I believe the Body Odor shirt is a take-off on the B.U.M. Equipment shirts that were very popular at the time. By the way, welcome back to Candace, whom we have not seen in two years.
Fads are more powerful than common sense when one is young. Sad are the one’s who still succumb in adulthood.
I remember when many people just HAD to have an Op (Ocean Pacific) shirt. They WERE very good quality shirts, but… https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f0/d0/b2/f0d0b2ab079b7b0e6af055d3f65c960f.jpg
Oy…flashback to 1989. Living in CT. Daughter HAD to have a Champion sweatshirt. Such a good kid who never asked for anything before, so I finally scraped up the money to get her one in October. We moved in January to NH and she got raised eyebrows for wearing NYC type “fancy” clothes. (CT was, at least then, generally a year ahead in trends due to the proximity to NYC) So we went to the thrift store and got her lots of flannel so she’d fit in. But she had the Champion for the next year when the trend hit. Go figure.
I’m going to date myself here. I remember being a teen and wanting a Members Only jacket, a ski jacket, Calvin Klein and Jordache jeans, and a pair of parachute pants. I got enough money one Christmas to buy 4 pairs of Calvins (they were $10 a pair at Meijers) and a pair of dark teal parachute pants. Never got the MO jacket, though I did get an awesome rabbit fur ski jacket and a black, fringed, leather jacket from my Oma.
When I was in the 6th grade, the craze was the poncho. Every girl had to have one, my mother said NO! Not many girls ended up getting any, but a few of the spoiled brats sure did.
Ironic that you can often find good deals on upscale attire and “preppy clothes” such as polo shirts and khaki pants, whereas attire that is supposed to be for the lower echelons, such as blue jeans, halter tops, or those aforementioned T-shirts can cost an arm and a leg.
This is a Canadian public school. It focuses on critical issues, boys and what T-shirts are in. It avoids petty issues such as sports, art, math, literature, science, history, geography. Then again this strip is set in 1991, so it would be odd if the school was talking about the Gulf War or how the Soviet Union is dying; the Cold War is over and socialism lost.
My mom would buy me clothes that were “in” while I was in high school. So despite my complete indifference to such things, I was usually dressed in whatever was trendy at the time.
For a few years, Jax Fl had a store called Goof’s, where you could get clothing, mainly jeans, at great prices due to some minor flaw. Everyone in NE Fl shopped there, it was cool to have jeans from there. They’d sometimes include a Goof’s six inch ruler, very cute, highly coveted. I nabbed one, lol. Haven’t thought of that place in years. Miss it.
Candace’s mother has a live-in-boyfriend named Luke. It’s around this time when “Luke the Puke” starts to take a very inappropriate interest in young Candace..
How about you wear what your teachers tell you to and what your parents buy for you? You don’t get a say in what you get to wear, at least not when John and Elly are paying for the clothes on your back. You want a faddish T-shirt, buy it with the money you earn.
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
anything to be in the in-crowd
howtheduck over 4 years ago
I believe the Body Odor shirt is a take-off on the B.U.M. Equipment shirts that were very popular at the time. By the way, welcome back to Candace, whom we have not seen in two years.
retrocool over 4 years ago
yeah, I bet they all have B.O.
capricorn9th over 4 years ago
Wow, look at Candace as a preteen. I’ve forgotten. Nice short walk down the memory lane.
fretlessman71 over 4 years ago
I don’t wear B.O…. I come by it naturally.
Johnny Q Premium Member over 4 years ago
The B.O. people pay Candace to shill to their target market!
Enter.Name.Here over 4 years ago
Fads are more powerful than common sense when one is young. Sad are the one’s who still succumb in adulthood.
I remember when many people just HAD to have an Op (Ocean Pacific) shirt. They WERE very good quality shirts, but… https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f0/d0/b2/f0d0b2ab079b7b0e6af055d3f65c960f.jpg
Baarorso over 4 years ago
Is wearing what everyone else is wearing just to fit in really that important? I ask that in all sincerity.
allen@home over 4 years ago
This is why a lot of parents don’t mind if schools go to a uniform.
GirlGeek Premium Member over 4 years ago
I never gave in to fashion trends in high school. I liked my anime tees and jeans thank you very much.
Grace Premium Member over 4 years ago
Oy…flashback to 1989. Living in CT. Daughter HAD to have a Champion sweatshirt. Such a good kid who never asked for anything before, so I finally scraped up the money to get her one in October. We moved in January to NH and she got raised eyebrows for wearing NYC type “fancy” clothes. (CT was, at least then, generally a year ahead in trends due to the proximity to NYC) So we went to the thrift store and got her lots of flannel so she’d fit in. But she had the Champion for the next year when the trend hit. Go figure.
tripwire45 over 4 years ago
Carly Simon’s “You’re So Vain” comes to mind.
jpayne4040 over 4 years ago
Things like this make me conclude “If I were a parent, my kids would hate me!”
Yardley701 over 4 years ago
Too bad Elizabeth does not understand she is the original and they the copies.
myrendal over 4 years ago
I’m going to date myself here. I remember being a teen and wanting a Members Only jacket, a ski jacket, Calvin Klein and Jordache jeans, and a pair of parachute pants. I got enough money one Christmas to buy 4 pairs of Calvins (they were $10 a pair at Meijers) and a pair of dark teal parachute pants. Never got the MO jacket, though I did get an awesome rabbit fur ski jacket and a black, fringed, leather jacket from my Oma.
Gerard:D over 4 years ago
Lynn’s Comments:
I loved coming up with the name Boston Original so I could use B.O. on all the clothes.
M2MM over 4 years ago
When I was in the 6th grade, the craze was the poncho. Every girl had to have one, my mother said NO! Not many girls ended up getting any, but a few of the spoiled brats sure did.
USN1977 over 4 years ago
Ironic that you can often find good deals on upscale attire and “preppy clothes” such as polo shirts and khaki pants, whereas attire that is supposed to be for the lower echelons, such as blue jeans, halter tops, or those aforementioned T-shirts can cost an arm and a leg.
rebelstrike0 over 4 years ago
This is a Canadian public school. It focuses on critical issues, boys and what T-shirts are in. It avoids petty issues such as sports, art, math, literature, science, history, geography. Then again this strip is set in 1991, so it would be odd if the school was talking about the Gulf War or how the Soviet Union is dying; the Cold War is over and socialism lost.
dv1093 over 4 years ago
Gag me with a stick. Oh wait, I did the same thing when all my friends had bell bottems.
trainnut1956 over 4 years ago
Just wear it for a week or two without washing and any shirt can be a BO shirt. – B. O. Plenty
joefearsnothing over 4 years ago
“just sweat on any old tshirt!
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 4 years ago
I refuse to wear a shirt, or anything for that matter, that already has BO. I am a bit of an LL Bean snob though.
pheets over 4 years ago
Peer pressure. It’s a real thing. And it can be very ugly.
Snowedin over 4 years ago
I always hated girls like that, and was happy to get out of high school!
Bradley Walker over 4 years ago
This is probably deliberate, choosing a name that’s unlikely to be found IRL.
Reminds me of an episode of “Here’s Lucy.” Gale Gordon wore his old college letter jacket: Bullwinkle State.
StackableContainers over 4 years ago
My mom would buy me clothes that were “in” while I was in high school. So despite my complete indifference to such things, I was usually dressed in whatever was trendy at the time.
hooglah over 4 years ago
This is why there should be uniforms.
paranormal over 4 years ago
Stinky shirts?
gcarlson over 4 years ago
My internship friend Ophelia Papalous favored Ocean Pacific.
Katzi428 over 4 years ago
“If your friends jumped off .Blank Blank Bridge Would You??” "
Dae over 4 years ago
For a few years, Jax Fl had a store called Goof’s, where you could get clothing, mainly jeans, at great prices due to some minor flaw. Everyone in NE Fl shopped there, it was cool to have jeans from there. They’d sometimes include a Goof’s six inch ruler, very cute, highly coveted. I nabbed one, lol. Haven’t thought of that place in years. Miss it.
Johnnyrico over 4 years ago
Just let St. Michael wear some of your shirts for a while, Liz… then they will definitely be “B.O.” shirts!!
Johnnyrico over 4 years ago
Candace’s mother has a live-in-boyfriend named Luke. It’s around this time when “Luke the Puke” starts to take a very inappropriate interest in young Candace..
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 4 years ago
Never cared for any of that stuff. Bell bottoms? No thanks. My mom tried but I steadfastly refused to accede to whatever the current clothes were.
BlitzMcD over 4 years ago
USN1977 over 4 years ago
How about you wear what your teachers tell you to and what your parents buy for you? You don’t get a say in what you get to wear, at least not when John and Elly are paying for the clothes on your back. You want a faddish T-shirt, buy it with the money you earn.
JastMe over 4 years ago
Why would they want Body Odor shirts?