Clay Jones for February 20, 2024

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    adunano367  5 months ago

    Well, they are nice and shiny. Good for target practice. /s

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    brwydave Premium Member 5 months ago

    It’s all in the timing. Some days are better for launching a new product than others.

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    Hello Everyone  5 months ago

    And they’re the nice new Gold Sneakers Too!

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    Godfreydaniel  5 months ago

    I pointed this out the the other day on a different toon, but for the proven war criminal Putin (who helped his fellow dictator Assad massacre more than half a million Syrian civilians years before invading Ukraine) to murder political opponents (or journalists) is a slow week. As for Traitor Trump, I’m glad that Nikki Haley keeps pointing out how he keeps getting weak in the knees about Putin. (Or is that on his knees?) She should keep hammering Traitor Trump for being far too much of a coward to debate her, let alone deal with our enemies. (Of course, Traitor Trump is our enemy…..)

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    knutdl  5 months ago

    You got blood on your face, you big disgrace

    Waving your banner all over the place

    We will, we will rock you, sing it!


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    rekam Premium Member 5 months ago

    VOTE BLUE! Keep our democracy safe.

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    Henwood  5 months ago

    Even more disturbing than Navalny’s murder is that the FSB got to Maxim Kuzminov. His body was found in an underground garage in rural Spain.

    For the trolls and other rubes here who don’t know, Kuzminov was the hero who surrendered to Ukraine with his helicopter intact.

    Putain’s arm is bloody and has a long reach.

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    cdward  5 months ago

    Now “Undercover Fern” is spreading lies about Navalny because his master Putin told him to.

    But even if Navalny were a Nazi, he was a prisoner, in custody, and not guilty of murder. Therefore, his murder was unjust, and the fact that “Undercover Fern” would excuse that murder by claiming Navalny was no good says everything we need to know about that Putin troll.

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  9. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  5 months ago

    Putin says he wants Biden to win…so that means we HAVE to vote for trump? Right? /s

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    Kilrwat Premium Member 5 months ago

    Lordy, those shoes are ugly!

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    aristoclesplato9  5 months ago

    When it comes to countries that utilize their justice system as a means to put their political opponents in jail, two come to mind.

    Russia and Biden’s America.

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    Teto85 Premium Member 5 months ago

    Just brilliant. Two events that seemingly are unrelated put together as only Mr Jones can. Thank dog I have a keyboard protector.

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  13. Rat
    clayjonz creator 5 months ago

    The trolls are all about defending murderous fascists today. Trolls, you can’t compare prosecutions of Trump to Putin’s murders. First, you have zero proof that Trump is being politically persecuted and second, Trump is alive. It’s really low that you believe being fined is worse than death after being stuck in a Siberian gulag for years. And then Fern drops a lie about Navalny to defend the murder.

    Why hasn’t Trump said anything about it yet? Oh, yeah. Because he’s a coward. President Biden said Putin is directly responsible. Trump said check out my new shoes.

    This shows your hypocrisy. You create lies about political persecution where it’s not happening and then defend it where it is happening. You are the worst of this country. You’re not patriots.

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  14. Large adolf
    Adolf Trump  5 months ago

    Got a bottle of trump’s new cologne, Stench of Defeat.

    Keeps the mosquitos/ticks away.

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    smithsilverstrea  5 months ago

    Here a song the Right Wing Evangelicals can twist into a new hymnal, “O Dem Golden Sneakers” Golden SlippersOh, my golden slippers are laid awayCause I don’t spect to were’em till my wedding dayAnd my long tall coat that I love so wellI will wear up in the chariot in the mornAnd my long white robe that I bought last JuneI’m gonna get changed cause it fits too soonAnd the old grey horse that I used to driveI will hitch him to the chariot in the morn

    Oh, them golden slippersOh, them golden slippersGolden slippers I’m gonna wearBecause they look so nearOh, them golden slippersOh, them golden slippersGolden slippers I’m a gonna wearTo walk the golden street

    Oh, my ol’ banjo hangs on the wallCause it ain’t been turned since way last fallBut the folks all say we’ll have a good timeWhen we ride up in the chariot in the mornThere’s old Brother Ben and his sister LuceThey will telegraph the news to Uncle Bacco JuiceWhat a great camp meeting there will be that dayWhen we ride up in the chariot in the morn


    So, its goodbye, children, I will have to go,Where the rain don’t fall and the wind don’t blowAnd your ulster coast, why, you will not needWhen you ride up in the chariot in the mornBut your golden slippers must be nice and cleanAnd your age must be just sweet sixteenAnd your white kid gloves you will have to wearWhen you ride up in the chariot in the morn

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    Cartoondog  5 months ago


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    smithsilverstrea  5 months ago

    I can’t believe that I am old enough to know this Right Wing Evangelical Hymn. O Dem Golden Sneakers! Golden SneakersOh, my golden sneakers are laid awayCause I don’t spect to were’em till my wedding dayAnd my long tall coat that I love so wellI will wear up in the chariot in the mornAnd my long white robe that I bought last JuneI’m gonna get changed cause it fits too soonAnd the old grey horse that I used to driveI will hitch him to the chariot in the morn

    Oh, them golden sneakersOh, them golden sneakersGolden sneakers I’m gonna wearBecause they look so nearOh, them golden sneakersOh, them golden sneakersGolden sneakers I’m a gonna wearTo walk the golden street

    Oh, my ol’ banjo hangs on the wallCause it ain’t been turned since way last fallBut the folks all say we’ll have a good timeWhen we ride up in the chariot in the mornThere’s old Brother Ben and his sister LuceThey will telegraph the news to Uncle Bacco JuiceWhat a great camp meeting there will be that dayWhen we ride up in the chariot in the morn

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 5 months ago

    Those with blood splatters will sell for a premium price. Good opportunity to upsell here, surprised trump has not thought of it.. yet.

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    Zebrastripes  5 months ago


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    Zebrastripes  5 months ago

    Something’s gotta give in America!

    Either have freedom and Liberty, and democracy


    Live under a Nazi, treasonist rule!

    What makes this POs rump so special? He tells his sheep WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR, they’re under the delusion he’s going fix all their problems! HA‼️

    When will they LEARN, that he’ll fix all HIS problems and throw all of you UNDER THE BUS!

    When he’s done collecting all your donations to save his sorry A$$, he’s done with you! …..He just wants your MONEY and VOTE! Then you’ll all find yourself in a stark reality…..GET A LIFE!

    How could these loons nuts and wack jobs NOT RECOGNIZE A THIEF AND A FAKE‼️‼️‼️

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    piper_gilbert  5 months ago

    If Trump was truly in Navalny’s situation before the obvious murder, Donald would have been neutralized long ago.

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    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  5 months ago

    Trump wants to fire McDaniel(who isn’t that bright either) and put his daughter in law in charge of teh Republican party treasury.

    In other words,Trump is saying “This Is A Stick Up” and everybody is just meekly nodding their heads.

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    casonia2  5 months ago

    Last year I traveled to the UK and toured Blenheim Palace, the birthplace of Winston Churchill. Blenheim is the “seat” of the Dukes of Marlborough, situated on 12,000 acres. In 1704 the estate was gifted to John Churchill, the first Duke of Marlborough, by King William III for his service in the Battle of Blenheim. As I toured the palace and looked out over the estate, I realized that all the people who lived and worked as small farmers on the 12,000 acres were GIFTED by William III to John Churchill. I’d always known this at some level, but visiting the palace and estate made me understand that these people (whoever they were; history has trampled most of them under) were owned by the king and given to John Churchill, who then owned them and their work. They did not own themselves.

    Fundamentally, what the American Revolution did was that Americans stopped being the property of kings and dukes and became owned by themselves. To this day (so far), Americans still own themselves. When people own themselves and the products of their choices and work, the USA is what they accomplished together.

    Why would any American want to become the property of a man who: 1. toadies to dictators and autocrats, 2. says he will set the DOJ on anyone who ever opposed him, 3. promises to purge federal employees and replace them with his loyalists, 4. has announced he will revoke birthright citizenship, 5. wants to perform mass deportations of Americans (mostly people of color or the “wrong” religion), 6. routinely stiffs workers, 7. insults our allies and breaks our treaties, 8. lies constantly, 9. has cheated on ALL his wives, 10. wants to control who you marry and how many children you have, 11. will dictate what religion you can practice, and 12. wants to suspend the Constitution to block legal proceedings against him?

    Why would you send a “billionaire” your money to pay his legal fees? Think hard before you vote.

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    Mike Baldwin creator 5 months ago

    You can run but you can’t win.

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  25. Large adolf
    Adolf Trump  5 months ago

    The Nobel Committee is awarding a new category prize this year…The Vidkun Quisling Prize… and trump wins it by a landslide!

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  26. Binkley
    gnorth22 Premium Member 5 months ago

    Now we know why they have red soles – it hides the blood he’s tracking through.

    On a side note, red soles are the signature of a brand of high end women’s shoes, Christian Louboutin. Looks like they start at $800, only twice what Trump is getting for a POC sneaker.

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    Kkklayjalonz  5 months ago

    Very true commentary!

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    Kkklayjalonz  5 months ago

    Oh, Clay, you’ve done it again.

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  29. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  5 months ago

    [insincere apologies for re-posting my poem from a couple years back]

    A Poem in Which Donald Trump Asks a Question and Receives an Answer

    “Can I join your Traitors Club?”

    “Sure, come on in, you Flab O’ Flub!

    Though latest’s leastest, I’ll be bound

    Come right ahead, I’ll show you ’round

    Now, over there is Benedict

    And over here is Tricky Dick

    And at that booth sits John Wilkes Booth

    (He found non-treasoning uncouth)

    The Rosenbergs, McCarthy, Cohn

    (Your azz, I know, he soon will own)

    And Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan

    And every racist also-ran

    We let in others, too, like Quisling

    (That’s him, not steaks, that you hear sizzling)

    And also Casca, Cassius, Brutus

    And, worst of all, our Flaming Judas!

    So come on in, though air’s unwell

    But what did you expect, in Hell?"

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  30. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  5 months ago

    At least they have red soles.

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    EdmundBabe  5 months ago

    Explains the red soles

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    STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member 5 months ago

    Putin’s nose keeps getting longer because of all his lies.

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