Lisa Benson for January 15, 2021

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    jhayesd31  over 3 years ago

    Trump Commits Treason….. but the Dems are Socialists’ is Benson’s go to.

    Funny I don’t remember seeing anything like this When Bush was shoveling “Stimulus” Tax money to Goldman Sachs.

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    ncorgbl  over 3 years ago

    Reagan tripled the National debt while crashing the economy in the worst recession since 1929, Bush2 tripled it again, had two recessions – the 2nd surpassing Reagan’s – to the very depths of the 1929 crash. Clinton reduced the National Debt, had a budget surplus, both squandered by Bush2. Obama reduced the National Debt though it did increase by adding in Bush2’s spending using ‘appropriations’ like a government credit card leaving the bill for the next guy. Republicans and tRump have spent over $9 trillion in the last 4 years. Every Republican/conservative Admin since 1929 has had a depression or recession, some had two.

    Republican/conservatives have proved, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that they cannot manage an economy, and cannot govern a Nation.

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    Madzdad the bard  over 3 years ago

    Yep, here we go. Trump deficit spends (in the first three years – pre-covid) almost $4T to prop up an economy so he can claim credit for it (not to mention nearly $1T in unpaid tax cuts benefiting the top 5%). Now the deficit(chicken)hawks come out.

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    IT Sauzeech  over 3 years ago

    That stimulus will no doubt increase the debt but doing nothing would be worse. They can never hope to start paying down the debt if they don’y get the economy back on track. Thr one trillion dollar tax relief they gave corporations did nothing to help. The extra profits trickled onto the pockets of investor whilc most of the country saw nothing.

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    retpost  over 3 years ago

    Spend money on infrastructure; each dollar spent that way will multiply by at least five in the economy.

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    Judge Magney  over 3 years ago

    Lisa apparently doesn’t remember (or perhaps never learned) that the original “moon shot” program actually got us to the moon.

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    admiree2  over 3 years ago

    Conservatives have no understanding of the meaning of hypocrisy.

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    Teto85 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Trickle up is better for the economy. Give it to the people at the bottom who need it most and it will be in the hands of the people at the top overnight. But at least it will have passed through the poor peoples’ hands.

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    martens  over 3 years ago

    Strange how the brilliant economists of the Right don’t seem to understand the role of demand in a capitalist economy.

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    The Love of Money is . . .  over 3 years ago

    Lisa might be smart to not take her portfolio of cartoons on her future job interviews . . . I hesitated using the word “smart”.

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    DrDon1  over 3 years ago

    Appears that Benson doesn’t want to restart our economy … She prefers thousands more COVID-19 victims….

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    Patjade  over 3 years ago

    Barely a ripple, compared to the deficits Trump ran up, so why are you concerned now?

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    admiree2  over 3 years ago

    Brief and worth the few minutes.

    The ‘Shared Psychosis’ of Donald Trump and His Loyalists – Scientific American

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    Daeder  over 3 years ago

    Lisa thinks it’s a bad thing for the government to support the people in a pandemic crisis.

    People should be content with their $600, right, Lisa?

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    ferddo  over 3 years ago

    LOL, now the conservatives are suddenly concerned about the budget and the deficit again…

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    aerilim  over 3 years ago

    And what’s wrong with that, Lisa?

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    WittyWeasel  over 3 years ago

    That’s O.K., Lisa . . . he’ll just borrow it from China. :-)

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    braindead Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Lisa, you’re not supposed to worry about government spending for another five days.

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    grumpypophobart  over 3 years ago

    As opposed to Lisa, who shoots from the lip. All that money will be spent Lisa, in the economy that Trump and McConnell refused to boost. Better to give it to people who will spend it than people who simply hoard it.

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    T Smith  over 3 years ago

    Well, we can’t very well have spending that will actually help people who could use it… where’s the tax cuts for billionaires? Where’s the corporate give-aways? Where’s the hidden attacks on women’s autonomy? Or the defilement of Native American lands to the benefit of the Koch brothers?

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    Radish the wordsmith  over 3 years ago

    The Trump admin shoots Americans.

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    Pat Towey  over 3 years ago
    DEFICIT! Here it comes.
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    DEACON FRED  over 3 years ago

    OK, when the Democrats have a President in office, the Rethugithans complains about the deficit when the President wants to help the common American. But let a Rethugithan be in office and he could want twice as much that his Democratic counterpart wanted and the Rethugithan Congress will support him, because he wants to help the fat cats and the greedy-rich.

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    Concretionist  over 3 years ago

    What are our taxes to be used for? Conservatives purely hate the idea that the government should help individuals because, well, hmm… I guess it’s because then those individuals aren’t incentivized to work harder. Does that sound like what people want, or might it be “big biz” who wants that? Of course, they then turn around and directly “assist” those who need no assistance: The obscenely rich and businesses that might actually (gasp) see a downturn in profits.

    Lisa spews the conservative party line here.

    Here’s a quote:

    We all too often have socialism for the rich and rugged free market capitalism for the poor. -Martin Luther King, Jr.

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    Nantucket Premium Member over 3 years ago

    The ridiculous 2017 Trump / Republican tax cut will add $1 to $2 trillion to the debt WITHOUT benefit to the REAL economy. Companies used it to buy back stock, just like their CEOs said they would, which heated up the stock market, which is NOT the real economy. Too much of the initial Covid stimulus was sucked up by large corporations (500 employees per LOCATION isn’t a small business Marco). Giving money to actual small companies and to people who NEED it will improve the real economy because they will spend it and support others.

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    sevaar777  over 3 years ago

    The usual b.s. from the usual Lisa, “yawn”…

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    Masterskrain  over 3 years ago

    Another typical Lisa cartoon… 100% Fact-free.

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    stealth694  over 3 years ago

    Will It??? I understand a major portion of that money is going to Foreign Aide.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member over 3 years ago

    ….and way beyond!

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    rmfrye Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Somewhat less than the tRumplicans gave to the 1%ers.

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    359mxn  over 3 years ago

    I can hardly wait.

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    Northgalus2002  over 3 years ago

    The economy was doing well (though more from Obama’s efforts than Trump’s) until Covid hit. Then Trump totally blew the response as the economy burned. Now, soon, we will have Biden/Harris in charge and a Democratic majority (albeit a slim one) in both houses of Congress. They should just charge in and speed up the distribution of Covid vaccines and do what they can to convince those straddling the fence on vaccines that its safe so that (when the vaccine is available for the general public) they will get it. We might not be able to convince the really hard core anti-vaxxers, but we’ve got to try. We also need to help the states that are batting big surges right now and get those under control and bring the national new cases and death rates down considerably. But (with the grownups back in charge) I have confidence we can do this! According to the NYT, most experts expect the economy to bounce back quicker from Covid than it did from the 2008 stock market crash and the Great Recession said crash ushered in. That’s the good news. The not so good news is that we can’t fix the economy until we bring Covid under control (hopefully by mid year or so). How many dead people have you seen in line at Target?

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    Michael Spony Premium Member over 3 years ago

    I would rather shoot for the moon that the lowest common denominator Lisa’s hero has been doing for the last 4 yrs.

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    djtenltd  over 3 years ago

    It’ll be a much better ride with Biden than Trump!

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    MaryBethJavorek1  over 3 years ago

    what about the golf trip deficits, or was that perfectly fine with you Lisa. Any idea of how many stimulus payments could have been paid out of that? hundreds of thousands,, And what about the money that was charged to the government for the SS to have to stay at his resorts and the taxes he never paid!!!!

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    mauser7  over 3 years ago

    I’ve seen this dance before…it never ends well. See LBJ, Jimmy Carter.

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