I don’t think Marigold Heavenly Nostrils, Lord Splendid Humility, Florence Unfortunate Nostrils, Infernus Unicorn of Death, or any other mythical equine from Dana Simpson’s comic would like that joke, sir.
I like how the angles in the artwork give you the illusion of the boat actually rocking on the waves!Also, I too didn’t get the joke until I read the comments. Got a big grin once I did, though – I love a “terrible” punchline! My favourite joke is the famous riddle “What’s brown and sticky? A stick!”
The first story of unicorns came from a visitor to India where the rhinoceroses have but one horn. The rest of the early stories came from his description. This is why you cannot rely upon the testimony of just one witness.
Wheresmyscissors over 2 years ago
But, if Dad keeps up with the bad dad-jokes, Wallace’s swimming is going to continue to improve.
mr_sherman Premium Member over 2 years ago
Now try that with Phoebe.
Ida No over 2 years ago
“When Dad jokes turn lethal. Next up, on whatever crappy daytime show is still on the air now.”
Templo S.U.D. over 2 years ago
I don’t think Marigold Heavenly Nostrils, Lord Splendid Humility, Florence Unfortunate Nostrils, Infernus Unicorn of Death, or any other mythical equine from Dana Simpson’s comic would like that joke, sir.
Cpeckbourlioux over 2 years ago
Yep, that’s yer dad. As Mork from Ork would say, “Humor! Arr Arr!”
Faustus Mitternacht over 2 years ago
“you can’t swim home from here!” (Bets?)
Lauren Kramer over 2 years ago
That was painful
posse1 Premium Member over 2 years ago
So corny.
Jacob Mattingly over 2 years ago
Swim Wallace! Swim for a new father whose possibly a narwhal who has better Dad Jokes!
jschumaker over 2 years ago
panel 4 – The seagull wants some popcorn now.
crookedwolf Premium Member over 2 years ago
Maybe he’s just so excited he has to show Spud right now..?
starfighter441 over 2 years ago
Well played Dad, well played.
well-i-never over 2 years ago
The superstructure disappeared before Wallace did.
The Legend of Brandon Sawyer over 2 years ago
You know the joke is bad when Wallace starts to swim home
Aladar30 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Wallace is having the only plausible reaction to that Dad joke.
wordsmeet over 2 years ago
Serves him well for not bringing a microwave on board. :P
David in Webb Premium Member over 2 years ago
I’ve got to remember this and try it on people.
Killraven Premium Member over 2 years ago
Wanna bet!
rroxxanna over 2 years ago
This is such a Bad Joke that I didn’t get it at all until I read the comments. Thanks, guys!
Sunzoomspark over 2 years ago
I like how the angles in the artwork give you the illusion of the boat actually rocking on the waves!Also, I too didn’t get the joke until I read the comments. Got a big grin once I did, though – I love a “terrible” punchline! My favourite joke is the famous riddle “What’s brown and sticky? A stick!”
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 2 years ago
Boo! :D
raybarb44 over 2 years ago
Funny guy and don’t forget folks, he will be playing all week…….
scyphi26 over 2 years ago
You’re lucky, dad. If I were Wallace, I would’ve tried to push you overboard for that one.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 2 years ago
This strip just keeps getting better.
DM2860 over 2 years ago
The first story of unicorns came from a visitor to India where the rhinoceroses have but one horn. The rest of the early stories came from his description. This is why you cannot rely upon the testimony of just one witness.
gamer nerd over 2 years ago
when I was a kid my dad would do really bad jokes just like that.
Diamond Lil over 2 years ago
Took me a second…good one!
Curiosity Premium Member over 2 years ago
Great one! It’s been a long time since I started spontaneously laughing at something on this site.
Curiosity Premium Member over 2 years ago
And for those who are unaware, the Pun is the highest form of humor. That’s why wise people are called Pundits.
The Perfect seagull over 2 years ago
Wooded trail over 2 years ago
This is my new fave joke!
Dastmalchian over 2 years ago
i thought seagull was his pet
wordsmeet over 2 years ago
Took me a long time to get this dad’s joke: a single popcorn kernel = unicorn.
lrwells40 11 months ago
Dad jokes groan