Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for November 14, 2018

  1. Egil skallagrimsson
    Kveldulf  over 6 years ago

    Since this was drawn several weeks ago, Wiley must have an uncanny ability to predict the future.

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  2. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz  over 6 years ago

    1929, 2007 … 2019 — “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” (George Santayana)

    Unfortunately, if there are enough who do not learn, those of us who did learn are also forced to repeat it with them, and it is even worse, because we know how the story ends.

    A Democrat steps in, saves the economy from utter RepubliCON collapse, turns it around into economic prosperity. New RepubliCONs come along, ride the momentum of the prosperity for awhile as the lagging economic indicators are slow to turn around the massive economic ship of state, until the iceberg of greed by those who want to REDISTRIBUTE wealth produced by working people to the few richest elites who already have the most is struck, and their titanic pyramid scheme collapses.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 6 years ago

    A rarity for Americans leashed to their cell phones.

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  4. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Madam predicts you will be eaten by bears.

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  5. Millionchimps1
    tripwire45  over 6 years ago

    Most people can’t remember much before the last crisis or scandal last week.

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  6. Hold still i gotcha homie 28918 1250050600 0
    Aussie Down Under  over 6 years ago

    Just the usual cycle…“what goes up must come down”. Hopefully the later in smaller increments than the former.

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  7. Profile 6
    dot-the-I  over 6 years ago

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” (Winston Churchill)

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    russef  over 6 years ago

    THEY’RE OFF! And it’s DD Wix on the inside rail. derdave969 is a length behind followed by dukedog in third!

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  9. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 6 years ago

    Most Americans have convenient amnesia when it comes to economic disasters.

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    uniquename  over 6 years ago

    Wiley, I love her name.

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  11. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  over 6 years ago

    Not the thousands who directly suffered the after effects. Big corporations have one guiding principle _ if they can actually be said to have one – people and their money are like cattle in a feed lot, i.e., easy pickings, no way out, and a stark future

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    sdl1510  over 6 years ago

    You are free to move to Venezuela whenever you like. They have the exact economy you want.

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    rlaker22j  over 6 years ago

    Nobody said they should get the same wages what they said is there should be a living wage minimum wage

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    feverjr Premium Member over 6 years ago

    As I recall, the last crash began with a tax cut and banks getting rid of a few pesky regulations…. Of course this will be different, it is a huge tax cut for the very wealthy and as much deregulation as Trump’s cabinet can sell….

    We have learned from our mistakes and can repeat them perfectly….

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    Bill The Nuke  over 6 years ago

    I love her name.

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    dennisodoyle  over 6 years ago

    You’ve got it completely backward. It’s the Democrats who want to redistribute the wealth, or haven’t you been watching the news?

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  17. Neuman
    rmercer Premium Member over 6 years ago

    SELL EVERYTHING!!!! AAAaaaaauugggghhhhh!!!!!

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    rs0204 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Unfortunately, the people who need to understand, will not get the irony of the cartoon. I predict…fall 2019 the recession will begin.

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    MikeJanus Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Reminds me of a passage from “The Skin of Our Teeth” in which a fortune teller says"“I tell the future. Keck. Nothing easier. Everybody’s future is in their face. Nothing easier.“But who can tell your past,—eh? Nobody!“Your youth—where did it go? It slipped away while you weren’t looking. While you were asleep. While you were drunk? Puh! You’re like our friends, Mr. and Mrs. Antrobus; you lie awake nights trying to know your past. What did it mean? What was it trying to say to you?“Think! Think! Split your heads. I can’t tell the past and neither can you. If anybody tries to tell you the past, take my word for it, they’re charlatans! Charlatans! But I can tell you the future.”

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    TerBer  over 6 years ago

    Where is that famous Wiley wit regearding Dems in Florida? Tons of material there.1 2 3 4 Wait this one wasn’t smart enough to vote are we sure he was democrat? Right stupid question. 5 . . .

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  21. Gcav
    Brian  Premium Member over 6 years ago

    The S&P has plunged all the way back to where it was . . . in July! It’s been an up and down year, but still in the green. This might be the start of something or nothing. Right now it looks a lot like what went on in February and March of this year.

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  22. Toughcat
    bakana  over 6 years ago

    And, she understands that “What’s Past is Prologue”.

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  23. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 6 years ago

    “Told you so” is easy. Actually predicting is easy too, if you stick to generalities. From here, it sure looks like rain, sometime in the next couple of months… And a distinct market downturn in about the same time frame. (I’m buying gold and selling futures…)

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  24. 100 2451
    RonBerg13 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    55 years ago my econ 101 prof told a joke…

    If you lined up all of the world’s economists in a single line, going from LA to NY, each one of them would point in a different direction.

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  25. Cathy aack Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Love the name!!

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