Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for December 15, 2019

  1. The cat
    Le'letha Premium Member about 5 years ago

    I love that “Puck-good” is the gold standard, and yet somehow, I’m not remotely surprised.

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  2. Glob
    BillJackson2  about 5 years ago

    So, who else is staying up to read Sunday’s strip?

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    maggijoseph Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Well not many of us have achieved being “Puck good!”

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    Jayfbird1969 Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Aww, Pucky is so cute in his Santa’s Perfect Angel shirt. He’s such a good boy.

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    dmah Premium Member about 5 years ago

    I’m loving the Christmas themed jammies! It looks like Elvis has Christmas trees on his robe?

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    Jayfbird1969 Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Love the last panel where the bestest good boy is getting a head pat from Santa.

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  7. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  about 5 years ago

    I see your “I believe” next to your siggy, Georgia. I believe, too!

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    dmah Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Toes beans!! :)

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  9. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  about 5 years ago

    Lupin is so honest.

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    Strob  about 5 years ago

    While Elvis and Lupin are arguing, the goodies are disappearing off the plate!

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  11. Beatrix
    Hedgehog  about 5 years ago

    Sunday Funday

    In addition to the usual, share a favorite Christmas movie, TV show, song or song list, video, etc.

    Here’s mine:

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  12. 111px blitty3
    Sionyx  about 5 years ago

    Maybe if you opened your eyes, Elvis?

    Me, I know our cats believe in Santa. He even left a note one year that my bratling of a kitty had tried to climb into his sack! Our current pair is more likely to flee than stick around to get skritches, but then Santa’s more likely to visit homes with actual People-Kittens in them so it’s unlikely it’ll come up. But I know the big guy’s out there, otherwise how would I have gotten my Barbie Townhouse after my parents said no to a Barbie dollhouse for so long?

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    catmom1360  about 5 years ago

    Someday Elvis will get a rude awakening about all his unbeliefs.

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  14. Photo
    Robin Harwood  about 5 years ago

    Elvis is correct in withholding belief in Santa until he has empirical evidence. (Witholding belief is not the same as denying.) And I’m not sure that Lupin’s “mostly good” is good enough. He might be doomed to coal.

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  15. Picture
    ConnieEmbury1  about 5 years ago

    Still early by my night owl clock!

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    MaryFassell1  about 5 years ago

    Staying up?? I just finished lunch. It’s 2pm here in Thailand.

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  17. Motog 001 zpsrt2p5zhy 1
    poppet bear  about 5 years ago

    Burt’s chyron is a nice touch, really emphasizes Elvis’s cynicism ;-)

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  18. The cat
    Le'letha Premium Member about 5 years ago

    I notice the Baby is eating her crayons… Thank goodness for kid-friendly non-toxic crayons!

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  19. Large clocks
    Maizing  about 5 years ago

    I believe in Santa Claus.

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  20. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  about 5 years ago

    Did the boys ever reach a consensus on whether the mailman exists?

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  21. Kilo icon
    WelshRat Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Puck’s a twelve toe’d angel all right.

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  22. Mini mini me
    andycat Premium Member about 5 years ago

    I’m hoping Santa will tell Lupin that to get on his “Really good boy” list that he needs to be nicer to Goldie.

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  23. Missing large
      about 5 years ago

    Oh my gosh, it’s Santa Claus! This is a miracle.

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  24. Coleandsammy 019 square
    arolarson Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Be sure to read Non Sequitur today….not that it is any surprise to cat people.

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  25. Coleandsammy 019 square
    arolarson Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Love all the detail, especially the Baby munching the crayons.

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  26. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  about 5 years ago

    Are those kibble cookies Puck is ♥ing over?

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    ladykat Premium Member about 5 years ago

    I believe in Santa, I do!!!!

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    ladykat Premium Member about 5 years ago


    I’m back, you lucky people, you! We had a wonderful time on our trip, and I can highly recommend the cruise line we used for cleanliness, friendliness, food quality and quantity. Our first stop was in Cozumel, Mexico; we visited an are museum, a diorama of Mayan ruins, a chocolate factory where we saw how the Aztecs and Mayans processed the cocoa bean, a lovely beach and a restaurant for refreshments. Our second stop was in Roatan, Honduras. The tour we took here wasn’t as much fun, except for the middle part which was an eco walk through the jungle on suspension bridges. This out-of-shape retiree did it! The next day we were in Belize and had a wonderful time even though it rained all day. We visited some authentic Mayan ruins (another long walk made rather perilous by the rain); then we visited a spice farm where I picked up some spices grown there that I couldn’t afford here, and a few things I want to experiment with. The last stop on the tour was in Costa Maya, Mexico, where I picked up some assorted doo-dads including a gold and white marble cat that somehow reminded me irresistably of Yum Yum. Our last day was at sea returning to Miami and the ship had a blow-out sale. I picked up a few more things. As I said above, it was a wonderful trip and Paul and I intend to stash money away and do another cruise with this line, hopefully in about 2 years. Th-th-that’s all, folks!

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    ladykat Premium Member about 5 years ago

    When we got home last night, we were greeted by an enthusiastic and overjoyed Yum Yum, who covered us with purrs and ankle reinforcements. She slept on top of Paul and me last night, alternating between the two of us. She also purred me up this morning at 5AM.

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  30. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  about 5 years ago

    Of course Santa can read the Baby’s letter.

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  31. Paypal here image
    tatempleman  about 5 years ago

    Love Lupin’s Santa message. Puck is the “Good Boy” standard, by which all are measured, LOL!

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  32. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  about 5 years ago

    You are correct, Elvis. There really is no Santa Claus. All those flying sled sightings were actually sneaky outer space aliens in their UFOs. All this Santa stories are just a big hoax to coax us away from the real issue of an outer space alien invasion!

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  33. Catnun
    stonegarden  about 5 years ago

    love the detail in the little santa cookie. makes me want to make cookies of the boys in their jammies!

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  34. Calvin   hobbes   playtime in snow avatar flipped
    Andrew Sleeth  about 5 years ago

    Stick to your guns, Elvis. Some of us never believed, and we didn’t miss a thing by it.

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    Jayneknox  about 5 years ago

    I believe too!

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    sgs13  about 5 years ago

    My beautiful baby boy, Ziggy (pictured here), has been in the kitty hospital for the past two days. He’d been on medication for elevated liver enzymes for a month, went in to vet for updated blood work and radiograph, and they said he had to go straight to the 24 hour hospital. Enlarged liver, spleen and hardened bowel. He’s been on IV fluids, antibiotics, anti-nausea (he’s lost 3 pounds from not eating and was dehydrated) and steroids. The test results are not back yet, but when I went to see him last night he was acting much better, more alert and eating. Possibilities are infection(s) or cancer. Expecting to be able to bring him home today. Not sure when test results will be in – today or tomorrow. Just asking for a little love for my beautiful black baby.

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  37. F40d6d27 cf4f 4ea8 9a3a f4b882708c13
    silgrey  about 5 years ago

    I spy, a Dixon Ticonderoga, the Cadillac Of pencils.

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    Kitty Katz  about 5 years ago

    From Bing Crosby and Hawaii

    Meow from all the kitties is the thing to say on a Pink House Christmas day

    That’s the feline greeting that we send to you

    Where the milk and cookies hold sway

    Waiting up for Santa, we just know he’s real,

    Being as good as Puck is the way we feel,

    Meow from all the kitties is the feline way to say Merry Christmas to you!

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  39. Slogo3avatar
    scyphi26  about 5 years ago

    Elvis needs to stop always looking the wrong way when these mythical beings like mailmen and such turn up…

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  40. Ben pawst
    serenasakitty  about 5 years ago

    Do you think Santa remembers Puck’s plan to ‘do crime stuff’?

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  41. Lucy22
    LucyLuLu  about 5 years ago

    OT. Snow has started to fall this morning, guess it is time to put the tree up.

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  42. Glob
    BillJackson2  about 5 years ago

    Going back through the strips looking for costume changes I am reminded that Tabitha speaks chipmunk… so I guess that Thimblefist speaks cat.

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  43. Successful runner
    skipper1992  about 5 years ago

    If Santa doesn’t exist, who loaned my coworkers his means of conveyance to help get the Woman’s Hoyer lift home from the airport a couple of weeks ago?

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  44. Kittens above
    drmickeyg  about 5 years ago

    I love the Santa hat with sprigs of holly on the station logo!

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  45. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  about 5 years ago

    The world would be a happier and funnier place if all the Elvises in the world had a Burt holding up a snarky comment banner every time something stupid came out of their mouths. Burt is the quiet MVP of this cartoon.

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  46. Ben pawst
    serenasakitty  about 5 years ago

    It is a good thing that Santa will be able to read both letters from the Toddler and Baby.

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  47. Hipshotbellestarr
    scaeva Premium Member about 5 years ago

    I remember, from my distant childhood, that NORAD has proven that Santa exists. Now we’re not talking about touchy-feely, wu-wu, “kum-ba-ya” types here. These are hard-nosed, eagle-eyed military types who are trained to identify anything that flies. I don’t have to “believe” in Santa—I have hard data from a reliable source. So there.

    Are you listening, Elvis?

    (I do note, however, that they have yet to spy the Mailman. =^D)

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  48. Th
    Code the Enforcer  about 5 years ago

    I do so love Puck’s Santa’s Perfect Angel shirt!! … It IS perfect for him!! :)

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  49. Valstone
    vlbrown Premium Member about 5 years ago

    Not, like, Puck-good, but pretty good.

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  50. Cartooninglady
    I AM CARTOON LADY!  about 5 years ago

    Ha ha ha! I’ve been mostly good this year too, Lupin!

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  51. Bill murray drink
    Eric S   about 5 years ago

    HO HO HO!

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  52. Hellcat
    knight1192a  about 5 years ago

    I love it. “Not like Puck-good……” So Lupin has admitted the best behaved boy is Puck.

    And Elvis is wrong.

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  53. Ben pawst
    serenasakitty  about 5 years ago

    Elvis is wrong? He is not going to admit it.

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  54. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  about 5 years ago

    Lupin emphatically separates himself from Elvis.

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  55. Breaking cat news library tote
    cat19632001  about 5 years ago

    Did Puck write a letter to Santa?

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  56. Pucky heart 2
    Lily.spokescat  about 5 years ago

    Elvis, you can’t see things with your own eyes if you don’t open them to possibility.

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    Erin Pierce  about 5 years ago

    OT…remember the Christmas Eve I spent 5 hours crafting a letter from Santa to my oldest, to inform her that Santa could not turn her beloved doll into a real girl. I borrowed heavily from Velveteen Rabbit and related lore, and wrote it in my best calligraphy (dug my set out of the crawlspace, thank Cat I had some good ink left that hadn’t dried). PS: She accepted the reasoning, but was hopeful that the lump in my belly would turn out to be a real girl. PPS: She did.

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    vorlon42  about 5 years ago

    Elvis needs a ride on the Polar Express.

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  59. Thundercats
    LrdSlvrhnd  about 5 years ago

    I can see Elvis’ logic here, though. You write letters to this so-called Santa. So-called mailmen deliver the letters. Mailmen are fictional, therefore so must also be Santa. QED.

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    Fennec! at the Disco Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Someone might want to pay a leetle more attention to the munching sounds coming from the Baby. Just sayin’.

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