Gary Varvel for February 21, 2022

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    DIF20  over 2 years ago

    then you are never going to ever vote again. Who else will fight those ignoramuses.

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  2. Triumph
    Daeder  over 2 years ago

    I guess Gary Varvel would prefer a candidate who would pick a fight with the other 90% of truckers, and not the 10% of idiots who think doing whatever the hell they want, whenever they want is more important than public health.

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    Patjade  over 2 years ago

    Varvel supports few dozen truckers throwing a hissy-fit over mandates and masks. The only thing they were trucking was the spread of the virus. Now that they;re being arrested and their trucks impounded, they won’t be trucking much more than time in jail.

    But 2AndFour will be along shortly to cheerlead this bit of jackassery.

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    Mats Dahlgren Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Yes Gary, that is of course how democracy should work – a couple of hundred truckers should of course be in charge of a country’s pandemic response…. I am certain that your puppet masters will be a bit upset about this toon as you were NOT to display their disdain for democracy this openly (yet)!

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    Concretionist  over 2 years ago

    In the first place, WHO picked the fight? Then there’s the whole issue of actually following the rules (see “first place”). And finally, though those shelves are emptier than the ones we see, even our shelves — which have nothing whatever to do with the Canadian situation — still haven’t fully recovered from the supply chain issues. My preferred cracker (one of about a half dozen varieties of the same basic type): Not available. Though they do have the “original” which is probably their biggest seller and the “lo fat” which is so bad that they may still be on the shelf from last year (my opinion)… And that’s just one of a dozen examples our family is facing.

    (sarcasm on) Oh woe is us! (sarcasm off)

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  6. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Poor Joey. Stuck for eternity in a negative distopia of Varvel’s crazed imagination.

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    monya_43  over 2 years ago

    No one “picked” a fight with truckers. They chose to obstruct. The store commodities are scarce mostly because of companies that were overwhelmed with a deadly virus. Now stupid people don’t want to take a vaccine that keeps them protected either from getting the virus or, if they do get it, only a mild form so they don’t die or get long Covid. I find it extremely difficult to understand the obduracy of the people who would rather deny a health issue. They keep the pandemic going on purpose. Get the shots if you aren’t immunocompromised or otherwise unable to have them. Then we can stop the deadly virus and be free to live our lives. We would not be in the mess we are if people had cooperated and gotten the vaccine when they could.

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    2AndFour  over 2 years ago

    Good advice for Joey. Another bit of advice for Joey is to never vote for a politician that is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You can be sure that this politician will come in to declare martial law and label innocent people as terrorist. By the way over 90% of Canadians are vaccinated. The issue ain’t about health anymore, the issue is the tyrant “Crazy Trudeau” that is having his power grab right now.

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    Christopher Shea  over 2 years ago

    If you watch Fox News these days, you’d come away thinking that Justin Trudeau is a worse-than-Hitler dictator, while Vladimir Putin is a wise, benevolent leader who just wants to secure his borders.

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    Ontman  over 2 years ago

    Joey’s diapers are full of the same stuff as Varvel’s comic is.

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    brit-ed  over 2 years ago

    Yep; more comments that likes; hit the head on nail again Gary.

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    Addled Brain  over 2 years ago

    This cartoon reminds me of the old joke about the anus being the boss of the body because it can cause all the other organs to shut down.

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  13. Wtp
    superposition  over 2 years ago

    There are many things that I don’t like that majority do. Rather than being civil and considerate of others; should I instead buy a big truck — with the help of wealthy wingnuts — and illegally/criminally obstruct traffic [and peace and quiet] to get things done my way?

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Yup.. truckers should have whatever they want.. along with any other aggrieved group. The country run by “mob” would surely be better than what we have now. /S

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    1BlackLivesMatter Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Great ’toon!

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    Prescott_Philosopher   over 2 years ago

    Trudeau had the opportunity to show leadership. But he ran away from it, not even recognizing what he had.

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    WestNYC Premium Member over 2 years ago

    You can be assured HRH Trudeau is indulging in his prosperity. After all, deprivation and shortages are for his less equal Canadians, eh ?

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  18. Biflag
    Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe  over 2 years ago

    My friend hauls and couldn’t get across the border in Alberta with a load of produce. Note a lot of the protesters are unemployed independents with an empty 53’ . Ottawa has been been removing markers and cancelling insurance, maybe even putting rigs up for sale. The capital is in clean up mode.

    p/s I’m a Vet, pissing on the Tomb of the Unknown is not a protest. Try that stunt in Arlington

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Of course, the claim that store shelves are empty is more Republican tomfoolery. Maybe 300 real truck drivers took part in the failed attempt to overthrow Trudeau. The rest went on about their jobs as well as they could, driving miles to get around the doofuses in SUVs & fancy pickups trying to shut down bridges & roads.

    The initial stock shortages have actually been easing over the last couple weeks.

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    IndyW  over 2 years ago

    My brother is a trucker and doesn’t support this. Time is money and he doesn’t know how they could afford to not haul. He understands their cause, but it was a wrong move to block traffic and local commerce. Truckers got to eat and shop too.

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    Northgalus2002  over 2 years ago

    I do most of my food shopping at the Trader Joe’s on Capitol Hill. Occasionally, I go to either the Safeway or the Giant near my home. I have not seen rows of empty shelves when I’m food shopping. On occasion, I find what I’m looking for isn’t on the shelf. But I could get it at another store, perhaps at one of the small grocery stores near my home (where there’s less overhead). Yes, the situation in Ottawa is sticky. But hopefully, as restrictions ease, the truckers will pull out and the supply chain bottlenecks will continue to clear in both the US and Canada. In economic recoveries, especially the early stages, demand almost always outpaces supply.

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    jader3rd  over 2 years ago

    Sometimes public health requires sacrifice.

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    Rich Douglas  over 2 years ago

    It’s okay. Automation (ironic term, huh?) is coming to take their jobs away. Good riddance.

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    marco156  over 2 years ago

    Congratulations Gary. The convoy was about eliminating all mandates in Canada. The supply issues come from a lot of bad policies dictated by governments which delegated all their authority to pseudo scientists with big bank accounts.

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    flpmlp  over 2 years ago

    Yes! They only deliver nearly everything we buy!

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    StackableContainers  over 2 years ago

    Where is she shopping? I just went grocery shopping at Krogers last night and the aisles and the shelves were full. And a week ago I went shopping at a Meijer’s…the shelves were full. They were out of rotisserie chickens when I went to that counter, but I just had to wait 10 minutes for them to finish the latest batch.

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    braindead Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Last week, one of my local grocery stores had a lot of empty shelves.

    A LOT of them.


    Okay, they also had signs everywhere saying they were remodeling, but I know it’s really Biden’s fault and they they were just covering up.


    Curiously, other stores did not have empty shelves.


    Trump Disciple Varvel again LIES, as he does about EVERY issue.

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    DrPawl  over 2 years ago

    So now Varvel supports collective action by truckers. Will he come out in support of the Teamsters?

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    RAGs  over 2 years ago

    Maybe someone can enlighten me; was it Trudeau who picked the fight or the self-righteous truckers?

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    brit-ed  over 2 years ago

    So if truckers demand the freedom to not maintain their brakes and submit to oppressive inspections, that’s ok, right? The rules are there to protect normal people from complete morons. Stuff your freedom if it impinges on mine.

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    calliarcale  over 2 years ago

    Bearing in mind that the logistics nightmare has been going on for a couple of years now and the trucker protest in Canada has been going on for a few weeks, right?

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  32. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    Fact check: Debunking more false Fox claims about the Canadian convoy protests

    The claim about a woman being trampled to death went viral. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a Republican of Texas, quote-tweeted Carter’s tweet and added himself, “This…is…horrific.” Right-wing commentator duo Diamond and Silk said in their own quote tweet: “#Trudeau should be arrested for murder!”

    Facts First: Carter’s report was false. Nobody died in the incident involving the police officers on horseback. The woman seen on the ground was indeed injured, but she is alive; she posted on Facebook on Saturday night that she was “hurting but ok.” Carter retracted her “just died” claim on Saturday morning — after it had already been retweeted more than 10,000 times — and deleted the false tweet hours later.

    Gutfeld was thoroughly inaccurate. Thousands of people live in the parts of Ottawa where the protest was concentrated, and some of the protesters did park vehicles right beside residential buildings; as Rivera said, the constant honking, which took place in the middle of the night as well as during daylight hours, disrupted sleep and daily life for days. An Ottawa resident eventually initiated a lawsuit that resulted in a judge ordering a temporary end to honking in a significant portion of the city. And while it’s certainly possible to find Ottawa residents who were fond of the protesters, Gutfeld was incorrect in suggesting that, on the whole, protesters were “actually being welcomed.”

    All of the available evidence — comments from Ottawa’s mayor and other local politicians, media interviews with local residents, polling data — shows that the protests have been highly unpopular in Ottawa, as they have been in Canada more broadly.

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  33. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I’m pretty sure truckers are going to find that this is not how you fight the Federal government. Or whatever they call it in Canada.

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    ScottHolman  over 2 years ago

    You’ve heard of longshoremen’s strikes crippling the country ? Just wait ’till the truckers strike.

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    braindead Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Golly, Varvel, whatever happened to this “issue”?

    Did it ever happen, or was this just a LIE?


    If it DID happen, is it fixed now? It was Biden’s fault, so WHO could it have been that fixed it?


    Yet another illustration about how you LIE about EVERY ‘issue’.

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