Jeff Stahler for February 18, 2024

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    brwydave Premium Member 5 months ago

    Thoughts and prayers are all we have to offer, and they don’t cost much.

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  2. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 months ago

    Republicans won’t let you have an abortion but they don’t care if your kids get shot in school by a high powered rifle cops are afraid of.

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  3. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 5 months ago

    Republicans weaken gun laws wherever and whenever they can and are OUTRAGED!!!!! that gun laws are not enforced.

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  4. Grandbudapesthotel cr alamy
    Imagine  5 months ago

    Sensible and GOP don’t go together.

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    drbee  5 months ago

    Why would dead kids matter to them; those kids couldn’t donate to their ‘campaign funds’ Nearly as much money as the gun-makers can- even if the kids Were alive to contribute. To them, ideals are all well and good- until you start talking Money, honey. Then ‘ideals’ become ‘irrelevant’.

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    ibFrank  5 months ago

    When are they going to quit banning books and supporting criminals that are running for office?

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    chipciof  5 months ago

    When are we going to see criminals that pay attention to the gun laws we have?

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  8. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  5 months ago

    For some pols the light at the end of the tunnel travels through their heads in one ear and out the other.

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    knutdl  5 months ago

    Ban guns.

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  10. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  5 months ago

    It’s the lobbies, which is why we should repeal Citizens United, and get money out of politics as a start.

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  11. Fox picture avatar  2
    phritzg Premium Member 5 months ago

    The GQP’s definition of a sensible gun law would be that every resident of the U.S. is required to open carry a loaded firearm at all times, from the time of their forced birth until the moment they die.

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    aristoclesplato9  5 months ago

    When are we going to enforce the laws we have?

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  13. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 5 months ago

    Hawaii’s Supreme Court has ruled against carrying in public without a permit:


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  14. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  5 months ago

    Probably never republican want people to die to guns its how they fuel anger

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  15. Wtp
    superposition  5 months ago

    “… The results of RAND’s regularly updated and ongoing review of evidence might be, at first glance, underwhelming: Most of the gun policy effects for which we sought evidence have not been evaluated or haven’t been evaluated well enough to draw strong conclusions from. The two problems—weak studies or no studies—are related: For decades, we in the United States have underfunded research and data collection efforts that could help us establish the effects of gun laws and other firearm violence prevention interventions. (In fact, for nearly a quarter-century, almost no federal funding was available for research in this area, for political reasons.)

    As mentioned, where positive effects are concerned, child access prevention laws have the strongest evidence in their favor. (According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 842 children younger than 18 died in firearms accidents or firearms suicides in 2020, and a larger number were injured, though some of these casualties were at the hands of older people.) Meanwhile, the research is similarly persuasive that “Stand your ground” laws are associated with an increase in firearm homicides, and there is moderate evidence suggesting they also drive up total homicides after their passage. “Stand your ground” laws remove the traditional obligation to avoid using deadly force in a conflict if retreat is a safe option. Such laws have been popular in recent years, and by now more than half of all states have implemented them.

    There is less robust, but still notable, evidence for the effects of other laws. Since the mid-1990s, all states have required background checks for firearms purchased from a licensed dealer. …" — rand.Org/pubs/commentary/2022/05/the-gun-laws-that-work-and-the-gun-laws-that-dont.Html

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  16. Lifi
    rossevrymn  5 months ago

    Probably when we rewrite the 2nd Amendment

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    eclairewl Premium Member 5 months ago

    Maybe when a hyper religious, MAGAT, incel shoots Clarence Thomas.

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    dflak  5 months ago

    “We did NOTHING.” – Donald J. Trump.

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  19. Blm
    1BlackLivesMatter Premium Member 5 months ago

    Until the liberal, Soros-funded prosecutors start enforcing the thousands of gun laws already on the books – new gun laws are worthless.

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  20. Yin yang
    Havel  5 months ago

    The canard of the higher death rates in states with tougher gun laws needs to be called out. It’s just not true. The numbers don’t lie. For example:


    It’s telling that their criticism focuses on the big, bad, blue cities. It’s also telling that they ignore tough gun laws around the world and how it correlates to almost no homicides/capita.

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    akachman Premium Member 5 months ago

    GOP donor base: paranoid people, gun lobby, and haters. Not as big of a base as they want but it’s all they got. Hence, crappy behavior and crappy work.

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  22. Animals being weird
    wildthing  5 months ago

    As soon as democrats have a filibuster proof majority in the Senate, control of the House, and the presidency.

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    magicwalnut Premium Member 5 months ago

    Good one, Jeff!

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    stealth694  5 months ago

    The Sad Thing Is, we have enough Gun Control Laws,,, We just do not enforce them.

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    SammySnyder  5 months ago

    Since 1970 680 children have been killed in school shootings. Since 1973 the U.S. have averaged over one million abortions each year. When will we see sensible abortion laws?

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    Bubba_Boo Premium Member 5 months ago

    They want guns and angry, hateful people to use them, so they can install Donnie D-bag as dictator for life.

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  27. Img 2005
    justanudderpeeon  5 months ago

    How many gun laws are on the books? Supposedly there are around 300 Federal gun laws. So this cartoon tells us that none of these are sensible? Add to this all of the State and Local gun laws. Are any of these sensible?So we need Sensible gun laws. This tells me all of these politicians for all of these years have been wasting time and money making gun laws that are not sensible. What else have these politicians been doing to waste our time an money? I’ll be waiting to hear sensible answers. HAH!

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    first0ime-movie Premium Member 5 months ago

    Repeal PLCAA- The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) blocks legal responsibility for gun manufacturers that have failed to innovate and make guns safer, and for manufacturers, distributors, and dealers with irresponsible, reckless and negligent sales practices that contribute to the flood of illegal firearms in our communities.REPEAL THE GUN INDUSTRY IMMUNITY LAW (H.R. 3214 / S. 1779)ReportSince PLCAA passed in 2005, not a single gun manufacturer accused of negligence has gone to trial. The gun industry’s broad immunity from legal accountability must be repealed.

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  29. Am  flag
    Geezer  5 months ago

    “When are we going to see sensible gun laws?”

    They will come right after sensible censorship laws.

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  30. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  5 months ago

    Mr. Stahler, when are we going to see existing laws enforced? Not just the gun laws. The laws against armed robbery, gang activity, and wanton border violations?

    As usual, you’re asking the wrong questions.

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  31. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 months ago

    Two police officers and one paramedic were killed and others were injured in Burnsville, Minnesota after law enforcement was responding to a domestic violence call, authorities said.

    Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association said that two Burnsville Police Department officers and one first responder were shot and killed on Sunday morning “while responding to a domestic abuse call for assistance.”

    Details are still emerging in what appears to be an active shooting situation.

    CBS News reported that law enforcement was responding to an “incident with weapons.” The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives also wrote on X that its agents are responding in Burnsville “where there have been reports of officers involved in a domestic-related shooting,” adding there is currently “limited” information.

    Officers went to the 12000 block of 33rd Avenue after receiving a domestic call, the CBS News wrote. The paramedic was reportedly on the scene, trying to help one of the police officers. The Independent has not yet independently verified this information.

    Liberal republican gun laws insure that every crazy criminal has access to weapons of mass destruction.

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    PaulGoes  5 months ago

    It goes in one ear and out the other because there’s nothing in between to stop it

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    Sojourner  5 months ago

    Oh, for pity’s sake! There is a PLETHORA of gun laws on the books. The problem is not with law-abiding, legal gun owners; the problem is with criminals and mentally ill people using illegally obtained guns. The problem is not with legitimate gun owners who have undergone training, who use, care for and store their weapon responsibly; the problem is with people who ignore the rules. The problem isn’t with insufficient gun laws; the problem is with hugely insufficient enforcement of gun laws. The problem isn’t guns; the problem is a society that has rejected moral values. Removing guns from law-abiding, legal gun owners won’t solve the problem of death by gunshot; concentrating on removing guns from criminals and the mentally ill will go a long way to resolving the problem.

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    billdaviswords  5 months ago

    When are we going to see sensible immigration laws?When are we goign to see sensible…

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    ElwoodP  5 months ago

    In a compromise with EVIL, EVIL wins.

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    Even Ammosexual works more than 10 to 4 Premium Member 5 months ago

    We all know the Left wants private ownership of guns outlawed. This nonsense about “sensible gun laws” is a smokescreen to hide their real hopes & dreams in repealing of our 2nd Amendment Rights. All the while Democrats want to close prisons, no bail releases of violent criminals, allowing 10,000,000 unvetted illegals to swarm our nation, defund police, YEAH SURE take my guns away…

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