True story: Years ago in Monrovia CA, a militant cyclist did indeed run for mayor. Turns out, neighboring Pasadena was looking for him because he had been ignoring a traffic citation for riding his vehicle thru a stop sign w/o even trying to stop. His elitist narrow-minded public rant maintained that cyclists were saviors of civilization and that everyone should have to ride bikes to work, so therefore he was refusing to pay the ticket. I never read if a bench warrant was issued for his arrest, but his mayoral ambitions crashed and burned.
Where I live bicycles are a normal means of transportation and new roads are built to accommodate them as well as cars and pedestrians. Spandex pants are not common though. I wear baggy shorts (sometimes with padded underpants when it’s going to be a long ride). Wearing a helmet just makes sense. When I lived in Arizona, I found people who drove big pickup trucks far more arrogant than “cyclists”, even those wearing spandex.
Like Epictetus once said: "When you have brought yourself to supply the necessities of your body at a small price, don’t pique yourself upon it! Nor, if you drink water, be saying upon every occasion, “I drink water.”
Myself, I used to ride, many years ago, a bicycle in one of the biggest cities in the world. For me it was a cheap and very reliable from of transportation and cargo hauler – not a politicized statement of some kind.
I gotta admit, today’s riders in helmet and Spandex look like novelty condoms to me.
Middle Aged men riding $1000 bicycles wearing $500 “racing gear” as they huff and puff their way through life trying to convince themselves that they aren’t getting old by running a virtual “Tour de Fading Ego” all the while pretending they don’t really NEED all that Viagra.
Guess what, pseudo-cyclers? You’re just getting old…and ridiculous.
My road is a long, winding rural one. Cyclists like to pretend “Grand Prix” on it… with all the blind curves and steep places, someone is going to die, it’s only a matter of time. But the other day the most amazing cycling phenomena I have ever witnessed occurred: I was driving behind this guy, knowing full well that it would me miles and miles before I could even hope to pass him, and get this… the guy comes up to a driveway, and SLIDES OVER INTO IT SO I CAN PASS!! I was completely shocked. I’ve never seen another cyclist so much as THINK about getting off the road for one second for a car. I felt like I was witnessing a paranormal event.
When I was 17 I worked at Arby’s. One of the soldiers from Carson came in wearing bicycle shorts. Everything was so far on display that the lady who was supposed to be running the slicer decided she needed to come up to me at the counter for a closer look! 30+ years later and I couldn’t tell you what color his hair was…but the shorts were black.
I’m sure the non-humorous cyclists are in outrage everywhere. This is payback for arrogantly hogging the road and slowing down traffic, as if other motorists don’t have the same right you do. No one ever gained sympathy from hateful attitude. “Share the road” doesn’t mean ride across the entire lane at 15 mph and flip off approaching drivers. And those outfits. Seriously, style faux paux of the century. “Oh, look at my $1,500 bycycle, my Gucci skin-tight leos and oddly-shaped hat! Man wears a hat like this, folks know he’s not afraid o nuthin’!” Clue: Be afraid of a 3,000-lb vehicle traveling at 45mph. Very very afraid. It’s just common sense, isn’t it? Some may take umbrage at this line of comics. I say it’s a social lesson to learn from. If a road-rage motorist decides to take out a lone cyclist… all the attitude in the world isn’t going to remove the road smear. Bike sensibly, people. That’s all anyone asks. (I apologize for the frank, non-humorous post, but obviously this is a wide-spread enough problem to warrant being the focus of this comic for several panels. Perhaps cyclists should take a hint that bike clubs could focus less on equipment and more on responsible, mature behavior.)
No one likes the combination of arrogant assumption of moral superiority combined with frequent and flagrant disregard of traffic laws.
A cyclist’s concern for personal safety is completely valid, but when he runs stop lights and stop signs, or when groups break the law by not riding single file, and so block entire lanes, my sympathy goes way down.
Not long ago a local cyclist came in the bar I owned, was trying to get a petition signed to have bicycle post in front of every business in town, especially bars. I didn’t hear anything about it since then.
There is worse. In Old Orchard Maine, a morbidly obese Québécois, wearing flip flops and a 4 sizes too small electric blue Speedo, wrap around sun glasses, burnt to a dark, peeling red, with a furry back, and then you realize it’s a woman….
BE THIS GUY over 5 years ago
Town should pass a law requiring cyclists to wear baggy sweatpants.
cdgar over 5 years ago
I agree with no one likes cyclists. At least no one who counts.
DennisinSeattle over 5 years ago
Jef, you forgot to kiss the babies and schmooze with the Chamber of Commerce.
B UTTONS over 5 years ago
Doubtful Jef has a “package” – between the spandex compression suit and bicycle seat, anything Jef could have had is pushed into the nether regions.
jonnytest over 5 years ago
True story: Years ago in Monrovia CA, a militant cyclist did indeed run for mayor. Turns out, neighboring Pasadena was looking for him because he had been ignoring a traffic citation for riding his vehicle thru a stop sign w/o even trying to stop. His elitist narrow-minded public rant maintained that cyclists were saviors of civilization and that everyone should have to ride bikes to work, so therefore he was refusing to pay the ticket. I never read if a bench warrant was issued for his arrest, but his mayoral ambitions crashed and burned.
Gent over 5 years ago
Go away, Jef. Nobody likes you.
kaffekup over 5 years ago
Well, I for one, didn’t vote for him because he wears a purple football on his head.
Arianne over 5 years ago
No one likes a saddle sore loser. ( But it sure beats a winner.)
Aladar30 Premium Member over 5 years ago
Stay strong Jef. A day we will take over the world!
Andrew Sleeth over 5 years ago
Suburban white women?! Isn’t Jef just their type?
Yontrop over 5 years ago
Where I live bicycles are a normal means of transportation and new roads are built to accommodate them as well as cars and pedestrians. Spandex pants are not common though. I wear baggy shorts (sometimes with padded underpants when it’s going to be a long ride). Wearing a helmet just makes sense. When I lived in Arizona, I found people who drove big pickup trucks far more arrogant than “cyclists”, even those wearing spandex.
AKHenderson Premium Member over 5 years ago
Darn, race over already? I was hoping Victor the Vegan would throw his hat in the ring. That candidate debate would have been fun to watch.
Breadboard over 5 years ago
Was the Croc voting block ! …….. Croc Power !
jpayne4040 over 5 years ago
I’d say “No one likes that cyclist”!
matjestaet over 5 years ago
Like Epictetus once said: "When you have brought yourself to supply the necessities of your body at a small price, don’t pique yourself upon it! Nor, if you drink water, be saying upon every occasion, “I drink water.”
Masterskrain over 5 years ago
Actually, Jef’s a self-righteous jerk! And as an ex-cyclist, yes, I HAVE met morons just like him, and THEY were self-righteous jerks as well!
Troglodyte over 5 years ago
Hope this makes Jef mad enough to ride away into the sunset – never to be seen again!
eddie6192 over 5 years ago
The gocomics censor should arrive shortly.
walstib Premium Member over 5 years ago
Maybe now Jef can trade in his racing wheels for a mountain bike and get a courier gig delivering packages downtown.
Zebrastripes over 5 years ago
Ewwwwww! To cyclist and plumbers…just EWWWW!
dadoctah over 5 years ago
Dig deeper into those exit polls, Rat. Not only does nobody like cyclists, you’ll also discover that cyclists are unable to grasp that fact.
kd1sq Premium Member over 5 years ago
Myself, I used to ride, many years ago, a bicycle in one of the biggest cities in the world. For me it was a cheap and very reliable from of transportation and cargo hauler – not a politicized statement of some kind.
I gotta admit, today’s riders in helmet and Spandex look like novelty condoms to me.
Nathan Daniels over 5 years ago
I hate those package deals.
YippiKiAyMofo over 5 years ago
Middle Aged men riding $1000 bicycles wearing $500 “racing gear” as they huff and puff their way through life trying to convince themselves that they aren’t getting old by running a virtual “Tour de Fading Ego” all the while pretending they don’t really NEED all that Viagra.
Guess what, pseudo-cyclers? You’re just getting old…and ridiculous.
grafdog over 5 years ago
My road is a long, winding rural one. Cyclists like to pretend “Grand Prix” on it… with all the blind curves and steep places, someone is going to die, it’s only a matter of time. But the other day the most amazing cycling phenomena I have ever witnessed occurred: I was driving behind this guy, knowing full well that it would me miles and miles before I could even hope to pass him, and get this… the guy comes up to a driveway, and SLIDES OVER INTO IT SO I CAN PASS!! I was completely shocked. I’ve never seen another cyclist so much as THINK about getting off the road for one second for a car. I felt like I was witnessing a paranormal event.
the lost wizard over 5 years ago
felinefan55 Premium Member over 5 years ago
When I was 17 I worked at Arby’s. One of the soldiers from Carson came in wearing bicycle shorts. Everything was so far on display that the lady who was supposed to be running the slicer decided she needed to come up to me at the counter for a closer look! 30+ years later and I couldn’t tell you what color his hair was…but the shorts were black.
Al Nala over 5 years ago
Jeff’s a UPS biker???
Snoots over 5 years ago
I’m sure the non-humorous cyclists are in outrage everywhere. This is payback for arrogantly hogging the road and slowing down traffic, as if other motorists don’t have the same right you do. No one ever gained sympathy from hateful attitude. “Share the road” doesn’t mean ride across the entire lane at 15 mph and flip off approaching drivers. And those outfits. Seriously, style faux paux of the century. “Oh, look at my $1,500 bycycle, my Gucci skin-tight leos and oddly-shaped hat! Man wears a hat like this, folks know he’s not afraid o nuthin’!” Clue: Be afraid of a 3,000-lb vehicle traveling at 45mph. Very very afraid. It’s just common sense, isn’t it? Some may take umbrage at this line of comics. I say it’s a social lesson to learn from. If a road-rage motorist decides to take out a lone cyclist… all the attitude in the world isn’t going to remove the road smear. Bike sensibly, people. That’s all anyone asks. (I apologize for the frank, non-humorous post, but obviously this is a wide-spread enough problem to warrant being the focus of this comic for several panels. Perhaps cyclists should take a hint that bike clubs could focus less on equipment and more on responsible, mature behavior.)
TimothyP23 over 5 years ago
Yeah, Jeff! Who do you think you are, David Bowie in Labyrinth?
Cameron1988 Premium Member over 5 years ago
A perfect reason!
dwkiser28603 over 5 years ago
To quote Stone Cold Steve AustinOH HELL YEAH!
Plods with ...™ over 5 years ago
Jeff delivers packages?
Nick Danger over 5 years ago
It’s slightly more nuanced than that.
No one likes the combination of arrogant assumption of moral superiority combined with frequent and flagrant disregard of traffic laws.
A cyclist’s concern for personal safety is completely valid, but when he runs stop lights and stop signs, or when groups break the law by not riding single file, and so block entire lanes, my sympathy goes way down.
V45mikky over 5 years ago
Must have a small package, he did not get enough of the female vote.
Seed_drill over 5 years ago
I’m sure Pastis realizes that bulge ain’t our package, it’s basically a Shamwow pillow sewn into our shorts.
bloodykate over 5 years ago
Those bicycle pants are soooo gross!
jessie d. over 5 years ago
I do believe “Pearls Before Swine” is written exclusively for white men (over 45) and their multiplicity of grievances.
zeexenon over 5 years ago
The 4th frame shows he’s eating too much soy (man-boobs).
Sisyphos over 5 years ago
I usually have little confidence in polls, but in this particular case I am willing to say: Polls don’t lie, Jef the Cyclist! Spandex-wearing LOSER!
billdaviswords over 5 years ago
@satchel,Koko,LDL,Kenny they do in California (or any surf culture.)
MichaelCross over 5 years ago
Isn’t it supposed to be “Those racist and sexist fatties?”
jackproarty over 5 years ago
Let’s hope the new mayor is anti-cyclist
DebUSNRet over 5 years ago
Just had BRAG come to town. LOTS of cyclists! Interesting to say the least!
donut reply over 5 years ago
Not long ago a local cyclist came in the bar I owned, was trying to get a petition signed to have bicycle post in front of every business in town, especially bars. I didn’t hear anything about it since then.
Jonascord over 5 years ago
There is worse. In Old Orchard Maine, a morbidly obese Québécois, wearing flip flops and a 4 sizes too small electric blue Speedo, wrap around sun glasses, burnt to a dark, peeling red, with a furry back, and then you realize it’s a woman….
MollyCat over 2 years ago
For once I am with Rat.
marco mineri 5 days ago
Of course nobody likes us. We remind them how ugly and fat they are