Ever heard of Brenda Spencer? At age 16 she opened fire on an elementary schoolyard across from her house, killed the principal and a maintenance man, injured 8 children and a police officer. San Diego, California January 29 1979
Wow, really?? If that same logic was used on ANY negative statistic involving African Americans, Muslims, women, or anyone except men, there would be outrage. Yet you feel the freedom to say something like that about men. Nice. Use tragedies as an opportunity to insult an entire gender. Face it America, the white male is the most publicly despised demographic in the nation. Sorry for being born, I guess… Maybe instead of using your comic to thrash readers who never hurt anyone, you could give actual insight on the shootings themselves? How about the fact that most of the shooters are in a state of complete despair and meaninglessness, and are searching for a cause? Or the disparity in our culture between our attitude toward actual violence (it’s horrible and grieving) and our attitude toward FANTASY violence (it’s sexy and attractive and cool and it doesn’t matter that you kill someone as long as they were wearing a helmet that hid their face)?? I mean seriously man, that had zero tact, and zero intelligence behind it. Think about what you’re actually saying before you publish it for the world to see. You’re a brilliant man; the rest of your work shows that. I think we all expected better when we opened the comics this morning.
Ah, analytical statistics. Yours truly RobotAIJudge10.0 has been equipped with the most advanced statistical logic inference processor, and there can only be one conclusion: Kill all the men, and you’ll have almost zero shootings. Then, kill all the survivors, and you’ll be sure to have nothing left to worry about.Or…. Provide decent living conditions and strong social networks for everybody, instead of guns, and you might keep everybody alive in a much happier society..Without RoboJudge.
https://www.livescience.com/53047-why-female-mass-shooters-are-rare.html But in this comic, I believe it would be better off to ban guns? How can it be a magical wood of niceness when there is gender discrimination?
Many years ago David Drake wrote a series of short stories and novellas about a war involving humans and… it got complicated, because Things Were Not As They Seemed At First. In any case the ships carrying the Reaction Marine companies were all named after female mass killers. Drake also wrote two novels placed on a terraformed Venus where things had gotten… a bit out of hand. Just a little. In Surface Action, the first one, the main characters are all members of an organization named the Blackhorse (Drake was in the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment in Vietnam) and all of their battleships were named for prominent and remarkably bloody-minded female autocrats. Both Drake and his sometime collaborator S. M. Stirling know quite well that some girls can and will kill even more readily than most guys, given that they’d actually had a look at actual history. Stirling’s scariest characters are all female, including Gwendolyn Ingolfsson and my personal favorite, Teyud za-Zhalt. The notion that girls are, umm, ‘nice’, while guys are evil is… not borne out by actual events.
Why do people find facts offensive. Are they so insecure in their beings that they are threatened by them? As a male, I am not offended, but then again, I am secure in my masculinity. These are facts, I neither apologize for them nor defend them. I accept them and work for change.
I have no magical powers to change the past, but I do have magic to change the future.
November 5th, 2018 – let’s make a history our grandchildren can look back upon with pride.
I get a kick out of all these guys rushing to find examples of female mass shooters. And actually demonstrating the point.
Maybe instead of getting angry at someone mentioning the problem, we should ask WHY this is almost always done by the male half of the human race.
Frankly, it’s kind of weird: you would think that those who have less physical strength – women – would be MORE likely to resort to a gun to commit violence. But no, it’s men.
Mass shootings are almost all committed by men, and violent crime overall is far more likely to me committed by males. Why?
Everyone seems to miss the sense of “not all of them do that”. I believe 99.999 % of men do not commit mass shootings. This is also true of all American gun owners, both male and female. It is also a fact that out of millions of semi-automatic firearms in the USA, only a few each year are involved in criminal activities.
Women tend to be POISONERS not shooters.Women also tend to be abusers.Women poison people for money and abuse other women as with the recent Feminist Erotica pimp.Women abuse the handicapped.I imagine if one totals the damage done by women versus the damage done by mass shooters one would find women far more dangerous to the public health.The majority of mass shooters have mental health issues and are on anti depressants which tends to amplify violent thoughts and actions.One of the greatest increases in crime rate statistics come from the female sector.
I remeber the Brenda Ann Spencer case, and the song "I hate Mondays_. it was the first chool shooting I had heard of. When Columbine happeded my first reaction was, "Crap, someone is copying the “Monday” girl."
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Münchausen_syndrome_by_proxy“Münchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP or MBP) is a behaviour pattern in which a caregiver fabricates, exaggerates, or induces health problems in those who are in their care.”
“One study showed that in 93 percent of cases of MSbP, the abuser is the mother or another female guardian or caregiver. Typical, white female abuser.”
The most famous example is Marybeth Tenning who killed her 9 children over the course of 14 years because she liked the attention she was getting.(Found here https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/2j3h6q/munchausen_by_proxy_hurting_children_to_get/)
I wonder what the age distribution of mass shooters is? If it is mostly younger people, perhaps we should raise the age of buying a gun to say 35 or 40?
I’m pretty sure it’s because girls choose to commit suicide when they’re depressed or bullied or such. A lot of men do too, but some decide to take others out with them.
the strip is illustrating the perspective of two little girls, who of course would find booger-brained boys deserving of mocking. The point I believe is to present a fact with humor.
1) That sign is eerily similar to the “No Guns” sign. Probably a lot more effective, though – this is a cartoon.2) Pretty much every mass shooter is a Democrat.
Isn’t freedom of choice wonderful!! Those who choose to continue with this strip can do so; those who are tired of the misandry can choose to read other comics.
Since Sandy Hook (December 2012) 438 people have been shot in school shootings, with 138 killed. That has everyone’s attention right now. (https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/02/15/us/school-shootings-sandy-hook-parkland.html).However, in Chicago alone, 771 people were murdered in 2016, and 450 in 2017 (murders of all types, not just firearms).What do the generally youthful shooters get from all this? Notoriety. An infamous form of celebrity. Publicity. Society is sick, and getting sicker. There are many ways to take human life, a gun is only one of them. Just ask Cain’s brother, Able. Take the guns away, and society is still sick. That is the problem that must be confronted.
These are cartoon children, if real adults don’t have to subscribe to total logic, why would they?
Anyway, tired of the old, but this woman did this and that women did that when tens of thousands of men over the course of history have done far more and far worse. As if one woman doing something similar is absolutely horrible, but at the same time exonerates the many more horrible men. Seriously?
Mostly true, only 8 percent of perpetrators of firearm homicides are female. In comparison, 40 percent of poisonings and 20 percent of deaths by fire are linked to female perps. We do have two Brenda Spencer and Sylvia Seegrist.
You guys totally miss the point – an evil female see’s no joy in mass killing..She would rather make life miserable for one victim at a time….Slowly and more delicious that way…“Pass me the Bon-Bon’s you worthless scum”……
Anything about guns should be banned from the Magical Woods of Cartoons? Wiley is about the only one breaching the subject, and I will continue to marvel at his work. And arming those bears and deer, etc., while lampooning every sacred cow out there. Great talent is often provocative.
Niceness doesn’t have any flaws? Niceness has many flaws! Kindness is the attribute that doesn’t have flaws. There is a big difference between them which most people don’t appreciate.
Didn’t Danae actually admit to her dads reasoning in Yesterday’s strip…There is hope for the girl yet…she’s whacko but good whacko….Love her evil snickering’s…
Although I generally enjoy this particular strip, the recent male-bashing, gun-hating, libotomized b.s. presented in this series is contributing to the degradation of young minds. GUNS don’t kill people: PEOPLE kill people. GUNS are not “guilty” of murder: PEOPLE are “guilty” of murder. Libtards. ….
Asharah almost 7 years ago
Ever heard of Brenda Spencer? At age 16 she opened fire on an elementary schoolyard across from her house, killed the principal and a maintenance man, injured 8 children and a police officer. San Diego, California January 29 1979
Dtroutma almost 7 years ago
Lucricea Borgia didn’t need a gun.
Martin I almost 7 years ago
See how nice the magical woods of niceness is if a boy tries to enter.
Lady Bri almost 7 years ago
Nope, Niceness does not have any flaws in of itself. It has even been known to kill. ;-)
john condos almost 7 years ago
I dropped this comic a while back..now I remember why
brain Les almost 7 years ago
seen plenty of female Muslim suicide bombers and stabbers, though….
keenanthelibrarian almost 7 years ago
I’d like to hear Dad’s comment on the “all mass shooters are male” syndrome.
grafdog almost 7 years ago
Wow, really?? If that same logic was used on ANY negative statistic involving African Americans, Muslims, women, or anyone except men, there would be outrage. Yet you feel the freedom to say something like that about men. Nice. Use tragedies as an opportunity to insult an entire gender. Face it America, the white male is the most publicly despised demographic in the nation. Sorry for being born, I guess… Maybe instead of using your comic to thrash readers who never hurt anyone, you could give actual insight on the shootings themselves? How about the fact that most of the shooters are in a state of complete despair and meaninglessness, and are searching for a cause? Or the disparity in our culture between our attitude toward actual violence (it’s horrible and grieving) and our attitude toward FANTASY violence (it’s sexy and attractive and cool and it doesn’t matter that you kill someone as long as they were wearing a helmet that hid their face)?? I mean seriously man, that had zero tact, and zero intelligence behind it. Think about what you’re actually saying before you publish it for the world to see. You’re a brilliant man; the rest of your work shows that. I think we all expected better when we opened the comics this morning.
himbear almost 7 years ago
Ah, analytical statistics. Yours truly RobotAIJudge10.0 has been equipped with the most advanced statistical logic inference processor, and there can only be one conclusion: Kill all the men, and you’ll have almost zero shootings. Then, kill all the survivors, and you’ll be sure to have nothing left to worry about.Or…. Provide decent living conditions and strong social networks for everybody, instead of guns, and you might keep everybody alive in a much happier society..Without RoboJudge.
metalmamba almost 7 years ago
https://www.livescience.com/53047-why-female-mass-shooters-are-rare.html But in this comic, I believe it would be better off to ban guns? How can it be a magical wood of niceness when there is gender discrimination?
gorbag almost 7 years ago
Wait, so banning boys is nice, but banning girls is… sexist??
Painted Wolf almost 7 years ago
Many years ago David Drake wrote a series of short stories and novellas about a war involving humans and… it got complicated, because Things Were Not As They Seemed At First. In any case the ships carrying the Reaction Marine companies were all named after female mass killers. Drake also wrote two novels placed on a terraformed Venus where things had gotten… a bit out of hand. Just a little. In Surface Action, the first one, the main characters are all members of an organization named the Blackhorse (Drake was in the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment in Vietnam) and all of their battleships were named for prominent and remarkably bloody-minded female autocrats. Both Drake and his sometime collaborator S. M. Stirling know quite well that some girls can and will kill even more readily than most guys, given that they’d actually had a look at actual history. Stirling’s scariest characters are all female, including Gwendolyn Ingolfsson and my personal favorite, Teyud za-Zhalt. The notion that girls are, umm, ‘nice’, while guys are evil is… not borne out by actual events.
DanFlak almost 7 years ago
Why do people find facts offensive. Are they so insecure in their beings that they are threatened by them? As a male, I am not offended, but then again, I am secure in my masculinity. These are facts, I neither apologize for them nor defend them. I accept them and work for change.
I have no magical powers to change the past, but I do have magic to change the future.
November 5th, 2018 – let’s make a history our grandchildren can look back upon with pride.
Ignatz Premium Member almost 7 years ago
I get a kick out of all these guys rushing to find examples of female mass shooters. And actually demonstrating the point.
Maybe instead of getting angry at someone mentioning the problem, we should ask WHY this is almost always done by the male half of the human race.
Frankly, it’s kind of weird: you would think that those who have less physical strength – women – would be MORE likely to resort to a gun to commit violence. But no, it’s men.
Mass shootings are almost all committed by men, and violent crime overall is far more likely to me committed by males. Why?
dhoff68718 Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Evil is does not have a gender.
tripwire45 almost 7 years ago
Apparently Wiley is banning himself as well. Way to overkill.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 7 years ago
The only mass murderer woman that i can remember used a car to plow through a crowd.
That was a number of years ago.
Billy Yank almost 7 years ago
Everyone seems to miss the sense of “not all of them do that”. I believe 99.999 % of men do not commit mass shootings. This is also true of all American gun owners, both male and female. It is also a fact that out of millions of semi-automatic firearms in the USA, only a few each year are involved in criminal activities.
E.WizardGlick almost 7 years ago
Women tend to be POISONERS not shooters.Women also tend to be abusers.Women poison people for money and abuse other women as with the recent Feminist Erotica pimp.Women abuse the handicapped.I imagine if one totals the damage done by women versus the damage done by mass shooters one would find women far more dangerous to the public health.The majority of mass shooters have mental health issues and are on anti depressants which tends to amplify violent thoughts and actions.One of the greatest increases in crime rate statistics come from the female sector.
GeorgeJohnson almost 7 years ago
Too bad idiot leftist don’t think the same way about terrorist… selective stupidity.
WTFrank almost 7 years ago
I remeber the Brenda Ann Spencer case, and the song "I hate Mondays_. it was the first chool shooting I had heard of. When Columbine happeded my first reaction was, "Crap, someone is copying the “Monday” girl."
E.WizardGlick almost 7 years ago
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Münchausen_syndrome_by_proxy“Münchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP or MBP) is a behaviour pattern in which a caregiver fabricates, exaggerates, or induces health problems in those who are in their care.”
“One study showed that in 93 percent of cases of MSbP, the abuser is the mother or another female guardian or caregiver. Typical, white female abuser.”
The most famous example is Marybeth Tenning who killed her 9 children over the course of 14 years because she liked the attention she was getting.(Found here https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/2j3h6q/munchausen_by_proxy_hurting_children_to_get/)
Radish... almost 7 years ago
A booger brained boy made her do it.
Qiset almost 7 years ago
Probably genetics. Hunter vs nurturer thing. Since the “hunter” has been kinda down-played in society, the male goes off to the weeds.
Bruce1253 almost 7 years ago
I wonder what the age distribution of mass shooters is? If it is mostly younger people, perhaps we should raise the age of buying a gun to say 35 or 40?
Kevin Jordan almost 7 years ago
I’m pretty sure it’s because girls choose to commit suicide when they’re depressed or bullied or such. A lot of men do too, but some decide to take others out with them.
yldchyld Premium Member almost 7 years ago
the strip is illustrating the perspective of two little girls, who of course would find booger-brained boys deserving of mocking. The point I believe is to present a fact with humor.
rgbourj almost 7 years ago
Laurie Dann?
Ogmeister almost 7 years ago
1) That sign is eerily similar to the “No Guns” sign. Probably a lot more effective, though – this is a cartoon.2) Pretty much every mass shooter is a Democrat.
billpat1 almost 7 years ago
Of course 40% od murder by poisoning is done by females.
fuzzbucket Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Now they’ve encouraged the wimmen to take over another job.
drkala almost 7 years ago
Wow…a fantasy by a fantasy is getting all these people overheated about the fax
the lost wizard almost 7 years ago
Niceness apparently has two obvious flaws and they’re tolerance and inclusion according to this strip.
William Bednar Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Looks to me that this cartoon has done a good job in making readers think.
sccooley almost 7 years ago
Grrr. This comic strip isn’t 100% factual. It clearly is biased. Actual news sites (cough cough) are frequently wrong. They’re to be trusted.
fiif Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Isn’t freedom of choice wonderful!! Those who choose to continue with this strip can do so; those who are tired of the misandry can choose to read other comics.
paranormal almost 7 years ago
Danae, you better hope she doesn’t have winged monkeys and lives in a deserted castle!!!
Varnes almost 7 years ago
The real question is why does it happen so rarely in other countries?
Varnes almost 7 years ago
I love the happy fish and the frog….
Charlie Fogwhistle almost 7 years ago
Since Sandy Hook (December 2012) 438 people have been shot in school shootings, with 138 killed. That has everyone’s attention right now. (https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/02/15/us/school-shootings-sandy-hook-parkland.html).However, in Chicago alone, 771 people were murdered in 2016, and 450 in 2017 (murders of all types, not just firearms).What do the generally youthful shooters get from all this? Notoriety. An infamous form of celebrity. Publicity. Society is sick, and getting sicker. There are many ways to take human life, a gun is only one of them. Just ask Cain’s brother, Able. Take the guns away, and society is still sick. That is the problem that must be confronted.
GiantShetlandPony almost 7 years ago
These are cartoon children, if real adults don’t have to subscribe to total logic, why would they?
Anyway, tired of the old, but this woman did this and that women did that when tens of thousands of men over the course of history have done far more and far worse. As if one woman doing something similar is absolutely horrible, but at the same time exonerates the many more horrible men. Seriously?
BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Mostly true, only 8 percent of perpetrators of firearm homicides are female. In comparison, 40 percent of poisonings and 20 percent of deaths by fire are linked to female perps. We do have two Brenda Spencer and Sylvia Seegrist.
nopainogain almost 7 years ago
not one man has ever driven a minivan full of his own children into a body of water
Ka`ōnōhi`ula`okahōkūmiomio`ehiku Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Women tend to be serial killers rather than mass shooters.
chain gang charlie almost 7 years ago
You guys totally miss the point – an evil female see’s no joy in mass killing..She would rather make life miserable for one victim at a time….Slowly and more delicious that way…“Pass me the Bon-Bon’s you worthless scum”……
Oldgrowth almost 7 years ago
Anything about guns should be banned from the Magical Woods of Cartoons? Wiley is about the only one breaching the subject, and I will continue to marvel at his work. And arming those bears and deer, etc., while lampooning every sacred cow out there. Great talent is often provocative.
gerald9edgar almost 7 years ago
Google “School shootings with female shooters” … they are rare, but not nonexistent.
RonBerg13 Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Its called testosterone.
You know – one of those ‘differences’ between men and women that political correctness demands be ignored?
The only time I would ever expect a woman to do a mass shooting would be due to PMS – that time of the month when women act like men do all the time.
Teto85 Premium Member almost 7 years ago
The Homecoming Queen had a gun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG3yGdQYwqg
jmworacle almost 7 years ago
But cluelessness does….
StackableContainers almost 7 years ago
Niceness doesn’t have any flaws? Niceness has many flaws! Kindness is the attribute that doesn’t have flaws. There is a big difference between them which most people don’t appreciate.
shivabones almost 7 years ago
The San Bernadina shooter? Numerous female terrorists?
chain gang charlie almost 7 years ago
Didn’t Danae actually admit to her dads reasoning in Yesterday’s strip…There is hope for the girl yet…she’s whacko but good whacko….Love her evil snickering’s…
truth teller over 6 years ago
What about all the millions of babies women have been murdering for decades?
RandyStegemann over 6 years ago
If ALL mass murderers are MEN, who was the shooter at YouTube?
DickSilk over 6 years ago
Although I generally enjoy this particular strip, the recent male-bashing, gun-hating, libotomized b.s. presented in this series is contributing to the degradation of young minds. GUNS don’t kill people: PEOPLE kill people. GUNS are not “guilty” of murder: PEOPLE are “guilty” of murder. Libtards. ….
gsteele531 over 5 years ago
And all those mass murderers who have their babies killed are women – 60 million so far. What’s the death toll from men?