Aunty Acid by Ged Backland for January 31, 2023

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    seanfear  almost 2 years ago


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    rekam Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Try finding things in your Costco store. They spend nights rearranging things so that you get to buy stuff you might never have seen otherwise.

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  3. Muzi complete  maybe
    Muzi54  almost 2 years ago

    Timely, as our local Wally World is doing just that. They have moved things to several odd locations and when they can’t readily move a section, they move things to the opposite side of the aisle, brilliant! I believe I’ve figured it out, the Mice have created a maze and we are the subjects to figure out the ultimate question (we have the answer).

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  4. Hell froze over
    ʲᔆ  almost 2 years ago

    been there – done that

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  5. Rudy says hello
    Lucy Rudy  almost 2 years ago

    I get confused when I go in a different branch of the same grocery chain.

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  6. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  almost 2 years ago

    SOMETIMES…there is a logical reason, as products come and go and take up different amounts of space on a shelf. But primarily, it is to get people to notice products they might not have otherwise.

    I’m still of the theory that it is to slow us down and make us spend more time in the store.

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    PraiseofFolly  almost 2 years ago

    What’s the use? It’s just kids doing what management tells them to do. But actually I think the situation amuses the kids when the grannies get their panties in a bunch when the Metamucil is out of place.

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    Macushlalondra  almost 2 years ago

    As much as we hate it when they do this, the workers hate it worse since they have to do all the work.

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    cld7734  almost 2 years ago

    Yes, yes, yes!! A million times, YES!!

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    FreyjaRN Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    I have no idea why they don’t want us to learn the maze.

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    Just-me  almost 2 years ago

    The constant rearranging of things at a store is irksome to be sure.

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    dflak  almost 2 years ago

    The ideal grocery store would have one entrance and one path that zig-zags through the store forcing people to pass every shelf. This includes the U-turn at the end of every aisle so people have to pass by both sides of the aisle. If course, such a layout will cause a slow, stop-and-go line ideal for impulse buying.

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    dflak  almost 2 years ago

    Because it takes too much to move freezers and refrigerators, the diary section is always in the same place (although products within may move). This makes the prospect of a hit-and-run raid for these products easier.

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  14. Roundel of sweden.svg
    rhpii  almost 2 years ago

    The grocery store I used to shop at has been raising prices through the roof. Much more so than other stores. They also never had enough employees to run the registers, or provide customer service, but they seem to have more than enough employees to not only rearrange the stock on the shelves but also reconfigure some of the aisles every couple of months. I didn’t get mad, I switched.

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    pheets  almost 2 years ago

    At my market, if I buy something twice, they don’t carry it anymore.

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    goboboyd  almost 2 years ago

    Oh, Oh. It has begun to irk me.

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  17. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    That’s the Kroger motto, “Rearrange the store every 6 months so as to keep the customers off balance.” Off balanced customers are more susceptible to impulse buying.

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    Interventor12  almost 2 years ago

    I no longer ask where something is. I ask where are you hiding it now.

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  19. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    They do it hoping you grab where you’re used to, then grab more while you hunt. Pre-order curbside pickup & let them hunt, & they need to hire actual bodies to bring it out.

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    old_geek  almost 2 years ago

    A local farm store just didn’t rearrange, the flipped it. The moved everything from one end to the other, arranged exactly like it was. The only thing that surprised me that it wasn’t all upside down.

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  21. Bearfront
    paranormal  almost 2 years ago

    And they each compete with each other to confuse customers the most. It just pices me off…

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  22. Stinker
    cuzinron47  almost 2 years ago

    Every time they did that at the commissary you had a bunch of zombie vets roaming the aisles.

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  23. Me avatar
    rbullfogg  almost 2 years ago

    Now this is a truisem! LOL:)

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  24. April older
    Lola85 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    What bothers me is when they place items in some of the most illogical places. I’ve often found myself saying, “Why is this here, when it should be somewhere else?”

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    ladykat  almost 2 years ago

    The grocery stores I favour do that several times a year. It’s confusing and frustrating.

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  26. Straycat 1
    MFRXIM Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    That’s how I get more exercise. ;-D

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  27. Me 1988
    wolff5491  almost 2 years ago

    We need a road map in our Walmart

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    ddl297  almost 2 years ago

    Cheese sauce (no names, here!) first by chips, then in refrigerator section, then by pasta sauces! I know it’s versatile, but PICK A SPOT, WILL YA?!?

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    sew-so  almost 2 years ago

    I took a marketing course in college, learned a lot! Including why they rearrange the store layouts (you end up looking at things you never would have noticed, and maybe buy some).

    Our local Winn Dixie is in the process of a major reno, including all new tables and cabinets in the produce section, and all new display cases in the deli. I hate it already, I can’t see over the top of the deli cases, and several of the employees are fairly short, too. How am I supposed to know if anyone is in there?

    The new flooring is nice, though, and well overdue. I can’t wait until they finish and I can push my walker down whichever aisle I need to again.

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    Teto85 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    When living in San Francisco we would shop at the Marina Safeway amongst the stores we patronized for foodstuffs. Safeway had a nice little program where you gather coupons and make your list electronically. And then the list would print out by alphabetically arranged departments. They could not printout by store layout even though that would be an easy thing to make possible. then again, it was “fun” flipping from page to page while going through the market. Until they went to delivery and everything improved a bit.

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    dflak  almost 2 years ago

    Supermarkets like hardware warehouses should have a kiosk where you can enter what you want to find and it tells you where it is.

    Or better still, an app on your phone to do this.

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