Clay Jones for April 16, 2024

  1. Th marvin da martian
    Flashaaway  3 months ago

    Our middle East expert above has it all wrong again, what did the Saudi’s $2 billion buy from the Trump crime family?

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  2. 9dmn
    GOGOPOWERANGERS  3 months ago

    Saudi already so rich

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  3. Rat
    clayjonz creator 3 months ago

    Please, Mr. Troll, argue that the Trump-Kushner Middle East Peace Plan is working. Please.

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    cracker65  3 months ago

    Almost as beautiful as the battle of ghettysburgh

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    knutdl  3 months ago

    Both the West Bank settlers’ Yesha Council and the Palestinian leadership rejected the plan, the former because it envisaged a Palestinian state, and the latter arguing that it was too biased in favor of Israel. (Wikipedia so it must be true). BTW Neturei Karta and the Satmar Hasidim do not recognize the modern State of Israel.

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  6. Fox picture avatar  2
    phritzg Premium Member 3 months ago

    This the inevitable result when a Wile E. Coyote-level super-genius meddles in international affairs.

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  7. Direwolf 1
    Direwolf  3 months ago

    But trump said he created peace in the middle east. He wouldn’t lie…would he?

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    robcarroll1213  3 months ago

    “But if Trump were President, Iran and Israel and Putin and Kim Jong Un and OJ and Chris Rock and Will Smith and cats and dogs would all be friends!!!” ~Typical quote from Kool-Aid Drinking, One-Toothed MAGA maggots.

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    mac04416  3 months ago

    It doesn’t matter which President set up a piece plan or accord. They all ways gets broken.

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    davidthoms1  3 months ago

    The Trump Kushner peace plans worked for the Kushner bank account!

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    GiantShetlandPony  3 months ago

    All Fern has is twisting our words into his,its (never ruled out it’s a bot) inane rants. Oh, they called us cultists, we must call them cultists. We say they drank the Kool Aid, Flavor Aid, they say we did.

    They are incapable of an original thought of their own, so they must steal ours to twist into their lies, misinformation, and disinformation.

    One fact is clear, the justice system only found evidence of a crime in Traitor Trump’s crime spree. Only one Presidential candidate is out on bail. With the irony being in 2016 he kept telling voters they should vote for him, because Hillary was going to be under investigation soon, blah, blah, blah. Someone under investigation shouldn’t be president. Apparently, when it’s Traitor Trump’s feet being held to the fire, it’s OK to be an actual indicted felon out on bail and not only run, but be president. Even if some of those felonies are for the theft and misuse of the USA’s more important secrets. Some of which very likely got many US CIA agents killed. Perhaps NSA and FBI as well.

    Agree with all, that say, now is the time to vote Democratic up and down the ticket.

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  12. Yin yang
    Havel  3 months ago

    I have given the Trump administration credit for the David Accords. I said then, and maintain, that ignoring the Palestinians’ legitimate issues (recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol, ignoring West Bank settlement abuses, etc.) would not go away just because it’s ignored.

    Helping to create “peace” among countries that never actually fought is a positive, but it never addressed the real issues of the region.

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  13. Grouchomarx 2
    Groucho & Redd Panda  3 months ago

    Breaking News… This just in, in an attempt to keep trump awake during the trial, he’s wearing a pair or itchy wool socks and wool trousers. Whether this will succeed, remains to be seen. trump also brought crayons and what appears to be a ’My Little Pony" coloring book.

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  14. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member 3 months ago

    Clay, the composition and coloring on this one are striking (no pun intended). Well done.

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    Ally2005  3 months ago

    I guess T and J K need to return to the White House to fix the Middle East again. Peace in the M E just fell apart when T’s re-election was “stolen” from him. They’ll fix it good this time if T gets moved to the big house, I mean White House.

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  16. Saurichia
    Saurischia Premium Member 3 months ago

    This whole thing makes me wonder what would happen if, say, the UN decided the Palestinians needed their own state and plopped a Muslim state down in, say, Texas?

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  17. Closeup
    dukafinare  3 months ago

    I have to say, Ferny looks much less stupid when he doesn’t comment, it is also so much more pleasant when he isn’t projecting his willful ignorance all over the place.

    Poor Pattycakes never has a nice day so he keeps wishing them on other people hoping karma will finally give him one in return. He has yet to learn this to get nice, you need to give nice, and since he is incapable of that he will never have a nice day. Sad.

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  18. Freeradical
    Free Radical  3 months ago

    Kushner already has zionist real estate plans for Gaza. What does that tell the world?

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  19. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  3 months ago

    If Traitor Trump had been a private citizen, he could NEVER have received a security clearance, and of course Jared the android eunuch never deserved one.

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  20. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  3 months ago

    As for the trolls: whether on a troll thread or on one of Clay’s threads, people keep commenting that the trolls aren’t worth replying to—while replying to them! Of course, if the trolls were bots instead of people, I could respect them far more: as people, trolls are truly pathetic.

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  21. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  3 months ago

    Bibi the right winger wants to kill everyone.

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  22. Grouchomarx 2
    Groucho & Redd Panda  3 months ago

    FERN-TROLL is calling trump “Orange=Man” … looks like the troll knows the truth, and it’s leaking out, when he’s not looking. Nyuk nyuk.

    What was that song “..I am Orange Man…” ? Ozzy Ozbernz

    Actual lyric excerpt spooky, huh?

    “Nobody wants him

    He just stares at the world

    Planning his vengeance

    That he will soon unfurl"

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  23. Photo
    AndrewSihler  3 months ago

    I guess Jared didn’t think it was necessary to include Hamas, perhaps influenced by his Dutch Uncle buddy Bibi Netanyahu to ignore them, because they were doing Just Fine with Qatari money and were as quiet as mice. Wrong call, for both of them.

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  24. Witch4
    Bex Premium Member 3 months ago

    Fern is a cancer. It keeps growing when you feed it and destroys everything good. Let’s stop feeding it.

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