I once knew someone named Phurst, only her name was May. She was always a month late for everything! ;) (Oh, by the way, it’s Smokey Bear, not Smokey The Bear.)
I have the Sunday thru Saturday pill box. twice a day, set up for evening meds and morning meds. It is however not set up for daily. I just start on Sunday and when I get close to Saturday refill and start again. It may be Weds, or Thurs. Who knows? I sure don’t!
fill up – mty – fill up – mty – not in any particular order, just when they are all gone fill up. sometimes I get the “Ss” and the “Ts” mixed around. but really doesn’t matter. fill up – mty – fill up – mty watch the bank account disappear.
Today’s Pluggers is just a baffling and confusing series of decisions (is Smokey a plugger? “April Phurst”? The Philippines?) meant to keep you completely off-kilter with no real resolution, and in that sense is the only good April Fool’s Day strip. Kudos.
We have two different sets of day of the week pill boxes. One set is used at home and the other when we are traveling.
The home set consists of 5 boxes which each the 7 sections for the days of the week. I have a darkish blue box for my am pills and husband has light blue box for his – these are kept in the bedroom to take when we wake up. Then I have medium blue box for lunch and dinner pills and husband has a clear box for same. He also has a white box for his pills before bed which is also kept in the kitchen.
When we are traveling we have one of those setups which have all of one’s pills for the day in one section box and there are 7 of these which fit into a tray for the week. I fill the am sections of the boxes for the days we will be traveling – plus one extra box – with his am meds. I put my am meds in the lunch section. I put our all of our lunch and dinner pills for the day in the dinner section. I put his bedtime pills in the bedtime section. We travel in a small RV (think Chevy van). When we are getting ready for bed I put the box for the next day on his side of the counter. When he takes his am pills he will give me back the box and I put it in THE drawer for later in the day. We each carry a pocket pill box to have with us to use at meals during the day which gets refilled from the dinner section for the next day.
Gent 9 months ago
Only you can stops side effects! Says no to pills!
The Humanist 9 months ago
I don’t think pluggers take their pills without wearing a shirt
Julius Marold Premium Member 9 months ago
Great name April :o)
PraiseofFolly 9 months ago
Smokey is a Were-Bear?
juicebruce 9 months ago
Calendar … Yes … Pill Box … No
Charles 9 months ago
Very nice. Subtle, yet appropriate.
Fishenguy Premium Member 9 months ago
April Phurst! Love it…LOL
'IndyMan' 9 months ago
I’m just the opposite—have to check the calendar as to what day and what pills I take ! ! !
Wangofree 9 months ago
Um, why Smokey the Bear?
jss49 Premium Member 9 months ago
I once knew someone named Phurst, only her name was May. She was always a month late for everything! ;) (Oh, by the way, it’s Smokey Bear, not Smokey The Bear.)
TMMILLER Premium Member 9 months ago
I have the Sunday thru Saturday pill box. twice a day, set up for evening meds and morning meds. It is however not set up for daily. I just start on Sunday and when I get close to Saturday refill and start again. It may be Weds, or Thurs. Who knows? I sure don’t!
Saddenedby Premium Member 9 months ago
fill up – mty – fill up – mty – not in any particular order, just when they are all gone fill up. sometimes I get the “Ss” and the “Ts” mixed around. but really doesn’t matter. fill up – mty – fill up – mty watch the bank account disappear.
Zen-of-Zinfandel 9 months ago
A plugger won’t smoke cigars in the forest.
kaycstamper 9 months ago
Yeah, unless you forget a day!
ladykat 9 months ago
nsaber 9 months ago
Smokey Bear turns 80YO this year!
kathleenhicks62 9 months ago
Yes those pill holders keeps me on the straight . . . .
Alberta Oil Premium Member 9 months ago
Works for me.
The-Great-Gildersleeve 9 months ago
I’ve gone from a three times a day organizer to a four times one because I was taking too many pills in one go ……. gulp!
Dorothy Ownbey Premium Member 9 months ago
David Rickard Premium Member 9 months ago
From today’s Comics Curmudgeon:
Today’s Pluggers is just a baffling and confusing series of decisions (is Smokey a plugger? “April Phurst”? The Philippines?) meant to keep you completely off-kilter with no real resolution, and in that sense is the only good April Fool’s Day strip. Kudos.
Larry S 9 months ago
My pill box is beginning to fill so that I’ll need to get a bigger one. Maybe 7 baby food jars with day of the week labels would work.
rwg1957rwg 9 months ago
Also if it’s morning or evening.
mistercatworks 9 months ago
Only you can prevent hypertension, diabetes, obesity, depression …
Impkins Premium Member 9 months ago
Nicely drawn! :)
eddi-TBH 9 months ago
Check the contributor’s name.
mafastore 9 months ago
We have two different sets of day of the week pill boxes. One set is used at home and the other when we are traveling.
The home set consists of 5 boxes which each the 7 sections for the days of the week. I have a darkish blue box for my am pills and husband has light blue box for his – these are kept in the bedroom to take when we wake up. Then I have medium blue box for lunch and dinner pills and husband has a clear box for same. He also has a white box for his pills before bed which is also kept in the kitchen.
When we are traveling we have one of those setups which have all of one’s pills for the day in one section box and there are 7 of these which fit into a tray for the week. I fill the am sections of the boxes for the days we will be traveling – plus one extra box – with his am meds. I put my am meds in the lunch section. I put our all of our lunch and dinner pills for the day in the dinner section. I put his bedtime pills in the bedtime section. We travel in a small RV (think Chevy van). When we are getting ready for bed I put the box for the next day on his side of the counter. When he takes his am pills he will give me back the box and I put it in THE drawer for later in the day. We each carry a pocket pill box to have with us to use at meals during the day which gets refilled from the dinner section for the next day.