Mike Luckovich for October 29, 2023

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    Hello Everyone  8 months ago

    Well Said! – Thank you Mike!

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    knutdl  8 months ago

    Is GOP mental? OMG!!!!!!!!!

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    happyinvenice23  8 months ago

    These gop Idiots will NOT change their pattern as long as the BRIBE CHECKS KEEP coming in from big money lobbyists and the gun manufacturers.

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    phritzg Premium Member 8 months ago

    “I do Not See any gun problems in America” said every member of the GQP cult, which is why I call them the NotSee Party.

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    scote1379 Premium Member 8 months ago


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    baroden Premium Member 8 months ago

    The GOP’s fascination with death is disturbing. Mike Johnson wants to regulate people’s hearts, not their guns. Good luck with that, Mikey. Looks like we can expect more mass shootings in the future. Maybe that’s why the GOP is anti-abortion: more grist for the mill.

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    Old recluse  8 months ago

    I am not a fan of guns and think the second amendment has been stretched beyond reason, BUT until the guns coming across the border are curtailed and until liberals collect up all the weapons not legally owned in their Deep Blue cities, I find them are more to blame than the GOP.

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    WaitingMan  8 months ago

    The next step? Finding a case to bring to the Supreme Court to make open carry a national law. I have no doubt the current court would do this in a heartbeat. States rights? Hah!

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    Blaidd Drwg Premium Member 8 months ago

    l can legally take a gun into a grocery store. Why can’t I take one into the Supreme Court? I can legally take a gun into a bowling alley, or even a bar. Why can’t I take one into Congress?

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    davidthoms1  8 months ago

    I think the Maine shooting was mass shooting number 565 in 2023. The number has probably gone up since. Most don’t even make the news anymore. Thoughts and prayers aren’t working. Let’s try something else!

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    Jack7528  8 months ago

    Mikey is this what you think the GOP is all about!

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    Teto85 Premium Member 8 months ago

    And yet another reason why Mr Luckovich has one of those Pulitzer thingies.

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    piper_gilbert  8 months ago

    Other industrialized nations have problems with mental illness as well. Why is their body count so different than ours?

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    IndyW  8 months ago

    This toon, so untrue, except for the mental health crisis part. I guess ignorant political cartoonists are entitled to their opinion too.

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    GiantShetlandPony  8 months ago

    Big smiles when you sell 7 times more guns in one day than you normally do, after your town has 18 people massacred, with others wounded, likely with a weapon bought from your store.

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    Radish the wordsmith  8 months ago

    GOP = we support mass murder of children.

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    Jelliqal  8 months ago

    IF GOP wants to cut 8% of govt spending – lets do it across the board – including Congress, Govt facilities, and benefits. And be sure to include Louisiana Naval bases in the cuts too.

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    Màiri  8 months ago

    Yep, they’re the ones that need to be done away with one way or another.

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    librarylady59  8 months ago

    The conservatives run the gamut… from stupid – guns don’t kill, people kill, to insulting – thoughts and prayers, to the latest from the speaker – "guns don’t kill, hearts kill people. I wonder if they’d be spouting such inane comments if their loved ones were splattered over the walls and floors from weapons of war.

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    Godfreydaniel  8 months ago

    We actually had an assault weapons ban at one time (which was supported, even if grudgingly, by the NRA—this was before they were raking in the rubles, of course), and it was allowed to sunset. While it was in operation, the total number of people whose 2nd amendment rights were violated was……..ZERO. If the ban had remained in effect, the total number of people whose 2nd amendment rights were violated (because of that ban, in case our resident trolls don’t get this) would be, at present, ZERO, and in the future (because of that ban) ZERO. Any questions?

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    patrickab7  8 months ago

    Another mass shooting, but no need to worry! All of the guns are safe! /s

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    My First Premium Member 8 months ago

    When “National Turn in your gun day” happens, democrats will be shocked, shocked I say, to see robberies, carjackings and murders still happen. How you say? Well, criminals don’t obey laws so they kept their guns. Now it’s worse for all.

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    Godfreydaniel  8 months ago

    By the way, to our resident trolls: NO Democrat with any political power (or name recognition) is advocating CONFISCATING your firearms (or mine, for that matter). When the wackos were claiming that “Obama will take away your guns!” I pointed out, over and over, that he wasn’t going to do that any more than he was going to take away their TV Guides. Why the hel do people keep falling for these dam con artists???!!!

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    fitzmagnus  8 months ago

    Are they finding a time to schedule when it’s the “right time for legislation”? Like never ?

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    gmadoll789 Premium Member 8 months ago

    Greed IS a mental illness…

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    IndyW  8 months ago

    You know Mike, it’s not only the GOP folks that legally own guns and support gun rights. It’s erroneous to believe that this issue is always because of the GOP or the NRA too. BTW, criminals won’t care what laws or guns you take away.

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    theoldidahofox  8 months ago

    The GOP: Mass murderers.

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    Even Ammosexual works more than 10 to 4 Premium Member 8 months ago

    Somebody needs to do something….But what exactly? If defining WOKE is tough, try defining what a “Assault Weapon” is, other than Black. Anyone want to try?

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    FreyjaRN Premium Member 8 months ago

    This is so true. I don’t see them changing.

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    cdward  8 months ago


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    My First Premium Member 8 months ago

    Today’s little funny – Definition of a socialist: Someone who wants everything you have…Except your job. Ha Ha!

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    streuny81@aol.com  8 months ago

    WOW hit the nail on the head with this one Mike.

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    steveconkey2003  8 months ago

    In the mean time the melanated shoot up America’s democrat run inner cities and the left ignores it.

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