Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for June 12, 2015
Classmate: "Dude! Someone stole your art!" Classmate 2: "Read the title" Luann: "Void" Classmate: "Oh, I get it! You made somethin' and didn't put it here!" Classmate 2: "No, I didn't make something and put it here" Luann: "What's this? A cute little owl?" Classmate: "It's a toilet. They put it upside down"
Templo S.U.D. over 9 years ago
Well, those two guys’ sculptures are rather interesting.
JayBluE over 9 years ago
Wonder what Jock was trying to convey… – Hmm- two drain openings on Jock’s piece. Looks like a “double-action” toilet… – I would talk about Emo’s display, but I’ve got “nothing” to work with…. – No, actually, I can … One could ask: “What are you staring at?” And the answer would be: “Nothing.” – If one were to compare Jock and Emo’s… “works”,notwithstanding their respective titles, they would both have one thing in common: They both have to do with "voiding"…
catchup over 9 years ago
tsk, how derivative; Marcel Duchamp already did that…
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Did Mr. Jock merely copy Marcel Duchamp’s famous 1917 art work “Fountain”?
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 9 years ago
Our heroes!!!!
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“I’ve Got Plenty Of Nothing” (♪)“Automatic Depreciation”“The Potty’s Over”“Skip Over My Loo”“Toilet Humor”“A Void At Great Cost”“M.T.”“Drawing A Blank”“Flush With Excitement”“Apparently Transparent”“A Knack For Lack”or“Not So Great Expectations”
jemgirl81 over 9 years ago
Oh Lord this is too much! LOL!!!
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
How much is “Plops” selling for?
margaretannehill over 9 years ago
And to think my childhood plan was to go to college. It is propaganda machine.
JanBic Premium Member over 9 years ago
Hey, I have one just like that I’ll sell for a lot less than $700
Scott Stevenson over 9 years ago
I’m glad to see that Captain Emo has put a $700 price tag on “Void”. Potentially, it’s a great money-making idea: Claim that someone took “Void” and didn’t pay for it. Collect money in exchange for not calling the cops.
Although now that I think about it, that’s more of a “T.J.” plan.
homfencing over 9 years ago
Actually, I’m kinda impressed that Jock even came close on Emo’s art.
rk over 9 years ago
Well, “voiding” is what a toilet is for.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 9 years ago
I thought sure Mr. Jacques’ work was the painted brick.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 9 years ago
The crowd is gathered around the painting.The expert is expounding on the deeply profound nature of the artistry.The artist breaks through the crowd, shakes her head in irritation, rotates the frame ninety degrees counterclockwise, nods her head in satisfaction, strides away.
Skylark over 9 years ago
Where’s Bizarro when we need him? Get these jokers OUT of here!!!
Kymberleigh over 9 years ago
well, you all wanted to know where “jock” and “emo” were …
wiselad over 9 years ago
“Emilio” (emo) piece of art is easy to carry and blends with everything
Caldonia over 9 years ago
Cool, the boys are back and they have made creative submissions. Abstract art—I guess I’m the only one around who likes it. Now if they only had decent names!
Caldonia over 9 years ago
I rather doubt those are eyes. That’s where the waste goes.
Namrepus over 9 years ago
Is it just me or does that last one look like an Ewok?
Aqsnt over 9 years ago
Art and sports are alike in that so very few people are proficient and so many are critical.
Aqsnt over 9 years ago
Actually the toilet looks very proficient.
TORAD_07 over 9 years ago
I had to laugh. In 7th grade art class, our teacher brought in enough large salt licks
to where there was one for each student. We had to carve and chisel them into a piece d’ art. I chiseled out a rather nice looking toilet.
Toto, I have a feeling you’re not in Tokyo anymore…. ;-PPP
dre7861 over 9 years ago
Now how often do you run across a Duchamp reference while reading a comic strip? Well done, Mr. Evans, well done.
Although it does remind me of when I went to a modern art exhibit at the Hirshorn Museum in DC. I went into this huge blank room that was empty except for a pile of old newspapers in one corner. Imagine how stupid I felt when I told the guard that someone had left a pile of trash in the room only to find out that was the “artwork.”
Mordock999 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Oh, Great.
The Caveman Submits a Toilet and Old One-Eye Submits NOTHING as “Art.”
Writing My Congresswoman and DEMAND that She Submits a Bill to De-Fund the National Endowment for the Arts, NOW.
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
Emo’s one-eyed stare is priceless.But, guys, given the name of Jock’s piece, I don’t think those darknesses are supposed to be dual drain-holes or painted eyes…. Yeah, ewww!
james28602 over 9 years ago
looks like the instructor is fond of dada
Contessa Carrington over 9 years ago
The current state of the world is in big trouble.
yangeldf over 9 years ago
ah yes, I’m very familiar with this particular genre of art, it’s called “a show set up by a pretentious ass who doesn’t know what the pieces are.”
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“note how Evans cut off the sign about “Jock” ’s piece right where his real name would have been shown !”^Heh, heh, for his “protection”…
edge2edge over 9 years ago
They want $700 for the “void” piece? If purchased how would one display it in their home or gallery? Art is in the eye of the beholder if there is something to behold at all.
JayBluE over 9 years ago
Actually, I was just joking about the “dual-action holes” being in the toilet, here, just because it was something ‘interesting’ in the drawing that “stood out” to me.– But, there is such a thing as “multi-drain” toilets (especially with a view to conserve water or to provide alternate sanitation or waste/urine removal options):–
seismic-2 Premium Member over 9 years ago
I think the art on display here would receive a rave review from critic John Cleese
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 9 years ago
It’s obvious from his price point that Mr. Goth doesn’t have loving parents he expects to shell out money for their child’s handiwork. And on that note; will we have a bidding war between Frank and Quill! to see who “loves” Luann the most by purchasing her “art”, when actually it’s true “worth” would be determined by someone unrelated to her buying it?
doverdan over 9 years ago
It’s a zombie Panda.
Squoop over 9 years ago
Then turn it right-side up, you doofus!
doverdan over 9 years ago
Enough voiding and plopping, let’s see if this arc can end tomorrow with anything of interest. .So far it seems a just filler, to indicate that the semester is ending. .Did Luann drop all her other classes? Frank will want his money back.
whiteaj over 9 years ago
Those aren’t drains….
Gokie5 over 9 years ago
Oh, all this has roused the Blabbing Beast! When a couple of the granddaughters were quite young, they would give critiques or identifying explanations of their, um, “works.” The works could be families of varying sizes, or letters of the alphabet, or . . .
doverdan over 9 years ago
Remember that the names Emo and Jock are only the monikers that we have given them here. Team Evans has never heard those names ~ since they take pride in never paying any notice to our comments..If ever given actual names by Team Evans, the two guys may turn out to be named Percival and Fauntleroy, for all we know..Actually, I’d just as soon that they now fade away . . . forever unnamed.
Of course, Viper and Sun got named and then suddenly faded away ~ along with the mysterious packages and the ferret, and most of the dorm plot. ,Mr. Gray seems to have been left speechless, though he may well return. He could actually say something. But I doubt it.
doverdan over 9 years ago
DavidHuieGreen said, @LDover“Did Luann drop all her other classes? ".Nope, we’re just focusing on the most amusing one. . . ."-——————————————.Glad someone has found it amusing.
ACTIVIST1234 over 9 years ago
Jock, what an imaginative use of the concept “void”.*“Plop, plop, fizz, fizz.Oh, what a relief it is.”*(Paper mache, not bas)
jppjr over 9 years ago
Last panel…toilet seat…resembles the Martian from My Favorite Martian when he’s getting ready to blast off from Mars.
Pipe Tobacco over 9 years ago
I like the idea of the salt licks being carved. That is a good idea.
Pipe Tobacco over 9 years ago
Woah. Where is RB2? I have been away a few days, but he does not have a single comment today that I noticed.
Pipe Tobacco over 9 years ago
:) So, either Greg does not want to name him, or he is waiting to reveal a name for a later time.
doverdan over 9 years ago
So they are “Mr. Jock” and “Mr. Goth” ~ or maybe not (if it’s all Zebo’s sarcasm. .I think “Emo” is perhaps a better name. .I don’t recall who gave that name to our little Cyclops.
RSH over 9 years ago
Oh wow and Mr.Goth’s real void looks like it is priced at $700. But maybe his grade is just one big void.
doverdan over 9 years ago
Emo’s self portraits were consistent with his VOID..
Tandembuzz over 9 years ago
$700 for a “Void”?!!
Caldonia over 9 years ago
His is meant to stand the other way ‘round. That means the mouth placement wouldn’t make loads of sense. But it’s not important.
Pipe Tobacco over 9 years ago
Oh, oh. I must have missed something big during the last few days. It appears that RB2 has somehow been removed. I see no comments from him on any of the last few days (even the last prior day I was here, when I remember reading some of his comments). Would anyone be willing to give me a synopsis of what happened? I do know that he and a few others did not get along well. But, still, I never thought he would get removed. I tended to like his comments, even if they were often at the far end of the spectrum.
Airman over 9 years ago
I suspect that the Cyclops is creepy enough to have been the one that ate half of Luann’s “head” sculpture, thinking he’d find some tasty brains inside.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 9 years ago
@Night-Gaunt49 :Mr Goth apparently agrees with the description as he didn’t correct Zebo, although the goths I know would have told him “YOU don’t define me, my name is ****, use it!” They are not shy or withdrawn people. And they wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a knit cap.BBC News – How are goths and emos defined?
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 9 years ago
Master Goth is fearless and giving the subject its due.Master Jock/Jacques is happy, therefore David is happy for him.
flowergirl19 over 9 years ago
@BrdshttOhhhhhhh, I get it now! Lol! Talk about “empty,” or in my case density :PP
flowergirl19 over 9 years ago
Love it, hahaha! That should be my new motto!
JayBluE over 9 years ago
"*_"interesting …wonder if Greg has an “eco-toilet” that he used as a model !"_*^Good question! Or maybe he encountered a few in his time in Australia?
JayBluE over 9 years ago
Hope it’s good results!
JayBluE over 9 years ago
“JPuzzleWhiz said, about 12 hours ago@Dave.53.or rather, “doodoo”
“Doodoo doo doo, Dada da da”
(Dave53:) *”careful, someone will call The Police …"*^(Me [re: Dave and JPW]:) LOL!!!
JayBluE over 9 years ago
"*_"I recently found out that Tom Dawes of the 1960s pop group The Cyrkle, wrote that jingle!"_*^Good catch!
JayBluE over 9 years ago
Apparently, there’s supposed to be an “eye deceiver” going on in the strip (vis a vis an optical illusion), as alluded to on the FB page, regarding today’s strip:
“*_Perhaps you’ve seen the one on the left, but the one on the right?”_*
And it uses one of the more famous optical illusions, as shown on the Luann FB page which can be viewed here…..
Argythree over 9 years ago
Hope all is well…
DavidCheater over 6 years ago
OMG, a call out to Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain!!!