All those things are done. Pkgs were mailed a week ago. Today I get to be exhausted watching hubby deal with the snowblower and 16" of snow in our drive and the two nearest neighbors’ drives. Luckily they are all pretty small. You can’t keep an old firefighter down, they just can’t help themselves from being helpful. But I worry so I’ll be keeping an eye on him. (I’m in a wheelchair so I’m no help)
Gifts bought, wrapped and shipped. Christmas cards sent. Vacation scheduled. Cash sent and donated. House decorated. COVID Tests completed (required for all guests). My wife does the baking and that is this weekend, I’ll do the cooking for the family gatherings. The only think left is cleaning the house thoroughly next week and then enjoying the holidays. Am I gloating? You bet I am.
During this pandemic I look forward to my chores for something to do. I can’t read the comics all day long (and the comments, although they are good). My wife has been doing a lot of cooking lately – full Thanksgiving dinner just for the two of us, including homemade pie, and she boiled down the bird for soup afterward. Lots of Christmas baking now. I do the dishes without complaint even though I’ve had to run the full dishwasher three times one day (and plenty of hand washing and drying, too) and twice many others.
allen@home almost 4 years ago
Earl get off your duff and help Opal out. Everything will get done quicker and should be less exhausting for you.
Martin I almost 4 years ago
What really wears him out is hearing Opal complain about doing all that stuff.
sirbadger almost 4 years ago
Why does she do all that? Did he decorate the tree one year and she criticized his work so much that he refused to decorate again?
Concretionist almost 4 years ago
Always remember: “Work” is a four-letter word.
And that it’s fascinating: You can spend HOURS watching someone doing it.
Breadboard almost 4 years ago
Thank You Earl for that insight ! Now Help!
Daniel Verburg almost 4 years ago
It’s the season, here we are again catching up on all that networking we neglected through the year.
jagedlo almost 4 years ago
Don’t forget about cleaning up the mess caused by the crash of the Christmas tree yesterday!
Pet almost 4 years ago
Sigh, if I dont do it, it dont get done.
Grace Premium Member almost 4 years ago
All those things are done. Pkgs were mailed a week ago. Today I get to be exhausted watching hubby deal with the snowblower and 16" of snow in our drive and the two nearest neighbors’ drives. Luckily they are all pretty small. You can’t keep an old firefighter down, they just can’t help themselves from being helpful. But I worry so I’ll be keeping an eye on him. (I’m in a wheelchair so I’m no help)
iggyman almost 4 years ago
Earl, like a few I know, love work! They can look at it for hours!
BearsDown Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Work is fulfilling, I could watch it all day.
well-i-never almost 4 years ago
Is that Christmas tree still on the floor? Someone had to clean up all the broken ornaments. I’m going to say they did it together.
david_42 almost 4 years ago
How you want to celebrate determines how much work you have to do.
Zebrastripes almost 4 years ago
O M G ! He needs a swift kick in the butt, a fire lit under his butt, get off your butt!
jimmeh almost 4 years ago
Earl must have been a great employee!
Redd Panda almost 4 years ago
Why do humans complain about work? I can sit, and watch it being done, all day.
And I’m not at all tired, when I’m through.
rhpii almost 4 years ago
Gifts bought, wrapped and shipped. Christmas cards sent. Vacation scheduled. Cash sent and donated. House decorated. COVID Tests completed (required for all guests). My wife does the baking and that is this weekend, I’ll do the cooking for the family gatherings. The only think left is cleaning the house thoroughly next week and then enjoying the holidays. Am I gloating? You bet I am.
submachine almost 4 years ago
Just do not celebrate christmas after all, it is a pagan holiday
Linguist almost 4 years ago
My sentiments exactly, Earl. It is exhausting watching my wife do all that work! ( Just kidding, dear … heh, heh, heh. )
Queen of America almost 4 years ago
My mother used to say “I love work. I could watch it for hours.”
I'll fly away almost 4 years ago
Dad loved doing the tree and the train.
kab2rb almost 4 years ago
Earl makes a great supervisor, that wears him out.
The Reader Premium Member almost 4 years ago
You should take a nap after all that watching.
MuddyUSA Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Wait for it…………………SMACK!
ForrestOverin almost 4 years ago
This is boring. Maybe Opal and Earl should swap clothes, just to make things interesting.
GROG Premium Member almost 4 years ago
It hurts when I do that.
Then don’t do that!
Watching Opal do Christmas exhausts me..
Then don’t watch her! Duh!!!
wndflower1 almost 4 years ago
ah yes- the season of guilt
Alberta Oil Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Twinges of guilt, mind only small twinges.. but nevertheless are tiring.
zeexenon almost 4 years ago
When Jesus took my wife, that holiday decorating ended. Our neighbors haven’t noticed.
Joan Tinnin Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Earl is darn close to being useless. In all ways. No wonder Pearl loathes him. I thought she was being mean.
Saturday's Child almost 4 years ago
That’s a man for you! :)
Ratkin Premium Member almost 4 years ago
During this pandemic I look forward to my chores for something to do. I can’t read the comics all day long (and the comments, although they are good). My wife has been doing a lot of cooking lately – full Thanksgiving dinner just for the two of us, including homemade pie, and she boiled down the bird for soup afterward. Lots of Christmas baking now. I do the dishes without complaint even though I’ve had to run the full dishwasher three times one day (and plenty of hand washing and drying, too) and twice many others.
ANIMAL almost 4 years ago
I think this is a repeat……. but STILL funny..!!!!
WilliamDoerfler almost 4 years ago
Just go to a different room.
Sailor46 USN 65-95 almost 4 years ago
Earl loves work, he could sit and watch it all day!
whenlifewassimpler almost 4 years ago
Earl every women who has seen this is out there with a paddle getting to whip your backside good and hard.
Orcatime almost 4 years ago
Someone’s about to get hurt!
pbr50138 almost 4 years ago
We haven’t sent cards out or decorated the house in YEARS. We do have a tree.