The one truly great trait that arises in time of crises appears when many people, who are themselves struggling, step up to offer food, shelter, care, and hope to many other in the same fix. All without looking for repayment of their gifts.
This in spite of covid-19, which is more a man -made disaster than a natural disaster, and which has been exacerbated by incompetence.
Can one say with any sincerity that in the last 4 years America has become great again? The qualities and abilities that were once the pride of a nation and the world still exist, but they are being diluted by self-interest and venality at the top levels.
If that is greatness, I gotta say that, in viewing the period from the experience of 8 decades, I just can’t see it.
Oh great, we have yet another one in the forums who likes to claim great intelligence and bases her opinion on her version of the “facts” while dissmissing everyone else’s argument as based on feelings. We’ve seen that here before and knew it for BS then as well as now.
Ungreat? Ungrate? Ingrate? Insane?Uncle Joe won’t know the difference.BTW, where’s your PROOF about how much tax he paid?And how much tax his companies paid?And how much tax Kampala and Hilary paid?And how much income those rioters EARNED as opposed to collected from the government?Now remember, little fibs don’t count here
KA7DRE Premium Member over 4 years ago
Don’t Like It !
Farside99 over 4 years ago
Stahler loves to pit both sides against each other. I think it’s a kinky thing with him.
pschearer Premium Member over 4 years ago
$750 a year in taxes in 2016 and 2017?!
My GF and I were arguing over whether this revelation will help or hurt Trump with which slice of the population. Come on, folks, what do YOU say?
jimchronister2016 over 4 years ago
Make America UN trump and UN Republican again!
sandpiper over 4 years ago
The one truly great trait that arises in time of crises appears when many people, who are themselves struggling, step up to offer food, shelter, care, and hope to many other in the same fix. All without looking for repayment of their gifts.
This in spite of covid-19, which is more a man -made disaster than a natural disaster, and which has been exacerbated by incompetence.
Can one say with any sincerity that in the last 4 years America has become great again? The qualities and abilities that were once the pride of a nation and the world still exist, but they are being diluted by self-interest and venality at the top levels.
If that is greatness, I gotta say that, in viewing the period from the experience of 8 decades, I just can’t see it.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 4 years ago
When was America great?
luckyduck over 4 years ago
Truth really hurts, huh KA7DRE? This cartoon hit the nail square on the head!
duggersd Premium Member over 4 years ago
That obviously is a Biden hat.
Darryl Heine over 4 years ago
No comment…
msanders over 4 years ago
A vote for Biden will make America Ungreat Again
dlkrueger33 over 4 years ago
If Trump made us “great”, then I want us to be “ungreat”.
allenmichael1941 over 4 years ago
Me neither.
Doctor Toon over 4 years ago
If Trumps term in office has been what his people consider great, consider me ungrateful
Michael G. over 4 years ago
At which specific moment did this country stop being great? I await your response, O Wondrously Wise Klanazis.
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 4 years ago
Nick Sandmann still occupies Stahler’s mind.
skyriderwest over 4 years ago
From the 7.5 BILLION non-Americans in the world, please Make America Just Shut-Up.
magicwalnut over 4 years ago
Ooh! Where can I get one!
BigShell over 4 years ago
That hat should be blue.
tonicee9 over 4 years ago
He is 420 million in debt.Who owns the debt could be very dangerous for this country.
mrluke00 over 4 years ago
Wow how original, how long did it take you to think that one up Stahler ? Ugh
ira.crank over 4 years ago
How dare you! I’ve been triggered by this comic. I’m going to my safe space now.
tabby over 4 years ago
Oh great, we have yet another one in the forums who likes to claim great intelligence and bases her opinion on her version of the “facts” while dissmissing everyone else’s argument as based on feelings. We’ve seen that here before and knew it for BS then as well as now.
sevaar777 over 4 years ago
Mission accomplished, in Spades.
ArthurDClogg over 4 years ago
Only my little dog pays less. Neat trick, trump. A bit slimy though.
smarquedant over 4 years ago
I think it’s cute that so many of you trust the NYTimes!
rklittle Premium Member over 4 years ago
this comic does not belong here- should be in the political section; who’d think that " ungreat " would be an acceptable goal for America
Stat_man99 over 4 years ago
Not very “moderate” Mt. Stahler.
dflak over 4 years ago
Someone who is as financially compromised as Trump is, should not have a security clearance.
whelan_jj over 4 years ago
Ahh! A Democrat!
aussie399 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Ungreat? Ungrate? Ingrate? Insane?Uncle Joe won’t know the difference.BTW, where’s your PROOF about how much tax he paid?And how much tax his companies paid?And how much tax Kampala and Hilary paid?And how much income those rioters EARNED as opposed to collected from the government?Now remember, little fibs don’t count here