Mike Luckovich for July 13, 2023

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member 12 months ago

    Yes, the ridiculous TrumpubliQan tropes against Biden’s mental state or totally made-up distortions that somehow link Joe Biden to the unrelated, irrelevant foibles of his son, have been deflated and debunked in utter humiliation for the Trump cult-worshipping wishful fabulists.

    No matter how much dirt TrumpubliQan cult worshippers try to FIBricate linking Biden with any imagined political or business involvement with his son, they can only dream of corrupt links on the scale of what their Trumpian deity actually does have with HIS demon spawn and their extensive involvements with every aspect of their fathers political and business endeavors.

    After Biden achieved record bipartisan legislative accomplishments in his first two years with, literally, the slimmest possible majority (and even a couple of foot-draggers [or knuckle-draggers] in his own party), then utterly steamrolled Kevin McCarthy (who is hanging on to his long-coveted House speakership by his fingernails), skillfully maneuvered through handling U.S. interests in Ukraine’s fight against Russian aggression and has now masterfully negotiated the U.S. positions at yet another major international summit (after helping to restore the NATO confidence that Trump had undermined), TrumpubliQan cult worshippers whining about Biden being senile or exaggerations of irrelevant family “scandals” ring very, very hollow.

    Or as Mike Luckovich’s excellent ’toon notes, “deflated.”

    In any case, for anyone who voted for or supported the man who autographed Bibles for his supporters, saluted a North Korean general, used a Sharpie to change the course of a hurricane, stared into the sun — twice! — and tweeted a quote from Mussolini, their opinion of Joe Biden’s sanity or fitness for office is laughably irrelevant.

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  2. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 12 months ago

    President Biden proves time and again that he is better at leading and many other things than Spraytan Septimius.

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    admiree2  12 months ago

    Are we sure that there is too much poverty in this country? The demented Orange raised twice as much money than DeSatanist

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    Old recluse  12 months ago

    If Mike believes that he is not paying attention. Senility may be too strong a word, but mental decline is obvious. I am older than the president and I have my senior moments too but not as often as the president.

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    baroden Premium Member 12 months ago

    Typical pattern: GOP screws up the economy by giving tax cuts to the wealthy and fighting meaningless wars (all unfunded, of course).

    Democrat comes in and fixes it. History repeats itself again and again and again and again . . .

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    artegal  12 months ago

    But wait. I thought inflation wasn’t Biden’s fault, because he doesn’t have that kind of influence. How can inflation going down be his doing then?

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    happyinvenice23  12 months ago

    Great comeback Mike, DD, keep em coming!

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  8. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member 12 months ago

    Unemployment is down, too! Oh! The horror for the MAGA Party (formerly the Republican Party).

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    DC Swamp  12 months ago

    Biden couldn’t attend a dinner with NATO member leaders. It was time to get the binkie and go night night. A refreshed Biden gives a speech and refers to Zelensky as “Vladimir.” He referred to Russia attacking Russia, and drew a blank several times. This man belongs on a beach with his 7….er….6 grandchildren.

    At least we have Kamala telling us that transportation is about people getting to where they want to go!

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    smokysilver.so Premium Member 12 months ago

    Except in Florida.

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    IWannaBeLerxst  12 months ago

    As a grizzled veteran of 5 decades of withstanding/surviving American politics…I can honestly say that I longingly miss the days when one could have a reasoned, balanced discussion of politics/policy with a republiq’an. Now it’s like going into the Thunderdome against a PCP-crazed hyena.

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    davidthoms1  12 months ago

    And the nothing-burger deflates!

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  13. Yoursign
    Statick  12 months ago

    Today’s Republican: no platform, lots of deflection, and when they do talk it’s all buzzwords and word salad about everything except real issues that affects the voters.

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    T Smith  12 months ago

    Republicans like inflation… it keeps the plebs distracted and afraid.

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    leonardonyc  12 months ago

    Well inflation did no go down, just didnt go up at much this month but still went up, an if you compare to what it was jan 2020 you see the actual inflation since.

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  16. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  12 months ago

    Republicans totally abuse the term Whistleblower, they believe a chinese spy they can’t find over facts and reality.

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    Ontman  12 months ago

    Thar bothers the Right no end.

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    charliekane  12 months ago

    All of it kinda collapsin’ there, aint it?

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  19. Chip and dale playing 3
    dickanders Premium Member 12 months ago

    Since they don’t have receipts or actual evidence, they have to make up lies and pretend they are real. They are so accustomed to listening to their dear leader, lies are OK.

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  20. Freeradical
    Free Radical  12 months ago


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  21. Plsa button
    Richard S Russell Premium Member 12 months ago

    To be fair, while the Biden-inspired Inflation Reduction Act undoubtedly deserves some of the credit for slowing inflation, most of the work was done by Jerome Powell and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve.

    But I’m still waiting for all the righties who were screaming their heads off last year about how Biden was responsible for the high gas prices to start handing out the accolades to him for bringing them down. What’s that, you say? Not a peep out of them? Could it be because they finally realized that the president has virtually no control at all over gas prices? No, it’s because now they’ve moved on to pïss and moan over some other national concern that he has no control over.

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  22. Lifi
    rossevrymn  12 months ago


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