Rooftop secured by Mysta, lightning bolts aimed with precisionCriminals and thugs within she regards with cool derision.Heading down to find the girls. Imoto-Chan needs rescueFocused now on finding her, Onee-San knows what to do.T-Bolt counsels Bribery, Smith’s of no use if deadRemoves him from Bigg’s chambers, sets him free instead.“Stay here with the young ones. To wander could mean death”Elsewhere Apollo shot the moon. Méliès drew his last breath.Decimated by gun fire, left behind a bloody messVenus calm and cool in her sexy fishnet dress.“Méliès, he can’t speak right now. May I be of assistance?”Bribery has a full plate. Everywhere resistance.Now would be the perfect time: escape to suite 6BAce hidden up the sleeve of Bigg. This room a mystery.Down below Tracy and Sam serve a warrant with hot leadFritz Ann shot in the melee. Sam fears she may be dead.Flak jacket no guarantee. Law enforcers risk a fall.EMTs trained to save lives respond to Sam’s fraught call.
“No, Tracy! They didn’t hit ME!”Uh-oh! Fritz Ann has been hit! I’m guessing maybe it was one of the Munro Brothers or Mumbles who fired that shot, since Venus and Apollo are busy panicking on the next floor up (at least, Apollo is).
Penthouse/Roof: Mysta, melting the helicopter blades and the door lock.Mr. Bigg’s helicopter pilot knocked out by Mysta.6th floor: Honeymoon and Annie in the closet where they have just untied Diet Smith.T-Bolt checking to make sure that the coast is clear so that Mr. Bigg can continue to Suite 6B.5th floor: Méliès dead on the floor, having been shot by Apollo who is panicky. Venus calm and collected.Rocket Munro was there, warning Méliès, but I think he went back to join his brother on the 4th floor (maybe).4th floor: At least two of the Munro brothers, and Mumbles who escaped from the floor below.Tracy near the window which was broken by a round that wounded Fritz Ann (hopefully she’s not too badly hurt). Sam comforting Fritz Ann.3rd floor: EMTs assisting BB-Eyes, who was hit in the fight on that floor.Elsewhere: Doubleup has presumably been taken into custody, and may no longer be on the premises.
If Fritz Ann was shot by Apollo it will be a messy problem. I do not think her vest would be able to stop the bullet. She will live if she was hit by Mumbles or Rocket.Sam is going to be a widower without having gotten married.
I think the Mysta mole will object to the presence of the Fritz Ann wart.Actually it’s a Mysta tattoo, to be totally accurate. Have one for Venus, too, but sshhhh, neither of them knows about the other. ;)
AARG. I don’t usually complain, but today’s strip is pretty frustrating. After the week of action, and the promise of Bribery’s plan B, we get three panels of Wendy Wichel.Okay, I know, bringing all those once-a-week readers up to speed is important.But we want to see what’s going on inside the building.Have to hope Fritz Ann isn’t badly wounded; I really like the character.
Pequod Love today’s poetry — recap of the weekNeil Wick Apollo and Venus might have joined Mumbles and Rocket downstairs to create a distraction as ordered by Mr. Bigg. That window could have been shattered by Apollo’s cannon.
@22phApollo and Venus might have joined Mumbles and Rocket downstairs
That’s very possible. We saw the end of that cell phone conversation and Mr. Bigg may well have asked Venus to create a distraction, since he couldn’t talk to Méliès.
Good morning, Pequod, Neil, AnyFace, 22ph, and everyone else who had to stay up to read the strip.And, good morning to VistaBill, Gweedo, and the rest of you usual suspects.Now that I’ve had my Dick Tracy fix for tonight, I’m packing it in.
“Both hot buttons, or should I say “knobs”, Willy ?”They both have their hot buttons. Important to remember which one’s which with the Maid, cuz you’ll get a serious short circuit if you hit the wrong one.
From the explosive force of that fourth floor window blowout we and Wendy have just witnessed, I get the distinct impression that someone on that floor is firing something more than just a pistol. Maybe one of the Munro’s has an M-16 or M4 mounting an M203 grenade launcher. A 40 mm grenade would take out the window spectacularly and could have put Fritz Ann down from shrapnel rather than from a direct hit by a bullet. I wonder if the inconvenient FBI agent will survive. Her death in the line of action; indeed, in Sam’s arms; would be a very emotional touch….
I thought the story had switched over to Moon Maid for awhile. Darn! I am loving this story but she is by far my favorite character in it. My favorite character period.
I’m very much enjoying this fantastic story! Like someone said it reminds me a little bit of Die Hard. It has Moon Maid and Honeymoon in the thick of it, and you can’t get better than that!
I’m glad to see Mysta getting love today even though she’s not in the strip. I’ll say it, too, I love her! She and Honeymoon are the main reason I come here. Don’t get me wrong, I like the other characters too! But my interest in Moon Maid and Honeymoon trumps everything else. By far. I’m very glad that Honeymoon has grown horns and is turning lunar and exhibiting moon powers! What a fantastic development. I’m totally absorbed in everything Imoto-Chan and Onee-San are doing and the changes that are happening to them. That they’re becoming lunar women is the most exciting thing that’s ever happened in Dick Tracy from my perspective. That’s truly how I feel. What a great time to be a fan of this story!
A beautiful Sunday my friends.-———————-Pequod and Neil Wick: Great poem and recap comment. Thank you both for posting.-———————-Be happy and healthy everyone.
Willy, you know who I’m voting for: Moon Maid! I think Venus is fascinating and beautiful and I hope we see her again after this story is over. I wish we had gotten to know a lot more about her by now, but that’s the way stories work, you can’t develop every character as much as you’d like. There just isn’t time. I hope they make time for Venus in the future because she makes everything better whenever she appears. But no one compares to Moon Maid in my mind and my affections except for Honeymoon who is a close second. If there is a clear third it’s Mrs. Chin Chillar, no contest. I’m so looking forward to her story.
Well, to be honest. Both are too ‘teen-age fan boi’ for my tastes. But if we go by personalities, then hands down; Mysta.
She has proven herself to be a fine addition to the side of light. She is kind, and once out of that uniform and into more reasonable attire she is incredibly attractive. Then again, Lizz has always been on my list since the 70s, I do prefer brunettes myself.
Of course I’d also go for Tracy (giggles) but I know he is married. Still a girl can dream can’t she?
It wasn’t pleasant to see Frizz injured. I’m hoping that it turns out to be ok in the end but at least with the body armor she has the best chance. Especially now that Sam has her.
As a character, she has a lot of potential. Just needs to develop more.
And yes; I’m certainly glad we don’t see much of Wichel. I find her as annoying as some FOX news folks. Come to think of it, I find all fox news to be annoying.
It has been a riveting couple of days watching Mysta in action as she comes to Honeymoon’s aid. So many great comments by fans of this captivating, classic character. Having her in the strip is a true joy, as is following Honeymoon’s development. We know much of what is going on inside the Ace Tower, yet out on the street there is turmoil. Get those folks back! Falling glass puts Police, Firefighters, the press and rubberneckers at risk. The playful tone of Fritz Ann’s banter with Sam takes a turn as she is shot. Will our favorite FBI Agent survive the shoot-out at Ace Tower? Looks like she could use Sam’s helping hands about now.
Thanks to Willy007 (Didn’t know Lizz could hula ‘til she showed me that she could!), Sir Gweed, 22ph, Night-Gaunt49 (well done!), Neil Wick, fhofmann, JerryH (thanks so much!), Ronnie Thompson, ave09, Vista Bill Raley, Chris Sherlock, Trader Joe and JPuzzleWhiz (he’s dead fish dead after a bullet to the head) for the kind words. Very much appreciated! (Willy007, my high school class graduated in ’77, which was the original reason for adding that to my handle. It seemed superfluous, so I dropped it.)
Gweedo alertly noted,Didn’t recognize ya for a minute there, Bill. Are you getting your face mud packed for an even more spectacular appearance ?-———————————————————————
This ones for you Gweedo! You’ve been spreading rumors about me n’ Rikki for some time now. Just because we share a coffin doen’t mean that there is any hanky panky going on, does it?
I must say this again, Melies’ death has not yet been officially confirmed.
I disagree. I don’t think he could be deader. I suppose we don’t have confirmation from a coroner, but Apollo’s reaction to how he looks doesn’t leave any room for him to recover.
Aside from that, Mike Curtis has stated on Facebook that “Melies has bit the dust.”
Gweedo hilariously noted,What a fetching couple you are, Bill, you old wrangler you.I bet you enjoyed lassoing that l’il filly you hulk of a man.-———————————————————————
Regarding our conversation here a couple of days ago about operating systems, here’s a better chart about market shares of Windows versions and other desktop OSs (as of the end of June this year):
Speaking of the end of June, here is an entertaining video of a man with red-green colour blindness who was surprised at the end of June with some special glasses that offer some correction to his colour blindness: Colorblind Man Sees Purple for the First Time
Okay, I will consider that to be “official word”! ;o)The full quote from Mike Curtis: “Well, Melies has bit the dust, and everyone who read the strip from his first appearance knew how it would happen.”The first appearance of Melies included a poster on the wall right behind him showing the famous “man in the moon” scene (with the bullet lodged in the moon’s eye) from “A Trip to the Moon.”I believe we can conclude from Mike Curtis’ statement that not only is Melies dead, but that he’s dead from a bullet in the eye.
… you’ll see that it was neither shown nor revealed where Melies was hit …
Aside from what Willy already said, we could see smoke coming from the head of Méliès’ body as it lay on the floor, so it was clear in the strip where he was hit.
You have less than 4 hours to get your Harvey Awards ballot in and vote for Dick Tracy. You are eligible to vote if you are involved in the creative aspects of comics. Good luck to Team Tracy!
Pequod over 9 years ago
Rooftop secured by Mysta, lightning bolts aimed with precisionCriminals and thugs within she regards with cool derision.Heading down to find the girls. Imoto-Chan needs rescueFocused now on finding her, Onee-San knows what to do.T-Bolt counsels Bribery, Smith’s of no use if deadRemoves him from Bigg’s chambers, sets him free instead.“Stay here with the young ones. To wander could mean death”Elsewhere Apollo shot the moon. Méliès drew his last breath.Decimated by gun fire, left behind a bloody messVenus calm and cool in her sexy fishnet dress.“Méliès, he can’t speak right now. May I be of assistance?”Bribery has a full plate. Everywhere resistance.Now would be the perfect time: escape to suite 6BAce hidden up the sleeve of Bigg. This room a mystery.Down below Tracy and Sam serve a warrant with hot leadFritz Ann shot in the melee. Sam fears she may be dead.Flak jacket no guarantee. Law enforcers risk a fall.EMTs trained to save lives respond to Sam’s fraught call.
Neil Wick over 9 years ago
“No, Tracy! They didn’t hit ME!”Uh-oh! Fritz Ann has been hit! I’m guessing maybe it was one of the Munro Brothers or Mumbles who fired that shot, since Venus and Apollo are busy panicking on the next floor up (at least, Apollo is).
Neil Wick over 9 years ago
Here’s where I figure everyone is today:
Penthouse/Roof: Mysta, melting the helicopter blades and the door lock.Mr. Bigg’s helicopter pilot knocked out by Mysta.6th floor: Honeymoon and Annie in the closet where they have just untied Diet Smith.T-Bolt checking to make sure that the coast is clear so that Mr. Bigg can continue to Suite 6B.5th floor: Méliès dead on the floor, having been shot by Apollo who is panicky. Venus calm and collected.Rocket Munro was there, warning Méliès, but I think he went back to join his brother on the 4th floor (maybe).4th floor: At least two of the Munro brothers, and Mumbles who escaped from the floor below.Tracy near the window which was broken by a round that wounded Fritz Ann (hopefully she’s not too badly hurt). Sam comforting Fritz Ann.3rd floor: EMTs assisting BB-Eyes, who was hit in the fight on that floor.Elsewhere: Doubleup has presumably been taken into custody, and may no longer be on the premises.
AnyFace over 9 years ago
When was the last time Dick Tracy was in a Sunday Strip?!
22ph over 9 years ago
If Fritz Ann was shot by Apollo it will be a messy problem. I do not think her vest would be able to stop the bullet. She will live if she was hit by Mumbles or Rocket.Sam is going to be a widower without having gotten married.
AnyFace over 9 years ago
Last we saw of Wendy Wichel, she was interviewing Ted Tellum …
willy007 over 9 years ago
Oh oh! Fritz Ann is in Sam’s arms and for once can’t even enjoy it. I hope she’s okay, because she’s been growing on me.
willy007 over 9 years ago
I think the Mysta mole will object to the presence of the Fritz Ann wart.Actually it’s a Mysta tattoo, to be totally accurate. Have one for Venus, too, but sshhhh, neither of them knows about the other. ;)
Can't Sleep over 9 years ago
AARG. I don’t usually complain, but today’s strip is pretty frustrating. After the week of action, and the promise of Bribery’s plan B, we get three panels of Wendy Wichel.Okay, I know, bringing all those once-a-week readers up to speed is important.But we want to see what’s going on inside the building.Have to hope Fritz Ann isn’t badly wounded; I really like the character.
22ph over 9 years ago
Pequod Love today’s poetry — recap of the weekNeil Wick Apollo and Venus might have joined Mumbles and Rocket downstairs to create a distraction as ordered by Mr. Bigg. That window could have been shattered by Apollo’s cannon.
Neil Wick over 9 years ago
@22phApollo and Venus might have joined Mumbles and Rocket downstairs
That’s very possible. We saw the end of that cell phone conversation and Mr. Bigg may well have asked Venus to create a distraction, since he couldn’t talk to Méliès.Can't Sleep over 9 years ago
Good morning, Pequod, Neil, AnyFace, 22ph, and everyone else who had to stay up to read the strip.And, good morning to VistaBill, Gweedo, and the rest of you usual suspects.Now that I’ve had my Dick Tracy fix for tonight, I’m packing it in.
rogerwms over 9 years ago
If someone would put Tracy at the top of the next column, they would all be equal!
AnyFace over 9 years ago
Tracy’s channeling Robert Stack these days.
Ashmael over 9 years ago
Happy Sunday, DTfans!
G-woman down!Fritz Ann in Sam’s armsAs near to her dreamAs can beSadly she doesn’t know
I hope she’s not badly injured. And I hope Mumbles to stop mumbling for good!
fredville over 9 years ago
My prediction from waaay back!! Do I get a prize?
TGer over 9 years ago
Mysta all the way! Although, I would make sure Venus’s gun was out of sight before letting her know.
willy007 over 9 years ago
“Both hot buttons, or should I say “knobs”, Willy ?”They both have their hot buttons. Important to remember which one’s which with the Maid, cuz you’ll get a serious short circuit if you hit the wrong one.
willy007 over 9 years ago
With LIzz, you have to watch how much she’s had to drink, or else she’s liable to start dancing on tables. Which isn’t always a bad thing I suppose.
Tommygunner over 9 years ago
But I’d still vote for the Maid.
Sisyphos over 9 years ago
From the explosive force of that fourth floor window blowout we and Wendy have just witnessed, I get the distinct impression that someone on that floor is firing something more than just a pistol. Maybe one of the Munro’s has an M-16 or M4 mounting an M203 grenade launcher. A 40 mm grenade would take out the window spectacularly and could have put Fritz Ann down from shrapnel rather than from a direct hit by a bullet. I wonder if the inconvenient FBI agent will survive. Her death in the line of action; indeed, in Sam’s arms; would be a very emotional touch….
ajaxxphat over 9 years ago
I thought the story had switched over to Moon Maid for awhile. Darn! I am loving this story but she is by far my favorite character in it. My favorite character period.
fhoffman01 over 9 years ago
I’m very much enjoying this fantastic story! Like someone said it reminds me a little bit of Die Hard. It has Moon Maid and Honeymoon in the thick of it, and you can’t get better than that!
tsull2121 over 9 years ago
Looks like an FBI Bulletproof Vest doesn’t stand up to a .50 Calibre gunshot
DayDay2001 over 9 years ago
I’m glad to see Mysta getting love today even though she’s not in the strip. I’ll say it, too, I love her! She and Honeymoon are the main reason I come here. Don’t get me wrong, I like the other characters too! But my interest in Moon Maid and Honeymoon trumps everything else. By far. I’m very glad that Honeymoon has grown horns and is turning lunar and exhibiting moon powers! What a fantastic development. I’m totally absorbed in everything Imoto-Chan and Onee-San are doing and the changes that are happening to them. That they’re becoming lunar women is the most exciting thing that’s ever happened in Dick Tracy from my perspective. That’s truly how I feel. What a great time to be a fan of this story!
Starman1948 over 9 years ago
A beautiful Sunday my friends.-———————-Pequod and Neil Wick: Great poem and recap comment. Thank you both for posting.-———————-Be happy and healthy everyone.
DayDay2001 over 9 years ago
Willy, you know who I’m voting for: Moon Maid! I think Venus is fascinating and beautiful and I hope we see her again after this story is over. I wish we had gotten to know a lot more about her by now, but that’s the way stories work, you can’t develop every character as much as you’d like. There just isn’t time. I hope they make time for Venus in the future because she makes everything better whenever she appears. But no one compares to Moon Maid in my mind and my affections except for Honeymoon who is a close second. If there is a clear third it’s Mrs. Chin Chillar, no contest. I’m so looking forward to her story.
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 9 years ago
Good morning guys!.Why Fritz Ann? Why not Wendy Witchel? Nice poetry Pequod et al.
the too late song over 9 years ago
Hi all. Can anyone tell me or know what the SBN call letters stand for?
coldsooner over 9 years ago
Wow, that’s like asking which is better, country or western?
coldsooner over 9 years ago
Good one Gweedo. Was thinkin’ the same thing.
kantuck-nadie over 9 years ago
Well, to be honest. Both are too ‘teen-age fan boi’ for my tastes. But if we go by personalities, then hands down; Mysta.
She has proven herself to be a fine addition to the side of light. She is kind, and once out of that uniform and into more reasonable attire she is incredibly attractive. Then again, Lizz has always been on my list since the 70s, I do prefer brunettes myself.
Of course I’d also go for Tracy (giggles) but I know he is married. Still a girl can dream can’t she?
kantuck-nadie over 9 years ago
It wasn’t pleasant to see Frizz injured. I’m hoping that it turns out to be ok in the end but at least with the body armor she has the best chance. Especially now that Sam has her.
As a character, she has a lot of potential. Just needs to develop more.
And yes; I’m certainly glad we don’t see much of Wichel. I find her as annoying as some FOX news folks. Come to think of it, I find all fox news to be annoying.
Pequod over 9 years ago
It has been a riveting couple of days watching Mysta in action as she comes to Honeymoon’s aid. So many great comments by fans of this captivating, classic character. Having her in the strip is a true joy, as is following Honeymoon’s development. We know much of what is going on inside the Ace Tower, yet out on the street there is turmoil. Get those folks back! Falling glass puts Police, Firefighters, the press and rubberneckers at risk. The playful tone of Fritz Ann’s banter with Sam takes a turn as she is shot. Will our favorite FBI Agent survive the shoot-out at Ace Tower? Looks like she could use Sam’s helping hands about now.
Thanks to Willy007 (Didn’t know Lizz could hula ‘til she showed me that she could!), Sir Gweed, 22ph, Night-Gaunt49 (well done!), Neil Wick, fhofmann, JerryH (thanks so much!), Ronnie Thompson, ave09, Vista Bill Raley, Chris Sherlock, Trader Joe and JPuzzleWhiz (he’s dead fish dead after a bullet to the head) for the kind words. Very much appreciated! (Willy007, my high school class graduated in ’77, which was the original reason for adding that to my handle. It seemed superfluous, so I dropped it.)
Durak Premium Member over 9 years ago
Oh no!
abdullahbaba999 over 9 years ago
Characters, Good & Bad, are dying off and being wounded…
Starman1948 over 9 years ago
@Chris Sherlock: Thank you my friend.-—————
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 9 years ago
Gweedo alertly noted,Didn’t recognize ya for a minute there, Bill. Are you getting your face mud packed for an even more spectacular appearance ?-———————————————————————
Thinking about the next avatar, Gweedo.
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 9 years ago
This ones for you Gweedo! You’ve been spreading rumors about me n’ Rikki for some time now. Just because we share a coffin doen’t mean that there is any hanky panky going on, does it?
AnyFace over 9 years ago
Where’s Lizz?!
Neil Wick over 9 years ago
I must say this again, Melies’ death has not yet been officially confirmed.
I disagree. I don’t think he could be deader. I suppose we don’t have confirmation from a coroner, but Apollo’s reaction to how he looks doesn’t leave any room for him to recover.Aside from that, Mike Curtis has stated on Facebook that “Melies has bit the dust.”
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 9 years ago
Gweedo hilariously noted,What a fetching couple you are, Bill, you old wrangler you.I bet you enjoyed lassoing that l’il filly you hulk of a man.-———————————————————————
What can I say, Gweedo…
Neil Wick over 9 years ago
Regarding our conversation here a couple of days ago about operating systems, here’s a better chart about market shares of Windows versions and other desktop OSs (as of the end of June this year):
Speaking of the end of June, here is an entertaining video of a man with red-green colour blindness who was surprised at the end of June with some special glasses that offer some correction to his colour blindness: Colorblind Man Sees Purple for the First Time
Neil Wick over 9 years ago
(They still put the red right next to the green—bad decision—but at least there’s a white line between them.)
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 9 years ago
Gweedo indicated,Consarnit, Bill !That’s what coffin sharin’ is for !!-————————————————————————-
You’re putting me on, Gweedo!
Chris Sherlock over 9 years ago
Neil Wick over 9 years ago
Like the guy at the end of this cartoon?
That would be Harpo Marx.Neil Wick over 9 years ago
Those glasses are pricey and I would want to test them in person with the colors chart in front of me.
I never looked at the price. I am not colour-blind, but for people like you, it would be interesting to try them out at least.willy007 over 9 years ago
*Like the guy at the end of this cartoon?*Ha ha! Good one.
willy007 over 9 years ago
Okay, I will consider that to be “official word”! ;o)The full quote from Mike Curtis: “Well, Melies has bit the dust, and everyone who read the strip from his first appearance knew how it would happen.”The first appearance of Melies included a poster on the wall right behind him showing the famous “man in the moon” scene (with the bullet lodged in the moon’s eye) from “A Trip to the Moon.”I believe we can conclude from Mike Curtis’ statement that not only is Melies dead, but that he’s dead from a bullet in the eye.
willy007 over 9 years ago
Starman1948 over 9 years ago
@Willy007: Thanks for the update. Have a peaceful night my friend.
Neil Wick over 9 years ago
… you’ll see that it was neither shown nor revealed where Melies was hit …
Aside from what Willy already said, we could see smoke coming from the head of Méliès’ body as it lay on the floor, so it was clear in the strip where he was hit.Neil Wick over 9 years ago
You have less than 4 hours to get your Harvey Awards ballot in and vote for Dick Tracy. You are eligible to vote if you are involved in the creative aspects of comics. Good luck to Team Tracy!
Neil Wick over 9 years ago
Yeah, that won’t work. They check to make sure you’re working for them.
Pequod about 8 years ago
Rooftop secured by Mysta, lightning bolts aimed with precision
Criminals and thugs within she regards with cool derision.
Heading down to find the girls. Imoto-Chan needs rescue
Focused now on finding her, Onee-San knows what to do.
T-Bolt counsels Bribery, Smith’s of no use if dead
Removes him from Bigg’s chambers, sets him free instead.
“Stay here with the young ones. To wander could mean death
”Elsewhere Apollo shot the moon. Méliès drew his last breath.
Decimated by gun fire, left behind a bloody mess
Venus calm and cool in her sexy fishnet dress.
“Méliès, he can’t speak right now. May I be of assistance?
”Bribery has a full plate. Everywhere resistance.
Now would be the perfect time: escape to suite 6B
Ace hidden up the sleeve of Bigg. This room a mystery.
Down below Tracy and Sam serve a warrant with hot lead
Fritz Ann shot in the melee. Sam fears she may be dead.
Flak jacket no guarantee. Law enforcers risk a fall.
EMTs trained to save lives respond to Sam’s fraught call.