Tis the basis for all GOP economic theory. Did the Great Tax Heist, highly touted to trickle down to the less fortunate amongst us, actually happen? The only thing that trickled down was the larger tax bill the rest of us will have to pay when the tax man cometh. We done been ’chumped" again.
This is exactly like the grand “experiment” now being carried out by the regressives who deny anthropogenic climate change. How many killer storms, floods, droughts, and the like will it take for the anti-science crowd to “call it a day” and try to ameliorate the looming disasters?
Or do we all simply drop out of the door onto the street like the toon shows?
Purdue Pharma goes splat on the ground below, leaving 50 states unable to recoup the cost of the human tragedies caused by the company’s lies about OxyContin. The Sackler family sails away with its profit-filled balloons. Yup, capitalism at its finest, all right!
“There are two possible outcomes: If the result confirms the hypothesis, then you’ve made a discovery. If the result is contrary to the hypothesis, then you’ve made a discovery.”—Enrico Fermi
If corporations start acting like governments, we’re in deep, deep doody. And, I do see examples of it here and there, though mostly the engineers and lower level folk seem to be reasonably attached to reality. So far.
monkeysky over 5 years ago
With current issues in commercial “research”, I wish this was just a political joke.
Dtroutma over 5 years ago
And thus we have deregulation in action.
braindead Premium Member over 5 years ago
Republicans all believe in trickle down economics.
They also believe no colluson, no obstruction.
einarbt over 5 years ago
The guy with the red balloon looks familiar. Isn’t he one of the Mafia guys that Wiley draws not so un-regularly?
Superfrog over 5 years ago
They may have over-estimated the benefits of inflation.
Snoots over 5 years ago
At least he still held on to the balloon. That had to lessen the impact some, right?
in.amongst over 5 years ago
oh, at least the balloon held up.
Bilan over 5 years ago
Sorry, but that anti-gravity theory was already proven by a guy in Sen Pedro , Ca with a lawnchair and 45 balloons.
sandpiper over 5 years ago
Tomorrow we try 2 lift assists. A work in progress and an application of trial balloon theory
franki_g over 5 years ago
Trickle Down LabUrinal kinds of trouble with that concept.
Those aren’t raindrops falling on your head.
Watcher over 5 years ago
Sort of like Trump and the GOP’s tax cut.
Zebrastripes over 5 years ago
Like in drug labs….what are they thinking?
cdward over 5 years ago
Profit always trumps public safety. And the public will always pay tp clean up the mess while the criminals get away with the cash.
tripwire45 over 5 years ago
Oh, you mean the sainted GMOs really are just as good as actual food?
jessie d. over 5 years ago
Tis the basis for all GOP economic theory. Did the Great Tax Heist, highly touted to trickle down to the less fortunate amongst us, actually happen? The only thing that trickled down was the larger tax bill the rest of us will have to pay when the tax man cometh. We done been ’chumped" again.
twclix over 5 years ago
This is exactly like the grand “experiment” now being carried out by the regressives who deny anthropogenic climate change. How many killer storms, floods, droughts, and the like will it take for the anti-science crowd to “call it a day” and try to ameliorate the looming disasters?
Or do we all simply drop out of the door onto the street like the toon shows?
1953Baby over 5 years ago
Hasn’t “Trickle Down” been changed to “Tinkle On?”
Richard S Russell Premium Member over 5 years ago
Purdue Pharma goes splat on the ground below, leaving 50 states unable to recoup the cost of the human tragedies caused by the company’s lies about OxyContin. The Sackler family sails away with its profit-filled balloons. Yup, capitalism at its finest, all right!
TimothyP23 over 5 years ago
These guys were in charge of R&D at Acme for the longest time.
COL Crash over 5 years ago
Their Rules for Chemistry and Biology are more of a concern to me.
Bookworm over 5 years ago
But “the principle is sound.” It doesn’t work, but “the principle is sound.”
DCBakerEsq over 5 years ago
Everybody complains about gravity, but no one does anything about it.
Lablubber over 5 years ago
Nine out of ten focus groups found this cartoon funny.
marilynnbyerly over 5 years ago
I hope he landed on Pennywise.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
“There are two possible outcomes: If the result confirms the hypothesis, then you’ve made a discovery. If the result is contrary to the hypothesis, then you’ve made a discovery.” —Enrico Fermi
Concretionist over 5 years ago
If corporations start acting like governments, we’re in deep, deep doody. And, I do see examples of it here and there, though mostly the engineers and lower level folk seem to be reasonably attached to reality. So far.
bakana over 5 years ago
Wouldn’t most Corporations have the Dumpster Under the door?
With a 6 inch layer of Slime in the bottom.
keenanthelibrarian over 5 years ago
Gravity deniers now?
cwg over 5 years ago
Oh look, climate change research at work!