Lisa Benson for August 28, 2020

  1. Tf 117
    RAGs  almost 4 years ago

    Especially the crimes committed by this administration and the violence of their attacks on the Constitution.

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  2. Triumph
    Daeder  almost 4 years ago

    According to polls, corruption, treason, emoluments violations, Hatch Act violations, and reckless endangerment of the entire USA due to gross incompetence and pandemic mismanagement could be major issues in the election.

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  3. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Yes, the crime and violence exploding in Trump’s America will be a major issue in the polls, no matter how much Trump (and his accomplice, Lisa Benson) tries to use images of what is actually crashing and burning in Trump’s America to warn us about an imaginary threat of Biden’s America.

    Biden’s America? Been there, done that.

    Biden was part of the Obama / Biden era — you know, that era that inherited that last dystopian Bushocalypse and transformed it into the Obamabiden era of peace, prosperity and turning economic collapse into economic prosperity; employment losses into employment gains; pandemics into mild inconveniences by following the lead of actual scientists; skyrocketing deficits into plummeting deficits.

    Trump (and his accomplice, Lisa Benson) are counting on Americans to be as memory-challenged as Trump … person, woman, man, camera, TV … they are counting on Adderall® impaired gullible suckers to be scammed by their gaslighting.

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  4. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    OMG! Look at what Biden did, and not even in charge yet!

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    kballweg Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Funny, I heard Covid and a stagnant economy were the two top concerns.

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  6. Rick o shay
    wiatr  almost 4 years ago

    That looks more like Lake Charles but only if they have a battery TV.

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  7. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 4 years ago

    The crime and violence of the Trump admin.

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  8. Black lion
    PICTO  almost 4 years ago

    When the policing is done by violent criminals what more can you expect…?

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  9. Pat new 150
    Patjade  almost 4 years ago

    I wonder who the president is during all this? Let’s get rid of him.

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  10. Donkey
    cageywayne  almost 4 years ago

    Lisa. This is going on now and Trump is the president. We’ve all heard the “law and order” dog whistle before. All the way back to George Wallace, as a matter of fact. Along with ‘inter-city’, ‘ghetto’ , ‘welfare queen’, to name a few. How much rioting did you observe between 2008 and 2016?

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  11. Bd8757dd 99b6 4546 b69c f1d571714e69
    Tralfaz Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Like for example in New York State it’s a crime to artificially inflate asset values on your financial statements to obtain loans and some grand juries will want to see your records…

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  12. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    The 17 year old who shot 3 people is gonna get 5 lawyers. Blake gets maybe a public defender. That is the way the world doesn’t work.

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  13. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Lisa? Where is this supposed to be? Syria? Belfast 1970?

    Nowhere in America are white people burned out of their homes and living in the street, due to crime and violence. Your comic is misleading and a lie.

    Homeless due to wildfires, yes. (Cough, climate change, cough)

    Homeless due to hurricanes, I’m afraid so. (Cough, climate change, cough)

    Homeless due to eviction and Trump’s failure to lead? I’m ashamed to say, yes.

    But neighborhoods burned out and destroyed, with displaced and homeless? No.

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    gammaguy  almost 4 years ago

    It’s “funny”. At first glance, I thought that was a cartoon about the hurricanes.

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    suzalee  almost 4 years ago

    This is Trump’s America. Do you want 4 more years? We didn’t have this under Obama. There were some protests but they were handled appropriately.

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  16. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Trump uses the violence to distract from his mismanagement of the pandemic.

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  17. Desron14
    Masterskrain  almost 4 years ago

    And just imagine what would be left if we have to endure ANOTHER 4 years of this LAWLESS “ADMINISTRATION” destroying America…

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  18. 7a3d35b05103496eecec311170ba260d
    Pickled Pete  almost 4 years ago

    Sounds like this is going to be their main theme of the campaign – A vote for Biden/Harris is a vote for lawlessness and the end of democracy..

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  19. Coexist
    Bookworm  almost 4 years ago

    I will simply point out, Ms. Benson, that this is happening under your guy’s watch. Oh, I completely forgot. He takes no responsibility! Instead of doing anything, he can only assign blame or resort to misinformation, name-calling, or fear mongering. But he’s very good at those.

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  20. Picture
    RalphConti  almost 4 years ago

    It’s funny how they always portray the scene as completely bombed out rubble.

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  21. Fdr avatar 6d9910b68a3c 128
    Teto85 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Wait, wasn’t tiny going to fix everything? He said that only he alone could fix it. Was he lying then? Tell us Lisa, how do we reconcile his past, and present, statements with reality? Or are they not reality based?

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    walfishj  almost 4 years ago

    So, Lisa, why doesn’t the guy in charge do something about it. Could it be that he’s not up to it?

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  23. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Just so long as they remember who was driving.. when it occurred. Much like the end of the last Republican term.. it took a Democrat team to fix it. Let us hope Americans remember and let Joe/Harris fix it again, it may be beyond fixing if trump gets to stay.. the current trajectory looks pretty dire.

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    thelordthygod666  almost 4 years ago

    My fellow Democrats can try to spin this, but every evening where the news shows burned out businesses and looters is another 10,000 votes for Trump.

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    StackableContainers  almost 4 years ago

    Lisa doesn’t know what things look like after a riot. What she drew is more akin to a city after being bombed from the air by a military attack.

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    preacherman Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Lisa clearly, along with her presidente Dump, wants this to be the case as he has been stirring up violence in Dem led cities. He is playing the visual media which always look for something sensational to grab the public’s attention. This takes the public’s attention away from the real problems that El Dumpo has created with his failed handling of the Covid pandemic in the US. Add to that the virtually destroyed economy where only the rich stockholders and corporate heads benefit and we see the real problems that need a real sea change in leadership starting at the top. VOTE DEMOCRAT IN 2020.

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  27. Fighting irish hood auto decal 2000x
    ndblackirish97  almost 4 years ago

    Now look at the people in charge at the Federal level while all of it is happening; rational thought would associate today’s issue with the people in charge not blame the candidate who isn’t in charge. But whoever said Conservatives were rational.

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  28. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 4 years ago

    Only Trump can save us from the disaster Trump created, say the Trumpers.

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  29. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    As will be quasi-legal acts of violence against Blacks by police, which seem to to be never-ending.

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  30. Marx lennon
    charliekane  almost 4 years ago

    Trump wants only to suppress ( or appear to suppress) the dissent. Biden/Harris should respond with constructive solutions. I believe there is a hunger for it.

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    DrDon1  almost 4 years ago

    Benson is just trying to prolong the RNC’s recent ‘Fact-free Farce!’

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    ZEPP Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    While I don’t often agree with Lisa Benson’s reasoning, I think I get this one!

    She is pointing out that the current “law and order” administration is blatantly breaking every LAW in ORDER to get reëlected. The social unrest and violence to which she refers is the reaction to the administration’s ever escalating efforts to divide our country via an agenda of overt racism mixed with a concomitant embrace of white supremacist nationalism.

    Thus, Ms Benson is finally recognizing that many of those who voted for a con man are at last seeing how they have been duped: They’re finally beginning to see first hand how he purposefully promulgates civil strife and openly commits crimes in a ceaseless scheme of self-promotion.

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    The Love of Money is . . .  almost 4 years ago


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  34. Ahl13 3x4
    Andylit Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Sad. The Dems have ignored, even justified the violence. Right up to the point they are informed that they are polling poorly on the topic.

    Think about that. Billions in damage, lives lost, communities damaged, and only now, 3 months into the unrest, dod they decide to take a stand. Because of polls.

    Remember children, assault, arson, looting, graffiti and vandalism are NOT protected speech under the 1A.

    Blocking traffic, blocking public streets, parks and sidewalks, preventing citizens from getting from point A to point B is NOT protected peaceable assembly under the 1A.

    Special emphasis on “peaceable”. You are NOT protestors. You are criminals violating MY CIVIL RIGHTS.

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    dotjames  almost 4 years ago

    I again point out: Benson has totally left Drumpf out of her cartoons for about a year now. So, who does she think is responsible for the crime & violence?

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  36. Poncho icon
    Jimathai Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    So we are supposed to trust mister ignore subpoenas… mister ignore international laws … mister FBI is bad … Mister defraud charities … mister pass the buck … mister take no responsibility… mister intimidate witnesses … mister shat on the constitution??? Yeah… nah… we not gonna do that.

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  37. Poncho icon
    Jimathai Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    And what we are seeing is the common strategy used by so many corrupt cops… Pick a target… detain them… then agitate, agitate, agitate, disrespect, disrespect, emasculate, infuriate… Then as soon as they respond… brutalize. The reason why we keep hearing about this and why they are trying to push this as THE major issue of the election… is because they feel its the only one that they can win on… but they completely ignore the fact that Don the Con has literally claimed (in court nonetheless) that he is above the law. But we are supposed to believe someone who ignores and scoffs at the law is going to uphold it? Both Biden and Harris have been tougher on crime than Con… He has only been cruel. Big difference… sadly not big enough for the right to understand.

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  38. Marx.
    DeepState  almost 4 years ago

    This is a primary concern for republican political strategists. The want everyone to believe that the Corona virus and the 1,000 people that die each day is not important. And it isn’t to them. They want to try to scare old people and suburban housewives into believing a false narrative or maybe it’s just an alternative fact.

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