Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for November 12, 2014
Luann: "Listen, Delta, I didn't vote, ok? I've been really busy" Luann: "I helped on a play, went to a halloween bash, planned a party for Mrs. Berger..." Delta: "Y'know, maybe it's better you didn't vote, Luann" Delta: "Only serious, mature citizens should vote" Knute: "Yo, peeps! Let's partay!"
ORMouseworks about 10 years ago
Is supposed to be sarcastic or what? ;)
Templo S.U.D. about 10 years ago
There’s always next year, Luann, to officially start your patriotic duty.
ORMouseworks about 10 years ago
Well…at least Luann told Delta the truth… ;)
jemgirl81 about 10 years ago
Delta…please shut up.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
Just 36.4 percent of the voting-eligible population cast ballots as of last Tuesday (the lowest since WWII), continuing a steady decline in midterm voter participation that has spanned several decades.There’s Something Funny About the Way America Votes
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
Eight days late and millions of dollars short…Where’s that salad you were supposed to bring Crystal ?
krys723 about 10 years ago
That was definitely sarcasm…
ShagsCA about 10 years ago
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
Ox brought his appetite.
DaJellyBelly about 10 years ago
It looks like Knute voted EARLY & OFTEN! LOL
Airman about 10 years ago
You got the right spirit, Knute, but he failed to mention that he voted for someone in Dancing With the Stars.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
It’s perhaps important to note that when Luann was trying to make excuses about how busy she’s been, she didn’t say a single word about coursework at Pitt CC. Did she set a school record for being the earliest drop-out ever?
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
Airman about 10 years ago
“Megatron” plays for the Detroit Lions.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Apparently the “everyone comes to the party dressed as Gunther” idea didn’t pan out.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Unless the big surprise is that Gunther himself came, dressed as Knute.
Airman about 10 years ago
Knute could have at least saved a couple of those stickers for Crystal’s chest.
ct0760 about 10 years ago
Wow Delta, Zero to B***H in one strip flat…
ORMouseworks about 10 years ago
Geeze…all of my posts keep disappearing…! That’s odd…I’ll see them on the bottom of the list, and then when I come back to “Luann,” they’re all gone! Now, I know they weren’t that incendiary! Disgusted; …time to roust out IS Katie and go on upstairs! ’Nite all! ;)
greyolddave about 10 years ago
Luann and 75% of the rest of us didn’t vote. yup.
Barry1941 about 10 years ago
What lame excuses.
Barry1941 about 10 years ago
Plus another thought, I notice that among her excuses wasn’t anything about studying.
BillH77 about 10 years ago
The last time “youth rocked the vote” we got the Obamanation.
drewpamon about 10 years ago
We should make it as hard as possible to vote. The polls should open at 9am and if you are not in line by 9:05 you should be turned away.the future of our nation is too important to trust to the lazy and undisciplined.
phurface about 10 years ago
Voting is over rated. All politicians are crooks. Delta needs to get a life.
Cronkers McGee Premium Member about 10 years ago
Low blow Delta. Don’t push your views political or private upon anyone, especially upon friends. You’ll lose many this way.
Liam Astle Premium Member about 10 years ago
Wow. What a female dog Delta is.
ManateeGag about 10 years ago
All those things Luann mentioned doesn’t necessarily make her immature.
specinss about 10 years ago
Your vote does MATTER ! Especially since referendums can be made that can change your life and pocketbook.
Mordock999 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Well Lu, There’s NOTHING Like Being Politically Brow-Beaten by a Pushy, Annoying, Condescending Old “Friend” Is There? Sounds like its TIME to Start IGNORING all Future Calls from Miz D.
And it Looks Like Old Knute Voted Multiple Times this past Election Cycle. “You Shouldn’t Need an Id to Vote,” My Eye….,
Julie Buchter about 10 years ago
Here in PA you have to be registered at least 30 days before election…so depending on the “real life” timeline equivalent and the state requirements of wherever this fictional town is located, she may not have been eligible to vote.
Contessa Carrington about 10 years ago
Delta got the truth from Luann…something that she will never get from anyone that she voted for.
tedunn5453 about 10 years ago
If there were someone besides, crooks, crazies, zealots, and morons running, maybe the percentage of people voting would increase….
Chuck374 about 10 years ago
What a slam. If she could only see what just walked through the door. And if she really believed that, democrats would not have to “Get out the Vote”. Trying to get everybody with a pulse to vote democratic. No wonder Liberals irritate everybody.
jsellison about 10 years ago
Anyone who is eligible to vote and doesn’t, deserves to be shamed. And it’s funny how the ones who don’t vote are usually the ones complaining the loudest.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
I was given a little sticker saying I VOTED.I wrote under it IT’S MY FAULTMany who vote, shouldn’t.Those who would stop them, though, also shouldn’t.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
“Mature? YOU voted for Obama!”-——————————————-Delta, like Luann, wan’t old enough during the last Presidential election cycle.DO try to keep up, won’t you?
TORAD_07 about 10 years ago
Or, perhaps Delta, you meant only serious mature citizens “that support my political positions…” should vote…. ;-PPPP
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
A mighty sorry thing to say. No public official should be assassinated. Several should be impeached or otherwise removed from office and prosecuted for crimes, but NOT assassinated.
TheLiam about 10 years ago
Delta has a point, look at what she listed, not “was studying for xyz” not “doing xyz for class” Heck, she doesn’t even go to Moony, if she did the play could have counted for class.
ksu71 about 10 years ago
Knute voted five times? Must be a democrat.
Rae Suzanne about 10 years ago
I felt it was a little mean but we all know how Delta is.
jenbrown1017 about 10 years ago
Bite me Delta…
Waddling Eagle about 10 years ago
It is about time that Luann learned that Delta is not a friend. She is a controlling, abusive witch. Always has been, but she is getting worse. Delta loves ordering people around. Now she is insulting them as well. Delta thinks it will get her elected to public office, but it is just as likely to make her more enemies than she knows what to do with.
Willow Mt Lyon about 10 years ago
I notice Luann didn’t include going to class or having to study.
Willow Mt Lyon about 10 years ago
President: DemocratHouse: RepublicanSenate: RepublicanResults: Nothing, Nada, Zilch Have a dull, dull time in Washington.
rrip about 10 years ago
Being a little judgmental, Delta?
JustSaying2013 about 10 years ago
Definitely time to end this arc… its always a killer when you turn one of your “beloved” characters into a bitch. Patriotism is not making others feel bad, its about feeling good about yourself for doing what you thought was necessary… as I said yesterday, Evans always makes Delta the party pooper, happy-killer, basically “the bitch” of the group.
ricksplace about 10 years ago
In a democracy the people get the government the deserve – unfortunately, it is the non-voting, apathetic, self-centered slobs who don’t vote that determine the outcome, not the real citizens.
ACTIVIST1234 about 10 years ago
Wouch! Delta, that really wasn’t necessary. :(And Knute, did you really have to prove Delta was right?
northbraddock52 about 10 years ago
Delta needs to lighten up
Alan Smithee about 10 years ago
Gee, Delta. With friends like you, who needs self-righteous, holier than thou buttheads?
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
Sorry to hear about this sad situation; we keep hoping that this type of thing happens less and less. Since this is the real world and not a comic, it’s likely that there will not be a happy ending here….
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
Voting is your OPPORTUNITY (and often your only opportunity) to be heard….
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
It’s unlikely that Greg wants to be political
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
Well said; if anything, Delta’s attitude will discourage not only a first-time voter, but anyone who might have thought about becoming a friend of Delta’s…
charliedawg about 10 years ago
give us someone worth voting for and I will.
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
No wonder you like Delta so much. You two have a lot in common…
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
“(Ox)… had time to help Tiffany move in when he should have been moving in himself.”-——————————There was an entire football team helping Tiffany move in, WEARING JERSEYS, I might add.We don’t know what the Moony University colors are, so we don’t know if they were high school or university players.I might add, that we don’t even know if Ox is/was a senior and graduated with the rest of Luann’s friends.In any case, does a football player ONLY wear a jersey? No time off?
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
I have seen nothing in this comic to suggest that Luann and her friends are oriented left, right or center. This is not a political cartoon, any more than Zits, or other comics about teens.
3pibgorn9 about 10 years ago
Not voting is a sign of surrender.
Ginny Premium Member about 10 years ago
Busy people are always able to do one more thing – how about voting by mail? Travelers do it all the time..
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
If someone I had mistaken for a friend started lecturing and heckling me during a phone call, I’d hang up. But Luann probably won’t. She’ll keep trying to please Delta, because she thinks Delta is her friend. Neither Delta nor Bernice are really her friends, which is why I kept hoping she’d meet some people at her Community College. Doesn’t look like Mr. Evans intends for that to happen, unfortunately…
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
Out of the mouth of Delta comes the opinions of Greg Evans.’Nuff said.
live2read about 10 years ago
I can make this conclusion from today’s strip: both Luann AND Delta are in the wrong. Luann does need to wake up and see that she needs to get serious about her life and her future, as well as the future of her country. Delta herself is being an insensitive jerk. If she’s going to be a leader, a true leader, she needs to know that leadership requires brains, confidence, determination, AND compassion for others. In the past, she’s displayed brains and confidence, but right now, she’s sorely lacking in compassion and a leader without compassion is not someone I’d want representing me.
whiteaj about 10 years ago
I agree completely with Delta. “Get out the vote” campaigns are counterproductive. If you don’t care, don’t vote.
Squoop about 10 years ago
Delta, its good to encourage others to do good stuff like vote… but if you really cared about your fellow human beings you would refrain from judging and insulting them.
Deezlebird about 10 years ago
Actually, if you don’t know who or what you are voting for, I think you should stay at home and not vote. If you are only voting for the “D” or “R”, stay home.
David Rickard Premium Member about 10 years ago
Huh; never knew Luann was set in Chicago
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
There is nothing ‘political’ about those comics. They are ‘topical’, that is, about current events. There are no partisan issues being discussed. The idea of ‘volunteerism’ is a totally nonpartisan idea; even us independents encourage volunteers to help others….
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
I think a kid who is star-struck and idealistic about government could easily be excited to meet ANY president. My nephew is a ‘hardcore’ (as you might say) libertarian, and he was thrilled when he met McCain.-These strips were about (1) a school trip to the White House and (2) volunteerism. I just don’t see anything partisan here.
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
My nephew is not particularly a poetic guy. I just found it interesting that someone like him, who is against almost all government action, was impressed by a leader who is often very eager to get involved in wars in other countries.-I guess we’ll just agree to disagree on this, as on many other issues. C’est la vie.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
Everyone has apparently forgotten to bring the “sides” they promised; did anyone forget to bring Mrs. Berger?
locake about 10 years ago
Luann may have a lot of faults, but she should not tolerate abuse like this from her “friend”. She needs to ditch Delta and look for new friends.
melmarsh9v about 10 years ago
When the week is over, we should have been told what Crystal, Knute & Ox are currently doing…
live2read about 10 years ago
Yeah. I’m of the opinion that some people just don’t deserve to be elected to public office. My current governor is a perfect example of one. But I would never tell someone else that he/she shouldn’t vote.
Radical_Knight about 10 years ago
And how many of the immature and politically-challenged individuals voted a straight ticket, therefore providing a new crop of potential corruptible fodder for the incumbents nurturing care to extent the glory of said party,,, or they’re outta there.
BillWa about 10 years ago
Alas Delta sounds like a typical liberal. If you can’t understand, ridicule.
Airman about 10 years ago
I believe that it was Winston Churchill who said, “Anyone who is not a liberal by age 20 has no heart. But, anyone who is not a conservative by age 30 has no brain.”
Farmingdale about 10 years ago
Lighten up Delta…and come down off your high horse. Haven’t you realized yet that politicians rule only for their own benefit…and, not ours ???
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
The last time “youth rocked the vote” we got the Obamanation.-“When you are voting between evils how can it not be bad?”*.What evidence do you have that President Obama is evil?
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
“Ummm, this is a comic, not real life. I would never say that about a real person.”.I have no idea how firm a grasp you have on reality. Maybe nobody’s real to you.I also have no idea how many readers have no grasp of reality and will take your statements as marching orders against all real people just like her. People can be persuaded to operate the gas chambers for millions.
SactoSylvia about 10 years ago
Luann’s flaws are showing. Delta’s flaws are showing. Quill’s statement raises questions about the rights and responsibilities of living in a democracy. A nice, refreshing change. Not necessarily a trend I want to see continuing in “Luann,” but a nice digression.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
@Night-Gaunt49“In other countries being a criminal or even incarcerated doesn’t stop you from voting unlike here in the self named “Land of the Free.”
.Naw, that would still apply.The free control the land..The unfree are controlled by bulls and frisky cell-mates.
Argy.Bargy2 about 10 years ago
Here’s what I wish tomorrow’s ‘toon would include:-First frame, Luann hanging up while telling Knute and crew that they all have to help pack up the spaghetti to take it to Mrs. Berger’s house.-Second frame, Delta saying ‘Luann? Luann?’ but getting no answer.-Third frame shows Luann’s cell lying on a table and ringing, with the group departing and Quill asking Luann ’Aren’t you going to answer that?’ Luann is responding ‘We need to take care of Mrs. B. It can go to voicemail.’-I know that won’t happen, just like Bernice telling ’Dez’s friends to take care of their own pets and questionable paper bags. But it’s nice to think about…
Dragoncat about 10 years ago
Think again, Delta… Think again…
GasHouseGorilla about 10 years ago
I voted last week for our candidates here in SC. I don’t believe you have to be mature to vote. Heck, we’ve had people back in 2008 to vote for Obama and yet, it seems like both sides of the political spectrum act like immature kids when someone criticizes their candidate. Luann is right. She forgot about voting & I think Delta is trying to force Luann to d something she doesn’t want. To me, that sounds like a typical politician.
ACTIVIST1234 about 10 years ago
Now just suppose Delta is trying to irritate Lu? Suppose that she knows when Lu gets irritated, she acts? Like maybe she even gets so mad she registers to vote?
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
Is the Commentssection at Breitbart so backed up that you need to come here with your derivative dribble?
Airman about 10 years ago
I think Crystal must have stickers on her bumper, judging from the way Ox is staring at it.
Airman about 10 years ago
Forget the Transformers, around these parts Megatron is Calvin Johnson, wide receiver for the Lions.
Sisyphos about 10 years ago
We might all be better off if Knute didn’t vote so often. But at least Luann was honest with Delta; that’s a reassuring sign!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
Knute may have voted carefully and wisely, despite being male.
drewpamon about 10 years ago
When politicians encourage the young to vote they are rolling weighted dice. No one expects any great insight from the young. Yes there are some who are engaged but the vast majority couldn’t name a politician let alone what their positions are.
R.J.C. about 10 years ago
I can’t believe this! Knute voted in a serious and mature way? Maybe Gothic Girl Crystal forced him to do it.
ShadowBeast Premium Member about 10 years ago
I wouldn’t mind never seeing or hearing from Delta for the rest of the comicstrip’s lifetime.She reminds me of Brian from Family Guy in one of his political rants.
Pipe Tobacco about 10 years ago
[sigh] I find Delta’s statement somewhat true, but unfortunately VERY insulting. The reality is that it would be good if everyone was enthused to participate in voting… but it really should be done with significant thought and deliberation. To simply vote because you are of age to do so, but without really giving a damn as to what you are voting on does no one any good. Luann really didn’t have any interest in political debate or decisions… and so she did not vote.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Remember how insufferable Delta was, when all the students were making plans for the Prom? It was the most important thing in her life that she be better than her classmates and spend the evening feeding hungry people instead of going to the Prom, not because feeding the needy was so good thing to do, but because it would give her the opportunity to feel superior and to remind everyone of it, constantly. Similarly, Delta is quite happy that Luann didn’t vote, because one again it shows how superior Delta is to her “friends”. She will remind them of that, for the rest of their lives.
seyleigh about 10 years ago
Meh, I only voted for propositions and a few county and city positions. I was too lazy to read up on politicians that would be equally useless if elected.
Kediset about 10 years ago
while Delta has a point, she didn’t really need to take that shot like she did…
I’ll be honest… the first time I voted, I picked like the 3rd major party in my country just to go against the flow, and I didn’t like who we had for PM (Mom told me things didn’t work the way I’d like to think it did, still voted with that logic). Coincidentally, they did pretty well that time with how many seats they got (broke records).
melmarsh9v about 10 years ago
It’s almost time for the Thursday panels— maybe we will find out what the three guests have been doing lately…
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
If Knute had collected stickers off of cantaloupes at the supermarket, some people would insist he was a melon.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
It’s incredibly hard to put individual stickers on those.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr about 10 years ago
So now Knute is ballsy?
ElJorro over 2 years ago
Delta is not wrong though. Everyone should vote!
melodymucisa 8 months ago
That’s the last time we ever see Delta!