Lisa Benson for October 19, 2023

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    scote1379 Premium Member 9 months ago

    At the Speed of Light now !

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    mac04416  9 months ago

    I thought is was all trumps fault.

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    davidthoms1  9 months ago

    Netanyahu is not innocent! Hamas does not represent the majority of Palestinians, and would represent a lot less if Israel’s leadership acted like decent human beings!

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    aristoclesplato9  9 months ago

    And even when the truth gets here, haters like Tlaib still spew the lies.

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    whiskeytangofoxtrot  9 months ago

    I rarely agree with Lisa Benson but this is the exception.

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  6. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member 9 months ago

    No one seems to want to take in Palestinian refugees. They’ve learned from when Jordan made that mistake years back.

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    DC Swamp  9 months ago

    Another Hamas rocket on the way to a hospital.

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    Ontman  9 months ago

    Truth in a Lisa Benson cartoon? Get Real.

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    Grandma Lea  9 months ago

    Sort of like Slobodan Milošević and those of his ilk send in the special squads to motivate his own followers by committing atrocities against them pretending to be from other factions.

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  10. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  9 months ago

    ABC, NBC, and CBS have put the lies in afterburner. Nor do they have the decency to correct their mistakes now that everyone in the world recognizes them.

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    James Deveney Premium Member 9 months ago

    Unfortunately we are on the other side of the world and can’t see with our own eyes what IS actually happening and we know both sides will lie to make themselves look better to the world.

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    ChristopherBurns  9 months ago

    And Lisa Benson would know that. Oh the irony!

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  13. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  9 months ago

    I don’t think there’s certainty about who did it. That there’s no crater (or so I’ve read) suggests a proximity fuse like a JDAM-equipped MK-84.

    In any case, intentionally bombing that location requires motives steeped in bloodthirstiness. But inferring therefore that it was an accident seems Pollyanish.

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    ElwoodP  9 months ago

    What was TRUTH doing with its pants off in the first place?

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    preacherman Premium Member 9 months ago

    Actually, though, in this situation, the TRUTH has been around all the time. For decades the Israeli government has been persecuting the Palestinians in order to run them off and confiscate their land. The land is everything to the Israeli. And to the Palestinian, too. So you have two groups exercising the same right to one parcel of land. If it looks like a fued, and sounds like a fued, then it’s a fued.

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    TheTruthHurts  9 months ago

    Biden promises $ 100 million in aid to Palestine.Meanwhile, citizens in East Palestine, OH are “SOL”

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    librarylady59  9 months ago

    “Besides, as the vilest Writer has his Readers, so the greatest Liar has his Believers; and it often happens, that if a Lie be believ’d only for an Hour, it has done its Work, and there is no farther occasion for it. Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it; so that when Men come to be undeceiv’d, it is too late; the Jest is over, and the Tale has had its Effect… “ – Jonathan Swift

    “Falsehood flies, and truth comes limping after it.” If a lie be believed sometimes only for an hour, it has accomplished its purpose, and there is no further occasion for it.” – ’Thoughts”, Boston, MA newspaper

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    cdbro  9 months ago

    Another lie killing this country and others…

    I was a DEI director — DEI drives campus antisemitismOpinion by Tabia Lee•The blatant antisemitism on college campuses has shocked millions of Americans over the past week and a half. But not me.

    I saw antisemitism on a weekly basis in my two years as a faculty a diversity, equity and inclusion director.

    In fact, I can safely say that toxic DEI ideology deliberately stokes hatred toward Israel and the Jewish people.

    I was hired to head the DEI department at Silicon Valley’s De Anza College in 2021.

    As a black woman, I was the perfect person for the job on paper.

    Yet I made the mistake of trying to create an authentically inclusive learning environment for everyone, including Jewish students.

    Turns out, a toxic form of DEI (which is more accurately called critical social justice) demanded I do the opposite.

    Administrators and lawmakers need to get toxic DEI out of higher education.

    If they don’t, there will be no true diversity and inclusion on campus, but there will be even more shocking hatred toward Jews.-NYP

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  19. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  9 months ago

    The American public needs to take a good look, right now, at the Republican chaos in the House

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    My First Premium Member 9 months ago

    Waiting for an apology and a correction anytime now…Headlines have since changed, but the world received the story essentially as Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) put it on Twitter: “Israel just bombed the Baptist Hospital killing 500 Palestinians (doctors, children, patients) just like that.” She also blamed Mr. Biden for not coercing Israel into a cease-fire, as Hamas would no doubt like to see.

    We can now have confidence that the initial story was false. A White House National Security Council spokesman confirms that its “current assessment, based on analysis of overhead imagery, intercepts and open source information, is that Israel is not responsible for the explosion at the hospital in Gaza.” Israeli drone footage and an intercept of a call between Hamas members add to the evidence.

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    ncorgbl  9 months ago

    Just as most right-wing comics do.

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    lawguy05  9 months ago

    Well done, Lisa!

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  23. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member 9 months ago

    I believe President Clinton raped Monica Lewinski.

    He may not have forced her to do anything. He didn’t have to. I have no doubt she gave her consent for their ecounter. But it was still rape.

    Clinton had overwhelming power, which he abused. He allowed her to allow him to abuse her.

    Before you all go crazy on me, let me continue.

    Nations have great power.

    Look at the colonial nations and the vast might they weilded and the power they abused. Great Britain, Spain, the Dutch, Belgium, France. Without a doubt they raped their way around the world.

    What nation are WE raping today, with our abuse of power? Who is voluntarily allowing us to rape them, no doubt gently, but it is still abuse of power.

    And now we have Israel and Palestein. The so called, “Two-Nation State”. Bah. As if there were some sort of parity between the two, some sort of equality.

    Israel has everything. Wealth, power, education, infrastructure, a modern military, strong allies.

    Palestine is a nation of nothing. Hungry, ignorant, hated people. That is all they have. And yet they have their own pride and culture.

    You are going to talk to me about law and order. How Israel is simply defending itself. The NATION of Israel is NOT in any danger.

    It makes me think of the beaten, abused, debased and defiled wife who gets her husband drunk then slits his throat in his sleep in her last act of humanity and self-preservation. Did she commit a crime? Yes. Was she wrong? No.

    When I have all the power you have nothing. It is MY responsibility to protect and defend you. Clinton failed this with Monica. Israel is failing now. Where are we?

    The Russians have a saying, “Я начальник, ты говно.” In goComics English it means, “l am the boss and you are excrement, filth, trash.”

    We cannot treat people like говно. We cannot misuse and abuse our mighty power. Do we allow them to use violence? No. But when they do our response must be an appropriate use of our power.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 9 months ago

    Israel.. is not a beacon of truth either. Netanyahu would be in jail.. and Hamas would have less to grieve about.. if there was “truth”

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    Nantucket Premium Member 9 months ago

    This is still being investigated. The “video evidence” is from 2022 so SOMEONE is trying misdirection.

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    braindead Premium Member 9 months ago

    Lisa implies she is against LYING.

    Of course, her opposition is very, very selective.


    Things like Trump actually won because the election was rigged — some LIEs are perfectly OKAY.

    It was a perfect phone call. 215 pounds.

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  27. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  9 months ago

    The landlord who killed the 6 year old Palestinian boy in the USA was brainwashed by right wing hate radio..

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    Vidrinath Premium Member 9 months ago

    Its impressive to see the number of people LISA who choose not to see when they are lying that also are commenting on this ’toon.

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member 9 months ago

    As an old M.I. analyst I had this figured out a few hours after the first images began appearing and pretty much confirmed when Hamas said there were 500 casualties.

    Do you remember the first images? They were night scenes of a parking lot with vehicles on fire.

    First off if it were an Israeli weapon you wouldn’t be seeing a parking lot. Even the smallest of IDF bombs or other weapons would have left a huge crater at least 15 ft. deep and thirty across.

    Second, the Israelis use Precision Guided Weapons with an accuracy of about 1 to 4 meters CEP. If they were aiming at that hospital it would no longer exist.

    Third, the first images showed a parking lot with vehicles on fire and debris and occasionally a person. What we didn’t see were anything like the 500 casualties that Hamas claimed. If that had been the case there would bodies and the wounded all over the place. In that relatively small area 500 casualties would literally covered the ground end to end. What we also didn’t see were emergency responders and medical personnel performing triage and taking care of the wounded, especially in the later pictures which showed greater clarity.

    For anyone half way open minded this is all the proof you need. But the latest evidence is the communications intercept between two Hamas operators bemoaning that one of their missiles malfunctioned and landed on the hospital. They even gave away the launch site which was a cemetery behind the hospital. Shouldn’t be hard for you to find the intercept with the translation.

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  30. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  9 months ago

    So true!

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    Rich Douglas  9 months ago

    Israel IS to blame for Hamas. Not for the attack, but for the conditions that encourage radicalism and violence.

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