Michael Ramirez for April 05, 2024

  1. Screenshot 2023 12 28 at 7.36.36 am
    Johncom  3 months ago

    Government shouldn’t be setting wages for private businesses. It’s politics, not economics. Heck, they just as well have set the Minimum Wage to $100/hr.

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    aristoclesplato9  3 months ago

    Coming soon to a blue state near you. And everywhere if you let the loons of the left run DC.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  3 months ago

    Firstly nobody asking for that

    People asking for 20$ to compensate for the efforts to productivity

    You cannot ask someone who works 40-50 hr a day to make less than 2k/30k per month and survive, they deserve more

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    Breeana  3 months ago


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  5. Homoerectus
    fusilier  3 months ago

    Latest numbers I could find were for 2021, and I still can’t figure out how to do a linkie, now.

    In 2021, the McDonald’s CEO took home about 18 million dollars. – or about 1,200 times that $20/hour wage.


    James 2:24

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    truthsocialol  3 months ago

    walmart doesn’t pay $20.00 an hour, but all over America, including red states, they have started rolling out robots to clean the floors and check inventory on the shelves.

    This has already reduced employee work hours, and will inevitably lead to layoffs.

    walmart is more popular in red states, and walmart is the largest employer in red states.

    And, like I said, walmart doesn’t even pay $20.00 an hour.

    So, “coming soon to a RED state near you”…

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    Gen.Flashman  3 months ago

    A $5 increase is $.083 minute if the total variable time to prepare (order-package) a burger is 3 minutes=$.025+.

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    Geezer  3 months ago

    “Unfortunately, the real minimum wage is always zero, regardless of the laws, and that is the wage that many workers receive in the wake of the creation or escalation of a government-mandated minimum wage, because they lose their jobs or fail to find jobs when they enter the labor force. Making it illegal to pay less than a given amount does not make a worker’s productivity worth that amount—and, if it is not, that worker is unlikely to be employed.”

    ― Thomas Sowell, Basic Economics: A Citizen’s Guide to the Economy

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  9. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 3 months ago

    And people wonder why it’s so hard to find and retain workers in certain low paying industries?

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    DC Swamp  3 months ago

    Awesome artwork here! I like the financing sign at the top left. Leftist control freaks strike again without considering the consequences.

    Government should have no control over what an employer and an employee can mutually negotiate for a wage.

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  11. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  3 months ago

    Good one!

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  12. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  3 months ago

    Thing is we have seen this over and over again just raising the minimum wage doesn’t work. It cause jobs to be lost, business to be closed. We have seen it before, any big city and Seattle use to have one of the best Restaurant scenes in the Country, now it is toast.

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    Henwood  3 months ago

    ^^^@DC Swamp: There are quite a few countries where the government does not interfere in wage negotiations. I assure you, you wouldn’t want to live in any of them.

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  14. Picture
    Ontman  3 months ago

    I wonder how much Mr. Ramirez makes an hour.

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  15. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  3 months ago

    Love the Wimpy poster!

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  16. B model art
    Funniguy  3 months ago

    Good toon, great artwork, as usual, and the message is spot on but, what is Wimpy doing in there? I can’t quite make out what the other words are below Financing.

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  17. Yin yang
    Havel  3 months ago

    The right keeps saying this. For all of my life. It’s a wonder that our lords and masters in the corporate world allow us to work at all. What actually happens in places like Seattle who increased their minimum wage? Oh, no job loss…

    The reality seems to be while there may be an initial downturn (often anecdotal), the jobs remain.

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    Wonder-Wart-Hog  3 months ago

    I know people who started in fast food. They stuck with it and after working hard for 10 of so years the became regional managers. There are very few people who look upon slinging burgers at a McD’s in this way. But they stuck with it. These people will be the first to tell you they came in knowing the reality. This is going to screw over teenagers looking for that summer job.

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  19. Green hornet zcar avatar
    DatsunMan  3 months ago

    At $20 an hour do you think that the cooks will now make a big mac look like the advertised one instead of all ingredients not centered on the buns? Not a chance. Please mcdonalds, get a robot to make the food correctly.

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    Wonder-Wart-Hog  3 months ago

    The reference the “Wimpy” in Ramirez’s cartoon is a classic “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today”

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    ChristopherBurns  3 months ago

    Every time California does something “progressive” Mr. Ramirez predicts doom. Somehow it never happens.

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    Al Fresco  3 months ago

    Would you like to add a tip? $20, $35, $50.

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    Wonder-Wart-Hog  3 months ago

    What has not been pointed out While Newsom is forcing $20 Dollars an hour on the fast food industry California state workers still have a $16 Dollar an hour minimum wage.

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  24. 3holycow
    cbgoldeneagle2  3 months ago


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    old1953  3 months ago

    Yanno, there’s artistic license to exaggerate, and then there’s just wild off the wall crap.

    This is wild, off the wall crap. Meaningless and self contradictory. If the only person left working there is the manager, everything has been replaced by robots, then they don’t have to raise prices, right? They got rid of those costly employee scum that wanted to be able to afford housing!

    (Yeah I know, we aren’t supposed to point out MAGA self contradictions because it makes your heads explode! Me, I like fireworks and I can hear the bangs already! Wheee! Call for the guy with the mop bucket full of bleach!)

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    Quixotic1  3 months ago

    FUN FACT: McDonald’s workers in Denmark make $22/hr, get 1 year parental leave, and a significant retirement package. Yet the price of a big mac is roughly on par.

    In Denmark a Big Mac costs $4.85 — in America it’s $4.80

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    piper_gilbert  3 months ago

    Is Ramiriz saying during all the years wages didn’t increase prices didn’t increase? I believe anyone working 40 hours a week should make a livable wage. I am getting tired of subsidizing the wages employers pay their employees. My tax dollars subsidize their housing, healthcare, and food because they qualify based on low wages.

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    Gnork  3 months ago

    The “invisible hand” is the pinnacle of magical thinking.

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    locoboilerguy  3 months ago

    You have to love the details. No matter how you feel about government mandated inflation the offer to finance your burger with Wimpy on it is priceless.

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    ssaldrich  3 months ago

    McDonald’s annual gross profit for 2023 was $14.563B, a 10.26% increase from 2022 (per Marcotrends). Should that be concentrated at the top who guided it or shared with the many who delivered it? Discuss.

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  31. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member 3 months ago

    Minimum wage isn’t going to ever work, because the people setting the prices are going to be unwilling to see their profits lower, so they just raise the prices to even things out. That means that the minimum wage workers will just be living the same lifestyle, but with a higher dollar amount on whatever they buy. What would work is higher taxes on those who have more than they need, resulting in a MAXIMUM wage. This is not on the little guy who owns a couple of burger joints or any small businessperson. They probably are legitimately paying their workers a fair percentage of the take. The people who are messing up the system are those who are hogging huge percentages of the GNP and getting tax breaks from the Republicans whenever they can sneak them through.

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    ncorgbl  3 months ago

    Back when McDonald’s opened in my town a hamburger was 15¢ and minimum wage was $1.25 an hour. A few years later the Big Mac was introduced at 99¢. Minimum wage increases came after the recessions that brought inflation during Nixon, Reagan and both Bush Admins. The employee gains made in the 1990s were all but wiped out by Bush2, pensions and other perks eliminated. History shows that every time we’ve had an employee market conservatives lead us into recession to make an employer market. In 1774 conservatives opposed our independence over “…all men are created equal”, so as to not have to pay for labor. conservatives opposed our constitution until the 3/5 law was added. conservatives seceded from the U.S., invaded the U.S., made war on the U.S. and killed U.S. soldiers trying to keep their labor force in slavery. conservatives opposed the minimum wage law in 1938. conservatives run around with their hair on fire every time anyone even mentions a wage increase while they are bank record numbers of income themselves. Then conservatives tell us how pious they are, and sell us bibles while it is they who worship the dollar.

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    terrapin6000 Premium Member 3 months ago

    Solution : stop eating fast food. It’s bad for you and you’ll pay even more for it in the long run ..with your health .

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    billsplut  3 months ago

    YEAH! It’s not like food service workers add any value to the economy, like drawing doofus cartoons spewing right wing talking points!

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member 3 months ago

    Funny, not an hour ago, I passed the local McDonald’s and there were several cars waiting to have their orders taken, in addition to the several who had already given their orders. And that was at about 2:30pm, on a day with no school. So, pretty much normal, Mikey.

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    shannon1352  3 months ago

    Pleeeese… and cut into Musk’s and Bezos’ life styles???!!

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    parkerinthehouse  3 months ago

    the rise in wages needs to come from the bloated profits of the CEOs and investors

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    My First Premium Member 3 months ago

    If you want to earn more, you might consider learning a skill that will pay more. Working at a quick service restaurant was never intended to be a career.

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  39. Gcwg
    MC4802 Premium Member 3 months ago

    As a Radically Independent Moderate, I’ll take swings at R & D

    Republicans. Should support a reasonable increase of minimum wage over a long period of time because so many of their current core are impacted. Last increase was in 2009. Fifteen years is a really long time for no increase in pay and lately during the pandemic supply chain induced inflation, it’s become a real problem. Even Scrooge would support $1 per year for ten years.

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    mechassist01 Premium Member 3 months ago

    typical right wing foment of terror…been doin it since the fifties.

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    BigDeal  3 months ago

    Standard Oil, among others, illustrated what happens in a “free and open economy” in the late 19th and early 20th century; the interests with the most financial weight to throw around eliminate competition, consolidate wealth, and reduce the wages of working people to poverty levels. As regulation is demonized and taxes on the ridiculously wealthy are reduced to effectively nothing, politicians are legally bribed or blackmailed by the “monied interests”, who wield enormous economic power, and thereby control the government and most public discourse, and anyone who actually works for a living is left to the tender mercies of fate. If this is someone’s idea of a decent, workable society, it isn’t mine.

    People who don’t learn from history………

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    parkerinthehouse  3 months ago

    Kinda shocking how many resent paying decent wages to hard workers – no matter if they’re students or elderly or single mothers or chronically underprivileged – think about why you want to keep the marginalized at starvation wages then figure out how to heal your heart.

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    mousefumanchu Premium Member 3 months ago

    Places will close – go automated because of this $20. Learn how to do something. Started as a file clerk at $4.20 an hour. Incentive to move up.

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  44. Trumpafix
    zerorest  3 months ago

    Obesity would vanish if ther was no more fast food.

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    truthsocialol  3 months ago

    “On Good Friday, we went by McDonald’s and picked up fillet-o-fish, which is now about half the size of the fillet-o-fish before Biden.”

    - newt gingrich

    newt’s moronic “complaint” is a testament to how ludicrous the rnc has become, how badly they want Biden to lose.

    They have plans in place.

    Keeping brown people out of this country, even if it means a policy mounting machine guns on border walls, and killing them as they approach, and then sending agents door to door to look for, extract, and deport the people already here.

    They have said they will “literally” end the department of education, and trump says he will “cut federal funding to public schools that require vaccination mandates.”

    And finally, at long last, this will be their best chance to go after Medicare and Medicaid, and take take the money out of social security funds.

    And that’s not all the horrible things they’ve said they’ll do.

    They are desperate.

    This is their last chance to install trump, who will do anything they want him to, as long as they let him steal as much as he wants, and they keep him out of jail at all costs.

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