Bob Gorrell for November 29, 2023

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    sipsienwa Premium Member 7 months ago

    NO. Please let sleazy45 disappear into a swamp. You know the one he never drained but made worse.

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  2. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  7 months ago

    Bob crying out for help

    He knows biden gonna win

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  3. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 7 months ago

    Another cartoon by another Trump Disciple.

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  4. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  7 months ago

    All you need to know to understand this cartoon is to know that the cartoonist’s agenda is totally anti-Biden (except when he’s anti-liberal anything).

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    Quixotic1  7 months ago

    Biden managed to slow inflation without provoking a recession. He’s also not threatening to take away millions of Americans healthcare. Joe will be just fine.

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  6. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  7 months ago

    It’s time for this donkey — and everyone else —face reality. Neither candidate will drop out, absent a major event.

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  7. Sunimage
    Sun  7 months ago

    A second presidential term of Joe Biden would be lethal for America and American Workers.

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    baroden Premium Member 7 months ago

    Why? I’ll vote for Biden in a heartbeat. He’s the best POTUS to wash out the evil of Trump and his MAGAts.

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  9. P1000380
    A# 466  7 months ago

    Seems some young folks would have Biden step aside while there might be time for a younger Democrat to run — if there are any younger Democrats in the wings. I’m with them, but would take Biden over any of the GOP’s toadie offerings.

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    DC Swamp  7 months ago

    Many Democrats are seeing the light: Biden is too old and mentally infirm to run again. Problem is they have such a short bench to provide a viable replacement, so dementia Joe is it.

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    My First Premium Member 7 months ago

    70% of democrats, republicans and independents don’t want him, so I have just now decided that Biden should continue his idiotic decision to run again. It guarantees a win for the good guys.

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  12. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  7 months ago

    You all should have thought of that before you nominated him.

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    rs0204 Premium Member 7 months ago

    My brother is a maga. He had to retire early because of serious health issues. It will be 3-1/2 years before he can get Medicare at 65, so he and his wife are enrolled in Obamacare. It is not hyperbole to say that Obamacare is keeping him alive right now (he is on a half-dozen important medications daily).

    Only Democrats intend to fight to keep the program President Obama started. Meanwhile, trump has promised to eliminate the program. My brother has an important decision to make in November 2024, as do a lot of other voters.

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    tpcox928  7 months ago

    Biden is also not planning to fire all government workers and replace them with followers, then repeal and replace the Constitution in order to install single-party rule and do away with democracy. Read “It Can’t Happen Here” or watch the movie. The GOP playbook is exactly what Hitler and Mussolini did.

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    piper_gilbert  7 months ago

    Has anyone checked their 401k lately? The price of gas? Unemployment? Why would anyone want to give up these trends, so some orange guy can get his revenge?

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  16. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  7 months ago

    It appears that Old Slo Joe’s son is determined to help by insisting that his upcoming Congressional hearing be conducted as a public circus, a la Nancy Pelosi.

    As they say, “Beware of the thing you wish for!”

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  17. 11th new hampshire volenteer
    daynage21  7 months ago

    Hang it up Gorrell…..I’m a life long Democrat and I respect Biden for all he has done, And all he has to yet to do as well.

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    Ontman  7 months ago

    Gorrell ‘does Gorrell’.

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    rs0204 Premium Member 7 months ago

    From Wall Street Journal:

    Gross domestic product, the broadest measure of economic output, rose at an annualized rate of 5.2% from July through September, according to the Commerce Department’s second estimate, released Wednesday morning.

    The 5.2% Growth indicates an economy that is resilient and doing better than experts foresaw.

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    thelordthygod666  7 months ago

    Biden is too old. Fluid intelligence begins to decline in our 20s, but takes a big dip by our 70s (the offset provided by crystalized intelligence (wisdom) maxes out in one’s 60s). This has nothing to do with dementia, but it does mean we’re not as sharp as we were in our 50s. Combine this with lower stamina caused by aging and health issues and the likelihood of bad decisions ramps up. For the same reason there is a minimum age limit, there should be a maximum age limit on presidential candidates – and all other politicians (including Trump).

    PhD, Cognition

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  21. Can flag
    Alberta Oil Premium Member 7 months ago

    Actually.. keeping Joe in the race is the best thing the republicans can do for even a remote chance of letting trump win. If.. it weren’t for his age the republicans would have nothing to campaign on.

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  22. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  7 months ago

    Republicans will still be running lying traitor criminal Trump who they just love because he will turn the USA into a republican dictatorship with concentration camps.

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    Dapperdan61  Premium Member 7 months ago

    It’s even more so for trump to get out since he’s going to prison

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    ncorgbl  7 months ago

    Please make tRump go to prison before 2024. (fixed)

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  25. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 7 months ago

    The Democrats would be beyond stupid to try to keep Trump off the ballot. The best thing Trump could do for the Republicans is to drop dead, but most of the MAGAts would write him in anyway.Realistically, the Democrats don’t have a golden ticket for the 2024 campaign. I voted for Biden in 2020 mostly because there was no “none of the above”. I have been pleasantly surprised that he has done a good job.

    Trump is great for the Democrats simply because he is poison for the Republicans. Trump won’t drop out as long as he needs to try to confuse his legal problems and keep the money coming in, so he is quite likely to be the Republican nominee, simply because he has enough backing in the party that the sane members can’t stop him.

    If they do manage to stop him, he will run as a third party candidate and a pretty large part of the Republicans will vote for him. People who identify as Republicans are between 33% and 42% of voters, depending on the year and currently way down. It is very difficult with those numbers for the RNC to win a national election. If they lose the Trump voters, the Democrats will be able to elect pretty much anyone they want.

    Conversely, if Trump is the Republican nominee, a pretty significant portion of their party will not want to vote for a Democrat, but will also have some reservations about voting for a treasonous, sexually assaulting, dishonest sleazebag, so they will just not turn out to vote, again handing the White House to the Democrats, along with a bunch of down ticket races riding coattails.
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    preacherman Premium Member 7 months ago

    The trouble is, who would replace Joe Biden should he drop out of the race? Harris? She may be a capable VP, but Biden is the most capable President we’ve had in decades. And I think most Dems would like Joe Biden to change his presence before the people. We want him to be just as thoughtful to all the nation’s people but also more forceful in his personal presence before the people. A younger look, if you would. But, as far as Joe is concerned; Joe’s the man.

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    thomasdadisman  7 months ago

    He is also not threatening to invoke an old law called the insurrection act. This would essentially make us under martial law without any constitutional rights. NO THANK YOU. I don’t need another 4 years with Jabba the Trump at the wheel.

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    Victory  7 months ago

    They just want Biden gone.

    They have no reason. They can’t justify it.

    He’s already done more and better than trump got accomplished in four catastrophic years in office.

    And despite his accomplishments, the republicans want Biden out and trump in.

    They can’t say he ignored intelligence and saw the towers fall, then lied us into office.

    He didn’t have sex in the oval office.

    He didn’t try to overturn an election, extort the president of Ukraine, or refuse to surrender stolen documents.

    So all they have is, “Biden is old”.

    That’s it.

    They say Biden is behaving like he’s demented, and they ignore the fact that trump is behaving the same way.

    And they drag the idiot republican voters and trolls along, telling them what to think and say.

    “Biden is old” is the “But her emails!” of this election cycle.


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  29. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  7 months ago

    I’m having a hard time thinking of any establishment Democrat who would be better regarding what they’d actually do. But almost everyone would appear more functional.

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  30. Daffy duck
    walkingmancomics  7 months ago


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  31. Chip and dale playing 3
    dickanders Premium Member 7 months ago

    In the midst of inflation falling, lower gas prices, higher wages and productivity, and greater GDP (over 5% annualized for the most recent quarter), the “press” seems to like bashing the President for his age, pretty much ignoring the absolute crazy anti-constitutional plans and announcements of the last guy who is under criminal indictment for attempting an insurrection against his own government. Do they not believe his own hand-picked people who worked for him and who are testifying against him? NONE of them are Democrats, NONE of them were “never Trumpers”. They gave their loyalty and efforts until reality came crashing down on them.

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    Sojourner  7 months ago

    It’s nobody’s problem but the Democrats that their poliTICKans are too gutless to start running against Biden now, as have Republicans against #46. At least give people a range of choices, eh? While no write-in candidate has ever won at the national level, yet, there’s always a first time.

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    GiantShetlandPony  7 months ago


    Biden / Harris 2024!

    The reason the Repubs are putting this stuff out, is Biden / Harris beats all of their horrible dead beat candidates, hands down.

    BTW, stay away from third party candidates for president. They can’t win the election, as they won’t be on the ballets in all 50 states. All they can do is give another horrible Repub an electoral win.

    So, vote Democratic up and down the ticket in 2024!

    If it’s a vote you choose to regret after the election, fine. Just know allowing the Repubs to have any, and especially all the power is something you will live to regret.

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  34. Freeradical
    Free Radical  7 months ago

    Wow, sounds like you are pretty convinced Biden is a ringer

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member 7 months ago

    Right on Bob. Blacks and other minorities are turning away from the Biden, Democrat ticket. Former Black Lives Matter leader and founder Mark Fisher has recently endorsed President Trump for 2024. The left wing Democrats here are proof that the Dems have nothing but lies and deceit. Not only is Biden a disaster, but watch for Kennedy team up with Manchin for a third party run that will assure a win for the Republicans.

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  36. Gradinggorrell 01
    GradingGorrell  7 months ago


    Same donkey in a hat and bowtie as


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  37. U joes mint logo rs 192x204
    Uncle Joe Premium Member 7 months ago

    Nah, Biden’s done pretty good.

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  38. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 7 months ago

    The US economy is growing…. 8.8 Million open Jobs… Unemployment 18 straight months under 4 … a manufacturing super cycle started by Biden’s build Back better pieces… 800,000 new manufacturing jobs… 13.5 million jobs created since Biden took office… small business applications are record levels with more that 10 Million applications to the SBA… and massive record investment in the US manufacturing construction sector… 3 times as great as before… 180 BILLION dollars per year.. " By the numbers: As of April, spending on manufacturing construction — new factories — is tracking at a $189 billion annual rate, triple the average rate in the 2010s ($63 billion). Stock market peaking highest ever and interest rates peaking at 8 and on the way down.

    And, all of this is being reported on the news. I can understand why it doesn’t seem to have made it into the collective national awareness. Propaganda such as this influences those who read nothing more in depth than a cartoon or a bumper sticker. Those who produce material that provides that influence should be ashamed of themselves.

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