Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for October 28, 2012

  1. Groucho marx
    coldsooner  over 12 years ago

    Mornin’ all. Me thinks it’s a time to call in the troops!

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  2. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  over 12 years ago

    Good morning all…

    Thanks for making my 78th birthday special, guys!

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  3. Emerald
    margueritem  over 12 years ago

    Things are getting tense! Good morning, VB! You’re most welcome!

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  4. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  over 12 years ago

    Measles might need the pain patches when he gits a-caught in Gertie’s baar traps!

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  5. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 12 years ago

    Good morning, VB!-———————Will there be a Measles-Moon Maid confrontation? Having her dispense with a classic villain seems the right way to bring her to the fore.

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  6. Img 0021 2
    mikatt1  over 12 years ago

    Morning gang, now we can worry about Gertie and co.!

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  7. Mysta chimera invading blackhearts hq   8 29 2015
    willy007  over 12 years ago

    Seems the “quiet evening at Sunny Dell Acres” isn’t going to be so quiet after all. I’m glad at least Gertie has the heads up on the probable visit by Measles. She needs to call Tracy muy pronto!

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  8. Tarzan
    David53  over 12 years ago

    At least Gertie knows whats coming. how will she prepare?I love this strip!

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  9. Presidentgoofy
    Mikeyj  over 12 years ago

    I think Measles is the one who should worry, Gertie is as tough as a stainless steel porcupine

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  10. Zap
    60sFan  over 12 years ago

    Tension’s mounting fast! Which reminds me why I enjoy this strip so much. Each day we’re treated to a visual feast provided by Joe Staton, and Mike Curtis’ storytelling continues to pull us into the story events and characters. Thanks to their great work, it is once again a pleasure and delight to read Dick Tracy.

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  11. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 12 years ago

    Forewarned is forearmed! And now that she has been warned, I think Gravel Gertie can take care of herself, though she may defer to “Mr. Macy” out of courtesy….

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  12. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  over 12 years ago

    I think Gertie and Sparkle can handle that punk!

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  13. Buttons
    puckerpuss  over 12 years ago

    It is like 1977 again, interesting Dick Tracy in the newspaper and Loose Wheel on the radio.

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  14. Painted lady2
    frankt0001  over 12 years ago

    I like the changing expressions on the faces of Gertie and Sparkle. Joy to anxiety to fear to panic, all in four panels. Well done!

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  15. Mysta cutie
    yumpinyiminey  over 12 years ago

    I missed your birthday, VistaBill. Hope it was a great one, and belated best wishes!

    Measles has murder on his mind. I hope Gertie and Sparkle come up with a plan, and quick!

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  16. Missing large
    Ken in Ohio  over 12 years ago

    This is so good. Elements like “loose wheel” – Gertie was always getting her song lyrics mixed up. At one time in the history of the strip, their house was under a freeway overpass. Does anyone remember what happened to that?

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  17. Missing large
    mjmsprt40  over 12 years ago

    If I was Measles, I might begin worrying right about now. Taking on Gravel Gertie is no small task, just ask the last fellows that tried it. Before this is over, Measles might be glad to see the police show up—- to protect him from her.

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  18. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  over 12 years ago

    Love today’s strip -Humor giving way to impending danger, all with great art! And another great Crimestoppers (which also explains the origin of the name “Reeve,” as in actor Christopher Reeve). Thanks again, Team Tracy!

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  19. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  over 12 years ago

    Y’know, Mike – You could turn Gertie’s song into an ode to NASCAR…“You picked a fine time to leave me, loose wheel,Leavin’ a pit stop at the front of the field,You picked a fine time to leave me…”

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  20. Mysta chimera invading blackhearts hq   8 29 2015
    willy007  over 12 years ago

    Will someone please put out an APB for this woman? She hasn’t been seen in these parts for far too long and is needed immediately at Sunny Dell Acres. Also needed later today for a private meeting at Junior Tracy’s house. Last seen allegedly committing tombstone desecration at Wildwood Cemetery. Thank you.

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  21. Mmdash6
    Pequod  over 12 years ago

    Measles’ ill will is turning to action. It was easy to map out the way. Gertie is shocked, yet a front door that’s locked, won’t keep this junkie at bay. Sparkle’s close by, to protect her mother, and the innocent child, Jewel. But with blood in his eyes and revenge as the prize, Measles aims to be violently cruel. All could end in tragedy. These three could use skilled aid: A cop on the beat, Junior packing heat, or the mysterious crime stopper, Moon Maid.

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  22. Image
    Det.DanDone  over 12 years ago

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Quartermain!!!.Mine is tomorrow, I guess good things come in 3’s. ;-)

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  23. Lon chaney london after midnight
    MoonlitKnight Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Good Morning Detectives, and Happy Belated Birthday, VistaBill!Gravel Gertie will have her own loose wheel to deal with when Measles comes a’knockin’ for revenge!

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  24. Headshtgrinder
    Mdstudio  over 12 years ago

    I think Gertie will be fine. I wonder if Measles is using Google maps street view.

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  25. Avatar ii
    Judy.Hansel  over 12 years ago

    Nice tribute to Kenny Rogers. LOL the NASCAR ref.

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  26. Plus green square
    Blackthorne42  over 12 years ago

    Happy Belated Birthday, Vista Bill! I’m worried for Measles; the Tracy women have proven their capability more often than most.

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  27. Stfgosherpa
    CaptainKiddeo  over 12 years ago

    Oops. I wasn’t paying attention. I didn’t realize Sparkle brought one of her kids with her to visit Granny Gertie….Sparkle and Gertie have more than just themselves to think about here…And no, I’m not worried about them. They’ll do just fine. They’ve got Measles outnumbered.

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  28. Groucho marx
    coldsooner  over 12 years ago

    Upon further review (sorry, NFL Sunday jargon) it appears Tracy and company might arrive just in time to save Measles!

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  29. Shran1
    atomicdog  over 12 years ago

    I see that Measles knows how to use Google Earth/Maps.

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  30. Gedc0042
    johnrussco  over 12 years ago

    It’ll be good to see that bum Measles get his!

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  31. Photo 1
    The Real Zarth Arn  over 12 years ago

    Hmm — a man with a “very strange name”. In this strip?

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  32. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  over 12 years ago

    either measles is using google earth maps or he is just checkign out hte gocomics site ;) lol! i hope he doesnt end up getting killed.. i kinda like him. i’d be fine with him being arrested and thrown into a rehab facility, but lets hope they dont kill the guy! btw, i’m “getting ready” for hurricane sandy so i may or may not be on for the next two days!

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  33. Missing large
    kcredden  over 12 years ago

    Well Measles, I hope you don’t think you can get over GG. We “hillbillies” don’t take to being threaten’ none. Threaten our family, our stills, or our clan. Will get ya some buckshot in yer behind. /if your lucky/ Threaten GG might get ya killed! She’s survived all them years with BO and that ain’t easy. ’Specialy now they got that attitude Plenty! Best you turn tail and run back to your safe big city, in yer big limousine. Cause yer not impressing us none.

    Sorry to all, my Appalachian roots tend to come out when I see family threaten :)

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  34. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  over 12 years ago

    i dunno.. i still dont want measles dead and i think a rehab facility would be better than prison for him (and MUCH better than death! lol)

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  35. Professor chaos
    countoftowergrove  over 12 years ago

    Time to call Bracy!

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  36. Missing large
    Farmboy71   over 12 years ago

    Happy Belated Birthday, Vista Bill… I always enjoy your comments. And a Happy Birthday today to you, Quartermain… and thank you for your service to your (and our) country.

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  37. Missing large
    gocomicsmember  over 12 years ago

    Given that the sherrif was the shire reeve, I have often pondered the question of why the spelling morphed to sheriff.

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  38. Missing large
    boboscar  about 1 year ago

    Intro (skip if you’ve already read any of the previous intros):

    Hello, greetings, casual readers of past Tracy stories. I’m here because I’m on 2 missions. The first is something I’ve never done before, read each Tracy story by Mike Curtis (or his occasional guest writer) in one sitting each. I feel his stories are worth it. IMHO, Curtis is by far the best post-Gould writer this strip has ever had, and we’re all lucky to have him.

    My second mission is to provide an immediately useful Featured Comment whenever needed. My 3 friends below will reply to me. You can read their replies if you like, but their only real purpose is to bump up this comment to the Featured Comment.

    There are 2 basic types of immediately useful Featured Comments: the first type is to provide you with a Mumblespeak translator when needed. The other type (this type) is anytime that day’s strip quotes a real song. I will provide an html to a recording to that song so you’ll know the tune even if you’ve never heard it before.

    End Intro

    Gertie’s song is clearly a parody of the Kenny Rogers hit Lucille. Here’s the original:


    What you might not realize is that Gertie’s parody is also an actual song. Posted on the internet back in 2003. Here’s a recording of that parody:


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