the current business model for many items works via misdirection: reduce the volume in the container, but leave the price as is. Or make minuscule but unimportant improvements, cover it with flash ads, then jack the price past reason.
Yeah, because the total US economy is the same size as it was in 1800. I’m tired of seeing / hearing the myth that the “rich” (of the moment) only have wealth because they took it from the poor (at the moment). Total BS (in a free market economy).
B UTTONS almost 5 years ago
Now you did it Ernie. The politicians are raising all taxes by 3.14159%
Jeff0811 almost 5 years ago
What they should do is just print more money. (A little money printing humor there.)
MoeJoe almost 5 years ago
You make the pie half the size and double the price! That’s how you help the economy…. People will have to buy twice as much as before
patiodragon almost 5 years ago
Note: Hurricanes and floods don’t help either! Please see the “Broken Window Fallacy”.
comixbomix almost 5 years ago
Enough, with these half-baked economic theories!
1953Baby almost 5 years ago
Oh, let’s not even go there. . .
InTraining Premium Member almost 5 years ago
but Frank, everyone wants a bigger slice of the pie…! This way they can get it without having to work any harder… “Key Lime please….!”
Zen-of-Zinfandel almost 5 years ago
Ernie’s fillings are hurt.
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member almost 5 years ago
But if you can cut it into more slices, you incur Divine beneficence.
“Blessed are the piece-makers.”
micromos almost 5 years ago
Actually, he is.
Ed The Red Premium Member almost 5 years ago
“Make the pie higher! Put food on your family.” — George W. Bush
Geophyzz almost 5 years ago
But there is no down-side to more pie – make mine apple.
sandpiper almost 5 years ago
the current business model for many items works via misdirection: reduce the volume in the container, but leave the price as is. Or make minuscule but unimportant improvements, cover it with flash ads, then jack the price past reason.
dwpbike almost 5 years ago
The top one percent of the usual income distribution holds over $25 trillion in wealth, which exceeds the wealth of the bottom 80 percent
j.l.farmer almost 5 years ago
ya ha, the bigger the pie, the more slices, the more the money for the bigger pie.
gammaguy almost 5 years ago
Depends on whose economy they’re talking about.
dnotkin Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Yeah, because the total US economy is the same size as it was in 1800. I’m tired of seeing / hearing the myth that the “rich” (of the moment) only have wealth because they took it from the poor (at the moment). Total BS (in a free market economy).