Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for April 14, 2020

  1. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  almost 5 years ago

    Guess Nancy is going to be the star of this strip.

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 5 years ago


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  3. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  almost 5 years ago
    ā€You Canā€™t Go Home Again.ā€ āœØ
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  4. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   almost 5 years ago

    Nancy is a successful Domestic Engineer with 14 years of experience! She is already running a business!!!!! She needs to give her self credit.

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    Namrepus  almost 5 years ago

    You may not get rich, but itā€™s better than digging a ditch.

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  6. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Oh, ye of little faithā€¦


    Better become more familiarized with that microwave oven, Frank ā€“ ditā€¦ ditā€¦ditā€¦

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    Pointspread  almost 5 years ago

    Nancy could bartend at the KK/Fuze. That would be a job where she could keep an eye on their investment.

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    Mordock999 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Accidentally Get a job Job working in Tom Farrellā€™s firm, Nancy.

    The possibilitiesā€¦ā€¦..,

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  9. Americauna chicks 1 week 003
    howtheduck  almost 5 years ago

    Now I am confused. 14 years ago was when Sud Z Car closed for good. I thought Nancyā€™s last job was before Brad was born. Wouldnā€™t that be more than 14 years ago? Or am I just getting confused again about the way time passes in the Luannverse?

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    Airman  almost 5 years ago

    Would only suggest that with her looks and class and maturity, Nancy should be in a people oriented position that showcases her unique qualities. Not a dump like that weenie place where Ann Eiffel slung hash, or whatever.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 5 years ago

    Bookkeeper, logistician, personnel hiring and management,ā€¦lots of experience if you phrase it properly.

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  12. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  almost 5 years ago

    Job skills have been going obsolete for a long time. I remember back in the ā€˜80s someone was complaining about how all her typesetting experience (from the days of actual metal type) was no longer valued by anyone. And donā€™t drink the kool-aid about ā€œtransferrable skillsā€; the people who actually read resumes have no idea what that means".

    Now me, I can read and write cursive, do computations using a slide rule, and keep score manually for bowling. Anybody hiring?

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  13. Noble 10
    BJShipley1  almost 5 years ago

    Fingers crossed that we get to follow Nancy to a new career. Itā€™s nice to get away from the ā€œhigh school dramaā€ and see some realistic stories of characters dealing with relatable issues. Who knows: maybe Nancy will get her own supporting cast like Brad did (especially since he and Toni have been pushed mostly to the background over the past couple years.)

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    Airman  almost 5 years ago

    MIAā€¦..Seems like the measured musings of Pipe Tobacco have been missing lately. Hope all is well.

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    kenhense  almost 5 years ago

    Part time bookkeeper working from home should suit Nancy.

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    gnmnrbl  almost 5 years ago

    Wow frank, you should be a motivational speaker.(sarcasm)

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  17. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   almost 5 years ago

    Frank is mulling over the idea of opening a car wash or he canā€™t believe the lapse of time since Nancy quit her job ( feeling ancient!)Hopefully, tomorrow might reveal the direction of story arc. It would be great if the focus is Nancyā€™s new job.

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    kaffekup   almost 5 years ago

    This is not a good time to be in the job market, Nancy.

    Except itā€™s fortunate that the strip isnā€™t set in the real world.

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    The Pro from Dover  almost 5 years ago

    She might not be able to be a cashier because she actually would know how to count change back to a customer.

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  20. Ti
    Rhetorical_Question   almost 5 years ago

    Housewives of Pitts- get Tiffany as the producer, Luann, a production assistant.

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    rozthebabysitter  almost 5 years ago

    Nancy, welcome to HR purgatory.

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    kjohnson5576  almost 5 years ago

    Wait a minute, before Brad was born 14 years ago? Brad is a firefighter and married. Is he 14 or 15?

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    d2268  almost 5 years ago

    Awfully young married firefighter at 13 ā€“ ā€œjust before Brad was born, 14 years agoā€ and now heā€™s married and a firefighter????

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    ljapr Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Donā€™t they own a club? Why would she need to look for work. Take Pruā€™s place.

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    jmworacle  almost 5 years ago

    That smell is MR DeGroot stepping into something.

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    KathrynHildebrandt  almost 5 years ago

    Why not just take Pruā€™s old job at The Fuse? Then they wonā€™t have to hire someone.

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    mjb515  almost 5 years ago

    Isnā€™t that more like 21 to 24 years ago?

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  28. Test01b
    Lawrence.S  almost 5 years ago

    You wonder how far in advance this was written/drawn. It was a couple weeks after the start before other strips caught up with covid-19 happening. If it is taking place in the Luann universe this is lousy time to look for a job with so many businesses laying people off.

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    Tom_Tildrum  almost 5 years ago

    Frank has to be told where his own wife last worked, but he can independently remember that a local car wash closed precisely 14 years ago?

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    Aladar30 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Interesting. We finally know something about Nancyā€™s working past. And Frankā€¦ well.., sometimes it seems like Frank is unable to be supportive for more than 2 panels. But heā€™s funny so itā€™s ok. GO NANCY! I wonder what work sheā€™ll be find.

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    maxiesmom2 Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Frank, you need to stop talking, now.

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    drewpamon  almost 5 years ago

    Pretty sure that brad is more than 14 years old

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  33. The rings
    Liam Astle Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    I guess being a business owner doesnā€™t count as a job.

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    6foot6  almost 5 years ago

    Looking for work is the easy part. the difficult part is getting the interview.

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    GovernmentCheese  almost 5 years ago

    Who still disagrees with me that Frank is an awful, money-grubbing, negative person? If Luann has a lot of insecurities, I blame it on his bad, non-present parenting. I picture him as one of those ā€œknow it allā€ type of guys in company setting. I say divorce him and let him live with Milhouseā€™s dad at Casa Nova! (Simpsonā€™s reference)

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  36. Tyge
    Tyge  almost 5 years ago

    Once again the scene opens on the Luann and Friends Variety Show. Nancy is talking to Frank, letā€™s listenā€¦

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  37. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  almost 5 years ago

    Were there any strips that showcased Nancyā€™s old job?

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  38. Tyge
    Tyge  almost 5 years ago

    Wow! Nice left-handed complement Frank! In the real world there would be consequences. Nancy will just blow it off though, probably.

    It would seem GnK have been relying on Frankā€™s reputation from the past as being a benign, loving husband and father. He seems a bit smaller than that in the current ā€œmoneyā€ episode. Just a bit insensitive? Maybe???

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  39. Goldbeat
    ahnk_2000  almost 5 years ago

    Look for companies offering ā€œreturnshipsā€. Internships aimed at helping people returning to the workforce after a long absence. Usually aimed at women like Nancy returning to work after taking time to raise family.

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  40. Tyge
    Tyge  almost 5 years ago

    Bet she was a real looker at Sud-Z-Car! I think I saw her in that movieā€¦ Car Wash, was it???

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  41. Ligand1
    RSH  almost 5 years ago

    Hopefully she will use her skills in developing and managing the Fuse to leverage herself and make it look like sheā€™s working now; putting ā€˜homemakerā€™ on her resume would not be a good move.

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    comic reader 22  almost 5 years ago

    So whatā€™s up with Frank? He is coming off like a lay about slouch who is more than happy to see his wife work while he stays home and relaxes.

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    sueb1863  almost 5 years ago

    Sheā€™s had experience doing the books for the Fuse so she has bookkeeping and managerial experience.

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  44. Tulips
    locake  almost 5 years ago

    Hasnā€™t Nancy been working at the Fuse the last few years? That IS a job and her experience is current.

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    swanridge  almost 5 years ago

    Thereā€™s a lot more competition now. Why doesnā€™t she work at The Fuse. Thatā€™s at least one job they wouldnā€™t need too pay, plus she would be able to supervise.

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    notbornyesterday  almost 5 years ago

    Luann needs to get a job and mom needs to go back to school.

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    Joe1962  almost 5 years ago

    So i guess Nancy is wearing the pants in the family.

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  48. Tyge
    Tyge  almost 5 years ago

    Nancy DeGroot ā€” Real Estate Agent Even now, I can just see her glam shot on billboards all over the Pittsville metropolitan area!

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    a1jsbach  almost 5 years ago

    pretty sure Brad is a lot older than 14.

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  50. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Since sheā€™s talking about when Brad was born, why does Frank reference when the place closed, which is a lot more recent? That makes no sense.

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    ahess247  almost 5 years ago


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  52. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  almost 5 years ago

    Frank has no memory of Nancyā€™s last job, but by golly, he knows exactly how many years itā€™s been closed! This is gonna be great.

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    PhoenixHocking  almost 5 years ago

    Hang on. Iā€™m no math whiz, but this math definitely does NOT compute! She last worked 14 years ago, before Brad was born? Um, isnā€™t Brad now a married man with a career? Methinks somebody screwed up! And, shouldnā€™t Luann be helping to finance her own education? Does she even HAVE a job?

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    mxy  almost 5 years ago

    If she needs to get a job that bad, I guess the Fuze isnā€™t doing that great.

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    xaingo  almost 5 years ago

    All I can think of is how long it took Luann to go from 13 to 18. Fourteen years would be a long time.

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  56. Rosie2
    Schrodinger's Dog  almost 5 years ago

    tomorrow: Indecent Proposal ?

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  57. Big hug
    Brdshtt Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    Speaking of bartending ā€“ I have never cared for hard alcohol, so I only know how to make one mixed drink. And, that one, I invented myself. Years ago, my sister and her husband came over to my parentā€™s house when we were all there having dinner. After dinner, my brother ā€“ in ā€“ law asked me to make him a drink. I told him that I would try to put something together for him. I looked in my old manā€™s booze cabinet and found a bottle of rum. Momā€™s freezer had frozen concentrated lemonade and limeade. Sooo, I got out a 32 oz. tumbler, put in 8 to 10 ice cubes, half the small container of frozen concentrated limeade, and 22 ounces of rum. Mixed it all up, and he came to the counter to get it. When he finished it, he asked for another ā€“ he said it was really good. He asked what it was called, and being the nut I am, I thought up something, and told him that it was called a ā€œLime Knockoutā€.

    My old man didnā€™t have any more rum, so I told him he was out of luck. Good thing he did not have another, my sister had to drive him home as he was ā€œoutā€.

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  58. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 5 years ago

    Take care, Frank. Youā€™re treading on thin ice here. Donā€™t anger your lady-fairā€¦.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  almost 5 years ago

    Not in this world. McDonalds?

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  60. Chaos rides
    bryan42  almost 5 years ago

    14 years??? Shouldnā€™t that be 24 years?

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  61. Forbushman
    Cavenee Lonnie Premium Member almost 5 years ago

    We just finished binge watching Breaking Bad for the second time and Iā€™ll never be able to see Walt and Skyler running a car wash, only Frank and Nancy. Gad what a mess that would be.

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