You need to be extra careful Opal. Not many of those old bullet nose Studebakers still running around. At least it was just the bumper. The dent can be taken out then re-chromed but it won’t be cheap.
Back in the ’60s there was a car dealer in Manheim, Pa. that occasionally advertised ’50 or ’51s for sale. They usually were around $95-97. Try and find one in good shape for that much now.
When you see a WWII Army cargo truck (6×6′s) in movies or historical films, chances are it’s a Studebaker. They had a fairly lucrative contract to supply them.
As for dimpling Earl’s Studebaker’s bumper, that wouldn’t be as easy to do as one might think. A lot harder to dimple than, say a ‘71 Pinto’s bumper…
When this car was shown parked at the mall when she thought he’d gone with her but he hadn’t, I looked up pictures of Studebakers, but the car didn’t look like them.
Opal doesn’t know what a Studebaker can be worth. Sure hope it wasn’t like one of these –
Friend had a dog who loved to ride in the car with her. Then came a winter with very icy roads and friend was involved in several small fender benders. Dog gradually became less eager to ride in the car until she had to almost drag said dog out for a ride and then he would hide in the back seat and whine the whole time.
Since I was born in 1954 I can remember seeing a few Studebakers in my youth. I really thought the Avanti was a great looking car. I don’t think I ever rode in any Studebakers though.
Good luck getting by with that bit of semantic trickery, Opal.
By the way, I’m surprised at how many commenters here think they own an old car, or that their Studebaker will be identical in design to one from our reality. In their universe, the Studebaker may be the latest thing.
Studebaker….from the time when people went through windshields and the belts were on your trousers not your seat, when if you lost your brakes, you lost all your brakes.
Dang, just how old is his car? Studebakers haven’t been manufactured in decades. And by the way, I’m from South Bend, Indiana where Studebaker was based.
allen@home almost 4 years ago
You need to be extra careful Opal. Not many of those old bullet nose Studebakers still running around. At least it was just the bumper. The dent can be taken out then re-chromed but it won’t be cheap.
Rodeo Boy almost 4 years ago
My grandparents had a Studebaker. A dump truck creamed it. They survived but the car didn’t.
sirbadger almost 4 years ago
Does the car still have the original engine? Sometimes cars that old get upgraded so they won’t need leaded gas.
Argythree almost 4 years ago
Someone still has a Studebaker?
Wilde Bill almost 4 years ago
One of my childhood friends had a Studebaker pick-up. He called it a “Stupid acher”.
laughingkitty almost 4 years ago
So, Opal, was it really just a “dimple” or was it a big dent (or worse)? Be honest.
wiatr almost 4 years ago
Back in the ’60s there was a car dealer in Manheim, Pa. that occasionally advertised ’50 or ’51s for sale. They usually were around $95-97. Try and find one in good shape for that much now.
LeftCoastKen Premium Member almost 4 years ago
When you see a WWII Army cargo truck (6×6′s) in movies or historical films, chances are it’s a Studebaker. They had a fairly lucrative contract to supply them.
As for dimpling Earl’s Studebaker’s bumper, that wouldn’t be as easy to do as one might think. A lot harder to dimple than, say a ‘71 Pinto’s bumper…
The Old Wolf almost 4 years ago
“Gee, our old LaSalle ran great!”
Doug K almost 4 years ago
I might have wanted clarification on the cheek example, butt that’s just me. Come on Earl, you have to be more careful what you say yes to.
tzid almost 4 years ago
jagedlo almost 4 years ago
Taking the long way around,huh, Opal?
Breadboard almost 4 years ago
At least She was honest :-)
DavidWilliams1 almost 4 years ago
When this car was shown parked at the mall when she thought he’d gone with her but he hadn’t, I looked up pictures of Studebakers, but the car didn’t look like them.
Zebrastripes almost 4 years ago
Earl just got a rude awakening…LOL
William Robbins Premium Member almost 4 years ago
This is a whole new vista of story arcs… I want more of the Studebaker!
Dani Rice almost 4 years ago
At least old cars had bumpers. If you hit something today, the whole front end goes.
Beaker almost 4 years ago
My dad had an old Studebaker Commander when I was a kid. He called it the spaceship because of the signature nose.
J Short almost 4 years ago
As Marion Berry once said, “Bit** set me up!”
cubswin2016 almost 4 years ago
Dimples are not always a good thing.
kv450 almost 4 years ago
Studebaker!?!? For crying out loud, how old are these people? Next she’s gonna say she totaled the Hupmobile … ;)
jrpah Premium Member almost 4 years ago
In the ‘60s I had a Studebaker Lark hand down from my parents. What a bomb! It couldn’t get out of its own way!
phboles almost 4 years ago
Studebakers were the first cars I remember recognizing as a kid when I saw them on the roads
Display almost 4 years ago
Opal doesn’t know what a Studebaker can be worth. Sure hope it wasn’t like one of these –
elpasowalt almost 4 years ago
Studebaker? Geez, how long has it been since these poor folks had a new car?
ForrestOverin almost 4 years ago
“You like mugs, right Opal? Like coffee mugs? Because I’m going to punch you in your mug!”
Alberta Oil almost 4 years ago
Probably demolished what she ran into.. those bumpers were pretty strong,
micromos almost 4 years ago
I sold a 1958 Studebaker model car this year for $65.
Homerville Premium Member almost 4 years ago
A coy approach to a explain a chargeable accident.
oldlady07 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Friend had a dog who loved to ride in the car with her. Then came a winter with very icy roads and friend was involved in several small fender benders. Dog gradually became less eager to ride in the car until she had to almost drag said dog out for a ride and then he would hide in the back seat and whine the whole time.
Tentoes almost 4 years ago
I knew a little old lady whose car was caught out in a hail storm. She couldn’t afford to fix it, so she named it Dimples.
kab2rb almost 4 years ago
That Earl not like.
ncorgbl almost 4 years ago
No! Not Earl’s Studebaker Avanti!!
KEA almost 4 years ago
dimple sounds so much better than ding… or dent… or impact crater
MuddyUSA Premium Member almost 4 years ago
My sister’s first car was a sharp gray 2 door Studebaker. I was a real grabber!
zeexenon almost 4 years ago
Well, did you forget your booster seat again, or hit the neighbor’s restored 1951 taxicab?
Plods with ...™ almost 4 years ago
Totalled the Prius she hit with it.
geneking7320 almost 4 years ago
Since I was born in 1954 I can remember seeing a few Studebakers in my youth. I really thought the Avanti was a great looking car. I don’t think I ever rode in any Studebakers though.
BarbCT almost 4 years ago
Someone still drives a Studebaker!?
Moonkey Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Opal doesn’t have her own car?
kathleenhicks62 almost 4 years ago
LOL! Very good Opal! I have a couple of dimples myself, in the Honda I mean.
christelisbetty almost 4 years ago
It seems to me that it would take some doing to put a dimple in one of those old heavy duty chrome on steel bumpers.
paullp Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Good luck getting by with that bit of semantic trickery, Opal.
By the way, I’m surprised at how many commenters here think they own an old car, or that their Studebaker will be identical in design to one from our reality. In their universe, the Studebaker may be the latest thing.
Redd Panda almost 4 years ago
Studebaker….from the time when people went through windshields and the belts were on your trousers not your seat, when if you lost your brakes, you lost all your brakes.
bookworm0812 almost 4 years ago
Dang, just how old is his car? Studebakers haven’t been manufactured in decades. And by the way, I’m from South Bend, Indiana where Studebaker was based.
oakie817 almost 4 years ago
most excellent
Lightpainter almost 4 years ago
One dimple is uncool, Opal. You need to create a matching dimple on the other side.
Orcatime almost 4 years ago
Those things still exist?!
pbr50138 almost 4 years ago
Opal…that’s not a dimple. It’s a dent but in your case, we’ll compromise…dent-ple.