The other 41% don’t care or are Creationists that ‘believe’ that the world is only 6000 or so years old and that their god put the fossils on the earth to test their faith… All I have to say is if people believe that… and not science, they will believe anything as long as ‘it is written’ in the bible (only in their translation and by their interpretation) of course.
Just so we’re all clear… WE ARE NOT “Attacking” (the Whole of) Christianity, just pointing out the FUNDAMENTALIST (along with some their Hypocrisy) that has a tendency to make the other more Sensible/Practical-half look Silly or Worst…
For future-reference, please use the term, Christian-FUNDAMENTALIST.
Funny how people forget evolution is a religion. There is no proof of evolution theory. That is why it is still called the “theory of evolution.” The Bible mentions the dinosaur called leviathan. There is realistic scientific theory to support the biblical view of the loss of the dinosaur. Remember—the evolutionary theory of the loss of the dinosaur is just that—a theory. Please be kind enough to not dismiss those of us who believe the bible to be the word of the living God. You have your beliefs, I have mine. Evolution gives your live absolutely no meaning and there is nothing after this life. How sad. I know my Redeemer lives and I have life everlasting. I am just passing through on this earth. May you have the best life possible while you are here.
The Bible has mentions of Leviathan, Behemoth, and Dragons. While not explicitly descriptions of dinosaurs, they are certainly suggestive of an ancient awareness of dinosaurs. The Bible clearly demonstrates that ancient civilization was different than today, with characters aging up to 969 years old and “giants in the earth.”
I’m a Christian, because I think you should dance with the one what brung ya. I’ve experienced things that have convinced me that something is going on, but am open to the possibility that metaphors exist. In St. Pete I currently attend a Unitarian Church because I enjoy the rational dialogue and tolerance (though many of them are highly intolerant of Christians). In Sheboygan I’ve found a group, North Shore Gathering, that is tolerant of everyone.
The Bible concerns the bloodline of Christ and is only in the areas of Middle East, Egypt and over to Rome. As for dinosaurs, they existed in other parts of the world (you don’t find their remains in areas of the Bible). Most dino skeletons are found in low lying areas as a result of settling after a flood.
And here I thought I’d find something pleasant and related to leprechauns . . . well, I have only one thing to say to all believers and non-believers alike: Happy St. Patrick’s Day!! :D
Interesting how the world only looks at the extreme side of every argument…. Because the SURELY can’t be a reasonable solution somewhere where RATIONAL people can have a SANE dialogue on the subject. I mean really, creation in six literal days… NOT! And really, the MOST COMPLEX MOLECULE IN THE UNIVERSE THAT CAN REPRODUCE ITSELF, all by chance! Get a grip!!!!
lol religion is for the weak of mind/spirit. for those afraid to live today. and for those who allow evil to destroy today.
Religion is fear, lol. but to each his own. just don’t ask me to believe or accept your religion as fact similar to a sane concept. religion is for people who choose to accept unquestioned statements.
love that line about God being pscyhotic. now that sounds about right, considering all the evil done in the name of religion, or as a bumper sticker said
God, spare me from your followers. lol
just go to Somalia if you want to force your religious beliefs on Government, society or state.
Sooo….by creating enough explosives to blow these things up we eventually blew ourselves up …..and it all started with one bean,some water,and the discovery of fire? Methane is wonderful isn’t it?
Some people say that what gives life meaning is knowing that this one life, here on earth, is all we get, and that we therefore need to make the most of it. Guess it depends on your point of view.
Science and religion are two different ways of looking at the world, and accepting one doesn’t necessarily discredit the other. Accepting both isn’t necessarily contradictory either.
Science is the process of observing, questioning and testing. The scientific method is the most accurate tool we have for understanding everything around us. Scientific theories are proposed, questioned and tested, then they are either discarded or refined as more questioning and testing provide more facts to add to our understanding. This is how science works.
If you believe that the Bible is the literal word of God, if you want to teach it in your churches and to your children, that is your right. But recognize that you are dealing in faith and belief, not science. (It seems to me that those who cloak their faith in pseudo-scientific trappings (“creation science” or “creationism”) in an effort to spread that faith are actually perverting their beliefs. They seem to feel their faith can’t stand by itself.)
Sad to say, this debate is fired and fueled by the fundamentalists. They’re afraid that science is trying to discredit their faith (it isn’t), they believe that their religious beliefs are equivalent to scientific thought (they aren’t) and they argue that those beliefs should be taught in our schools along with or in place of science (they shouldn’t be).
Here’s a useful link that explains it even better:
My bio: Jewish by birth, unobservant by upbringing, atheist by choice.
If as you say, the various laws of the Hebrew Bible & Leviticus in particular don’t apply to Christians, then why is it there are thousands of Christian ministers & priests that demand government NOT to allow gay marriage, because the Hebrew Bible says a man shall not lay with a man the way he does with a woman?It seems that you & your fellow believers in fantasy writings want to believe only some of those things in those books.
Science is a system of beliefs based on fact. Religion is a system of beliefs based on faith. They are two separate systems and the beliefs of one system cannot be used to confirm or refute the beliefs of the other.
- American lack of interest in intellect -The National Science Foundation takes a survey every 2 years about American interest in science, and reports findings to the President and Congress. According to the latest survey: more than 90 percent flet scientists were helping to solve challenges and were ‘dedicated people who work for the good of humanity’-Nearly 90 percent are either very interested or moderately interested in learning new medical discoveries and about the same percentage feel that the benefits of science outweigh any possible dangers.-Where the number show a problem is the ability of the average responder to answer questions about what science has shown to be the case. -Therefore, to conclude that Americans lack interest and are hostile to those who care appears incorrect. The lack in the average person is one of understanding the findings, not of not caring about the findings.
I can’t understand why anyone would go anywhere else for answers, even scientists should come talk to you, as you seem to have the answer for everything. Consequently, we call that a ‘Know-it-all’ and not in the sense that would make you proud!!
People ALWAYS believe in a greater power. If it isn’t God, it is in themselves. Those who believe in themselves over God, will, sadly, have their belief fulfilled when they see the finiteness of their creation wither and die. The Infinite God, Creator of the universe, draws the faith filled finite to Himself and, as a result, breathes in the Word of eternal life into them. Just as man and women bring life into the world, the love of Christ and His Bride, the Church, bring eternal Life to those who love Him. The love of man and woman is analogous to the love of Christ and His Church which is analogous to the love of the Trinity, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I don’t believe anything that can’t be demonstrated repeatedly. I do have faith in some things….I have faith that my family and friends would help me get out of trouble….NO…. not bail…..Well…. not all that much, anyway………I can’t call myself an atheist, because something strange and weird is definitely going on, we just don’t know what it is……..Father Sky, Mother Earth, works for me….What else would I need to know?
Kali, yeah…We are on the surface of the Earth that is spinning at 24,000 mph towards the East, circling the sun at over 67,000 mph, and the sun is in an arm of the spinning Milky Way Gallaxy..Which is also moving through space as the universe expands….Maybe we’re in a lot of places at once?
The amount of willful ignorance displayed here today is stunning. Both hilarious and sad at the same time. Science and spirituality can, and does, co-exist. Science and religion? Not at all.
“Look, I know that people will probably try to lynch me when I say this, but Bishop [James] Ussher wasn’t inspired by the Lord when he said that it all took 6,000 years. It just didn’t. You go back in time, you’ve got radiocarbon dating. You got all these things and you’ve got the carcasses of dinosaurs frozen in time out in the Dakotas.They’re out there. So, there was a time when these giant reptiles were on the Earth and it was before the time of the Bible. So, don’t try and cover it up and make like everything was 6,000 years. That’s not the Bible.”—-Pat Robertsonhttp://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/11/27/robertson-tells-christians-radiocarbon-dating-proves-no-dinosaurs-on-noahs-ark/And this is a man I am loath to quote for any reason.
For all one’s choice to refrain from BELIEVING any, or all, the Canon – “Bible”, from Latin, “biblios”, book(s) – if one chooses, nevertheless the immense amount of Literature, both Eastern and Western, based upon it remains a kind of testimony to its value in the whole of civilization."Interesting post, but it applies to a lot of mythologies besides the Hebrew/Christian ones. I’m pretty sure Thor has a wide margin over Jesus at the box office.
John Locke: religion is about believing, science is not. Science is about verifiable facts, falsifiable hypotheses and theories and the laws of physics. As scientists we strive through the assemblage of facts and rigorous testing of ideas and theories to understand the world around us. Belief doesn’t come into it.
So if you and other religious believers want to live in you own fantasy world go right ahead but please don’t label scientists as smug – they are just being honest and are quite content with being “unknowing” about stuff. We don’t have to invent explanations, we seek out the truth.
Yes! It makes you wonder what religion discovered today.Three quotes from Christopher Hitchens:1) “As in all cases, the findings of science are far more awe-inspiring than the rantings of the godly.”2) “One must state it plainly. Religion comes from the period of human prehistory where nobody—not even the mighty Democritus who concluded that all matter was made from atoms—had the smallest idea what was going on.”3) “All the creation myths of all peoples have long been known to be false, and have fairly recently been replaced by infinitely superior and more magnificent explanations.”
As Pilate said to Jesus, as he looked Truth square in the eyes, “What is Truth?”
Your reply to my comment is eerily reminiscent.
As regards to this and that other religion agreeing or disagreeing….what would you expect? The Truth is the Truth whether I believe in it or not. If I don’t believe that 2 plus two equals 4, that does not mean it’s not so. The Truth is independent of you or I.
People who don’t believe in the Truth often have the same type of response you had….they attack verbally or even physically. People who hear the Truth and don’t accept it often hate what they don’t like. If God is Love and people don’t accept God as such, they would naturally, and logically respond in a way that is not of God (Love).
People who love the Truth, are called to pray for those who do not love God, as the Judeo-Christian tradition proclaims according to the 1st Commandment, “I am the Lord thy God; thou shalt not have strange gods before Me.”
Mark Joseph…may the love of God come into your heart and mound and soul. May His peace, live in you, and may you grow in it and share it with all those around you.
Dtroutma almost 11 years ago
Dodo, passenger pigeon, a lot more recent ones, and the list is growing, rapidly.
watmiwori almost 11 years ago
As we know, everything we know is wrong.
wrwallaceii almost 11 years ago
The other 41% don’t care or are Creationists that ‘believe’ that the world is only 6000 or so years old and that their god put the fossils on the earth to test their faith… All I have to say is if people believe that… and not science, they will believe anything as long as ‘it is written’ in the bible (only in their translation and by their interpretation) of course.
cdward almost 11 years ago
@Bruno Zeigerts: Why would you have to believe a holy book verbatim?
@MayKitten: Not sure you mean you’re a Pagan, since that is also a religious belief system.
cdward almost 11 years ago
@Baslam the beggar: That’s 59% of American adults, right?
Zero-Gabriel almost 11 years ago
Just so we’re all clear… WE ARE NOT “Attacking” (the Whole of) Christianity, just pointing out the FUNDAMENTALIST (along with some their Hypocrisy) that has a tendency to make the other more Sensible/Practical-half look Silly or Worst…
For future-reference, please use the term, Christian-FUNDAMENTALIST.
roctor almost 11 years ago
At the creation museum they have attached a saddle on a dinosaur. So that proves it. Go Fred Go. Really Go!!!!!!
pcolli almost 11 years ago
We believe what we choose to believe, even if we know it’s not true.
crobinson019 almost 11 years ago
Science tells us 99% of all species that inhabited earth are extinct. HURRAY! I’m in the one per cent!
Zero-Gabriel almost 11 years ago
“I go to eleven. I’m going for thirteen.”That’s where some of the Religious-Fundamentalist/Terrorist are at…
“Religion is a monstrous evil filth.”Be careful that you do not become the Monsters you hunt so passionately…
ajnotales almost 11 years ago
Despite being the most successful species to evolve in the last two million years, I suspect that humans may also be the most endangered.
Kaputnik almost 11 years ago
If he can hunt those things to extinction with the technology he has, then I’m impressed.
puggles almost 11 years ago
Funny how people forget evolution is a religion. There is no proof of evolution theory. That is why it is still called the “theory of evolution.” The Bible mentions the dinosaur called leviathan. There is realistic scientific theory to support the biblical view of the loss of the dinosaur. Remember—the evolutionary theory of the loss of the dinosaur is just that—a theory. Please be kind enough to not dismiss those of us who believe the bible to be the word of the living God. You have your beliefs, I have mine. Evolution gives your live absolutely no meaning and there is nothing after this life. How sad. I know my Redeemer lives and I have life everlasting. I am just passing through on this earth. May you have the best life possible while you are here.
HabaneroBuck almost 11 years ago
The Bible has mentions of Leviathan, Behemoth, and Dragons. While not explicitly descriptions of dinosaurs, they are certainly suggestive of an ancient awareness of dinosaurs. The Bible clearly demonstrates that ancient civilization was different than today, with characters aging up to 969 years old and “giants in the earth.”
dabugger almost 11 years ago
Carrying fantasy too far for a few ignorant literalists.
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 11 years ago
ok, I’ve thought about it…….yep, they’re seriously whacko
doris sloan almost 11 years ago
How about a little Muslim-bashing for a change. Christian-bashing is getting to be mainstream now. Maybe bash Jews for awhile…
Gokie5 almost 11 years ago
I’m a Christian, because I think you should dance with the one what brung ya. I’ve experienced things that have convinced me that something is going on, but am open to the possibility that metaphors exist. In St. Pete I currently attend a Unitarian Church because I enjoy the rational dialogue and tolerance (though many of them are highly intolerant of Christians). In Sheboygan I’ve found a group, North Shore Gathering, that is tolerant of everyone.
puddlesplatt almost 11 years ago
you can only get so many peas in the pot….!
beekasdenali almost 11 years ago
The Bible concerns the bloodline of Christ and is only in the areas of Middle East, Egypt and over to Rome. As for dinosaurs, they existed in other parts of the world (you don’t find their remains in areas of the Bible). Most dino skeletons are found in low lying areas as a result of settling after a flood.
BluePumpkin almost 11 years ago
And here I thought I’d find something pleasant and related to leprechauns . . . well, I have only one thing to say to all believers and non-believers alike: Happy St. Patrick’s Day!! :D
dr_dolittle_rwc almost 11 years ago
Interesting how the world only looks at the extreme side of every argument…. Because the SURELY can’t be a reasonable solution somewhere where RATIONAL people can have a SANE dialogue on the subject. I mean really, creation in six literal days… NOT! And really, the MOST COMPLEX MOLECULE IN THE UNIVERSE THAT CAN REPRODUCE ITSELF, all by chance! Get a grip!!!!
Beleck3 almost 11 years ago
lol religion is for the weak of mind/spirit. for those afraid to live today. and for those who allow evil to destroy today.
Religion is fear, lol. but to each his own. just don’t ask me to believe or accept your religion as fact similar to a sane concept. religion is for people who choose to accept unquestioned statements.
love that line about God being pscyhotic. now that sounds about right, considering all the evil done in the name of religion, or as a bumper sticker said
God, spare me from your followers. lol
just go to Somalia if you want to force your religious beliefs on Government, society or state.
Caddy57 almost 11 years ago
Sooo….by creating enough explosives to blow these things up we eventually blew ourselves up …..and it all started with one bean,some water,and the discovery of fire? Methane is wonderful isn’t it?
paullp Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Some people say that what gives life meaning is knowing that this one life, here on earth, is all we get, and that we therefore need to make the most of it. Guess it depends on your point of view.
Science and religion are two different ways of looking at the world, and accepting one doesn’t necessarily discredit the other. Accepting both isn’t necessarily contradictory either.
Science is the process of observing, questioning and testing. The scientific method is the most accurate tool we have for understanding everything around us. Scientific theories are proposed, questioned and tested, then they are either discarded or refined as more questioning and testing provide more facts to add to our understanding. This is how science works.
If you believe that the Bible is the literal word of God, if you want to teach it in your churches and to your children, that is your right. But recognize that you are dealing in faith and belief, not science. (It seems to me that those who cloak their faith in pseudo-scientific trappings (“creation science” or “creationism”) in an effort to spread that faith are actually perverting their beliefs. They seem to feel their faith can’t stand by itself.)
Sad to say, this debate is fired and fueled by the fundamentalists. They’re afraid that science is trying to discredit their faith (it isn’t), they believe that their religious beliefs are equivalent to scientific thought (they aren’t) and they argue that those beliefs should be taught in our schools along with or in place of science (they shouldn’t be).
Here’s a useful link that explains it even better:
My bio: Jewish by birth, unobservant by upbringing, atheist by choice.
Packratjohn Premium Member almost 11 years ago
I knew there was something about you that I liked.
She Mc almost 11 years ago
I bet the number of comments today were a surprise!!!
tremblaydr almost 11 years ago
Religion: It’s like Science for Idiots!
strictures almost 11 years ago
If as you say, the various laws of the Hebrew Bible & Leviticus in particular don’t apply to Christians, then why is it there are thousands of Christian ministers & priests that demand government NOT to allow gay marriage, because the Hebrew Bible says a man shall not lay with a man the way he does with a woman?It seems that you & your fellow believers in fantasy writings want to believe only some of those things in those books.
dflak almost 11 years ago
Science is a system of beliefs based on fact. Religion is a system of beliefs based on faith. They are two separate systems and the beliefs of one system cannot be used to confirm or refute the beliefs of the other.
Ginny Premium Member almost 11 years ago
I take issue with your comment about American’s lack of interest in intellect. Quit making generalizations!
quartermain almost 11 years ago
Remember the “Pagan Love Song”?
Argy.Bargy2 almost 11 years ago
- American lack of interest in intellect -The National Science Foundation takes a survey every 2 years about American interest in science, and reports findings to the President and Congress. According to the latest survey: more than 90 percent flet scientists were helping to solve challenges and were ‘dedicated people who work for the good of humanity’-Nearly 90 percent are either very interested or moderately interested in learning new medical discoveries and about the same percentage feel that the benefits of science outweigh any possible dangers.-Where the number show a problem is the ability of the average responder to answer questions about what science has shown to be the case. -Therefore, to conclude that Americans lack interest and are hostile to those who care appears incorrect. The lack in the average person is one of understanding the findings, not of not caring about the findings.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr almost 11 years ago
TravelMercy almost 11 years ago
Cutting room floor? Look here: Job 3:8, 40:15, 41:1,5,12,22,31: Ps 74:14, 104:26, Isa 27:1. Or watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JlTMECXC0g
celeconecca almost 11 years ago
I tend to believe that Slatibartfast left dinosaur bones at different strata of the earth because it looked interesting.
dr_dolittle_rwc almost 11 years ago
I can’t understand why anyone would go anywhere else for answers, even scientists should come talk to you, as you seem to have the answer for everything. Consequently, we call that a ‘Know-it-all’ and not in the sense that would make you proud!!
BillWa almost 11 years ago
One word, FLOOD.
westny77 almost 11 years ago
You guys need to get down to a gym you are both out of shape. And please put some clothes on.
Caribena almost 11 years ago
Dinausaurs and humans didn’t co-exist. The former were gone before the latter came.
Varnes almost 11 years ago
Pharmakeus, Mark, and watmiwori….Shhhhhhhh!….That information is for Air Force Generals only….Anybody know who invented the wire recorder….
DanReynolds almost 11 years ago
People ALWAYS believe in a greater power. If it isn’t God, it is in themselves. Those who believe in themselves over God, will, sadly, have their belief fulfilled when they see the finiteness of their creation wither and die. The Infinite God, Creator of the universe, draws the faith filled finite to Himself and, as a result, breathes in the Word of eternal life into them. Just as man and women bring life into the world, the love of Christ and His Bride, the Church, bring eternal Life to those who love Him. The love of man and woman is analogous to the love of Christ and His Church which is analogous to the love of the Trinity, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
jmarkoff2 almost 11 years ago
Our cousins the monkeys are cute.
Varnes almost 11 years ago
jmarkoff, Peoples is the craziest monkeys." That great theologian, Cid Caesar….
Hey, monkeys think I’m cute, or so my jealous cats tell me….
Varnes almost 11 years ago
mightaswellbe, the sun isn’t going down, the horizon is going up….
Varnes almost 11 years ago
I don’t believe anything that can’t be demonstrated repeatedly. I do have faith in some things….I have faith that my family and friends would help me get out of trouble….NO…. not bail…..Well…. not all that much, anyway………I can’t call myself an atheist, because something strange and weird is definitely going on, we just don’t know what it is……..Father Sky, Mother Earth, works for me….What else would I need to know?
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr almost 11 years ago
“How Can You Be in Two Places at Once When You’re Not Anywhere at All?”
Varnes almost 11 years ago
Kali, yeah…We are on the surface of the Earth that is spinning at 24,000 mph towards the East, circling the sun at over 67,000 mph, and the sun is in an arm of the spinning Milky Way Gallaxy..Which is also moving through space as the universe expands….Maybe we’re in a lot of places at once?
Mariposamia almost 11 years ago
Albany58 almost 11 years ago
Dr.silly almost 11 years ago
The amount of willful ignorance displayed here today is stunning. Both hilarious and sad at the same time. Science and spirituality can, and does, co-exist. Science and religion? Not at all.
jbmlaw01 almost 11 years ago
An atheist thinks the big bang was dinosaur flatulence.
dr_dolittle_rwc almost 11 years ago
And yet, still full of assumptions……
dr_dolittle_rwc almost 11 years ago
Dat’s wat I’m taakin abowt!!
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr almost 11 years ago
“Look, I know that people will probably try to lynch me when I say this, but Bishop [James] Ussher wasn’t inspired by the Lord when he said that it all took 6,000 years. It just didn’t. You go back in time, you’ve got radiocarbon dating. You got all these things and you’ve got the carcasses of dinosaurs frozen in time out in the Dakotas.They’re out there. So, there was a time when these giant reptiles were on the Earth and it was before the time of the Bible. So, don’t try and cover it up and make like everything was 6,000 years. That’s not the Bible.”—-Pat Robertsonhttp://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/11/27/robertson-tells-christians-radiocarbon-dating-proves-no-dinosaurs-on-noahs-ark/And this is a man I am loath to quote for any reason.
Uncle Joe almost 11 years ago
For all one’s choice to refrain from BELIEVING any, or all, the Canon – “Bible”, from Latin, “biblios”, book(s) – if one chooses, nevertheless the immense amount of Literature, both Eastern and Western, based upon it remains a kind of testimony to its value in the whole of civilization."Interesting post, but it applies to a lot of mythologies besides the Hebrew/Christian ones. I’m pretty sure Thor has a wide margin over Jesus at the box office.
Elvanion almost 11 years ago
Coming soon: “Velociraptors! On a MotherBleepbleep-ing Ark!”
Shamwari almost 11 years ago
John Locke: religion is about believing, science is not. Science is about verifiable facts, falsifiable hypotheses and theories and the laws of physics. As scientists we strive through the assemblage of facts and rigorous testing of ideas and theories to understand the world around us. Belief doesn’t come into it.
So if you and other religious believers want to live in you own fantasy world go right ahead but please don’t label scientists as smug – they are just being honest and are quite content with being “unknowing” about stuff. We don’t have to invent explanations, we seek out the truth.
Doctor Go almost 11 years ago
Not according to Ken Hamm and the Creation Museum.
markjoseph125 almost 11 years ago
Yes! It makes you wonder what religion discovered today.Three quotes from Christopher Hitchens:1) “As in all cases, the findings of science are far more awe-inspiring than the rantings of the godly.”2) “One must state it plainly. Religion comes from the period of human prehistory where nobody—not even the mighty Democritus who concluded that all matter was made from atoms—had the smallest idea what was going on.”3) “All the creation myths of all peoples have long been known to be false, and have fairly recently been replaced by infinitely superior and more magnificent explanations.”
redlandz almost 11 years ago
typical. But, then, you don’t have to be accurate to be a cartoonist.
DanReynolds almost 11 years ago
As Pilate said to Jesus, as he looked Truth square in the eyes, “What is Truth?”
Your reply to my comment is eerily reminiscent.
As regards to this and that other religion agreeing or disagreeing….what would you expect? The Truth is the Truth whether I believe in it or not. If I don’t believe that 2 plus two equals 4, that does not mean it’s not so. The Truth is independent of you or I.
People who don’t believe in the Truth often have the same type of response you had….they attack verbally or even physically. People who hear the Truth and don’t accept it often hate what they don’t like. If God is Love and people don’t accept God as such, they would naturally, and logically respond in a way that is not of God (Love).
People who love the Truth, are called to pray for those who do not love God, as the Judeo-Christian tradition proclaims according to the 1st Commandment, “I am the Lord thy God; thou shalt not have strange gods before Me.”
Mark Joseph…may the love of God come into your heart and mound and soul. May His peace, live in you, and may you grow in it and share it with all those around you.
Zero-Gabriel almost 11 years ago
Oh boy…
Zero-Gabriel almost 11 years ago
… … …
Zero-Gabriel almost 11 years ago
Zero-Gabriel almost 11 years ago
… … …
Zero-Gabriel almost 11 years ago
Zero-Gabriel almost 11 years ago