Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for June 02, 2017

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    Namrepus  over 7 years ago

    Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 7 years ago

    Didn’t Tiffany and Leslie also have a riff together? They went to the same high school as Gunther (and Luann and Bernice) as well.

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    Argythree  over 7 years ago

    So all of a sudden, Gunther gets protective and possessive of Tiffany? Maybe this was her motive all along…

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    AnyFace  over 7 years ago

    For some, the concept trying to “fix” a person can be a powerful lure.

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    Carrots  over 7 years ago

    Looks like Tiff has found someone with not enough friends, just like her. Maybe this will lead to her first real boyfriend. But Tiffany be careful! He is not your typical bad boy. My guess is that Tiff will use some moves on Les leading to a relationship where Tiff learns that Les is a little to “bad” for her, leading to Les’s second break up.

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    Wizardgoat  over 7 years ago

    Well, it seems that some of us were right in our joking prediction about Tiffany and Les. At least she’s toying with it.

    But you know, even though Les is conniving, Tiff can be pretty devious herself. She might just give Les a run for his money.

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Prediction congratulations to Capri who mentioned bad boys two days ago.

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    BJShipley1  over 7 years ago

    Oh, are we pretending Tiffany is ever actually going to hook up with a guy? She’s nothing but talk, people. You’re better off trusting a politician’s campaign promises than believing that Tiffany’s flirty comments will ever lead to anything.

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    Brdshtt Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Hi – Ho Silverware! It’s Tiff to the rescue!

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    Ruth Brown  over 7 years ago

    Well played, Tiffany, if you wanted Gunther’s attention. And just why is Gunther caring about this so much?

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    Ruth Brown  over 7 years ago

    In fact, Gunther could say he has the same issues.

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    Pointspread  over 7 years ago

    Lost his dad, issues with his mom, sounds like Gunther they’re discussing.

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    luann1212  over 7 years ago

    Wait, protective? Maybe, but she seems to be interested in the prospect of giving (a) “bad boy” a little loving attention. All that he needs. This is deliberately ambiguous. Is she interested in Les because he is a “bad boy” with a sad back story? Is she just suggesting that maybe he should be treated nicer by Gunther and in general? And Gunther—is he trying to protect her from said bad boy? Or is he, to the delight of some here, suddenly jealous of the bad boy, which might indicate he has feelings for Tiffany? Is she trying to make him jealous, or just excited at the prospect of meeting Les? So many questions, so many ways this could go. Man Greg no wonder you have us so addicted to your strip. Don’t let it go to your head though. Lets resolve something here (lol).

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    skoiatollo  over 7 years ago

    Yep! Just as I thought. Now all it remains is for mr. Gray to propose on that dinner to complicate matters even further))

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    capricorn9th  over 7 years ago

    Right down to that girls like Tiffany likes bad boys! Yea me. :-D She will pull a full act on Les and have him slobbering.

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    Argythree  over 7 years ago

    Les’s ‘issues’ with his mother seem to be about a legal matter that he needs to keep paying for (maybe she paid for him to be out on bond, or she paid to parole him from prison? Or maybe she paid a fine he was assessed in a court action?) Either way, it doesn’t seem like a good situation for Tiffany to get involved in…

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    kenhense  over 7 years ago

    Holy $*%#! I know it’s hard to sympathize with Gunther’s self imposed rage – but I would truly hate to see Tiffany show Les a good time at Gunther’s expense. However there’s so many ways this could go. (1) Tiff comes on to Les, Gunther runs out the door, with Ma chasing him shouting “Don’t be rude!” (2) Les is rude to Gunther whichoffends Tiffany, she asks Gunther to take her somewhere else, and Gunther grows a pair and takes her somewhere nice. (3) Evans hopscotches to a moment after the dinner, some polite good byes, and Gunther driving home with Tiffany’s head on his shoulder shows signs of reevaluating life.

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    howtheduck  over 7 years ago

    Let me see if I get this now:

    When Tiffany is talking about Gunther, she does no personal grooming.

    When Tiffany is talking about Mr. Gray, she files her nails.

    When Tiffany is talking about Leslie, she works on her lips.

    It’s hard to miss that symbolism through makeup. She can be herself around Gunther. She has to toughen her nails for Mr. Gray. She’s getting ready to give Leslie a lot of lip.

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    Wizardgoat  over 7 years ago

    Well, it seems that the predictions are leaning two possible ways:

    One is that Tiff will at least briefly get entangled with Les, and we’ll have to see where that adventure goes.

    The other is that Tiff is making Gunther jealous – deliberately or otherwise – and he’ll quickly develop a big renewed interest in her.

    As unpredictable as this strip has been for quite a while, I think that either possibility is as likely as the other.

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  20. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  over 7 years ago

    You know, you could hardly blame Tiff for considering moves on Leslie- her “date” so far with Gunthie has not been anything to get excited over.

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    sallymargaret  over 7 years ago

    Prediction: When Gunther and Tiffany get to the “party”, Leslie will make an inappropriate idiot of himself over Tiffany. Mr. Gray, of course, will tell him to stop, but he won’t. Tiffany will then give Leslie some of her “attention”, but it won’t be the kind of attention that Leslie wants. In spite of objections from Mrs. Berger, Tiffany will then insist that Gunther take her home, and Gunther will willingly oblige. Then Tiffany will let Gunther know that she wants to go somewhere with him alone, and they will have an enjoyable evening. If that doesn’t happen, it should!

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    jimmjonzz Premium Member over 7 years ago

    A substantial number of comments recently have expressed bafflement that Tiffany and Gunther might share any mutual attraction. I realize that some posters here are relatively new to the stip. But I’ve also found that some expressing these doubts were present and posting comments when Tiffany first manifested interest in Gunther, and when Gunther began his uneasy realization that he might be interested in her as well. This little dance of what-is-this-unexpected-feeling began in the strip of February 7, 2015 and continued the second day following and for some episodes thereafter, if you want to check. Is it a matter having a set and inflexible notion of exactly what Gunther is like, what Tiffany is like, that makes us suppress memories of what has gone before… replacing those memories with, as we say these days, “alternate facts”?

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    chris_weaver  over 7 years ago

    Go get him, Tiff!

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    sueb1863  over 7 years ago

    Why not? She has no real interest in Gunther. She’s seeing Piro but that doesn’t seem serious. Not sure how Les is going to react considering he’s still getting over finding out that Pru is gay but I guess we’ll see.

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    JayBluE  over 7 years ago

    See, Gunth? At first, you didn’t want her “bringing up things”. You wanted to ‘keep the talk centered’ on how “Les is the enemy”. You wanted Tiffany to “be in your corner”. But now, you opened your mouth (against your “better” judgment) and “fouled up” your own plans"!


    Of course, Tiffany probably would’ve fallen for Les from the get go, anyway. After all, he is an “experienced” actor now, after that “Mooning Over My Hammy” (♬) performance with Pru (at the Kafe Kablooie, inside of The Fuse). Now, Gunther probably has more to obsess over, worrying about Tiffany exchanging “star quality” acting tips and such with Les….


    …And maybe having Gunther, in his imagination, wondering if “Pass the potato salad, please!” has all sorts of ‘connotations, denotations and inflections’, signalling that Tiffany will now “cross enemy lines”…..

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    Schrodinger's Dog  over 7 years ago

    He’s gonna wreck that car yet !

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    JayBluE  over 7 years ago

    Wonder if Tiffany’s putting on lipstick is supposed to be part of ‘visual cues’ for us, to enhance the notion of Gunther now worrying about keeping her from him, or if she was already setting out to apply it, anyway?

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    WarrenWong  over 7 years ago

    Shouldn’t Tiffany know Les pretty well? She worked for him on the Eye of Zye.

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    Mordock999 Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Don’t Panic. There’s STILL time to Salvage Gunther’s Spectacularly STUPID “Idea.”

    Tiff: Just let old Les, Wine, Dine, and Buy You Expensive, Criminally-Overpriced Gifts.

    Then when You get tired of it all, tell HimYou’re ‘Gay.’ Hey, it worked for Pru……,

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  30. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  over 7 years ago

    Gunther’s tie end is going to flip up like Dilbert’s !

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    JayBluE  over 7 years ago

    “Primp And Circumstance” (♬)

    “Stockholm, Sweet Stockholm”

    “Actors Without Borders”

    “Few, And Foreign/Be Preened!”

    “Truth, And Unintended Consequences”

    “Run Through The Bungle” (♬)

    “Hey, Not Tonight!” (♬)

    “He Ain’t No Fortunate Son” (♪)

    “Too Bad All My Friends Know The Low Rider” (♪)

    “He’s A Lot Like You, The Dangerous Type!” (♪)

    “You’re All I’ve Got, Tonight” (♬)

    “Oh, No! I Say He’s Got To Go… No No, Night Killer!” (♪)

    “Tiffany, We’re At An Intersection- But You Don’t Have To Put On The Red Light!” (♩)

    “Caution: Bringin’ On The Heartbreak Leads To Hysteria!” (♬)

    “Bad Boys, Bad Boys…Well, Watcha Gonna Do?” (♪)

    “Don’t You Look At My Girl, Friend!” (♪)

    “Plaid Men Should Tell No Tales”


    “The Nutty Confessor”

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  32. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member over 7 years ago

    What’s the matter, Gunther? Are you alarmed at the prospect of eventually having Tiffany as your mother’s husband’s sister’s son’s wife?

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    TheBigPickle  over 7 years ago

    A match made in hell…

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    1rbturner2  over 7 years ago

    Gunther’s really going to have a meltdown now.

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    tomjudytx  over 7 years ago

    Wondering if this is a Brad and Toni parallel? Toni was with Dirk and it drove Brad crazy.Maybe Gunther will realize he cares more for Tiff than he thought.

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    Nick Danger  over 7 years ago

    And another woman falls victim to “Bad Boy Syndrome”…

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    JayBluE  over 7 years ago

    Gunther’s got a wonderful analytic brain that schemes some designs!


    ….too bad though, socially, that Gunther has an analytic brain that schemes some designs….

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    jojo318  over 7 years ago

    Gunther, keep your eyes on the road!

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    jrankin1959  over 7 years ago

    Is it concern for Tiffany in Gunther’s panic… or maybe a touch of jealousy?

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    entirely  over 7 years ago

    Les is a douche even for Tiffany

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    notbornyesterday  over 7 years ago

    Ahhh…Once again, the law of unintended consequences leads to ???

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    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member over 7 years ago



    1) Gunther will remain mostly clueless and grumpy/angry during the whole evening.

    2) Tiffany remembers Les well from high school. She is planning to pay some attention to Les (hence the lipstick) but will either a) work to get Les and Gunther to better see eye-to-eye and become more tolerant of each other, or b) will pretend to flirt with Les in an attempt to get Gunther to see that Gunther has “feelings” for Tiffany.

    3) If scenario 2B happens, Gunther will remain clueless at the dinner, but will (of course) drive Tiffany home. As Tiffany exits the car to go back to her dorm suite, she will give Gunther a brief kiss. This will leave Gunther utterly flummoxed.

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    Germanshepherds4ever  over 7 years ago

    OHBOY, The Creepy Loser and The Bimbo! Perfect!

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 7 years ago

    Tiffany is surely the most generous woman alive.

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    kinsler33  over 7 years ago

    Didn’t Ox once have to rescue Tiffany from Les back in high school? Les had her cornered when Ox came by. At least I think it was Les.

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    RSH  over 7 years ago

    Either Gunther turns into a ‘bad boy’ or he rescues the Tiffster from an overbearing ‘bad boy’. Gunther needs to have this kind if fire lit under him in order to act. He did so w/ Rosa at Pitt… maybe now with Tiffany.

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    Airman  over 7 years ago

    Last time Les interfered with Gunther’s girl (Rosa), Gunther chased her down the hallway and gave her the best kiss of his career. He “marked” his territory. Tiffany may experience the same explosion of passion……but hopefully, Gunther will stop the car first.

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    booga  over 7 years ago

    Better move Gunth, or it’s the Friendzone FOREVER!!!

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    nathenleeturner  over 7 years ago

    I really hope she is just teasing Gunther. Tiffany and Leslie would be a disaster. Tiff is in college, working toward her future. Leslie has no future and is the sort to drag down anyone who tries to help him. And obviously Gunther feels something for Tiffany as seen in the last panel of this strip.

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    phxhocking  over 7 years ago

    And heeeere we go!

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    Schrodinger's Dog  over 7 years ago

    I think Gunther just soiled his seat covers.

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    STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Tiff, that boat anchor Les will drag you to the bottom!

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    SukieCrandall Premium Member over 7 years ago

    9p EST, 6/2 predictions, w some being repeats of what others said earlier:

    T makes moves on L but learns he is too bad: carrots

    T gives L a run for his money: wizgoat

    T is all talk and will hook up w no one: bjs

    G expresses his feelings for T: 1212

    Mr. Grey proposes: skor

    T comes onto L w G leaving and his mom following, or L is rude to G which offends T so T&G leave to have fun elsewhere, or strip fast forwards to after dinner with T’s head on G’s shoulder: kenh

    L behaves improperly toward T and Mr. Grey tries to stop him, or T defends herself and leaves with G and they go someplace more fun: sallym

    T&G get together: GES

    Gunther wonders about hidden meanings in everyday communications during dinner: jay

    G wrecks the car: dog

    G melts down: IRBT

    Tiff goes for L: BCR

    B&Toni Dirk parallel w G realizing how he feels about Tiff: tomjudy

    G remains grumpy and clueless all evening, or T remembers L, or T bridges the gap between G and L, or T fake flirts with L to interest G, or T kisses G: pipe

    G turns into a bad boy, or he rescues T: RSH

    G rescues T from L then gives her an incredible kiss: Airman

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  54. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 7 years ago

    Well! Tiffany has awakened Gunther’s latent interest, but at what cost?!

    Leslie Knox is not the kind of boyfriend Tiffany needs!

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    Schrodinger's Dog  over 7 years ago

    well, tomorrow we see …do they arrive, or are they waylaid by an accident? Stay tooned !

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    sallymargaret  over 7 years ago

    Here is a copy of past strips involving Gunther and his women, not in any particular order: Gunther hits Leslie with backpack on 1-31-12 and 2-1-12. Here’s a couple of Gunther kissing Rosa while dancing: 12-12-13 and 5-2-14. Here’s a scene after Tiffany’s ant bites: 5-13-15. Gunther asks Rosa out for the first time: 9-21-11 and 9 22 11. Leslie and Tiffany’s interactions: 9-24-12, 9-25-12, 9-26-12 and 9-27-12. Here is the “spectacular kiss”: 2-14-14. Tiffany redesigns Gunther: 3-25-02, 3-26-02, 4-15-02 through 4-20-02, 5-6-02 through 5-11-02. Gunther goes on a date with Luann after she has her wisdom teeth taken out: 6-6-02 through 6-15-02, Interesting strip about Gunther’s perceived desirability: 10-30-02. Bernice kisses Gunther 7-25-03 through 7-29-03. Luann is jealous when Gunther likes Rosa 12-5-06. Luann kisses Gunther 11-17-06.

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    kenhense  over 7 years ago

    Nobody has predicted that Mr. Gray is going to hit on Tiffany (but they have predicted everything else).

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