When you consider all the ingredients mentioned by the witches, in the Song of the Witches in MacBeth, by William Shakespeare, and further that the Wiz is probably a purveyor of such things, Mrs. Wiz should have realized what she was in for.
Double, double toil and trouble;Fire burn and caldron bubble.Fillet of a fenny snake,In the caldron boil and bake;Eye of newt and toe of frog,Wool of bat and tongue of dog,Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,For a charm of powerful trouble,Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double, double toil and trouble;Fire burn and caldron bubble.Cool it with a baboon’s blood,Then the charm is firm and good.
I Mad Am I over 4 years ago
Tomorrow is filing the uses of different kinds of dung! But first we need samples from as many species as we can find!
Wilde Bill over 4 years ago
You should have known there’d be days like this when you married him.
rshive over 4 years ago
Exciting beyond belief.
eromlig over 4 years ago
What, Blanche — you’ve never heard of Magic Mushrooms?
coratelli over 4 years ago
Recently, the colours on the strip are really great!
Sanspareil over 4 years ago
She no longer wanted to be amongus!
littlejohn Premium Member over 4 years ago
Hey!… Fungi can be interesting. You could go sporing out the lives of new fungi.
!!ǝlɐ⅁ over 4 years ago
Yeah, Blanche, you knew the Wizard was a fungi when you met him! B^D
scote1379 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Now that She’s gone time to head to the Pub for a Mushroom Pizza and a Ale !
jpayne4040 over 4 years ago
Wow! Sounds like a magical time! You should stick around, Blanche! :-)
jagedlo over 4 years ago
So you’re saying there’s a fungus among us, Wiz?
Dobber Premium Member over 4 years ago
Awww, fungi have feelings too!
alien011 over 4 years ago
Categorizing how? Hallucinogenic/non-hallucinogenic?
geese28 over 4 years ago
Wiz would make a great science professor
Mario500 over 4 years ago
(senses rudeness in this piece of dialogue)
1953Baby over 4 years ago
Actually, there are quite a few books on fungi. . .interesting critters. . uh. . .species. . .
Doug K over 4 years ago
She’s not a Fun-gal. He’s a Fun-guy (Fungi) – he’s having fun with Fun-Gus.
preacherman Premium Member over 4 years ago
I’m with you, girl.
Troglodyte over 4 years ago
Hey, I always knew the Wiz was a fungi, er…fun guy! :D
phboles over 4 years ago
sounds like a fun day of botanizing …
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 4 years ago
…and as soon as she leaves he finishes his categorizing and heads for a pub to study some local brews.
littlejohn Premium Member over 4 years ago
I seem to remember that Alice found some interesting fungi from a talking caterpillar who was smoking a water pipe.
The Orange Mailman over 4 years ago
Categorize me. I’m a fungi.
Thinkingblade over 4 years ago
Everyone wants the sizzle, but no one wants to do the cooking …
kathleenhicks62 over 4 years ago
Charlie Fogwhistle over 4 years ago
When you consider all the ingredients mentioned by the witches, in the Song of the Witches in MacBeth, by William Shakespeare, and further that the Wiz is probably a purveyor of such things, Mrs. Wiz should have realized what she was in for.
Double, double toil and trouble;Fire burn and caldron bubble.Fillet of a fenny snake,In the caldron boil and bake;Eye of newt and toe of frog,Wool of bat and tongue of dog,Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,For a charm of powerful trouble,Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double, double toil and trouble;Fire burn and caldron bubble.Cool it with a baboon’s blood,Then the charm is firm and good.
danketaz Premium Member over 4 years ago
But he needs someone to help sort out which ones are edible and which are poisonous!
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 4 years ago
“That’s okay. I will bring you the best”
Wizard of Ahz-no relation over 4 years ago
this is pretty much like my wife and I
hagarthehorrible over 4 years ago
This wizard is a biologist as well. Another feather in this hat.