Crankshaft by Tom Batiuk and Dan Davis for March 06, 2024

  1. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  10 months ago

    “So why aren’t you using the phone app, young lady?”“It won’t return my calls, or something like that.”

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  2. Crazyforkedindianpalmsquirrel max 1mb
    B UTTONS  10 months ago

    … “if you need assistance, you may chat with the A.I. … if you require further assistance, you can request a live chat with one of the provider’s off-shore patient support center” … talk with a live person? LOL … no, your insurance does not pay.

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    Argythree  10 months ago

    I don’t have a smart phone and I don’t do well checking in on smeary screens. Where’s an old-fashioned doctor’s office with real people?

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  4. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  10 months ago

    Not tell me it designed by same clowns who is design CK.

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  5. Wile e. coyote free fall
    Botulism Bob  10 months ago

    When I became a career postal worker I tried the online computer system to allow USPS to deposit my paycheck into my bank account. The system failed three times and each time I had to get my paycheck from my boss. A colleague told me to use my landline to create the bank deposit instead, and by golly it worked. Too bad that’s not an option for Lillian.

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    sueb1863  10 months ago

    “Now go sit in that room for forty-five minutes and your doctor will run in with a laptop, talk to you for two minutes, type something, and then leave.”

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    mn4nu  10 months ago

    Old people suck at technology jokes are soooooo funny.

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    KenHelmick  10 months ago

    It’s amazing what they have conditioned us to put up with. The other day I was trying to get a simple piece of information from the government regarding my pension. I was bounced via hyperlink from one web page to another, they appeared to be linked circularly because I kept ending up at the same places, none of which were relevant. At no point was there an option to connect with a human. Then I had to go back to my search engine and enter a bunch of different parameters, and finally found the answer — obliquely, I ended up at a site that didn’t answer my question but had a reference to lead me to the right place. Once upon a time, I could have phoned someone who could have connected me to the right desk fairly quickly. What’s annoying about all this is that they haven’t noticeably shrunk the bureaucracy — arguably, it is larger. Now, however, they don’t have to deal with the public.

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    elbow macaroni  10 months ago


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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  10 months ago

    And when she finally gets in there, she’ll have to provide a urine sample and she hands the Doc her soggy underpants

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    ladykat  10 months ago

    You’d think the clerk would help her.

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    rockyridge1977  10 months ago

    Born in the 20th century….trying to live in the 21st………bad to worst!

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  13. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  10 months ago

    I hope she actually checks in by Saturday. This Saturday.

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    Lynnjav  10 months ago

    What about the paper forms printed in a size 6 font, in a grey color on a slightly shaded background? I’d rather have the technology screen. At least I can enlarge that!

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    lemonbaskt  10 months ago

    go see rex morgan md lillian hes much faster too bad you didnt slip on coffee

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    tcayer  10 months ago

    So the woman next to her is using BOTH?

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    nsaber  10 months ago

    Office staff attempted to hand me a tablet to fill out their forms. I did not expect it to be so heavy. Immediately dropped out of my old hands onto the tile floor. Paperwork got done… on paper!

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    puddleglum1066  10 months ago

    Notice that in Panel One Lilliopsaurus is complaining that the “screens” are confusing to her. Having lived long enough to see doctor’s office check-ins go from paper forms to hand-held tablets to kiosks to my computer screen (at home before I get in the car to go to the office), I can say with certainty that the check-in forms and questions haven’t changed. Not one bit. So what is it about the screen that is so confusing?

    “Because screens are confusing! It’s called writing!!”

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    mousefumanchu Premium Member 10 months ago

    Generally hit the bloody things and somebody runs over to “save” it.

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    puddleglum1066  10 months ago

    Most of my doctors now allow me to do check-in paperwork on my computer at home, before I even head to the office (when I get there, I just say “I’m here” and they send me back). This is a lot more convenient from my point of view—I don’t have to take a ton of records with me (especially the list of every medication I have ever taken, every surgery I’ve had, insurance card numbers, etc.); I’ve got all that stuff available at home.

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  21. Mromalley
    J.J. O'Malley  10 months ago

    So, just to reiterate how we got to this point and where we’re going the rest of the week: Lillian McKenzie Is an Elderly Woman and Totally Unfamiliar with Post-1960s Technology. This is the same worn-out trope Batiuk hauled out last February when the Grady Twins and Min-dull showed her how to set up a website; later last year when she went workdesk shopping; March of 2020 when she was asked to guest on a podcast; April of 2019 when she didn’t know how to pose for a selfie; and so on. I would say it never gets tiresome, but that’s only because it was born tiresome…much like Lil herself.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 10 months ago

    Where is Crankshaft……

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    raybarb44  10 months ago

    Ha ha….,

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  24. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member 10 months ago

    I was at the grocery store a while back. I only needed to pick up a few items. As I stood there with my basked of 8 or 9 things a young assistant manager, let’s call him “Bob” walked up and pointed out that one of the self check out lanes was open. I asked him how do I get my employee discount? He looked at me quizzically before repeating, “Employee discount?”

    I told him, if I’m going to do the clerks job, I should get an employee discount for ringing up my own purchases. Now if you want to have another clerk open up another lane I will gladly use it. Just remember son, if they can get rid of clerks then there’s no reasons for assistant managers either.

    He shut up and walked away.

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    rickmac1937 Premium Member 10 months ago

    What that?

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    csroberto2854  10 months ago

    Lillian, You must really be unfamiliar with technology, are you?

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    kathleenhicks62  10 months ago

    Is that so?

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    MichiganMitten  10 months ago

    No, it isn’t helping. My parents comment on how often it’s simply assumed everyone has a smartphone for various important tasks, like, say, checking in for a medical appointment.

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    WilliamVollmer  10 months ago

    I have a state mandated “refresher” course for my job. The app from my company doesn’t work well with phones, or, tablets, apparently. Have to use a pc, or, laptop. How’s that for friendly technology?

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  30. Toughcat
    bakana  10 months ago

    Or, Radical Thought, they could get someone to set up the screens so that they are easy to use.

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