Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for August 13, 2022

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    chiphilton  over 2 years ago

    My mind is reeling. But aside from Gil confiding in Marty, why does he say he can’t meet Marty, then go meet him?

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  2. Rainbow phoenix   wide
    Ravenswing  over 2 years ago

 ooops? Coach Baghead was called “Hernnadez” in the August 8 strip. Which is it?

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  3. Bitsy twill update
    bitsy twill  over 2 years ago

    So the “honest mistake” was that Gil was chatting up the bartender or that the bartender thought Gil was single? Even if Mimi had taken Gil’s calls, is this the sort of thing one “confesses” to their wife?

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    Charks  over 2 years ago

    Gil confiding in Marty is terrible. Does Gil even have ANYONE close to being a best friend? Don’t recall if I’ve EVER seen him close to a church. Are there counselors in Milford? Or a neighboring town, if Gil is concerned (as he should be) about confidentiality. Our hero needs help right now and the Moon is the wrong place to shoot for it.

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    duggersd Premium Member over 2 years ago

    When did Marty Moon start caring about anything except how to get a dog in on Gil?

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    bearwku82  over 2 years ago

    Sign of the apocalypse. Moon pie is the Ann Landers of The Valley and GilPa’s chum. Thorp needs a friend? Dial up Tod. Or Jon Dowd and Matt Shaw. Bet he wishes he had Fang around now.

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    Gil-doh!  over 2 years ago

    P4 “There’s only one thing to do, Gil: NOW LET’S ALL GET DRUNK AND PLAY PINGPONG!”

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    Gil-doh!  over 2 years ago

    P1.5 “Mimi knows how to get rid of the ants that are everywhere here in the living room. I think I woke up with head lice and I really need her advice what to do about them.”

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  9. Mgk
    dadjo  over 2 years ago

    Pouring your heart out to the Moonman? Where is Coach, and part-time Geography teacher, Kaz? Apparently, he’s not the best friend, confidant and loofah buddy Gilpa thought he was.

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  10. O badger facebook
    BrandonMayhew  over 2 years ago

    Oh my, has the mighty Gil fallen

he can’t get any lower than a snakes belly in a wagon rut

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    hifirick1953  over 2 years ago

    So, does this mean Marty airs the podcast??

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    tcayer  over 2 years ago

    More Retcon. Apparently Gil is now an imbecile.

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  13. Oip
    James St. John Smythe  over 2 years ago

    P4 Marty: “Keep the readers happy and golf until football season starts.”

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    Mr Reality  over 2 years ago

    In all reality , Gil the only call you’re getting from Mimi is from her lawyer.Smarten up Gil ! Thanks Marty .

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    tcayer  over 2 years ago

    “Pretty, pretty drunk? Who says that?

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    HooDaD  over 2 years ago

    Since someone asked about Kaz, I checked and he hasn’t been seen since June 24, so that means 
 Coaches Held Hostage: Coach Kaz, Day 50. (Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!)

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  17. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  over 2 years ago

    P1 – I know it’s a standard for comics, movies, TV, but has anyone ever picked up the phone and just started talking to who they think is calling without even saying “hello” first?

    P2 – Oh wow, Gil is attracted to BHHL. “Coach Martinez was pretty. Err, I mean, pretty drunk!”

    P3 – Marty thinks: “Oooh! Sounds like I’ve got a shot with Mimi now!”

    And speaking of shots, how about taking a shot at reading today’s Mopped Up Thorp?

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  18. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    At least we got to see Gil at MCC, even if it’s just for one day. Since Gil doesn’t have anything to do at home now, maybe he can spend the rest of the summer on the golf course, waiting for Mimi to return his call.

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    Irish53  over 2 years ago

    The ‘new’ Gil being friends with Marty reminds me of the ‘new’ Tom & Jerry episodes where the cat and mouse are buddies and not always trying to kill each other. The original episodes are much more entertaining

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  20. Coachroy1
    Roy Lamberton  over 2 years ago

    I certainly wouldn’t confide in Marty Moon – he’s been pretty critical of Gil in the past.

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    Irish53  over 2 years ago

    P 1.5 (recorded call): “. This auto warranty services with an important message about your car’s auto warranty
 please stay on the line and a representative will be with you shortly

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    Gil-doh!  over 2 years ago

    P2.5 “Soooo
are you just saying BHHL Martinez was just pretty, pretty drunk or are you saying you thought he was pretty when he’s drunk?”

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    chiphilton  over 2 years ago

    Women in the old days used to threaten their husbands with “I’m going home to mother!” Mimi has actually done it, evidently.

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  24. Large yep  i m marty moon
    Rob McLean  over 2 years ago

    Marty Moon has always been my favourite character in “Gil Thorp”. Just for fun, I went back to the first strip in 1958 (in the Hartford Courant) and just started reading. Well, I’m up to 1966 now, and guess who just showed up for the first time? Yep, it’s Marty Moon, beatnik DJ! (This is gonna be fun!)

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  25. Bitsy twill update
    bitsy twill  over 2 years ago

    I’m surprised no one else is jumping on the “does Mimi know?” line.

    Mimi: “Hi Gil, how was the awards ceremony?”

    Gil: “I was kind of sad that you weren’t there so I flirted with a cute young bartender.”

    Mimi: “You WHAT?”

    Gil: “It’s OK though. Then I told her I’m married. Honest mistake!”

    Seriously? This is something you’d tell your wife?

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  26. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  over 2 years ago

    Oh Gil, you sly dog. All this concentrating on the bartender takes all the suspicion away from your “co-pilot”. In all reality (to borrow an expression) Gil turned down Bethany because he was exhausted from his marathon session with the Captain.

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    Twainrdr  over 2 years ago

    Honest mistake, he thought I flirted with her that night. I’ve been flirting with her since Prince sang “Cream”.

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    artegal  over 2 years ago

    Gil’s phone takes lousy pictures and doesn’t have caller ID. Where did he get that relic?

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    weredog57  over 2 years ago

    He shouldn’t have ordered a Sex on the Beach

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