Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for February 14, 2021

  1. Mmdash6
    Pequod  about 4 years ago

    Pouch prepares disguise and wares. Helium tank on wheels.

    Make a move where hippies groove. Delay on shady deals.

    It’s Tiger’s mess. Who would have guessed? Dispatched with lethal hands

    Placed Pouch in a hole deep, ignoring his commands.

    Aquarius, he has a plan. Ty’s ordered to the park

    Time to settle scores with Pouch, so be there after dark.

    Look to see a video cam. What has been recorded?

    Ted Tellum must tell ‘em toot sweet. Truth must not be hoarded.

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  2. Gcav
    Brian  Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Well that’s a bit of left turn. What did he see?

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  3. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  about 4 years ago

    Nice build up to a showdown and thanks for the cam guy’s ID. I thought this was a new story preview.

    “No, not again !”  He needs to fortify that bird feeder against squirrel thievery.

    Like !

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  4. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  about 4 years ago

    Good morning™, secret unseen witnesses !

    Either he is seeing yet another bird food snatch by that pesky raccoon or the squirrels have defeated his latest failed deterrent mechanism.

    He could be witnessing shady human activity but nothing serious as his semi nonchalant quirky expression appears to indicate.

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  5. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  about 4 years ago

    Good morning™, wildlife lovers!

    All sort of weird things show up on wildlife cameras, but I wonder what could have appeared on Ted Tellum’s wildlife camera that he has seen before but didn’t like. Could it maybe be one of the fugitives from our story?

    (His laptop computer defies the rules of perspective in the bottom left panel. The artists on this strip are fantastic, but they are not so good with rectangular things that should have vanishing points on the horizon.)

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  6. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  about 4 years ago

    Toss up.

    Preview of new story?

    Preview of Pouch’s fate?

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  7. Straker01
    Straker UFO  about 4 years ago

    Next panel: “It’s the paparazzi again… they just won’t let me forget my former life as Howdy Doody…”

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  8. Sherlock holmes gillette chose the pipe and deerstalker because they could be seen easily in the theater
    WGillete  about 4 years ago

    Forget Auntie Bellum. This is Auntie Climax.

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  9. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  about 4 years ago

    Hmmmm.. What’s next?!

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  10. Idano
    Ida No  about 4 years ago

    Damn raccoon ate the camera. Again.

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  11. Test01b
    Lawrence.S  about 4 years ago

    Those of us who were counting on some action today, as Pouch, and the police armed with a social worker descend on the old house where Tiger is held prisoner… Well, we lose.

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  12. Test01b
    Lawrence.S  about 4 years ago

    Umm… Awfully big espresso cup for espresso. More likely a latte or cappuccino. That much espresso? As The Expresso Song puts it:

    One shot, I’m waking up–

    Two shots, out of bed–

    Three shots, I’m wide awake–

    Four shots, I’m dead.

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  13. Smallwolfface
    Dean  about 4 years ago

    I got the impression we were looking at Fallingwater a house designed by architect Frank Lloyd Wright in 1935.

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  14. Millionchimps1
    tripwire45  about 4 years ago

    Another body dumped into the river.

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  15. Azumanga daioh aymu osaka kasuga
    lunapeachie  about 4 years ago

    Do people do illegal activity regularly in your yard, dude?

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  16. Tom ter
    pathamil  about 4 years ago

    It’s nice to see a Tracy’s Hall of Fame that doesn’t have an “End of Watch” statement.

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  17. Missing large
    tcayer  about 4 years ago

    They already found Dollar Bills body. Who is this?

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  18. Rankin badge   tartan 2
    jrankin1959  about 4 years ago

    For a second I thought, Junior comb his hair or something?

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  19. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member about 4 years ago

    …guess the view of the river just got a ’lil less….relaxing………..

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  20. Win 20201204 12 32 23 pro
    oakie817  about 4 years ago


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  21. 1385074 10151885271699330 772673905 n
    MooseBreathMints  about 4 years ago

    maybe he was adding a new wifi card into its slot…

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  22. Image
    MuddyUSA  Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Holy Crap, just what the story needed a raccoon!

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  23. Unnamed
    Another Take  about 4 years ago

    1-doh dee doh

    2-UGLY JUNIOR: Ahhh, brisk air and a coffee based product on a Sunday morning. It doesn’t get better than this. Well, that’s enough of that…

    3-Let’s see what my neighbors got up to last night…

    4-It’s so funny that people out here don’t believe curtains are needed because the neighbors are so far away. Too bad for them my camera isn’t!

    5-OOOOH! THEY SO NASTY! OMG! THEY’RE DOING THAT WHILE LISTENING TO CARDI B’s “WAP”* This video is going into the NEIGHBOR HALL OF FAME! My website oughta collect enough dough from this one to cover that bigger kitchen I want! Stupid Frank Lloyd could never conceive of a world where people who could afford his houses couldn’t also afford a cook who would be willing to work out of a closet-sized space

    Look up lyrics at your own risk.
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  24. Softball
    ridenslide65  about 4 years ago

    Pretty sure I’m completely lost at this point.

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  25. 7553c0eb fe60 48a8 a4b6 2f89cdbcf5ac
    RonnieAThompson Premium Member about 4 years ago

    God Bless You Officer Tyler White.

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  26. 7553c0eb fe60 48a8 a4b6 2f89cdbcf5ac
    RonnieAThompson Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Happy Valentines Day my friends.

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  27. Screen shot 2021 05 17 at 9.03.40 am
    gozar  about 4 years ago

    Any time I’m out hiking and come across a wildlife camera I make sure to moon it.

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  28. Picture
    IvanB.Cohen  about 4 years ago

    I can hardly wait via the characters in this story line to see the dots connect. Joe and Mike…stay the course.

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  29. Missing large
    buckman-j  about 4 years ago

    With the recycling of this strip’s characters, it’s probably Wormy coming back for another radio gig. Wow ADD authors on the loose. Unfathomable

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  30. Jonah hex graphic
    jonahhex1  about 4 years ago

    From the looks of that house Tellum has a good insurance company (if memory serves the last time we saw him his house was being destroyed).

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  31. Bakuman kato
    Tarry Plaguer  about 4 years ago

    For those trying to understand the “again” reference.


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  32. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103 r
    Kip W  about 4 years ago

    Darn it, Bigfoot!

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  33. Bill murray drink
    Eric S   about 4 years ago

    CandleJack coming for my soul!!!

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  34. Sherlock holmes gillette chose the pipe and deerstalker because they could be seen easily in the theater
    WGillete  about 4 years ago

    OMG – It’s YETI!

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  35. Missing large
    Jim Douglas  about 4 years ago

    Neil, your Picky Wicky is showing up as usual, but still enjoy all your comments.

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  36. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 4 years ago

    Thanks to Pequod (way up above) for reminding me who this guy is: Ted Tellum. On first reading this strip late last night (more precisely, very early this morning) I could not identify who the ginger was, other than to think he looked a little like Junior Tracy. Well, now we have him “in the city” (first full panel after the title/HoF/throwaway sequence) but in a fairly isolated woodsy and riverine location (see my Reply to Dean, above), with an outdoors camera recording raccoons and murders (and I don’t mean a lot of crows): I think what he is seeing on the laptop of the camera’s weekly fill must be the dumping of Dollar Bill by Tiger Lilly (“not again” in the last panel referring to his old house and adventure in the Jimmy Choo Shooz affair—a perfectly natural reaction for someone who thought he had got away from all those bad memories). If, as expected, he informs the police (Tracy), this will help make a case that will convince a judge (either for warrant to search The 1312 now or during trial later)….

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  37. Index
    GoComicsGo!  about 4 years ago

    Oh-oh! It appears that someone’s been caught on camera.

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  38. Picture
    JDBella  about 4 years ago

    Ted Tellum is Junior’s real biological father.

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  39. Stan lee2
    tsull2121  about 4 years ago

    Wasnt this idiot washed away with Jimmy choo shooz?

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