When having watched The Other Side of Heaven when Kolipoki and Feki were leaving after being dinner guests, the former burped pretty awesomely. As he wrote to his girlfriend back home about the experience, he always thought he was being rude because burping — in Tongan culture — meant the meal was satisfactory.
Disturbing fact of the day: By cell count, human beings are more bacteria than they are human. The reason we are not green and photosynthesizing is that most of these cells are a lot smaller than ours.
Bacteria make up about 2% of body weight, most of which live in the intestines. Very few are harmful, most do nothing except go along for the ride and some are beneficial and aid in digesting food.
Our skin can be host to as many as 5 billion bacteria. Some of these have the bad rap of being flesh eating bacteria. However, they dine only on dead skin cells and if left alone long enough produce body odor. They are easily killed, along with other potential pathogens, with soap and water.
Today would have been my mother’s 99th birthday. Miss you Mom.
As I came to realize over the years, by comparison with others she wasn’t much of a cook. But I was always well fed, and learned not to be picky. And I don’t think I ever had that reaction to the food at home.
So over 30 years ago I enjoyed many a beer. One Saturday night in the local bar I helped pay to build I was enjoying a few beers. I think I was up to about 14. The band was playing ‘Boys of summer’ and I had to return a few. The restroom was directly behind the band. I was perusing the wall directly in front of me when I belched. It was quite loud and a good 4-5 seconds long. I finished up and as I walked out around the end of the wall the band had stopped and a fair number of folks were looking at me. Some with distain. More with humour. The lead singer Ted Grimes looked and me and said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, Brad Mathews on vocals.” I bowed and carried on to the and of the bar where my spot was. THAT is how you do it.
I have a solution for Calvin. Send him away from the table so he doesn’t have to tolerate that food. Two or three times going to bed hungry might make him a little less contrary and insulting.
Wait… I’m talking about a cartoon character. Geeminy I need to get out more.
BE THIS GUY almost 2 years ago
It’s a natural bodily function.
Sugar Bombs 95 almost 2 years ago
Without mucus, your stomach would digest itself.
codycab almost 2 years ago
And he somehow did it without soda. That usually does it.
Templo S.U.D. almost 2 years ago
When having watched The Other Side of Heaven when Kolipoki and Feki were leaving after being dinner guests, the former burped pretty awesomely. As he wrote to his girlfriend back home about the experience, he always thought he was being rude because burping — in Tongan culture — meant the meal was satisfactory.
C almost 2 years ago
I’ll take Things that weren’t in the parenting brochure, Alex
Farside99 almost 2 years ago
Then go to bed without any more dinner.
Erse IS better almost 2 years ago
I just love how I learn new science from the Calvin and Hobbes strips! :)
in.amongst almost 2 years ago
Three cheers for stomach microbes, i say.
Archistoteles almost 2 years ago
Love the artwork.
Cornelius Robinson Premium Member almost 2 years ago
He looks the same when he hits the high note of the national anthem
lalapalooza Premium Member almost 2 years ago
hahaha and the food on their plates is just mounds of green glop
bigcatbusiness almost 2 years ago
So there was an article the other day about the grossest Calvin comics. And right on cue… the first one.
BigDaveGlass almost 2 years ago
Better out than in……
Dr. Quatermass almost 2 years ago
Methinks the microbe on the upper left first panel is actually Mike Rowe.
sandpiper almost 2 years ago
Better that ‘exit’ than the other.
Indiana Guy Premium Member almost 2 years ago
That’s enough to gag a maggot…
joegeethree almost 2 years ago
Calvin had his own minions before minions became a thing.
Zebrastripes almost 2 years ago
Calvin has an explosive personality as it is, let alone a gassy tummy!
Snolep almost 2 years ago
Baldo is also about a big burp today. What are the chances?
SquidGamerGal almost 2 years ago
They better or they can look forward to no desserts for a week!
Count Olaf Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Could have been worse. It could have gone out the back door.
dflak almost 2 years ago
Disturbing fact of the day: By cell count, human beings are more bacteria than they are human. The reason we are not green and photosynthesizing is that most of these cells are a lot smaller than ours.
Bacteria make up about 2% of body weight, most of which live in the intestines. Very few are harmful, most do nothing except go along for the ride and some are beneficial and aid in digesting food.
Our skin can be host to as many as 5 billion bacteria. Some of these have the bad rap of being flesh eating bacteria. However, they dine only on dead skin cells and if left alone long enough produce body odor. They are easily killed, along with other potential pathogens, with soap and water.
Just-me almost 2 years ago
Yeah, had I done that deliberately at the table, discipline would have been swift, sure and somewhat painful.
SweetSinger almost 2 years ago
Cal’s stomach isn’t used to healthy veggies
mindjob almost 2 years ago
Reminds me of that scene in Robocop with the radioactive waste
assrdood almost 2 years ago
That’s me after chugging a 7-up. I used to be able to burp a good portion of the alphabet.
rshive almost 2 years ago
Calvin’s stomach microbes have quirky taste.
ChessPirate almost 2 years ago
“Calvin, awful food builds character!”
“What did you say about my cooking?”
(⚆﹏ʖ ⚆)
david_42 almost 2 years ago
Green tripe = the stuff the scavengers leave after picking over an elk corpse.
Diat60 almost 2 years ago
Think I’ll pass on eating today. No appetite.
garcoa almost 2 years ago
I suspect that Dad is secretly proud of Calvin.
bunrabbit99 almost 2 years ago
at least it was just a gas-venting situation & not a solid evacuation!
Kaputnik almost 2 years ago
Today would have been my mother’s 99th birthday. Miss you Mom.
As I came to realize over the years, by comparison with others she wasn’t much of a cook. But I was always well fed, and learned not to be picky. And I don’t think I ever had that reaction to the food at home.
xtc45688 almost 2 years ago
“At least it didn’t come out the other end, dad.”
bloodykate almost 2 years ago
kathleenhicks62 almost 2 years ago
g04922 almost 2 years ago
LOL…. l don’t blame Calvin on this one. That plate looks like mashed peas ! Yuck….
KEA almost 2 years ago
hey!… would this make a great Pixar feature?
figuratively speaking almost 2 years ago
Used for nefarious purposes by little boys, and big boys, and girls.
formathe almost 2 years ago
So over 30 years ago I enjoyed many a beer. One Saturday night in the local bar I helped pay to build I was enjoying a few beers. I think I was up to about 14. The band was playing ‘Boys of summer’ and I had to return a few. The restroom was directly behind the band. I was perusing the wall directly in front of me when I belched. It was quite loud and a good 4-5 seconds long. I finished up and as I walked out around the end of the wall the band had stopped and a fair number of folks were looking at me. Some with distain. More with humour. The lead singer Ted Grimes looked and me and said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, Brad Mathews on vocals.” I bowed and carried on to the and of the bar where my spot was. THAT is how you do it.
StevePappas almost 2 years ago
Although a sneeze is funnier a good ripping burp can make me laugh.
T... almost 2 years ago
wiley207 almost 2 years ago
I like how bouncy the Dad’s pose looks in the last panel.
ArcticFox Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Calvin tries unsuccessfully to explain that the output is the direct result of the input.
Jabroniville Premium Member almost 2 years ago
haha, the mouth quaking with the burp- that’s perfect. The most incredible way to depict this bodily function ever.
John Jorgensen almost 2 years ago
You know, five years earlier they wouldn’t leave him in peace if he didn’t burp after a meal.
A Hip loving Canadian... almost 2 years ago
It isn’t so much the burp, it’s the enthusiasm that preceded it.
saylorgirl almost 2 years ago
His artwork is exceptional! I love this strip! I actually laughed out loud with this one.
Snoots almost 2 years ago
I have a solution for Calvin. Send him away from the table so he doesn’t have to tolerate that food. Two or three times going to bed hungry might make him a little less contrary and insulting.
Wait… I’m talking about a cartoon character. Geeminy I need to get out more.
cosman almost 2 years ago
In certain locales, it’s an insult if you don’t..
Red33410 almost 2 years ago
An anagram of “stomach microbes” is “Bosom chic master.”
pacemakerkyle almost 2 years ago
Here’s an idea hollywood… Calvin & hobbes..hobbies… THE MOVIE
Archistoteles almost 2 years ago
Beautiful artwork.