Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for April 29, 2015

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    WTFrank  almost 10 years ago

    So which side of the political chasm are our visitors on? I know folks on both sides that could be these folks. : )

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    mischugenah  almost 10 years ago

    You know, Flo, you could just inform them that you donā€™t serve their type here. The fireworks would make quite a show.

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    Varnes  almost 10 years ago

    Iā€™d love to drink a beer with jaw man thereā€¦.I already like him better than herā€¦.

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    Varnes  almost 10 years ago

    Iā€™ve always loved the line in most bad moviesā€¦ā€œIt is so written!ā€

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 10 years ago

    Interesting that those who canā€™t stand to have their beliefs questiioned, are the same folks who refuse to accept othersā€™. (btw: facts arenā€™t just ā€œbeliefsā€ foks)

    Maybe they think their amidst vegetarians, not veterinarians as I thought yesterday?

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  6. Dsc00030
    alviebird  almost 10 years ago

    Painting Christians with a pretty broad brush, are we?

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  7. Carnac
    AKHenderson Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Cue ā€œUs and Themā€ by Pink Floyd.

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  8. Drinkybird
    susanwobb  almost 10 years ago

    When was it ever said that they are ā€œChristianā€? Yā€™all are projecting. All we really know is that theyā€™re loony intolerant religionists of as-yet unspecified denomination.

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    tammyspeakslife Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    If we said such it is because we have been the butt of most jokes about rude, ill humored, ditzy, bigoted, poorly mannered people The list is much longer than that but you get the point (?)

    when someone swings a bat at your head you wince and duck Unless sheā€™s referring to a giant ant behind Earl

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  10. Yellow submarine
    spaced man spliff  almost 10 years ago

    Itā€™s not any specific religion. Itā€™s just the fanatics, zealots and fundamentalists from every religion.

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    vwdualnomand  almost 10 years ago

    religion ruins everything.

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  12. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    They are probably Devout Humans.Humans are noted for this type of behavior.

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  13. Millionchimps1
    tripwire45  almost 10 years ago

    Move along. Nothing to see here.

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    Indythinker  almost 10 years ago

    They must be Obama Democrats

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    Varnes  almost 10 years ago

    See, now this is exactly why I go over to Lake Michigan in the summer timeā€¦Wisconsonians live over on the other sideā€¦That means they are them, over thereā€¦ā€¦We must go to the Lake to stand guardā€¦.Against themā€¦..Many times I go to the Lake even on hot days in the summerā€¦Just to watch out for them over thereā€¦ā€¦

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  16. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  almost 10 years ago

    If youā€™re too embarrassed to say what you think, or have to back it up with lies, you know deep down that what youā€™re defending is wrong.

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    Old Texan75  almost 10 years ago

    I once knew a family so screwed up that the only normal one in the crowd was the gay one.Mom was a religious nut. Hated every body not a member of her (insert religious preference here).Dad was a gung-ho National Guard Hero Warrior .(Not dissing NG, just him). Lived and breathed military. Carried an M-1 Garand in his truck.Wore fatigues. This was BC (before camo). The ā€œstraightā€ boys were as screwy as Dad. Two of them became teachers and both had to change schools occasionally for "improper conduct " with students. Two of them became big time lawyers and both were caught in shady shenanigans, even for lawyers. Usually involving blackmail, booze, broads, illegal money, shady real estate deals, etc.

    The gay one was a nice guy, courteous, thoughtful and considerate of others. Even in a small Texas town in the 50s, people knew he was one of ā€œthemā€. But it didnā€™t matter. He was welcome in his church, nobody tried to ā€œconvertā€ him to straight. He was accepted just as he was.

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    Beleck3  almost 10 years ago

    it seems no one stops these ā€œlooniesā€ from their dirty deeds. how these ā€œkindā€ are allowed to ruin ā€œreligionā€ for the others who are of the ā€œlovingā€ faith. speak up and stop these kind or else all are painted by the evil ones.

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    Alverant  almost 10 years ago

    I thought questioning the dominant religion or even not being part of the dominant religion was oppression against said religion. At least to hear some people talk.

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    Dr_Zinj  almost 10 years ago

    The great thing about closed minds is that they never have to worry about learning something new, or correcting something thats not true.

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  21. Bill watson1b
    BillWa  almost 10 years ago

    Definitly Liberals.

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  22. Wildcat cub trotting ing grass
    Tigdi  almost 10 years ago

    Gee, I thought it was the ones who were intolerant of religious people.

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    ladykat Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Somehow, this song chorus seems appropriate:ā€œGo ahead and hate your neighbour,Go ahead and cheat your friend.If you do it in the name of Heaven,You can justify it in the end.There wonā€™t be any trumpets blowing,Come the judgement day!On the bloody morning after,One tin soldier ran away.ā€

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    Timothy Madigan Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Itā€™s all about the cat.

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    Geezer  almost 10 years ago

    Mr. & Mrs. Buffoon are obviously made of straw, but Wiley has chosen not to draw them that way.

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    dabugger  almost 10 years ago

    Yeah Flow, a very long day. And now whether it is blasphemy or hearsay. Another little problem besides them and them or is it they and they. Just what religion is so intolerant? It seems as if it does not even tolerate the intolerants or the other way around or whichever way or not that way, or I mean . . . well maybe forget. . .

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    goweeder  almost 10 years ago

    ā€œhatred is justifiableā€¦ā€¦ā€¦as long as religion says so.ā€~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Love it!

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  28. Blue xke
    flyfisher  almost 10 years ago

    They are probably just dog lovers and want nothing to do with ā€œcat peopleā€

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    KEA  almost 10 years ago

    thatā€™s not intolerance, thatā€™s ā€œreligious freedomā€!

    for the slow out there, that was sarcasm.

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  30. Caddy
    StCleve72  almost 10 years ago

    From childhood I came to associate all religion with intolerance and hate. As a child I was taught who had the right religion, we did, and who had the wrong religion, everyone else did. I was told to only associate and marry ā€œmy own kind,ā€ and to distrust and avoid all of ā€œthem.ā€ The fact that I had the ability to think for myself and see all the silly rituals and beliefs for what they are didnā€™t endear me to my family who I eventually separated myself from completely, in part due to their virulent racism which showed its full ugliness when my niece was living with her boyfriend who was from Africa. I feel like Iā€™ve broken the chain of ignorance and I judge all people ā€œby the content of their character,ā€ as someone once famously said, and my life is good and not filled with hate or chauvinism, nor are the lives of my grown children. I feel very fortunate.

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  31. Monk
    Mokurai  almost 10 years ago

    Well (if they donā€™t breathe any air previously breathed by sinners) That About Wraps It Up for (them and their) God. (See Oolon Coluphid, according to Douglas Adams)

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    kwschatz  almost 10 years ago

    Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve become a Frisbeetarian. We just drift through life and when we die, our souls float up onto the roof and just lay there.

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    DutchUncle  almost 10 years ago

    >>>So which side of the ā€¦ chasm are our visitors on?

    Iā€™m shocked, SHOCKED, at the narrow-minded perspective that the chasm only has two sides. The philosophically ideal chasm is a true circle, affording an infinite number of sides.

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    johnschutt  almost 10 years ago

    They represent the LGBT community. Theyā€™re out to persecute anyone who disagrees with their thoughts. They have no problem with putting honest people out of business, ordering pizzas that they donā€™t intend to pick up, yelling, and making death threats. Theyā€™re the true intolerant ones.

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    DutchUncle  almost 10 years ago

    I must admit, I have this degree of negativity towards smokers.

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    Chrisstopher  almost 10 years ago

    Whatever their beliefs, they are most definitely insane. as are most far right (or left) wingers.

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    Rick Smith Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Waitā€¦did Flo just call Eddie sane?

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    Rarely528  almost 10 years ago

    I donā€™t think that questioning the beliefs of adherents of religions other than oneā€™s own can be either heresy or blasphemy. Your religion has no authority over me.When the questioning becomes Hate Speech as defined by the secular laws of my country then the line has been crossed.Questioning othersā€™ beliefs (as well as oneā€™s own, of course) leads to constructive and healthy intercourse in a civilized world.Wiley, Iā€™m afraid it is going to be a long day.

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    dogday Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I am so sick of this. Haters all around. Checking out of N S for a while.

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    DutchUncle  almost 10 years ago

    ā€œOur most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our childrenā€™s future. And we are all mortal.ā€ ā€“ John F. Kennedy

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    jwallac2  almost 10 years ago

    I am bored with this story arc already

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    dflak  almost 10 years ago

    Ah, the broader the statement, the narrower the mind.

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  43. Pupil
    Ka`ōnōhi`ula`okahōkÅ«miomio`ehiku Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    cahnā€™t figger out if the cat is left wing or right wing. seems to be a swing shoulderer.

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  44. Blue xke
    flyfisher  almost 10 years ago

    I bet if Wiley looks at this thread of comments he is laughing his ass off at how so many can get so worked up over his comic strip.

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  45. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Acupuncture is the least understood medicinal practice.Ty Webb claims to be an expert at acupressure.You canā€™t be the ball if you canā€™t see the chi.

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  46. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  almost 10 years ago

    Hey, folks ā€“ these are just generic loonies.You know, the ā€œmy mind is made up and the facts canā€™t sway meā€ type.Doesnā€™t matter what group they belong too; what matters is whoā€™s identifying with them.

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  47. Phoenix
    dawnsfire  almost 10 years ago

    I donā€™t think itā€™s blasphemy OR heresy if youā€™re not a member of the same faith?

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    Varnes  almost 10 years ago

    Whiteheron, donā€™t tell ā€˜emā€¦..Hate to lose the element of surpriseā€¦.No, we wonā€™t attackā€¦because weā€™re too lazyā€¦.But weā€™ll be sittinā€™ there on the beach pretending to drink beerā€¦.waitingā€¦..

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  49. 11 06 126
    Varnes  almost 10 years ago

    Religions donā€™t kill people, people who believe in religions kill peopleā€¦

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