Here we go again, the same old “trickle down” scam that has never worked.
Didn’t work under Hoover.
Didn’t work under Bush.
Not working under Trump.
Or maybe it has worked perfectly for its true purpose, just the way they designed it — to REDISTRIBUTE the wealth produced by middle class working people to the few richest elites who already have the most while pretending it is supposed to help working people and the middle class.
It does NOT work the way scam artists try to sell it to gullible suckers.
Yup, the government supports the businesses that support the politicians, not necessarily the government, but the politicians. Buying a few key politicians is way cheaper than paying taxes like the rest of us. As it is, it has always been. Keep complaining. It is about all we can do.
There are three topics that one should never talk about in the office: sex, politics and religion. So down here on “Tobacco Row” – talk about ACC Basketball is forbidden. It is as good as sex, as controversial as politics and people definitely believe in it.
“There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe that if you just legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, that their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous their prosperity will find its way up and through every class that rests upon it.” – William Jennings Bryan, 1896
What does work is eliminating the barriers to business so it can grow and add employees, which Trump did. The Trump-haters don’t like it, but he did put more people to work than any Democrat President and helped more leave welfare than any.
“Conservatives say if you don’t give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they’ve lost all incentive because we’ve given them too much money.” —George Carlin
DD I don’t know who you are either, but if Warren is looking for a VP candidate, cabinet member, or whatever, let her know you have my endorsement. No, she has no idea who I am, either, but I bet I could get some support behind that idea.
It has always been this way. The powerful take. The poor cry for help and the middle get squeezed both way…by those who take and those the middle takes pity on.
ALL politics is religion – based on faith, perception, and preconceived explanations; with any additional facts used to bolster the existing belief paradigm.
Preach it DD! All the ignorant Trump supporters, unfortunately, will never understand or want to even when their noses have been repeatedly rubbed in it! Your “likes” far outnumber theirs and you have a lot of intelligent “likers” (including myself/blush)…
Trickle Down and Supply Side Economics – what a joke! Imagine that people who have lots of money being able to create new jobs and spend more money and thinking it would help others! Lets go with socialism and bleed the rich dry and give their money to everyone else. That has worked in many other countries…hasn’t it?
Mr. Miller: You are a very clever and intelligent man with a large following. It is very easy to be an armchair quarterback and criticize the plays that other attempt. Perhaps you could put your skills and influence to work by giving us some cartoons with solid suggestions as to what might help our country? I triple-dog dare you!
Egonomics instead of economics. The rich and corporations game the system to stroke their ego’s with more money. With more money comes more power through campaign contributions (bribes), which means more money. Stagnant wages for the workers and ballooned wages for CEOs and upper management. Rinse and repeat.
DD Wiz about 6 years ago
Here we go again, the same old “trickle down” scam that has never worked.
Didn’t work under Hoover.
Didn’t work under Bush.
Not working under Trump.
Or maybe it has worked perfectly for its true purpose, just the way they designed it — to REDISTRIBUTE the wealth produced by middle class working people to the few richest elites who already have the most while pretending it is supposed to help working people and the middle class.
It does NOT work the way scam artists try to sell it to gullible suckers.
It works perfectly for billionaire CON men.
danketaz Premium Member about 6 years ago
Well, Voodoo is a recognized religion.
Kind&Kinder about 6 years ago
Don’t go crazy-fan over European football, though. They riot and kill people over there over rivalries!
jessie d. about 6 years ago
Economic policy straight out of the devil’s lair. Conservatives pitch the scam earning a life time of damnation but all the money to burn.
braindead Premium Member about 6 years ago
Trump is an un-recognized religion.
It has Disciples who worship their Messiah.
It is an offshoot of evangelical Christianity where mulligans have been substituted for principles and morals.
sandpiper about 6 years ago
He will be renowned among historic leaders as Buttercup, the ‘Twitterpated’, thus giving the term a whole new prominence in the lexicon.
dot-the-I about 6 years ago
A week of Bob is a great week. Thank you. (Though lawyers never “take,” they do “withdraw” and “retract” a lot.)
in.amongst about 6 years ago
Abiding by the rules is will avoid talking zealotry. NBA anyone?
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Yup, the government supports the businesses that support the politicians, not necessarily the government, but the politicians. Buying a few key politicians is way cheaper than paying taxes like the rest of us. As it is, it has always been. Keep complaining. It is about all we can do.
dukedoug about 6 years ago
The only stuff that trickles down you don’t want to be sitting in.
c141starlifter about 6 years ago
didn’t work under Reagan
DanFlak about 6 years ago
There are three topics that one should never talk about in the office: sex, politics and religion. So down here on “Tobacco Row” – talk about ACC Basketball is forbidden. It is as good as sex, as controversial as politics and people definitely believe in it.
uniquename about 6 years ago
So who’s that behind the bar?
Ignatz Premium Member about 6 years ago
“There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe that if you just legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, that their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous their prosperity will find its way up and through every class that rests upon it.” – William Jennings Bryan, 1896
Masterskrain about 6 years ago
Well, “Religion” AND “Supply Side Economics” ARE both just fantasies for weak-willed goobers to believe in, so…
llong65 about 6 years ago
in some states sports is a religion.
asmbeers about 6 years ago
What does work is eliminating the barriers to business so it can grow and add employees, which Trump did. The Trump-haters don’t like it, but he did put more people to work than any Democrat President and helped more leave welfare than any.
Richard S Russell Premium Member about 6 years ago
“Conservatives say if you don’t give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they’ve lost all incentive because we’ve given them too much money.” —George Carlin
Diane Lee Premium Member about 6 years ago
DD I don’t know who you are either, but if Warren is looking for a VP candidate, cabinet member, or whatever, let her know you have my endorsement. No, she has no idea who I am, either, but I bet I could get some support behind that idea.
car2ner about 6 years ago
It has always been this way. The powerful take. The poor cry for help and the middle get squeezed both way…by those who take and those the middle takes pity on.
Al Nala about 6 years ago
Ah, getting the day off to a putrid start!
DCBakerEsq about 6 years ago
Fine. Let’s redistribute the wealth and call it a day. #AllHailComradePutin
Holden Awn about 6 years ago
ALL politics is religion – based on faith, perception, and preconceived explanations; with any additional facts used to bolster the existing belief paradigm.
bigal666 about 6 years ago
The only true trickle-down that works is when the CEO pees off of the penthouse balcony.
Neat '33 about 6 years ago
Um; for going on 2500+ years now, it’s always has been and will be “the haves, and the have nots”
TurbosDad about 6 years ago
Preach it DD! All the ignorant Trump supporters, unfortunately, will never understand or want to even when their noses have been repeatedly rubbed in it! Your “likes” far outnumber theirs and you have a lot of intelligent “likers” (including myself/blush)…
WCraft Premium Member about 6 years ago
Trickle Down and Supply Side Economics – what a joke! Imagine that people who have lots of money being able to create new jobs and spend more money and thinking it would help others! Lets go with socialism and bleed the rich dry and give their money to everyone else. That has worked in many other countries…hasn’t it?
braindead Premium Member about 6 years ago
You’ll notice all the Trump Disciple responses to DD Wiz are very small, both in the figurative and literal sense.
Most of them could fit onto a bumper sticker, again both figuratively and literally.
The quality of their responses matches the depth of their analysis skills.
WCraft Premium Member about 6 years ago
Mr. Miller: You are a very clever and intelligent man with a large following. It is very easy to be an armchair quarterback and criticize the plays that other attempt. Perhaps you could put your skills and influence to work by giving us some cartoons with solid suggestions as to what might help our country? I triple-dog dare you!
Kurtass about 6 years ago
Egonomics instead of economics. The rich and corporations game the system to stroke their ego’s with more money. With more money comes more power through campaign contributions (bribes), which means more money. Stagnant wages for the workers and ballooned wages for CEOs and upper management. Rinse and repeat.
Corey Cohen about 6 years ago