So this confirms that they ARE living after a modern cataclysm, not in prehistoric times. That explains the TV special “A BC Christmas”. I mean, why would prehistoric people celebrate something that hasn’t happened yet? Lol, and I thought that then the strip’s name would be changed to “A.D.”
What is the big deal about whether this strip is pre or post apocalyptic???It’s a comic strip, and, actually, it’s anachronistic—which is what makes it funny.
Another early example: Near Christmas time 2004, the apteryx, dressed as Santa Claus, modified his usual spiel: “Hi there, I’m an Apterclaus, a wingless toymonger with batteries not included!” The Washington Post columnist and comics critic Gene Weingarten suggested12 that B.C. is actually set not in the past but in a dystopic, post-apocalyptic future. That they Apocalypse destroyed most civilization and GMO animals and plants roam N. America. (We do see that some in what was called Europe still have high tech including a large war drone is shown to Peter.)
Wilde Bill over 6 years ago
More like a mushroom.
wiatr over 6 years ago
Cue “Blowin’ in the Wind”…
mr_sherman Premium Member over 6 years ago
“A little radiation is good for you.”
Nachikethass over 6 years ago
Typical homo sapiens! Pull a lever, just because it’s there!
Watcher over 6 years ago
And thus began the Dark Ages.
jagedlo over 6 years ago
You would think the ants would create some sort of plug to put in the entryway to keep the rain out..
cubswin2016 over 6 years ago
All the ant needs to do is put an awning over the hole.
DanFlak over 6 years ago
Was it Einstein who said, “I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with clubs and spears.”
Iron Pounder over 6 years ago
And thus politics creep into EVERYTHING
Piper_13 Premium Member over 6 years ago
That’s NOT the radiation symbol. It’s the fallout/fallout shelter symbol. And definitely not a flower!
Auntie Socialist over 6 years ago
So now instead of being prehistoric they’re post-apocalyptic? Kind of an odd direction to swerve into…
ptnjbrown over 6 years ago
First two panels: Panel 2.1: “It fills the pool in the basement.”
sandpiper over 6 years ago
Allegory for recent congressional manipulations to win a seat? As in, the results could be shattering?
Cerabooge over 6 years ago
Modern B.C. is often very dark.
i_am_the_jam over 6 years ago
So this confirms that they ARE living after a modern cataclysm, not in prehistoric times. That explains the TV special “A BC Christmas”. I mean, why would prehistoric people celebrate something that hasn’t happened yet? Lol, and I thought that then the strip’s name would be changed to “A.D.”
1953Baby over 6 years ago
What is the big deal about whether this strip is pre or post apocalyptic???It’s a comic strip, and, actually, it’s anachronistic—which is what makes it funny.
blakerl over 6 years ago
The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades.
Maverick91 over 6 years ago
“Wrong lever…!”“Why do we even have that lever?”
DCBakerEsq over 6 years ago
So, B.C. Is actually post apocalyptic? Would explain a lot.
Teto85 Premium Member over 6 years ago
But this would bring about Armageddon which is what Johnny wanted.
GiantShetlandPony over 6 years ago
Ironically, if humans keep on their current path BC could be our future. If not entirely eradicated from the earth for man’s folly.
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe over 6 years ago
North Korea or North Dakota?
linwoodbragg over 6 years ago
this comic makes no sense -—- again
Liam Astle Premium Member over 6 years ago
“I don’t know why but I have this sudden urge to worship this thing.”
beady.el over 6 years ago
Are they getting ready for a big reveal – that BC is actually post-apocalyptic? Can’t wait to hear the explanation for the dinosaurs…
jmohr134 over 6 years ago
“Blessed be the holy fallout; I reveal my innermost self.. to my God.”
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 6 years ago
They are in the Dark Ages of a new age full of neo-primitives and GMO animals. Must be a left over.
TheWildSow over 6 years ago
But where’s the giant snake named Nate, who guards that lever? Did someone run over him?
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 6 years ago
Another early example: Near Christmas time 2004, the apteryx, dressed as Santa Claus, modified his usual spiel: “Hi there, I’m an Apterclaus, a wingless toymonger with batteries not included!” The Washington Post columnist and comics critic Gene Weingarten suggested12 that B.C. is actually set not in the past but in a dystopic, post-apocalyptic future. That they Apocalypse destroyed most civilization and GMO animals and plants roam N. America. (We do see that some in what was called Europe still have high tech including a large war drone is shown to Peter.)
spoeden over 6 years ago
A nod to “Beneath the Planet of the Apes”.
Marv Premium Member 12 months ago
Just when I’m convinced this strip is an absurd comic past, we get these that hint that it’s a dystopic post-apocalyptic future.