelve years of her life. I was her caregiver for ten of them! Our roles reversed; she regressed to childhood and didn’t even know my name! I also worked a full time job before she got too far into the illness! I don’t think that Luann sounds like a teenager. I wish I could still ask my Mom those questions!

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    eladee AKA Wally  almost 4 years ago

    Sweet Mother’s Day message from Nancy today. Happy Mother’s Day everyone!!!

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    Joe1962  almost 4 years ago

    Luann yes your mom could have done one of things bet instead she got married and had you and Brad. Happy Mothers day to all.

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  44. Tulips
    locake  almost 4 years ago

    Is this really the first time Nancy has told Luann to not lick a spoon and put it back in the food?? You’d think Luann would have learned that by age 4.

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    Decepticomic  almost 4 years ago

    Awwww… Gross…

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  46. Major matt mason315
    Major Matt Mason Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    You’re thinking Thel Keane, Luann. Now SHE has regrets! ;D

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    AndrewSihler  almost 4 years ago


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    j.l.farmer  almost 4 years ago

    she can be any of those AND a mom! Luann is just proving that a mother’s work is never done.

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    Willow Mt Lyon  almost 4 years ago

    What Luann did with the spoon would only be expected of a small child.

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    asrialfeeple  almost 4 years agoĂ—726.jpg

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    Roy G Biv  almost 4 years ago

    Nancy an astronaut? Luann has a lot to learn.

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    PeterPirate  almost 4 years ago

    Today is a father-daughter day of sorts for me. She just finished the final exam for Vector Calculus. Unless she goes on to grad school in her field or an MBA program, she won’t be calling the old man at all hours for math tutoring. I can relate with Nancy today.

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    Uncle Bob  almost 4 years ago

    It was nice of Home Depot to let Nancy come in a couple of hours late today…

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    Sisyphos  almost 4 years ago

    Cleverly pointing out the ironic joy of motherhood on this Mother’s Day.

    Although there is a certain attraction to never having birthed Luann and Brad….

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    gnmnrbl  almost 4 years ago

    Really Luann?!? If Nancy had chose to not be a mom, you wouldn’t be there to make that observation.

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    Seed_drill  almost 4 years ago

    Don’t lick the spoon, period. Raw eggs are pretty much Russian roulette.

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    kozmikgal  almost 4 years ago

    Some of y’all should just draw your own comic.

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    Willow Mt Lyon  almost 4 years ago

    When I was 16, I was cooking in the kitchen. I tasted what I was cooking to see if I added enough salt and was putting the spoon into the sink when I felt a hard slap on my backside. It was a relative with a history of mental illness, and she started accusing me of going to put the spoon I just put into my mouth back into the pot without washing it. I was clearly going to put it in the sink because I was already half way there. I yelled at her that I wasn’t four years old and that if she was seeing what was actually going on, she would have seen that I was putting the spoon into the sink. So, yes, I do believe that Luann’s behavior is what would be expected of a four year old. I have never done that ever per my recollection of my entire life, and I wouldn’t eat the food of one who does.

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    Le'Roy Hawkins  almost 4 years ago

    She can’t run a household. Seriously doubt she could be a CEO or an astronaut. But the bar for President is currently very low.

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  60. Tyge
    Tyge  over 3 years ago

    Sounds like my wife.

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