Does not matter what size you need, they will “Always” be out of it and gladly place it on backorder due to “Supply Chain Difficulties”. “Now while you are waiting, please go to our other pages and place additional orders for the items that we do have in stock. Please, Pretty Please, with a cherry and whipped cream on top! This all stuff our buyers promised would fly out of the warehouse and it seems like it is all glued to the bins.”
Arlo is referring to Francis Fukuyama’s 1992 book, “The End of History and the Last Man”, written after the end of the Cold War. Unfortunately, Putin refuses to accept Fukuyama’s thesis that liberal democracies are destined to be the dominant form of governments in the world and invaded Ukraine anyway.
A merchant not having your size is such a trivial matter, but comes to the top when your life is safe and secure. A lot of Ukrainians would love to have that kind of life right now.
The unprovoked attack on Ukraine is proof that the UN, formed after WWII to prevent wars, does NOTHING it is supposed to do. Any country that attacks another like this should not even have a vote in the UN let alone VETO power.
Very low availability of all sizes, the loss of the actual size standards, and the very low quality of even expensive brands is a sorry state of affairs.
I used to find amusement that my wife had to try anything on because her size meant different things to different manufacturers. Lately men’s clothing has become just as bad. An LLBean large is not a Brooks Bros large. I recently ordered an XL bicycling jacket. I could barely get my arm through one of the holes. Yet most of my shirts are large…. And it looks like Janis is being drawn a bit thinner.
C almost 3 years ago
And there it is
Da'Dad almost 3 years ago
Jimmy is very seldom so political.
wjones almost 3 years ago
Do you think maybe your size has changed?
KenTheCoffinDweller almost 3 years ago
Does not matter what size you need, they will “Always” be out of it and gladly place it on backorder due to “Supply Chain Difficulties”. “Now while you are waiting, please go to our other pages and place additional orders for the items that we do have in stock. Please, Pretty Please, with a cherry and whipped cream on top! This all stuff our buyers promised would fly out of the warehouse and it seems like it is all glued to the bins.”
Jesy Bertz Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Arlo is referring to Francis Fukuyama’s 1992 book, “The End of History and the Last Man”, written after the end of the Cold War. Unfortunately, Putin refuses to accept Fukuyama’s thesis that liberal democracies are destined to be the dominant form of governments in the world and invaded Ukraine anyway.
nosirrom almost 3 years ago
Same thing happens to me when I shop for tires.
Bullet Bronson Premium Member almost 3 years ago
The great mysteries of the universe:
What is dark energy?
What is dark matter?
Why are they always out of my size?
Bullet Bronson Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Stupidly, Arlo. Don’t forget stupidly. Although greed gives it a run for its money.
Milady Meg almost 3 years ago
I often feel that, if A&J were living in a swimming pool, Janis would just be getting her feet wet while Arlo would be in over his head.
annefackler61 almost 3 years ago
Nice to see Janis has her priorities straight… Not !
They were the best of times and the worst of times…
Jimvideo almost 3 years ago
A merchant not having your size is such a trivial matter, but comes to the top when your life is safe and secure. A lot of Ukrainians would love to have that kind of life right now.
William Bednar Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Well, for one thing, size minus 10 does not exist.
MeGoNow Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Give them a chance. They keep changing size standards so fat girls can pretend to wear a ten.
shorzy almost 3 years ago
Spot On observation about commodity fetishized US citizens
Gameguy49 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
The unprovoked attack on Ukraine is proof that the UN, formed after WWII to prevent wars, does NOTHING it is supposed to do. Any country that attacks another like this should not even have a vote in the UN let alone VETO power.
david_42 almost 3 years ago
Doesn’t matter, online all you can get is irregulars.
jonesbeltone almost 3 years ago
Janis is competing with herself; All her compatriots have changed their size as well.
KEA almost 3 years ago
All I have to do is decide I like something… and then they discontinue it.
assrdood almost 3 years ago
It was only for two weeks to flatten the curve.
assrdood almost 3 years ago
At least I was able to get mint leaves for the juleps this weekend.
Hipshot Percussion almost 3 years ago
Very low availability of all sizes, the loss of the actual size standards, and the very low quality of even expensive brands is a sorry state of affairs.
Indianapolis Smith almost 3 years ago
The only sizes I ever find in stock are XXXS or XXXXL, neither of which I can reasonably fit in…
I’mStandingRightHere almost 3 years ago
I used to find amusement that my wife had to try anything on because her size meant different things to different manufacturers. Lately men’s clothing has become just as bad. An LLBean large is not a Brooks Bros large. I recently ordered an XL bicycling jacket. I could barely get my arm through one of the holes. Yet most of my shirts are large…. And it looks like Janis is being drawn a bit thinner.
dadlivonia almost 3 years ago
it isn’t always about you
paranormal almost 3 years ago
You wear one of the most popular sizes.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 3 years ago
Signs of the end times: when they don’t got yo size.
(Your end is probably too small)
BJIllistrated Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Eventually we will all run out of options for things we need or want to buy. Then you’ll hear some screaming.
locake almost 3 years ago
Janis does not NEED any more clothing. She only wants it. She has plenty of clothing. Same as me and most adults in the U.S.
raybarb44 almost 3 years ago
Well, yes. That is a serious problem also….
WF11 almost 3 years ago
An example of a First World problem…
amaryllis2 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Yellow hair, blue shirt: Ukrainian flag colors. Arlo matches his words.
rugeirn almost 3 years ago
Selection bias.
Teto85 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
“There is no God but Murphy…”
bevgreyjones almost 3 years ago
I’m rather disappointed that Janis is that shallow.