Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for April 06, 2016

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 9 years ago

    I’m as flabbergasted as Luann and her eavesdropping mother about the places Pru wants to see. (I’ve not been to NY the state and the City since 1998 on a family summer road trip.)

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    ironman01  almost 9 years ago

    While all of that sounds wonderful, Pru. My money is on the Museum of Natural History every time.

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    Argythree  almost 9 years ago

    If you’ve never been to a city, what’s so bad about being a tourist? Maybe the Morbid Anatomy Museum is the New York that Prudence wants, but I doubt it’s the city that Luann and Bernice want to see. I thought they were going to get a chance to see what other opportunities they might have, not to be scared into never leaving Pitts again!

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    JimT8  almost 9 years ago


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    reedkomicks Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Quick mom, get on the phone to Quill and beg him to come back!

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    The Morbid Anatomy exhibit is actually pretty cool for people interested in medicine because it is wax anatomy models from the 19th and early 20th centuries. Many are said to be very artistic as well. (Remember that physicians needed an alternative when the use of cadavers was not permitted — and that some nations still do not let med students learn anatomy with cadavers.). That is the one of the three i would find interesting. The dirt room is a room of soil to provide a reprieve from the city, and was one of several, i think by a German artist. I have never been there. Although i have heard of the Museum of Sex i have never been there.

    Honestly, Times Square is a place I’d skip. Really.

    I think for Nancy the night soil is just about hitting the fan.

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  7. Miriam
    Kymberleigh  almost 9 years ago

    It appears Nancy was right when she told Frank that Luann was no longer theirs …

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  8. Golden girls
    SF1972  almost 9 years ago

    They’re probably basically Dez’s friends, NYC style.

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  9. Golden girls
    SF1972  almost 9 years ago

    Either that, or (s)he has a reason to have the munchies.

    “Brownie, Luann?”

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    luann1212  almost 9 years ago

    Hey the girls will get a quick introduction to one of the crazy aspects of New York. I think they probably will do the tourist part too, not much sleep. I would not be too judgmental on these places or friends. You can go to strip joints in D. C, and see a War Musuem that makes any sex museum mild. I went to a sex museum in Amsterdam (I believe it was Amsterdam, getting old) and it was fun, and not all that crazy for adults. That is my only issue I suppose because Bernice and Luann are so young, but its about time they grew up and learned about the bigger world. As I said don’t be judgmental.

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    luann1212  almost 9 years ago

    Hey adjunct college professors are up late generally, and this is a nice, innocent way to end my night before I hit the hay. I can’t speak for GE deciding to retire, he is a creative, so you never know. I hope not.

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    Meowmocha  almost 9 years ago

    Her mother’s face describes my feelings about the conversation perfectly. “WHAT? Uh, no.”

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    kenhense  almost 9 years ago

    No Mom! You can’t go with them! Also Berneice isn’t going to be up for Pru’s choices.

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  14. Who dat
    jemgirl81  almost 9 years ago

    “There is no greater American/world city. So go if you get the chance. It is the Rome of our civilization, for better or worse”.

    That’s a subjective statement if I ever heard one. LOL

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    inkstains  almost 9 years ago

    Wonder how Pru’s friend got the name Muncher.

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    wreck it ralph  almost 9 years ago

    When I go to New York the first place I go to is China Town for my Dim Sum fix and Yankee Stadium for some baseball.

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  17. Major matt mason315
    Major Matt Mason Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Mom: “…Muncher?!”

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  18. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  almost 9 years ago

    Mom was hoping for the Museum of No Sex Till Marriage.

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    hmhusvar  almost 9 years ago

    The Earth Room isn’t that exciting, but the rest is pretty cool.

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    OneTime59  almost 9 years ago

    The Prudence character is thinking and speaking as a long-time New Yorker. For first-time visitors, going to the “touristy” sites and sights is the thing to do, although waiting in the long lines, wading through the crowds, and learning the subway can be daunting.

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    OneTime59  almost 9 years ago

    The names of Prudence’s friends sound like sound like narcotics. Perhaps Luann & Bernice will be in New York and “getting by with a little help from some friends.”

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    31768  almost 9 years ago

    can kinda see where Piro comes from. wouldn’t be surprised.

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    æ²  almost 9 years ago

    “And finally, we’ll hit the Museum of Parents’ Deer-in-the-Headlights Looks.”(Come to think of it, that would be a pretty funny museum if it actually existed.)

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    æ²  almost 9 years ago

    Another hit-and-run poster whose profile shows that all he ever does is post nasty negatives. Some people sure get their jollies in -stupid- interesting ways.

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    kroberts123  almost 9 years ago

    I’m betting many of Pru’s friends are in theater arts. This will fit in with Luann’s interest in set design and art. Bernice will try to analyze everyone. They’ll run into Delta at a Bernie or Hillary rally.

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  26. Slavegirl
    Luanaphile  almost 9 years ago

    I am rooting for the unusual tourist destinations, because I haven’t seen those. The Museum of Sex might be interesting (or not). I wouldn’t read too much into the nicknames of Pru’s friends, but I would be surprised if they had never tried cannabis or ecstasy.

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  27. Endu
    Endunamoo  almost 9 years ago

    k, if you go to New York why NOT see the Statue of Liberty, Times Square or Empire State Building… or Freedom Tower for that matter… Why Not?

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    Pointspread  almost 9 years ago

    Luann should decide what she and Bernice want to see, not Pru.

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    greenearthman  almost 9 years ago

    That Earth Room…do they have a cat?

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    William Taylor  almost 9 years ago

    Out of all the women/girls in this strip, Mom Nancy is still the most attractive.

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    King_Shark  almost 9 years ago

    Ma DeGroot, the most prudish prude this side if Victoria, will hopefully faint/throw a tantrum/do something else dramatic and hopefully incapacitating.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    A list inspired to reassure any mother !!!

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    æ²  almost 9 years ago

    Yeah, I’m kind of ambivalent about Pru’s plans for NY. On the one hand, I’d come back with a trip report that is more unique than pretty much anyone else’s around, and it would be an indelible memory, and maybe that’s the point. On the other hand, though, I’m not sure if I’d want my only first-hand experience in a new place to be the Weirdo Museums of Whatever. Reminds me Weird Al’s song, “The Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota.” Driving all across the country just to see all of the really cheesy oddball things, and missing everything else that, yeah, a lot of time actually does matter, despite being “tourist” things.In any case, should be interesting to see what’s next.

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  34. Profilepic yellowwarbler
    Squoop  almost 9 years ago

    Luann needs to learn to say no to someone who’s trying to control her.

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    drewpamon  almost 9 years ago

    A lot of people think the town they live in is the best place to live. Only New Yorkers assume everyone else believes that their city is the best place to live.

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    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    6I hope that Luann is beginning to take Pru’s advice with “a grain of salt”. I believe that Pru has excellent intentions here, but I do not see anything wrong with young adults going to NYC for the first time being “touristy” and doing the big, touristy things…. heck, they are tourist attractions for a reason!That said, Luann and Bernice should listen to the options that Pru suggests, but of course make up their own mind.One question the strategy I suggests begs is….. 1) Are we sure or unsure about if Pru is GOING WITH Luann and Bernice on this trip?If Pru is going on the trip… it will be harder for Luann and Bernie to ignore Pru’s advice on things they are less interested in. In my mind, whether Pru was going or not was never definitely stated…. unless I missed it…. so is Pru going too or not?

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    JayBluE  almost 9 years ago

    It’s funny to me, that they named it “The New York Earth Room”, as it does sound a bit more enticing than “The Museum Of Dirt”…or “That Soiled Exhibit, That One There, In New York”…

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    JayBluE  almost 9 years ago

    “I Declare War-hol!”“Hello, Goodbye…Hello, Again? (♫)“More Bizarre Than Harper”“Going Dark On Broadway”“Zappa Was A Rolling Stone?”“The Worm In The Apple”“The Basement Of The Subway”“Johnny Appleseedy”“Off The Beaten Path”“Earth, Dirt….And A New T-Shirt "

    “Business As Unusual”“Looking For A Shock Absorber”or “Momma Needs To Sit Down, Now…”

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    cindyorch  almost 9 years ago

    I love the Morbid Anatomy Museum!! I helped fund it!! Yes…go there!!!

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    Lamberger  almost 9 years ago

    The girls could end up chained to a bed in a dimly lit room with that agenda.

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  41. Clippedcat
    GoodDoctor  almost 9 years ago

    Most of the time if you grew up in an area, you do not go to the tourist places, you kind of look down on them. I now live in Northeast Alabama and you would not believe how many of the locals have not gone to Huntsville to visit the Space and Rocket Museum or gone to Russel Cave National Monument or Chattanooga (Rock City, Ruby Falls and the Chattanooga National Battle Field).

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    JayBluE  almost 9 years ago

    And who’s to say that they’re going to go ahead and do exactly and completely everything that Prudence is suggesting?

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    drewder said, 31 minutes agoA lot of people think the town they live in is the best place to live. Only New Yorkers assume everyone else believes that their city is the best place to live.

    Not so! For example, a long running California Tourism tv ad shown around here has exactly that premise about what others think about California, that it is automatically the best.

    Realistically, every place is great for something and lousy for something else. Places are rather like people and like so much more on that score.

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  44. Art1c 2
    dre7861  almost 9 years ago

    Luann since you enjoy art, why not pick the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the MOMA and the Guggenheim – although plan for multi-day visits as all three are mammoth! The first time I went to the Met I became so fascinated just with the Egyptian wing that I had brain freeze by the afternoon. I couldn’t really comprehend all that I was seeing. So break it up and go multiple days is my best advice.

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  45. Art1c 2
    dre7861  almost 9 years ago

    Luann since you enjoy art, why not pick the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the MOMA and the Guggenheim – although plan for multi-day visits as all three are mammoth! The first time I went to the Met I became so fascinated just with the Egyptian wing that I had brain freeze by the afternoon. I couldn’t really comprehend all that I was seeing. So break it up and go multiple days is my best advice.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    News Alert from the Wall Street Journal first page today: “groovy granny” pom poms are hot now. Opps, will Bernice’s salespeople know to add some of those into her selection of travel garments? (No wonder Keskittää ferret keeps wanting to play with the ones on my slippers!)

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    slsharris  almost 9 years ago

    You people are really not much fun, are you?

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    Seed_drill  almost 9 years ago

    Great, she’s a female Stephan.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    No, you want to do at least some “touristy” things, Luann. Trust me, as a guy who lived in NYC for ten years.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Hey, here is an idea! Nancy gets in touch w some people she knows in NYC. The two opposing pressures finally cause Luann and Bernice to find polite but ASSERTIVE ways to say, “Enough!” and they wind up picking and choosing on their own! Not only would they ultimately have a superior visit that way, but they woukd make a very big step in growing up by setting limits for guidance from each group.

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  51. Tulips
    locake  almost 9 years ago

    I think the Mom is more upset about the names of the friends Pru is hooking her daughter up with. Killer, Tats, Romeo? I’m sure they will all turn out to be perfectly nice young people, with no criminal record, body art, or out-of-wedlock children.

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    entirely  almost 9 years ago

    “Hey Babe take a walk on the wild side”

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  53. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  almost 9 years ago

    The question: is this trip about seeing NYC as tourists and having a fun time, or is this trip about entering a new (anti-Pitt) life style?*And who decides— Pru, Mom? My guess that in the end, Lu and Bern will use their own good heads & desire for growth.

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    JimT8  almost 9 years ago

    “My husband didn’t believe it, he said ‘they don’t let the public get close up to paintings like that!!’”.There are plenty of guards around. They will speak to you if you get too close (as if you seem to be about to touch the canvas.). On occasion over the years if a painting is in danger of being attacked, damaged or stolen it may be enclosed. Many years ago when the Metropolitan paid a huge fortune for Rembrandt’s Aristotle Contemplating the Bust of Homer—a must see, by the way—that painting was so protected.

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  55. Dessert
    cdgar  almost 9 years ago

    I thought this was made-up, but no, it really exists!

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    GovernmentCheese  almost 9 years ago

    I, for one, don’t care where they tour in NYC as long as it’s not drawn like A3G’s NYC in which the Tribeca Grill was apparently an apartment with a green lamp.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    NYC also has more languages spoken in it than anywhere else on the planet because people arrive there from so many places. When our niece visited i made sure that we started up conversations with people from many parts of the world which remains a fond memory for her, and that she tried many things she otherwise would never have known about, including some things that became favorite foods for her. We did things on her list, of course, general tourism things, unusual things, and i made sure that she rode on subways because the one kid from her high school who had previously been to the city told everyone that they had used taxis because subways are “too dangerous”. So silly!

    Years later she was the one who let us know how wonderfully the creation of the Highline park was coming along which she learned on one of her city visits.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    If also looking at design the exhibits at the Fashion Institute of Technology must not be missed, ditto Cooper Hewitt.

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    Outsideplaying  almost 9 years ago

    Like the wardrobe, a little bit of Bernice and a little bit of Pru needs to be mixed together here.

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    JimT8  almost 9 years ago

    I’ve held off on this till now. Piro’s suggestion to Bernice made sense, because it represented something they have a common interest in, and thus a good topic of conversation for them; and goodness knows, it would be nice to see Piro open up! But Pru’s idiosyncratic suggestions for Luann make no sense at all, unless Luann simply wants to understand Pru better, and I don’t see why that would be one of her priorities.

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    3pibgorn9  almost 9 years ago


    No, it just shows where Pru’s tastes and crowd are.

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    OneTime59  almost 9 years ago

    Kinda wish Luann and Bernice were “real” people, since we are all giving our advice on how to visit New York City. We commenters are giving ourselves a things-to-do guide for NYC. A cool, new discovery I made on a recent trip there is a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    The High Line is my favorite park in NYC. They could traverse parts of the city in a garden complete with free performances. It has never let us down as a place to go.

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  64. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  almost 9 years ago

    Knute’s changing t-shirt— it’s skill has been picked up by Pru’s bow. Pink-blue-pink. Is Sheriff just messing with us?

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  65. Ligand1
    RSH  almost 9 years ago

    Here we have Nancy again with her giant lips and big eyeballs popping out.

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    26  almost 9 years ago

    “Those are my female friends. Daisy, thumper, cutesy and Jacques may show up, too.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    One of the guys here was joking about fusion sandwiches when we were discussing fusion cuisine and fashion in the city. It hit me just now that there already is an excellent example of a delicious fusion sandwich available in NYC: Bánh mì.

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  68. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    I am hoping that Luann and Bernie both sit down together and a) talk about the advice Pru is giving them, b) make a list of the things THEY feel excited about from both their initial hopes for NYC and Pru’s suggestions for NYC, and then c) map out how to accomplish them with a good idea of where each thing is located in that vast city. In this way, they can hopefully get a feel for the order they should try to use to be able to utilize public transportation as successfully as possible.

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    Airman  almost 9 years ago

    Never been there, never wanted to go. Saw it once from about 30,000 feet.

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    Train 1911  almost 9 years ago

    Never care to see NY or ever will

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    jimmjonzz Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Wow. The never been, never wanted to, never will contingent baffles me. I grew up in Mississippi, live in Georgia, have lived in Texas and Tennessee… but the two most edifying and exhilarating weeks of my life were one in New York City and one in Paris, France. Lovely people, kind and considerate at every turn. Great(!) food, art, music, ambience. If I had the wherewithal, I’d gladly live in either. Or both. (Though, admittedly, a more temperate getaway for winter would be nice.)

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    Argy.Bargy2  almost 9 years ago

    -It’s good that everyone likes different places, or we’d all be crowded into one area. I still have good memories of the trip to New York City that our family took, way back when I was 14 and little bro was about 9. Our Step Dad took us, and we walked everywhere.

    I have vague memories of museums, but what really sticks in my head, to this very day, is the production of ‘Camelot’ that we saw on Broadway. Richard Burton played King Arthur. Until that play, I was fairly indifferent to the idea of watching a play; kind of preferred movies (and ‘toons). But that made a real impression on me.

    My parents are gone now, and we never did get to do the family vaca in the RV to see the Grand Canyon. I sure hope I get there, and the painted desert and Mount Rushmore before my eyes give out. But I won’t ever forget the trip to Camelot…

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Brdshtt GoComics PRO Member said, about 2 hours ago@Schrodinger’s Dog“just look at the names people use HERE !!!!”…I know. Shocking, absolutely shocking.-

    -Yes! You must be all terrible influences given your wide distributions of locations, colors of skin, music preferences, partner preferences, variety of religions and hair types including absence or one or both, and differing stances about various parts of the U.S. And recreation types. And that does not even get to your screen names. Shudddddddddder… Why, how coukd i ever find conversations here so enriching and fun?

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago


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  75. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 9 years ago

    Okay!I confess that I’ve pretty much done the tourist things Luann was looking at, along with Broadway and Off-Broadway productions, as well as my business, in the handful or two of times I’ve been to NYC. But if I ever go again Pru’s List will be more what I check out….

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    With you chanting, “Danger!” the ostrich probably coukd not push that egg out fast enough!

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    BTW, your daughter has a marvelously classic face and a fun take on fashion, managing a casual elegance — which is hard to do.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Please call her Bernice. Bernie is short for Bernard and I don’t think she wants a sex change.-

    Bernie is also used for Bernice, as with my “Aunt” Bernie who was actually by marraige to Roy a cousin once removed, and a nearby neighbor, as well. So, yes, women use that, too, and have for a long while.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    My gosh! Quill accepted a role in NYC, though it is not exactly on Broadway:

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Spoiler:There is some reassignment on the assignment

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    Argythree  almost 9 years ago


    Just when Nancy was starting to feel relieved, she realizes she’s entered an unknown universe…

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Well, i have to say that I still do not think those assumptions amount to much. Yes, i know that one of those names is also a drug name. So what? Does a perfectly good word no longer have any other meaning once someone applies it to a drug? Do you no longer have grass in your lawn or any pots in your kitchen because of one meaning of grass and pot? Are the daffodils, pansies, pans, and kettles under suspicion from association with a multimeaning word?

    The museum to which you object has a collection of wax anatomical models. Such models were used to teach physicians in the past when the use of cadavers was banned in some locations in past centuries. As such they were educational and remain so.

    Hopefully, you do not also object to people being themselves, or going through great pain to finally become themselves, or you will hate today’s strip, too.

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    ViscountNik  almost 9 years ago

    if she can make it there…

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    biblegal1  almost 9 years ago

    Hmmmm. Let’s see here…Luann wants to go to all the tourist places in New York, but her new LESBIAN friend, Pru, wants her to go to the Museum of Sex, The Morbid Anatomy Museum, and an “art” display called the Earth Room ( 260 cu. yards of, yes, DIRT piled in a 3600 sq. ft. room (which could have been used for housing). Pru is also “hooking her up” with her “probably” LGBT friends Tats, Killer, Ecstasy, Muncher (REALLY Greg?!) and Romeo (who should be Juliet now after a sex change op). Now we all “know” LGBT’s don’t recruit don’t we (wink wink) so why aren’t you objecting to this strip as I am from my perspective as a Christian?

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    PAR85  almost 9 years ago

    I’ve been to Museum of Sex

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