For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for May 03, 2022

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 3 years ago

    Not easy living in a construction site, is it?

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    MichaelAxelFleming  almost 3 years ago

    Again, we see her suffering the consequences of putting herself in harm’s way.

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    Enter.Name.Here  almost 3 years ago

    The dog days of home remodeling.

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Farley’s version of “cement shoes”

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    howtheduck  almost 3 years ago

    I don’t blame Farley. He’s is probably writing a message in the concrete that says, “Water not for cement, but for concrete.”

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    capricorn9th  almost 3 years ago

    Hurry, Farley, get out before the cement set!

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    Baarorso  almost 3 years ago

    Was there any other way to ask about turning on the water without invading Ellie’s privacy? ;D

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    Susan00100  almost 3 years ago

    Farley is leaving his “signature” in the wet cement.

    BTW, why is Elly so PO’d? Is her shower too cold? If so, don’t they have a water heater in that house??

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    littlejohn Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Somehow I get this saying about the Hair of the Dog that did something or another, in my mind. I don’t know why though.

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    Johnnyrico  almost 3 years ago

    Sure, and we’re all just going to stand around and watch the dog tramp in the cement
 Our solution is to watch all this while complaining to the homeowner

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    Larrycleve  almost 3 years ago

    I thought Farley was “watering” the concrete.

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    rmercer Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Seems appropriate. Why else would they call them “footings”?

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    djtenltd  almost 3 years ago

    Just hope it doesn’t harden.

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    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Dogs and kids aren’t really trying to help, they’re just trying to participate. I send both to keep away squirrels and they’re usually pretty good at it.

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    GirlGeek Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Again this is why they should have stayed in a hotel for the time being

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    Snolep  almost 3 years ago

    Thank goodness it says soap on what Elly is holding or we’d have thought it was a frying pan.

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    Gerard:D  almost 3 years ago

    Lynn’s Comments:

    In this strip, the contractor is speaking with a marked French Canadian accent. I was harshly criticized for making fun of French Canadians—until Paul himself wrote back to my critics and said that this was exactly the way he talked!

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    mjowens1985  almost 3 years ago

    This family really needs to keep a closer on their dog and their baby.

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    this is summerdog  almost 3 years ago

    OK, listen up! The construction worker has that “thing” in his face again today. It is white. He is not putting nails in anything. He has a shovel. The big question remains!

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    mindjob  almost 3 years ago

    Whenever I hear a French accent, I still think of Maurice Chevalier, smoking at a bar

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    kaycstamper  almost 3 years ago

    And they didn’t think to WARN her to keep her dog in?! How’s she going to get the cement off his paws! Esp. when she’s not dressed!

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    paranormal  almost 3 years ago

    He just wanted to put his paw prints in. Besides, the cement is mighty soft. His feet shouldn’t sink in

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    rebelstrike0  almost 3 years ago

    If you want him to go away, simply say two words “Guten Morgen”. Hearing German sends any Frenchman running!

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  24. Missing large  almost 3 years ago

    The first panel joke was predicted by about five dozen people.

    Farley is doing his Dennis The Menace impersonation.

    And MR.BLANDINGS BUILDS HIS DREAM HOUSE—1948—got there years before Tom Hanks.

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    CoreyTaylor1  almost 3 years ago

    It’s long past time Elly got dunked in a bucket of ice water, but this will do.

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    Jan C  almost 3 years ago

    And once again Lynn is showing her ignorance of construction practices, especially pouring concrete. Yesterday it was the tiny mixer that would have taken about two days to fill the forms they had laid out. Today it is the wetness of the mix. Anything that was wet enough to allow Farley to sink his feet into it as far as he has is not going to be a very strong foundation. The dryer the mix, the stronger the resulting concrete.

    Add to that the fact that those “footings” are at ground level. They should be at least 4 feet underground and about 2 feet wide in the type of climate that they have. The part that shows above ground or at ground level are foundations, not footings.

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    gcarlson  almost 3 years ago

    Mrs. Patterson builds her dream house.

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    jbruins84341  almost 3 years ago

    Not really helping, is he?

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    howtheduck  almost 3 years ago

    I like the part where he says “your dog” and she has to ask “Farley?” in order for him to confirm. “Oui, Madame. We asked the dog ‘is name and ’e said ’Farley’”

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    The_Great_Black President  almost 3 years ago

    This is not a comic strip. It is a soap opera about coming out to your parents. If this was a comic strip, there would be a funny scene akin to cartoon physics. For example. the shower water is too hot, so Elly screams “YEE!” as she flies up into the air, through the ceiling and into the mesosphere. Then the last panel would have people looking at a newspaper headline.


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    feefers_  about 1 year ago

    Our boxer dog Treacle did the same thing in our conservatory foundations. She’s been gone over 30 years but I always smile when I see her paw prints

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