Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for October 02, 2022

  1. Michael j fox marty mcfly back to the future johnny b goode
    avenger09  over 2 years ago

    This was not a Minit Mystery, it was a Minit Misery. AND a dull, predictable one at that.

    I actually think I could write a more entertaining one if given the chance.

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    firestrike1  over 2 years ago

    well, this is done… add another MINIT MIS-STORY loss to the win-loss column…

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  3. Gcav
    Brian  Premium Member over 2 years ago

    At least Wren does a fine-looking “perp walk”.

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  4. Mmdash6
    Pequod  over 2 years ago

    Sewer screamer, Jett met his fate

    Fetid water raw.

    Wren, she flew a crocked path

    Straight into trouble’s maw.

    Sam and Tracy were on the case

    Wrapped it up so fast.

    Impatient, time shall never wait

    Thus, a Minit passed.

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    Ashmael  over 2 years ago

    What’s the point of the whole rigmarole?

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    fredville  over 2 years ago

    People complain too much……it wasn’t THAT bad……

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  7. Neil2009
    Neil Wick  over 2 years ago

    Good morning™, all!

    Well, that’s done, another villain dead by his own devices, and we should be back to the story that involves Vitamin Flintheart’s new musical play tomorrow.

    I see that Dr. Bath’s hat (pith helmet) is indeed a sort of lavender colour, as approximated in the recent dailies. I wonder if Shane actually knew it was a pith helmet or if he only had the view in today’s strip to go by. I expect the latter, because the dailies are rendered a couple of weeks after the Sundays, and she didn’t appear in the previous Sundays.

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    firestrike1  over 2 years ago

    I especially like the way Shelley has Wren looking directly at the reader… nice touch there…

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  9. Eveningledger connie
    Johnny Q Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Where was the mystery?

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    BreathlessMahoney77  over 2 years ago

    So, Wren kept the incriminating evidence right in her own studio, about the first place the cops would search. At least there was some consistency in this storyline. Pretty much each day’s strip contained at least one plot point or twist that really made no sense at all.

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    Sporteric11   over 2 years ago

    The Minit Mystery is why these two Stanton and Reimer were allowed to unretire to write this and ruin their reputation.

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    therese_callahan2002  over 2 years ago

    I called it yesterday.

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    brunoheisey  over 2 years ago

    Much preferable to the silly space aliens. More Minit Mysteries, please.

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    kurtoons.wilcken  over 2 years ago

    And THAT was the payoff for the “Rae Water” clue? I thought it was going to be something significant. (sigh). I usually don’t bother griping about the “Minut Mysteries” because the very format makes it impossible to set up a good “Fair-Play” mystery. The best it can do is present a puzzle, and this one doesn’t even do that.

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  15. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  over 2 years ago

    Anita Bath was clean of any wrongdoing, how nice!

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  16. Bucky1
    crobinson019  over 2 years ago

    I think Encyclopedia Brown would have solved this one faster….

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  17. Belina coat if arms
    Lafsalot  over 2 years ago

    This story was in the sewer from the start.

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    artheaded1  over 2 years ago

    Minit Mysteries should be about things like missing car keys, deciphering grandma’s meatloaf recipe, what did the dog ate that made him throw up, etc. If it only takes a “Minit” to figure out whodunit, then it should be something that only took “Minit” to do.

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    WilliamVollmer  over 2 years ago

    Don’t you mean raw SEWAGE, rather than raw WATER, Tracy? And, why it might be as toxic for us, as it was for Basil Jett, raw sewage wouldn’t do the rest of us much good.

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    Wichita1.0  over 2 years ago

    Oh, you all’re gonna LOVE the Mark Trail nature mystery…with guest star Shylock Fox.

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  21. Betty dipshit 3
    Bwahahaha!  over 2 years ago

    What is Sam doing to her in the middle panels? Hubba hubba.

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    Me_  over 2 years ago

    Wtf! Why I’m still reading that strip !¿!

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    Carl Fink Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Did Tracy and Co. do anything at all here except arrest Wren after her co-conspirator literally tripped and fell to his death while they weren’t even looking?

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  24. Unnamed
    Another Take  over 2 years ago

    The idol is Hammie McPherson from the FoxTrot comic!!!

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  25. Unnamed
    Another Take  over 2 years ago

    SAM: Well, I solved another case and I’m hungry. For some reason, a Kentucky Hot Brown sandwich sounds particularly good right now.

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  26. Unnamed
    Another Take  over 2 years ago

    At least Tracy’s hands are clean with respect to the death of Jett. Unless of course he had to help fish him out of the sewer.

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    John Williams Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Is it just me, or has Dick not done a lot of “detecting” lately? It seems that stuff just happens around him.

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    IvanB.Cohen  over 2 years ago

    Time to put the Minit Mystery Series out to pasture. No clues whatsoever. Where was the motive? Oh yeah…greed! We the readers were supposed to read into the characters as opposed to reading between the lines. Gosh, this episode sucked. @ Mike and Shelley, if y’all need to buy time for story development…how about two weeks of Crime Stoppers Textbook instead of these mystery things.

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    IvanB.Cohen  over 2 years ago

    When the regular storyline resumes, it needs to have “legs”. The so-called latest Minit Mystery would never have made it as a horse shoe.

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    MDRiggs Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Tracked him to the sewer how? Determined that she was his accomplice how?

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    firestrike1  over 2 years ago

    horse shoes are supposed to be a symbol of good luck… the only thing hanging on these two-week hiatus filler ‘mysteries’ is an albatross, which signifies bad luck… these fillers haven’t got a leg to stand on…

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    buckman-j  over 2 years ago

    The consensus appears to be a general dislike of so called Minit Mysteries, particularly this latest fiasco. Is Team Tracy listening? I doubt it, they appear to be in a bubble, attempting to change this strip dramatically, and usually failing. Maybe they should review how they started a few years ago. The characters were creative, and new, and the stories, albeit short, interesting. Nothing like that has appeared recently.

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  33. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 2 years ago

    And so, with an abundance of compressed, rushed exposition, the Minit Mystery (such as it was) is wrapped up. We learn that Basil Jet is dead sewage dead but that the Froyne was recovered (yay!). We further learn that Wren Christopher was the forger of the fakes (I think most of us suspected as much) and has been arrested. Finally, Anita Bath is cleared of all involvement in the plot and gets off clean (ahem!). We end with Tracy’s sage admonition about the Curse of the Four-Eyed R2D2….


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  34. Missing large  over 2 years ago

    The artifact should have been HEAVIER t han Jett and sunk faster,so how did they recover it?

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