Sure, there will be tribalism, just like in the original Star Trek episode with the species with half black, half white faces (Let that be your last battlefield).
Yin is the absence of force. Yang is the presence of force. Chi is the flow of force from yang to yin. The entire universe is created in this way, with force flowing from areas of high density to areas of lower density. The end of the universe is called Heat Death. It is when there are no longer differences in energy density to create the flow that powers all things.
Huh. I wonder if I am more of a Yin or a Yang? You know what? I’m thinking I’m going to make a hole in that wall instead of being a brick in it. (…yeah. Pink Floyd. ….sorta)
“This highway leads to the shadowy tip of reality: you’re on a through route to the land of the different, the bizarre, the unexplainable …. Next stop….The Twilight Zone.”
It’s like the sun. It’s there every waking minute of every day, sometimes boiling, sometimes shaded, sometimes seen, sometimes not, but still there. The day it isn’t there will be the end of earth and human kind, and maybe, just maybe the end of prejudice and bias. Sad.
My mom pronounced it “ying-yang”. When you had a lot of something, you had it up the ying-yang. Sometimes she caught you playing with your ying-yang. Nosy, she was
Yin and yang are the symbols for male and female in many eastern countries, and originated in China; so the man goes one way (to the left) and the woman to the right.
They are also symbols for Dharma and Greg. Dharma went on to have one failed TV series after another while Greg starred in one hit series that lasted a long time. If only he hadn’t gotten in that fight and been kicked off the show.
^^ “The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either — but right through every human heart — and through all human hearts." Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
eastern.woods.metal about 2 years ago
I just see a couple of numbers on the wall
Imagine about 2 years ago
I never realised that Yin Yang represented 69. That makes it much more interesting.
willispate about 2 years ago
sighs I’ll get the dynamite.
wallylm about 2 years ago
Sure, there will be tribalism, just like in the original Star Trek episode with the species with half black, half white faces (Let that be your last battlefield).
Ermine Notyours about 2 years ago
My dad is into Eastern spiritualism, and he was not happy that the Yin/Yang symbol was appropriated by the Northern Pacific railroad.
Enter.Name.Here about 2 years ago
“ANNNNNND, going into halftime it’s Yin: 6, Yang: 9”
Superfrog about 2 years ago
There are always more options.
The Old Wolf about 2 years ago
dot-the-I about 2 years ago
Pittsburgh-eze “third way” – “Yunz”
PraiseofFolly about 2 years ago
And a road sign up ahead, either way, for American Democracy: The shape of an Ouroborus (a Don’t-Tread-On-Me Snake eating its own tail).
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 2 years ago
Yin is the absence of force. Yang is the presence of force. Chi is the flow of force from yang to yin. The entire universe is created in this way, with force flowing from areas of high density to areas of lower density. The end of the universe is called Heat Death. It is when there are no longer differences in energy density to create the flow that powers all things.
comixbomix about 2 years ago
But when they do get together…
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 2 years ago
Huh. I wonder if I am more of a Yin or a Yang? You know what? I’m thinking I’m going to make a hole in that wall instead of being a brick in it. (…yeah. Pink Floyd. ….sorta)
Count Olaf Premium Member about 2 years ago
Yin Lives Matter
Count Olaf Premium Member about 2 years ago
So Yang won by a field goal.
Lenavid about 2 years ago
Let’s just transform all tribes into sports teams and end racism and nationalism so we can get on with the global reset.
[Unnamed Reader - bf182b] about 2 years ago
This would be sexism.
The Pro from Dover about 2 years ago
I always thought it was Ying and Yang.
dot-the-I about 2 years ago
“This highway leads to the shadowy tip of reality: you’re on a through route to the land of the different, the bizarre, the unexplainable …. Next stop….The Twilight Zone.”
strick9 about 2 years ago
myself also on the numbers
sandpiper about 2 years ago
It’s like the sun. It’s there every waking minute of every day, sometimes boiling, sometimes shaded, sometimes seen, sometimes not, but still there. The day it isn’t there will be the end of earth and human kind, and maybe, just maybe the end of prejudice and bias. Sad.
walstib Premium Member about 2 years ago
Back in 2020 I liked some of Andrew Yang’s ideas.
Mediatech about 2 years ago
On social media it’s diatribism.
mistercatworks about 2 years ago
Yang ahead by 3.
poppacapsmokeblower about 2 years ago
I agree, tribalism is a problem, and instead of reducing it we have extended it yo states, nations, and sports teams. We have a long way to go, Baby!
mindjob about 2 years ago
My mom pronounced it “ying-yang”. When you had a lot of something, you had it up the ying-yang. Sometimes she caught you playing with your ying-yang. Nosy, she was
kathleenhicks62 about 2 years ago
That should be all over- -we are such “advanced” planet!
T... about 2 years ago
the fruit loops made up the male/female, it’s really good/bad – never the twain shall meet…
Ka`ōnōhi`ula`okahōkūmiomio`ehiku Premium Member about 2 years ago
Uneducated Americans. Don’t grasp natural duality until they meet the opposite sex.
6turtle9 about 2 years ago
Reconciliation of opposites, but since we haven’t figured out what that word means, it’s gonna be a long detour. Chi. Chi. Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang!
keenanthelibrarian about 2 years ago
Yin and yang are the symbols for male and female in many eastern countries, and originated in China; so the man goes one way (to the left) and the woman to the right.
MT Wallet about 2 years ago
They are also symbols for Dharma and Greg. Dharma went on to have one failed TV series after another while Greg starred in one hit series that lasted a long time. If only he hadn’t gotten in that fight and been kicked off the show.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 2 years ago
We are all part of the whole I like variety just not as demarcation lines.
dot-the-I about 2 years ago
^^ “The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either — but right through every human heart — and through all human hearts." Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
Havel about 2 years ago
The symbol of the Dao. Those who know the Dao, do not speak of it. Those who speak of it, do not know it.
DaBump Premium Member about 2 years ago
Talk about seeing a bad sign!
bakana about 2 years ago
And, there are Wiley Bears in Both directions.